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Water pressure at our home just went to almost nothing.

I was in the garden heard traffic passing through water.

Told my wife get me outside so i can see the problem.

I found water bubbling up, ohh main is broke.

Go call PWA tell them so they can come and fix it.

Wife phones, then says darling nobody answer !! what !!

It is songkran nobody working to repair leaks. What a joke.

Government spouting off about saving water.

Thousands of gallons being lost outside our home, and nobody to contact until next monday.



Sure its a big problem for you.. but the amount of water lost is not much if compared to usage on a single day in Thailand. Sure its bad but it wont make any impact on the drought so its non argument.

This sucks of course (having no water in the house) but just a drip in the ocean compared to daily use.


Seems some here do not understand water conservation. Water pouring out of a water main is not water conservation it is wasting water.. If every one lived like their usage made no difference in the big picture this nation would be without water long before the rainy season..If it is ok to waste water quess I can go out side turn on the sprinklers and water the lawn. It is only a drop in the bucket right. Oh and wash the car it will only use a little water No harm done right. My actions will have no impact on the drought right.


I'll have some...its so bad here, they are selling it from tanker lorries. Some haven't had water in their taps for 10 days. But the Thais can still chuck it around like water!! ....like water, get it? Ok, i'll get my coat.


Indeed it won't. I know sarcasm intended but get this...


But you x 100, 1k, 10k, 100k will make a huge difference. By being concerned you can make that difference.


When a tanker was delivering water to a friend's house, a thai girl literally begged the lorry driver to sell her some water (10 days waiting for a delivery is the norm here), so he filled her tank up, soon as he was gone, she was out watering the garden with it....leaving the hose running, while she chatted with her neighbour!! grr, grr, and thrice grrr.


Indeed it won't. I know sarcasm intended but get this...


But you x 100, 1k, 10k, 100k will make a huge difference. By being concerned you can make that difference.

It seems like its only us farangs that are worrying about it, thais cannot see farther than tomorrow. I suppose they are used to living without it, more than us. In our area, i really don't know where all the water came from for songkran? We have a dribble coming into our tanks, but they are on the streets with hoses chucking out shedloads of it. Where do they get it from? from a stinky klong behind, i suppose.


colinneil just doesn`t get it. Makes no difference whether it`s songkran or not, it`s always like this in Thailand, no one will come out until they are good and ready and feeling in the right mood. It has to be entirely at their own convenience.

In Thailand we have to help ourselves, be prepared for every eventuality. I have indoor storage bins for water, recently built a huge outdoor concrete tank for water, so if the water is cut off we are good for a least 2 months, renewed my air con units to cope with baking hot weather, and bought heaters for when the temperatures dropped to record lows a few weeks ago. I have emergency 4 hour lighting units in case of power cuts during the nights.

Don`t rely on anybody here except yourselves in times of emergencies.


colinneil just doesn`t get it. Makes no difference whether it`s songkran or not, it`s always like this in Thailand, no one will come out until they are good and ready and feeling in the right mood. It has to be entirely at their own convenience.

In Thailand we have to help ourselves, be prepared for every eventuality. I have indoor storage bins for water, recently built a huge outdoor concrete tank for water, so if the water is cut off we are good for a least 2 months, renewed my air con units to cope with baking hot weather, and bought heaters for when the temperatures dropped to record lows a few weeks ago. I have emergency 4 hour lighting units in case of power cuts during the nights.

Don`t rely on anybody here except yourselves in times of emergencies.

IN TIMES OF EMERGENCIES!!!!!!!----------- You have a bomb proof shelter under the house floor?????


colinneil just doesn`t get it. Makes no difference whether it`s songkran or not, it`s always like this in Thailand, no one will come out until they are good and ready and feeling in the right mood. It has to be entirely at their own convenience.

In Thailand we have to help ourselves, be prepared for every eventuality. I have indoor storage bins for water, recently built a huge outdoor concrete tank for water, so if the water is cut off we are good for a least 2 months, renewed my air con units to cope with baking hot weather, and bought heaters for when the temperatures dropped to record lows a few weeks ago. I have emergency 4 hour lighting units in case of power cuts during the nights.

Don`t rely on anybody here except yourselves in times of emergencies.

