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Dress inappropriately or dance provocatively and face Songkran arrest, warns PM


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Lest we forget this is the same dolt that blamed Western women in bikinis for anything that might happen to them

Great! Another ethnocentric clueless comment

It's about cognitive paradigms and cause and effect. But fear not- you can begin right this minute by simply giving millions of people in Thailand the education and experience found after living in the west for a number of years so they can change their paradigm. That's a lot of airplane tickets! Are you sure you can afford it?


Give up on the half baked anthropology will you, although the long words are very impressive.

This is about an unhappy control obsessed man attempting to impose his Cromwellian moral code on the nation of 70 odd million which he has appointed himself leader of.

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Lest we forget this is the same dolt that blamed Western women in bikinis for anything that might happen to them

Great! Another ethnocentric clueless comment

It's about cognitive paradigms and cause and effect. But fear not- you can begin right this minute by simply giving millions of people in Thailand the education and experience found after living in the west for a number of years so they can change their paradigm. That's a lot of airplane tickets! Are you sure you can afford it?


And that's an awfully racially superior statement from yourself. How fine it must be for you to walk the streets of this nation knowing that you are more mentally and socially sophisticated than people born in this country. That superiority must be a hell of a burden to carry day to day. Are you sure you can cope?

I believe it used to be known as: "the white man's burden".
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I think I'll be calling him Kim from now on. He might be a distant cousin anyway.

Thailand is far more like North Korea than we can possibly be allowed to discuss here. Which, actually, proves my point.

Sshhhh...somebody is watching....I'm soooo lonely.

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"allowing too many "Western cultural values" to become part of the traditional celebration"

Is he actually talking about westerners or the Thai bourgeoisie who cheered him when he usurped power from an elected government ? Can one of the junta loving farangs help us out here with a translation ? The logic is mystifying.

I think you're asking for too much, Thai and logic doesn't compute at all.

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Funny that. Not even less than 100 years ago you'd find Thai women walking around top less. It was then "western" influence that brought in such conservatism around in the 50s. Now sexy dancing and being scantily clad is some sort of evil western import again?

This man is an absolute farce from small issues to glaring huge ones.

My mother-in law, an 87 year old Thai, has never worn a bra, and 90% of the time gets around topless. I would love to see the MP reaction if he came face to face with hercheesy.gif

Has she in her 87 years grind her bums and spread her legs for public display, while going about braless?

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The guy really has a dislike of the west and everything western apart from western currency. So anyone in dresses in western clothing and dances to western music like the girls in the photo will be arrested. Has he gone completely mad? What next, is he going to send his goons out to arrest all farangs for harbouring ghosts in thier homes.

Has he been corresponding with that dummy in North Korea ?

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the PM's quote refers to the behaviour of thai's not farang.

That's the point. Thais have become farangs, leaving their cultural heritage and the proper observance of cultural values far far behind. What follows is a loss of Societal cohesion in which all the malaise we escaped from in the west will be conveniently available right here in Thailand, devoid of the charm and innocence the country had been previously known for.

u b

Yes! Come on, Thais. I came to Thailand to see you in your wooden stilt houses, traditional Thai clothing and wying respectfully like the good little people you are. Instead, I arrive and you're taking selfies, getting drunk and generally not being subservient.

People are free to do and be whatever they like. I don't see anyone putting a gun to Thai people's heads and telling them to like Facebook, dress sexy because you enjoy the attention or getting drunk because it's fun. Any Thai doing this has chosen so.

Pull your head out of your arse, and stop judging people based on your common misconceptions and expectations. I bet you're the kind of person who would go to a temple for a week of silence to get away from all that 'farang c***' but still go straight back to your phone and beer when out.

Edited by rkidlad
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Funny that. Not even less than 100 years ago you'd find Thai women walking around top less. It was then "western" influence that brought in such conservatism around in the 50s. Now sexy dancing and being scantily clad is some sort of evil western import again?

This man is an absolute farce from small issues to glaring huge ones.

My mother-in law, an 87 year old Thai, has never worn a bra, and 90% of the time gets around topless. I would love to see the MP reaction if he came face to face with hercheesy.gif

haha you 87 year old M-I-L topless, no don't think I want to see that at all...................

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Yeah I just love it too sad sack

"about allowing too many "Western cultural values" to become part of the traditional celebration."

Nobody in the west runs around in the streets dancing provocatively, smearing gooey white powder in the face of strangers and throwing ice water at passers by.......

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Western culture like half-naked lady boys, Walking Street, Pattaya...

... or the karaoke singers and dancers at Thai weddings.

I think I've seen more "provocative" clothing and dancers at upcountry Thai weddings and festivals, and not a single farang for miles.

Me to I was at a temple celebration some years back in a village in Phitsanulok province. I am not a prude but was really shocked at the truly young repeat young ladies scantily clad dancing gyrating on the stage. At a temple celebration no less.

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Yup, the west is a well known hotbed for trannies dancing around with water pistols and driving smashed out their brains on booze and Yabba.

You really stepped over the line here the Thai bashers are definitely coming for you. How dare you attack Thai "culture" in this manner.

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The guy really has a dislike of the west and everything western apart from western currency. So anyone in dresses in western clothing and dances to western music like the girls in the photo will be arrested. Has he gone completely mad? What next, is he going to send his goons out to arrest all farangs for harbouring ghosts in thier homes.

His next step no doubt will be to impose the Chiang Mai immigration process on the rest of the country. And the hurt goes on.

Edited by elgordo38
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The Festival of Death is about to start and the main concern is about dancing provocatively! The banning of throwing water on all roads would surely virtually completely stop any deaths of injuries. Playing Songkran on set aside places and closed streets is the answer. How many families will loose a loved one? A son daughter gone forever. The statistics are giving out over the 10 dangerous days are given out like a competition. The North wins every year as they do with the incidences of lung disease from the smog. Stupid as stupid gets..

Lung disease and tourism does not equate.

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He's certainly enjoying himself these days,

Returning Happiness to the People Junta Style and taking every chance to put the boot into foreigners.

where are all his farang worshippers who hailed him as the Messiah and preached how much he would do for them? The guy is loopy and dangerous.

No Messiah....but they thought anything gotta be better than Thaksin laugh.png Same trough ...but different pigs to me. I don't care either way.

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and what about the hundreds of girls dancing provocatively on bar tops every night down Bungla road.. maybe it's just when they are wet is the problem ??

Bring it on, I love Songkran and the sexy provocative wet dancing girls !!!

Some video footage would help me make a balanced assessment.


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England did this back in the 17th century when Oliver Cromwell banned dancing and drinking etc., it is so puritanical , so backward looking. Thailand will go off the radar for tourism if this carries on. Drink driving yes that's another matter and there should be a serious crackdown as Thailand's carnage on the roads is one of the world's worst especially the death toll at holiday time.

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