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Fourteen year old's tear jerking story tugs the heartstrings of Ayutthaya cops


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Fourteen year old's tear jerking story tugs the heartstrings of Ayutthaya cops


Image: Thairath

AYUTTHAYA:-- The story of a 14 year old who conned Ayutthaya police with a sob story about going to his dad's funeral went viral on Thai social media as it was shared 16,000 times, reports Thairath.

Kind hearted officers manning a checkpoint near Bang Pa-In felt so sorry for 'Ae' from Dan Sai district of Loei province that they let him off a traffic offence, bought him food, drinks and a helmet and even gave him money for petrol so he could get back home the 600 kms to his north eastern province.

He had touched the hearts of officers with his story about coming to Bangkok to find his elder brother so that he could take him back to Loei to say goodbye to his dear old dad who was to be cremated today, Sunday. Apparently he had spent a week on the fruitless journey to find his brother who was 'somewhere in Bangkok' sleeping at bus shelters on the way south.

Police had seen him nearly cause a serious accident but gave him advice about proper driving techniques and road safety along with the helmet.

However a call to his home was answered by his father who was meant to be dead. He had no elder brother, just a younger one and a mum who were all very much alive. He had in fact borrowed an uncle's motorbike and run away from home while his dad was tending the fields.

His parents. Admitting their son was a bit of a lad, expressed great relief that their errant teenager was alright and thanked officers for looking after him. Just glad he was alive they said they would not punish him.

Source: Thairath

-- 2016-04-10

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I agree, no punishment is needed. Stealing a motorcycle, running away, lying to law enforcement to receive charity under a false pretence. Seems like the boy grew up fast and has learned the culture perfectly. He is a credit to his parents and teachers.

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He did a great job of scamming the cops,14 years old and driving a motor bike,came to Bangkok to find his elder brother.I love it.And the cops believed him.Great job kid.The artful Dodger is alive and well and living in Thailand.What a load of Tom Pepper.!

Give it a few years and this boy will be working for the government dpt of Lies,Spin,and denial (which isnt just a river inEgypt baby)

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I agree, no punishment is needed. Stealing a motorcycle, running away, lying to law enforcement to receive charity under a false pretence. Seems like the boy grew up fast and has learned the culture perfectly. He is a credit to his parents and teachers.

Inherent thieving genes.

Born-thieves they start stealing at a very early age and the urge to steal leads them to steal almost anything they lay their hands on.Such engineers will not stop at doing it once. It becomes a habit. For habitual thieves, the fear of being caught and going to jail is not a sufficient enough deterrent.

But if they are not born thieves, sooner or later, such people will opt out, confess or even testify against their colleagues, irrespective of the consequences of such a betrayal of their partners in crime.

Just saying.......

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Give him a helmet for a safe journey ? 14 years old?

I wonder why the cops failed to provide him a fake ID and a driving license.

Interesting when a 14 year old farm boy turns out to be smarter than a bunch of cops clap2.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif

Edited by Lupatria
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Cops aiding and abetting a 14 yr old...!

This kid has a bright future... I can see a Mercedes in there sometime soon...

Any of the government organisations would welcome him with open arms.... They are all looking for credibile and imaginative people...

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14 years..this kid is all geared up for a brilliant future in the land of scams. whistling.gif

"...in the land of scams."

Didn't realize that the Artful Dodger and Fagin were based on characters from Thailand.

Sounds more like he'd be in for a brilliant career in politics or finance in the US or UK

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Motobikes and 14 year olds , it must be allowed then , not sure about the law here, but the cops were fine about it blink.png

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