IN TIMES OF EMERGENCIES!!!!!!!----------- You have a bomb proof shelter under the house floor?????

with a toilet and plenty of food supplies.

he must be an old war horse MOTTO BE PREPARED.


colinneil just doesn`t get it. Makes no difference whether it`s songkran or not, it`s always like this in Thailand, no one will come out until they are good and ready and feeling in the right mood. It has to be entirely at their own convenience.

In Thailand we have to help ourselves, be prepared for every eventuality. I have indoor storage bins for water, recently built a huge outdoor concrete tank for water, so if the water is cut off we are good for a least 2 months, renewed my air con units to cope with baking hot weather, and bought heaters for when the temperatures dropped to record lows a few weeks ago. I have emergency 4 hour lighting units in case of power cuts during the nights.

Don`t rely on anybody here except yourselves in times of emergencies.

IN TIMES OF EMERGENCIES!!!!!!!----------- You have a bomb proof shelter under the house floor?????

It appears you've never heard of 'Doomsday Preppers'?

...........'contingency plan' is not in their vocabulary it seems.....

..........hope you don't get stuck with the bill...........


did you vote in your general/ local elections or did you employ the same philosophy

Indeed it won't. I know sarcasm intended but get this...


he did not....and probably will not for quite a while......if ever.


Seems some here do not understand water conservation. Water pouring out of a water main is not water conservation it is wasting water.. If every one lived like their usage made no difference in the big picture this nation would be without water long before the rainy season..If it is ok to waste water quess I can go out side turn on the sprinklers and water the lawn. It is only a drop in the bucket right. Oh and wash the car it will only use a little water No harm done right. My actions will have no impact on the drought right.

Every little drip saved helps. I am sure this problem is multiplied all over Thailand. Essential services should be maintained at all times around the clock 24/7. Yes it is a small problem in the grand scheme of things but the grand scheme of things is flawed.


Water supply has been atrocious in my house.

But I've learned just how little water you can get away with if you try.

Got a bucket in the shower that catches a good bit of the water, wash dishes in the sink in a plastic basin and reuse all that water for plants around the house. Plus we're isolated so the wife and I both pee in the garden.

I figure we're at much less than 100L a day.

Meanwhile, down in the village the car washing continues unabated.



Sure its a big problem for you.. but the amount of water lost is not much if compared to usage on a single day in Thailand. Sure its bad but it wont make any impact on the drought so its non argument.

This sucks of course (having no water in the house) but just a drip in the ocean compared to daily use.

Now multiply that by thousands and add the Songkran wastage and it's a not too significant amount. Any wastage during a drought is wrong but to condone it is criminal.

Maybe you're afraid that it might reflect on your beloved junta.

It seems like its only us farangs that are worrying about it, thais cannot see farther than tomorrow. I suppose they are used to living without it, more than us. In our area, i really don't know where all the water came from for songkran? We have a dribble coming into our tanks, but they are on the streets with hoses chucking out shedloads of it. Where do they get it from? from a stinky klong behind, i suppose.

"It seems like its only us farangs that are worrying about it, thais cannot see farther than tomorrow."

"Us farangs" blah, blah, blah. "Thais cannot" blah, blah, blah.

The only time some farangs "see" something is if it may be an imminent inconvenience for them. And then of course T.I.T. is to blame. And this clarity of vision only works in Thailand. Apparently in farangland every leak is repaired within minutes, give or take a few decades.

Every day more than 3.3 billion litres of treated water – 20 per cent of the nation's supply and 234 million litres a day more than a decade ago – are lost through leaking pipes in England and Wales. The water lost would meet the daily needs of 21.5 million people.


Imagine Manhattan under almost 300 feet of water. Not water from a hurricane or a tsunami, but purified drinking water — 2.1 trillion gallons of it.

That's the amount of water that researchers estimate is lost each year in this country [the US] because of aging and leaky pipes, broken water mains and faulty meters.



This is typical Thailand. They keep thinking they can waste as much water as they want because when they turn on the tap it will always flow. The mass waste of water during Songkran in a drought situation is sinful. While it would not change the fact of the drought- people need to be taught responsibility. This just is not done in Thailand and hence no one cares except a few well educated foreigners that understand the cause and effect of acting in a responsible way permeates throughout a society. Sadly, Thailand will always remain a Third World country until the attitudes change and those that are poor shall remain that way.


