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No longer in the news

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There seems to be news items that are hot for a while then gone.

I wonder what happened to the problem with Europe thinking of banning Thai fish. Never hear anything about it now just went away.Does any one know what became of this?

Slavery and sanctions were big news now just went away Is it still there or is it over?

There are others but cannot remember them right now.

Things that seemed so important at the time never got resolved. I consider that weird.All that bluster and then just forget about it.Why do countries even bother to make noise if it is just noise.

They just walk away from issues,like they were never there.

This is not a Thai thing issues like the fish ban is Europe,they just dropped it seems.

The slavery and sanctions was the UN if memory serves me right.

I am sure here are other such cases but i cannot remember them. Can any one else remember other ones.

Does any one else find this weird. No follow up on issues by governments.

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Last news that I see in "The Nation" are from January.


To me it does not look as it is forgotten and forgiven.

The "other newspaper" has something from February about factory shutdowns etc.

They are still in the spotlight.

Edited by KhunBENQ
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Sometimes issues cool off because a deadline has been given to resolve a situation, thus there is "dead air" until the deadline draws near and the issue becomes "hot" again. This is the case with the fishing industry (massive amount written already, btw), which is being given a considerable amount of leniency by the Europeans until they get things right.

But sadly, many other issues get forgotten. The Thai language press does not have a great reputation for following up on issues, while the English language press simply doesn't have the funds or resources, especially not in this day and age. If you look at what is happening down under, you'll see a micrcosm of what is happening around the world - Fairfax et al are savagely emasculating newsrooms down there.

(Save a journo - buy an online subscription. :))

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There was big news about the Thai aviation not being safe and many countries were willing to ban Thai flights. Don't know if that's solved now.

The fishery is solved, since 1 april ALL Thai fishermen must have a license. All the others will get arrested and get big fines.

Slavery is also solved i guess, no idea what personell they use now on those vessels but no slaves.

Also Greenpeace had problems with the Thai tuna-industry. Don't know if that's over now.

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Question of priorities, whats "hot news" today is quickly replaced with something else tomorrow.

Thats also why some stories are timed to be released when there is something "big" haappening elsewhere so it doesnt have the same impact and is pushed back to say page 5, whereas on another day it would be front page.

Manipulation as so With so many things.

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Question of priorities, whats "hot news" today is quickly replaced with something else tomorrow.

Thats also why some stories are timed to be released when there is something "big" haappening elsewhere so it doesnt have the same impact and is pushed back to say page 5, whereas on another day it would be front page.

Manipulation as so With so many things.

This happens everywhere.

Why do you think Trump says or does something outrageous every day? To keep himself in the news.

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Thanks for all the replies.

I can see how some things get old. But it would be nice to have the out come of some of these things published.

Like will the EU ban Thai fish or not. Have heard nothing from the EU.

What has really been done to end slavery and ensure it is finished.( We all know this will be only smoke and mirrors but still)

Is Thailands aviation industry up graded or downgraded or what. Last I heard it was being investigated.

Seems we are left at loose ends.

Its like they brushed it all under the carpet.

I thought some of these issues had dead lines to be met. Would be nice if at the end of the deadline they let us know the what happened.

Makes me wonder if foreign country politicians just stir it up to get big envelopes coming their way.Once they get what they want all is forgiven.

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Not to forget re-occurring visits by US-envoys, wanting to talk about Democracy in Thailand.

After having explained, that the current and future form of Democracy in Thailand is best, the US envoys return home, apparently satisfied by the answer.


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After reading Swissie's post above I was thinking; is there one gnat hair of evidence that his post has any truth whatsoever and any connection to reality? None that I know of. However many people post up what they would like to believe is true and hope readers believe it also. The Thai media, Governmental agencies, and Thaivisa's 'troll team', interestingly enough, do that. biggrin.png

If you check in today's news something the ambassador or foreign office, or spokesman, said has got them squawking ... once again!

PM expresses concern with US spokesmans remark on Thai politics

"According to the Thai government spokesman, AP reported that the spokesman for the U.S. Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs urged the NCPO to limit the power of the military. The PM said offenders of political offenses used human rights as an excuse and urged the media not to report only demands of political groups, the spokesman added."

It may have been out of the news but nothing has changed, and why would anyone believe it has ... perhaps Swissie can enlighten us as to the origins of his wild ideas?! well perhaps not

Edited by LomSak27
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