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Phuket flight aborted after co-pilot has heart attack in cockpit, dies

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That lovely photo of his body lying on the floor will be a great comfort to his friends and relatives.

I'm sure they are all following this topic on TVF.

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It seems daily now we read about airline events happening worldwide. Very concerning. Back in the day it was never like this.

Back in the day you never had instant news articles posted everywhere. It happened but you didn't hear about it.

Different today...someone farts in a restaurant and its all over facebook, twitter etc etc.


It seems daily now we read about airline events happening worldwide. Very concerning. Back in the day it was never like this.

'Back in my day it was never like this'---------- No the"airiners" were Biplanes------- 2 wings= twice as safe and some even had parachutes !!!!!!!cheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif


That lovely photo of his body lying on the floor will be a great comfort to his friends and relatives.

He appears to be on a stretcher.

If he was bein resuscitated it is often better to perform CPR etc on the floor.


You are right, if it had to happen better on the ground. However, the B737 continue safe flight if this had haven in flight and land at nearest airport capable of handling this size aircraft. The minimum crew is two just for this reason as well as if one pilot gets sick and unable to assist.


Small mercies it happened on the ground before tack off.


Sad for him; lucky for passengers. Why are people always "pronounced" dead?

It comes from one of the definitions of the verb 'pronounce', which is: 'to declare something officially, formally or authoritatively'.


It seems daily now we read about airline events happening worldwide. Very concerning. Back in the day it was never like this.

Yep. The Wright Bros. have done to the skys what H Ford did to the ground. Gotta expect a problem or two eventually huh.

But remember.... water is dangerous ! People drown in it !


Jesus, the sanctimonious brigade offering condolences and RIP messages to someone so young.....give it a rest, you don't even know the guy and you'd probably be the first in line screaming for compensation cause your flight was delayed. Yes it is sad, sad for him and his family, it does not affect you in the slightest. People die, young and old, we should have a Thai Visa Sanctimonious Death Respect Post Forum where all this self promoting sorrow can be contained in one area.

Every time someone dies and it is reported here, there is post after post from people that don't even know the people. It is a bit sickening to be honest.

A RIP Forum for farangs that didn't know the person that died but were deeply concerned, maybe you can set up a donation link to the families? See how much that would raise.

Another one I'm curious about is when people write "My condolences to the family." What the <deleted>? As if the family is reading the thread and as if they care what a stranger says.

Also, the old "My thoughts and prayers go out to the family." Really? Your daily routine involves praying for families of dead people you've never met, all over the world?

Disingenuous <deleted>.


During training to be a nurse, I recall the instructor stating that there is no sure fire way of detecting if a person will have a heart attack or not, but the checks could show obvious problems.


It seems daily now we read about airline events happening worldwide. Very concerning. Back in the day it was never like this.

Ah - You mean back in the day before commercial flying and not now when literally thousands of people are safely in flight at the same time while hundreds are actually being killed on the roads ??


Pilots are exposed to high levels of radiation , Japans accident has been releasing radiation into the ocean and atmosphere for 5 years we are all breathing the same air and eating the same foods , they have been compromised, expect higher cancer rates and heart attacks.

When are you going to stop with your crap about radiation every reply from you

is about radiation might it be from fishing or airplane pilots you must be the

worlds to expert in radiation, get lost



I wonder who did this mans last medical and when ?

FFA requiremeents, captain First class medical every six months, Co-pilots and Flight Engineers once a year.

Heart attack can happen to anybody at anytime, nothing to do with age.

Acquaintance flew in from San Francisco to Chicago as Co-pilot. Captain had EKG and medical First Class previous day.

Sitting at the counter in the terminal coffeeshop captain seemed to laydown his head on his arms, when coffee was served captain didn't respond after little while co-pilot shook captain, no response - dead heart attack. Get it, previous day had past his EKG. I never believe in EKG forecasting imminent Heart attack. Only thing EKG is good for is to see any damage caused by past small heart attack and frequency.

And don't worry of one or the other having heart failure during flight, cabin staff are trained to pull incapacitated away from the controls by sliding its seat back all the way and strap the incapacitated to its seat. That is the FAA reason there are two pilots required on commercial aircrafts. Just in case one of them doesn't make it. Now Thaksin in his Bombardier Jet can have 1-pilot because his aircraft is not a commercial operated aircraft.


