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Water conservation does not dampen Songkran celebration mood


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I wish they'd conserved some water around here, then perhaps we would have some coming out of our taps instead of being splashed over passing cars on the other side of the village.

"I wish they'd conserved some water around here..."

They? Wouldn't "they" include you if it is the village you live in? What water conservation measures did you implement before the drought affected your water supply?

The water used in Songkran celebrations would have made no difference whatsoever to your water supply.

What did I do; I added an extra 500 litre storage tank to my system, and we've had to stop watering the trees, some of which we have lost.

So you stopped watering trees. Well done, a massive saving. The loss of some of your trees must have been heartbreaking but don't worry, time is a great healer.

I don't know if you know anything about water conservation but adding a 500l water tank isn't it! That probably counts as hoarding when there are shortages.

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Its sickening to watch adults teaching their children how to waste this precious resource. I watched one guy just stand by the street with his garden hose turned on full tilt and spray passing cars. All the time I watched him he never once turned it off.
That must have been shocking for you, I don't know how you could even bear to watch.

Were you actually physically ill, or just hyperbolically sickened in a metaphoric kind of way?

Congratulations winner of the smart ass of the year award. Nice try on the big words you failed in the spelling though. Yes it was shocking for me. I imagine in a couple months you will be at the head of the whiners list for non existent water.

He has my congratulations too (although mine are not sarcastic) and he wasn't being a smart arse, the smart arse was you with your pompous indignance at someone doing what they are allowed to do.

In a couple of months when there will be (still) enough water I imagine you will be at the top of the list of those withdrawing their "non-existant water" comments.

If BKK goes into forced water rationing, which list will you be at the top of? My guess will be the list of silence. Crickets.

If everything turns up daisies, I will be the first to say I'm happy for that result. Because being without water SUCKS!

Some people are so selfish and weak, they can't or refuse to act until they are personally affected. Until then, can't tell them anything.

Yet another parallel to the thought process of children and teenagers. And some Thai Government Officials.


Edited by 55Jay
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If you want a not so surprising refresh, type "bangkok water shortage" into the TVF search bar, select "Forums" as the target.

Click back to about page 6 of the results, which puts you in and around the 2015 water crisis.

Short memories. "Skin of their teeth" comes to mind again.



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