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Problem Using Bangkok Bank Debit Card to Buy Items by Phone from Company Overseas

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I have always used my Bangkok Bank "Be 1st Smart" debit card for over the phone purchases from companies in the U.S., Canada, etc.. I misplaced my old card, got a new one, have been able to use it at ATM's to withdraw funds. But a bank rep told me that customers now can no longer use a Bangkok Bank Be 1st Smart debit card to buy (over the phone) from foreign countries - They must now only use their debit cards in Thailand. Is this correct? If there has been a new, strange change of rules, what other Thai banks issue debit cards that can be used? Thank you in advance.

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Thanks for your reply, Sappersrest. But when I obtained my first card (which I used for int'l purchases), no mention was made of applying for int'l use. Also, none of the bank reps I spoke with today mentioned applyong for int'l use. Thanks again.

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I use mine for International purchases with no problems. I have even used it in ATMs in foreign countries. Did you get a card with a chip or without? I'm pretty sure the ones with a chip cannot be used internationally.

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I use mine for International purchases with no problems. I have even used it in ATMs in foreign countries. Did you get a card with a chip or without? I'm pretty sure the ones with a chip cannot be used internationally.

The chips work in all modern atms that are equipped to handle them, I had never a problem in eastern Europe or Hong Kong etc

3rd world places like Cambodia or small towns in Indonesia will be a bit more hit and miss as upgrading the atm maybe a few more years there....

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I use mine for International purchases with no problems. I have even used it in ATMs in foreign countries. Did you get a card with a chip or without? I'm pretty sure the ones with a chip cannot be used internationally.

I have a Bangkok Bank ATM debit card with chip and it worked at an ATM in Ireland just 2 months ago .

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I use mine for International purchases with no problems. I have even used it in ATMs in foreign countries. Did you get a card with a chip or without? I'm pretty sure the ones with a chip cannot be used internationally.

The chips work in all modern atms that are equipped to handle them, I had never a problem in eastern Europe or Hong Kong etc

3rd world places like Cambodia or small towns in Indonesia will be a bit more hit and miss as upgrading the atm maybe a few more years there....

Third world place such as the USA as well. US banks have been very slow to adopt debit card chip technology. Before BkB replaced my previous card with a chip card last year, I was always able to withdraw from major bank ATM in the US. When I tried last week at several major bank ATM's in Boston, it was denied every time.

For online purchases using the BkB debit card, I use a Thai based PayPal account and tie the card to that. No need to fund the Paypal account in advance, it debits the account directly at the time of purchase.

Edited by dddave
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I use mine for International purchases with no problems. I have even used it in ATMs in foreign countries. Did you get a card with a chip or without? I'm pretty sure the ones with a chip cannot be used internationally.

The chips work in all modern atms that are equipped to handle them, I had never a problem in eastern Europe or Hong Kong etc

3rd world places like Cambodia or small towns in Indonesia will be a bit more hit and miss as upgrading the atm maybe a few more years there....

Shows how you know nothing at all about these countries. You are extremely wrong.

Cambodia's ATMs are chip compatible and just as sophisticated as those in Thailand and first world countries. All banks in Cambodia issue chip cards. There are no non-chip cards in Cambodia. I have cards from ABA, ANZ, Acleda and Vattanac banks. They all have chips on them.

And saying "3rd world places like Cambodia or small towns in Indonesia will be a bit more hit and miss as upgrading the atm maybe a few more years there" is ignorance at its worst. Thailand is also a 3rd world country, if you might have forgotten that.

ATMs in Cambodia are sourced from western countries and are just as sophisticated as those in Thailand. Cambodian card issuers issue chip-embedded cards. I have used them overseas, in Europe too where chip and pin is ubiquitously the norm.

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I have two cards, two different accounts, worked internationally for years. Now neither work about 80% of the time. No one at any of their branches or support has been able to figure it out.

It even stopped working to purchase items through PayPal's card payment service.

Oddly, it works here and there.

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A work colleague can't use his chipped BkB in many ATMs around Chiang Mai (or so he says).

And well the card shouldn't as Bangkok Bank chipped debit cards only work in Bangkok Bank ATMs or EMV-capable ATMs (most Thai banks are still in the process of making their ATMs fully EMV-capable). Most Thai banks still do not issue debit cards with chips but almost all issue credit cards with chips. But you stick a foreign chipped debit card in a Thai ATM and usually it works...but if the card also has a magnetic strip in addition to the chip the card and ATM may agree to allow the cash withdrawal using the magnetic strip instead of the chip....all depends on what the "card and ATM" come to agreement on. It's enough to make your head hurt.

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