It seems like its only us farangs that are worrying about it, thais cannot see farther than tomorrow. I suppose they are used to living without it, more than us. In our area, i really don't know where all the water came from for songkran? We have a dribble coming into our tanks, but they are on the streets with hoses chucking out shedloads of it. Where do they get it from? from a stinky klong behind, i suppose.

"It seems like its only us farangs that are worrying about it, thais cannot see farther than tomorrow."

"Us farangs" blah, blah, blah. "Thais cannot" blah, blah, blah.

The only time some farangs "see" something is if it may be an imminent inconvenience for them. And then of course T.I.T. is to blame. And this clarity of vision only works in Thailand. Apparently in farangland every leak is repaired within minutes, give or take a few decades.

Every day more than 3.3 billion litres of treated water 20 per cent of the nation's supply and 234 million litres a day more than a decade ago are lost through leaking pipes in England and Wales. The water lost would meet the daily needs of 21.5 million people.


Imagine Manhattan under almost 300 feet of water. Not water from a hurricane or a tsunami, but purified drinking water 2.1 trillion gallons of it.

That's the amount of water that researchers estimate is lost each year in this country [the US] because of aging and leaky pipes, broken water mains and faulty meters.

So you think an 'imminent inconveniance' (as you put it), of having NO WATER, is ok? It certainly will be inconvenient to NOT have any water, but it isn't 'us farangs' that is throwing it all down the streets, is it?

I really don't see why you had to go off on one about me saying 'us farangs', i am not a Thai, i am a foreigner here, so that makes me a farang....its easy....so please go pick on someone else, this farang doesn't give a sh/t what you think...khao jai?


Storage tanks are not all that expensive at Thai Watsadu. Up to you - either catch rainwater as a backup supply, or just bitch about it.


Water pressure at our home just went to almost nothing.

I was in the garden heard traffic passing through water.

Told my wife get me outside so i can see the problem.

I found water bubbling up, ohh main is broke.

Go call PWA tell them so they can come and fix it.

Wife phones, then says darling nobody answer !! what !!

It is songkran nobody working to repair leaks. What a joke.

Government spouting off about saving water.

Thousands of gallons being lost outside our home, and nobody to contact until next monday.

I do understand your frustration...

When our water pump went out, and the ass hole repair guy (Father) of TGF..

Didn't want to waste "MY" money on a new pump, he decided to repair the broke one.. As soon as it was repaired and put back, it stopped working..

After 2 attempts of fixing the broke pump, ended up buying a new one.

Having no water to take a shower or toilet needs, is #1 or tied with my second thing, I hate not working!

When the electricity goes out.. Can be out for a few minutes to a very long time.. You just never know the status, other than -- someone is working on it..


colinneil just doesn`t get it. Makes no difference whether it`s songkran or not, it`s always like this in Thailand, no one will come out until they are good and ready and feeling in the right mood. It has to be entirely at their own convenience.

In Thailand we have to help ourselves, be prepared for every eventuality. I have indoor storage bins for water, recently built a huge outdoor concrete tank for water, so if the water is cut off we are good for a least 2 months, renewed my air con units to cope with baking hot weather, and bought heaters for when the temperatures dropped to record lows a few weeks ago. I have emergency 4 hour lighting units in case of power cuts during the nights.

Don`t rely on anybody here except yourselves in times of emergencies.

IN TIMES OF EMERGENCIES!!!!!!!----------- You have a bomb proof shelter under the house floor?????

Hmmmm... Bought heaters prior to it getting cold recently? I guess if you want to break out the heaters every 7 years, it's better to have them, than not..

A/C -- not necessary, but nice to have..

When the power cuts off a night here, and whom ever goes out, we/they use flashlights..

Got a deep ass water well here, it's much lower than normal, but apparently there is enough water...

Might invest in a gas powered generator to power up all our electrical needs.. Then buy some underground gas tanks, to store gas when that runs out.


I hear it has gotten so bad that the girls are not showering between short times, nor are they insisting customers shower.

Too much information

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