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Is it better for you not to know

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Ok my first post , so hi to every one thumbsup.gif

I’m resident in Thailand and an avid Thailand news junkie , any thing to do with Thailand and I try and read about it on a daily basis ,normally many of the news reports are of a constantly negative nature and of course theirs the ever continuing crime and road deaths reporting and current political situation . I know that when reading the daily Thailand news it can and does make me feel a bit depressed and I think to my self , whats going on , whats wrong with these people. This endless negative news bombardment I am sure is only adding to and increasing my over all dismay with Thailand .

I Have a English friend who has lived in Thailand longer than my self , and last night while we were out at a local watering hole the subject of what we follow on the Thailand news front came up.

My friend said he had come to the conclusion that in the past when he constantly kept up with the daily Thailand news , it started to make him become more angry and stressed out about being a foreigner resident in Thailand , the constant news story negativity and in his words , stupidity and crap , ended up being just too much for him to take . So he made the decision to cut all Thailand related news feeds from his life completely.

He does some times check to see if theirs any new information about foreigners in Thailand and immigration matters , but that’s it.

He is utterly convinced that cutting all Thailand news feeds as a resident foreigner has made his life better in so many ways , and he would never again subscribe to any Thailand news articles be it international or local , he said he does not miss the news and not hearing about whats going on in Thailand , has from the day he cut his past news feed, never caused him any problems , only the reverse , he feels generally a lot better.

So I’m now wondering that if any one here has reduced their Thailand news intake, or cut it off completely , and has it made you feel any better not seeing the daily negativity ?.

Can not knowing to much of whats going on in Thailand may be lead to a happier life here and reduce possible negative emotions and stress ?

Edited by Tywais
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Depends on what importance and how accurate you feel the information is. Personally I am quite capable of dismissing what is nonsense and what is not.

I dont find I need to "turn it off" I simply make an informed decision to ignore it or not.

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Lets see now, thai news....umm, coach crashes, train crashes, and even a couple of days ago, a train hitting a coach...zzzzzz

didn't know trains were roaming the streets in Thailand

It was on the news, a coach was going across a level crossing, and a train hit it killing 3, and injuring 30

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Many of the headlines would be considered trolling or fear-mongering if posted by members. I think they have to post it because of deals with media outlets or something.

Edited by BudRight
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Hello Mr Monkie business.

It's prudent to be aware of what is going on in the world. It helps with decision making.

There is also some comedy in the news if you look for it, and besides, I dont want to sit there in a conversation and just say "mai roo" when asked my opinion.

Should I ignore the news then I would be like my wife. ..... ill informed.

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Read the news articles that interest you, skip the rest. But in all cases, avoid follow-up comments that get posted, as they can be truly depressing, with some (not all by any means) posters fighting like rats in a sack, sniping and trying to out-do each other's negativity: you'll soon get to know who the culprits are. It's a bit like walking down a city street - some blockss can be interesting, some can be run-down and depressing, but no matter where you wander, avoid the dog-crap underfoot.

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Whew! I get depressed just from reading the OP.

Are you seriously suggesting that Thailand (local & national) News "events" broadcasts, are considerably more negative, and depressing (in content) than in your own western home country?

Enlighten me, please. Thank you,coffee1.gif

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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Some years ago, many a Farang has decided to make Thailand his retirement destination.

The way Thailand has developed over the last 5-6 years, many Farangs are starting to wonder if they have been betting "on the wrong horse".

Ignoring "TheThai News" will not stop events and the new political orientation in Thailand that will sooner or later affect the life of "Expats" in an unpleasant way.

Inevitably: The Farang "Thai-News-Refusers", will eventually exclaim: "Nobody told me !"


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I am resident in Thailand since 1987

My experience learns that if a farang stays away from any internal Thai disputes (of any nature) and he or she has sufficient financial resources then compared to the neighbouring countries this is still the best place to live for farangs.

I am not saying this is paradise but that there is nothing better.

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It's a bit like or reflective of modern media life in general ? I mean all over the world now, most people who have some kind of connectivity choose to pay too much attention to the negative news that is all too omnipresent in their feed. Isn't it our own personal choice to pay attention to this crap..., yes this 'crap' may well be the truth..., but it does not benefit our own personal mental/emotional health to continue to read it..., to the point where we feel worse for reading it.
You wouldn't continue to associate with someone who was so consistently negative towards you and others would you....? these things are 'energy vampires' cut then off..., let it go..., focus on what empowers or creates you to feel good. Pretty damn obvious really.
It may sound a bit obscure but...., to continue to choose to read this is your choice..., but, to possibly not choose to take it on board this is also your possible choice..., which one will serve you best ?
Better not to know..., not necessarily..., after all knowledge is power..., better to be selective and and enact more control of that power.
nuff said..., semi rand over and sermon done..., please excuse moi.