Matter of interest. How often do commercial pilots have to do medical checks.

Annually or bi-annually in the USA. No idea about Korea.


No danger at all to passengers, always 2 pilots on-board and auto-pilot, just a very sad passing of someone so young RIP.

NO DANGER------ No ! Just switch on Auto-pilot and sit there and watch it land!!!!!!!!!! Do you have any idea what the two pilots have to do to co-ordinate with each other.Especially on take offs and landings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RIP to someone so young

While not the optimal situation (one pilot incapacitated in flight), any commercial aircraft can easily be safely flown, including takeoff and landing, by either the captain or the first officer alone. This, of course, barring any extenuating circumstances...like the incapacitated pilot's body interfering with the controls, throttle, brakes, etc.


Matter of interest. How often do commercial pilots have to do medical checks.

Annually or bi-annually in the USA. No idea about Korea.

International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) - Rules state .... pilots (including those serving as Second-In-Command) carry a current FAA first class medical certificate. For pilots under age 40 at the time of examination, FAA first class medical certificates expire at the end of the last day of the 12th month following the examination date shown on the certificate. For pilots over age 40 at the time of examination, FAA first class medical certificates expire at the end of the last day of the 6th month following examination. For pilots over 40, inspectors may well conclude that the FAA first class medical is invalid if the date of the medical examination was more than six months prior to the date when the ramp inspection is made. This means, that any time after 6 months (to the day), an FAA first class Medical Certificate may be interpreted as no longer meeting ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPS).


No danger at all to passengers, always 2 pilots on-board and auto-pilot, just a very sad passing of someone so young RIP.

NO DANGER------ No ! Just switch on Auto-pilot and sit there and watch it land!!!!!!!!!! Do you have any idea what the two pilots have to do to co-ordinate with each other.Especially on take offs and landings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RIP to someone so young

While not the optimal situation (one pilot incapacitated in flight), any commercial aircraft can easily be safely flown, including takeoff and landing, by either the captain or the first officer alone. This, of course, barring any extenuating circumstances...like the incapacitated pilot's body interfering with the controls, throttle, brakes, etc.

Skeptic - After 30 years in the commercial (not bush !!) pilot training business I 100 % agree with your comments and am totally against alarmist rhetoric from people who have no idea how safe our skies (and land) in the aviation industry is when compared to other forms of commercial public transportation


The people on this flight should feel very lucky that the co pilot died

before their flight took off for Korea. I was on a flight where the captain

had died in flight. A flight attendant came to 2 rows behind me and asked a

fellow passenger, what kind of a plane he had piloted before. We were lucky that he

also had flown B737s and a few other jets, as he went up front and helped the co pilot land

the flight. Flight crews do have stresses on their jobs, and their life styles can be

stressful as well. This 40 year old mans is just more proof that pilots are not

just relaxing up front in the Jet, especially during take offs and landings.

Menzies233, have another coffee and relax! Sounds like you are having yourself a bad and

stressful day, better watch your heart!



It seems daily now we read about airline events happening worldwide. Very concerning. Back in the day it was never like this.

I agree,nostalgia isn't what it was


Pilots are exposed to high levels of radiation , Japans accident has been releasing radiation into the ocean and atmosphere for 5 years we are all breathing the same air and eating the same foods , they have been compromised, expect higher cancer rates and heart attacks.

I think it more likely he was overcome by the chemicals all airliners carry to spread over the populous in the form of chemtrails.



Pilots are exposed to high levels of radiation , Japans accident has been releasing radiation into the ocean and atmosphere for 5 years we are all breathing the same air and eating the same foods , they have been compromised, expect higher cancer rates and heart attacks.

I think it more likely he was overcome by the chemicals all airliners carry to spread over the populous in the form of chemtrails.

For those seriously interested in finding out more about the Chemtrail Association

Founded in 1948

The International Chemtrail Association is a pioneer community, dedicated to counter Global Warming by the use of Active Aerosol Compounds(AAC) in regular aviation contrails, diminishing their potential harmful effects on our planet's climate.

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