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Flying bugs

KC 71

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Does anyone know about these?

My puppy lives in the Sala where they have just started to make a home.

My dog seems to be very upset that they have decided to make home in his home.are they a problem with stings with dogs ?

If so i will get rid of them pronto

Any info will be appreciated- thanks

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Take the dog out and put him somewhere else for a few days. Fumigate the crap out of these guys.

Very, very, very good advice.

Some years ago my brother in law got stung by a bunch of them wasps when he accidentally came across a swarm of them while opening his entrance gate. We rushed him to hospital where he almost died. The stings and trauma left him with a weak heart and has never been the same since.

I was once stung on my finger by one of the black ones and it`s one of the most painful things I have ever experienced. These things are nasty, show no mercy, get rid of them fast.

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The nest is so small i can remove my self with a glass and card

I dont like to mess with nature though !

The only time i did was with a giant centepede heading straight for the dog!

Thanks for the info all

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The nest is so small i can remove my self with a glass and card

I dont like to mess with nature though !

The only time i did was with a giant centepede heading straight for the dog!

Thanks for the info all

I would not do that. I would go spend a hundred baht on wasp killer and spray the thing first. What if you slip and drop the nest? Want to take a chance being attacked by these things?

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I also had a nest of them in the garden, they stung me but it's not that bad. Feels like you get an electric shock.

After that i sprayed the nest with a hard waterray but they came back all the time. After 3 days spraying it all the time the nest was abandoned.

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I havnt got rid of them yet

Just spray the nest with a hard waterray from a long distance. Repeat that many times a day untill they get tired of it. Make sure you can run away in time and hide somewhere or keep them at bay with a wide angle waterspray.

Or throw something burning/smoking under the nest if possible.

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If you use water to get rid of the nest, after its gone spray some bug spray around the area. It will prevent them from rebuilding there. Need to watch where they relocate to though.....they like to be neat water. I got stung while in my pool a few years ago. On my head......it really sucked.

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The nest is so small i can remove my self with a glass and card

I dont like to mess with nature though !

The only time i did was with a giant centepede heading straight for the dog!

Thanks for the info all

I would not do that. I would go spend a hundred baht on wasp killer and spray the thing first. What if you slip and drop the nest? Want to take a chance being attacked by these things?

spend 21 thb on a liter of petrol

that will sort therm out

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