Edited by Sandy Freckle
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I follow the news in both Thailand and my homeland (USA). They're both equally negative and depressing. But does it effect my personal outlook or how I live my life? Not even a little bit. Surely everyone knows that anything "newsworthy" is going to typically slant towards the negative. From terrorism, to plane crashes, to natural disasters, to crimes of passion, to crazy statements made by D. Trump....it's just the nature of news reporting. Does the OP read news from his home country? Maybe he's figured out how to tune stuff out regarding his home news, but still hasn't figured out how to do it with Thailand news. It's the same.

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When I first came here I stopped watching any news - apart from Fox News as when I flicked through channels and came across it, it was horrifyingly fascinating biggrin.png . As I was out of the 'rat race' and had a new life to explore, why would I want to know about wars/politics etc.?

Experience taught me that Thailand wasn't the utopia I'd fondly imagined but, like most, I got over this disillusionment and gradually realised that it was still far better than going back to my own country.

More recently still, I started reading some topics in Thailand News on this forum. Not only is it frequently good for a laugh, but it also provides some insight into the way we are portrayed by political leaders/how rules that affect us are changing and this gives us a warning that how we are likely to be treated in the future. Useful to know as a foreigner, but although a bit worrying - it doesn't change how lucky I feel to be living here smile.png .

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I cut out all news stories when I moved to LOS in 2000. It didn't make sense for me to start my day, every day, by reading about massacres, crimes, politicians bickering, etc...

It's kinda like, "Good momrning, have a miserable day!"

Now I can take it or leave it. I think the media these days is far less factual then it was when I was a kid. It is often so slanted that I look further for factual reporting.

Cutting it out did help me live a happier life.

Welcome to TV.com and good first post.


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Read the news articles that interest you, skip the rest. But in all cases, avoid follow-up comments that get posted, as they can be truly depressing, with some (not all by any means) posters fighting like rats in a sack, sniping and trying to out-do each other's negativity: you'll soon get to know who the culprits are. It's a bit like walking down a city street - some blockss can be interesting, some can be run-down and depressing, but no matter where you wander, avoid the dog-crap underfoot.

Amen to that!clap2.gif I read the comics section of The Bangkok Post, cheesy.gif .

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  • 9 months later...

Well since I first posted about reading the daily Thailand news and the possible affects it may have on your over feelings towards Thailand . I had to return home after a family death and property problems . While back home I have been trying to keep up with the Thai news but the more I read the more things looked like it was going from bad to worse with the daily negative news stories , the bloody bus accidents and burnt out mini busses with all the white sheeted dead bodies laying in a row at the road side ,  endless exam cheating ,  muggings and robberies by the bucket load, increasing shootings and rapes , newborn babys  dumped in trash cans , husbands killing their wives for using facebook,  school teachers assaulting young students , more and more corruption and the constant government announcements of yet another unbelievable crazy hairbrained scheme or new hub , increasing road rage and blatant disregard for any rules , the continuing crack down on freedom of speech and internet surveillance the list goes on and on ,  yes we all know that no where is perfect and things like the above do go on in other countries , but it does seem that nothing is improving or changing for the better in Thailand.  So I am going to again ask , does reading the news about Thailand make you feel a bit depressed ,angry or stressed out as a foreigner in Thailand or have you finally become so numb to the daily onslaught of negative news that you have just given up expecting to see any positive changes any time soon,  or have you finally stopped all together reading any Thailand news ........ as its better for you not to know .



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7 minutes ago, Monkie Business said:

Well since I first posted about reading the daily Thailand news and the possible affects it may have on your over feelings towards Thailand . I had to return home after a family death and property problems . While back home I have been trying to keep up with the Thai news but the more I read the more things looked like it was going from bad to worse with the daily negative news stories , the bloody bus accidents and burnt out mini busses with all the white sheeted dead bodies laying in a row at the road side ,  endless exam cheating ,  muggings and robberies by the bucket load, increasing shootings and rapes , newborn babys  dumped in trash cans , husbands killing their wives for using facebook,  school teachers assaulting young students , more and more corruption and the constant government announcements of yet another unbelievable crazy hairbrained scheme or new hub , increasing road rage and blatant disregard for any rules , the continuing crack down on freedom of speech and internet surveillance the list goes on and on ,  yes we all know that no where is perfect and things like the above do go on in other countries , but it does seem that nothing is improving or changing for the better in Thailand.  So I am going to again ask , does reading the news about Thailand make you feel a bit depressed ,angry or stressed out as a foreigner in Thailand or have you finally become so numb to the daily onslaught of negative news that you have just given up expecting to see any positive changes any time soon,  or have you finally stopped all together reading any Thailand news ........ as its better for you not to know .



The only stories that surprise me are the good ones. The bad news I try to skip.


Good post.

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