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SURVEY: Brexit, do you support it?


SURVEY: Brexit, do you support it?  

454 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you support the UK leaving the EU?

    • Yes, I am a UK national and I support leaving the EU.
    • Yes, I support the UK leaving the EU, but I am not a UK national.
    • No, I am a UK national and I do not support leaving the EU.
    • No, I do not support the UK leaving the EU and I am not a UK national.

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I am old enough to remember the UK as it was, a green and pleasant land....When I look at it now I see a crap environment, an influx of foreign spongers reaping stuff that ordinary UK folk fought for. My own dad shook his head before he passed at the mess our governments have created for UK folk..

They last few lines of this song tells it for me..

We are of similar age, I also remember the UK as it was back then and goodness knows how I miss the "back then" sometimes.

But the UK of today for people of our age group is different things, based on where they were born. Many parts of the North have become unlivable for the likes of me, I simply wouldn't go there to live again because it has changed so much.

But much of the shires, the area where I lived in the UK most recently hasn't changed much for a thousand years, literally, I'd go back there in a second but it's now become far too expensive - Cameron likes it though and no doubt he's going to protect it!

Perhaps helps some understand the difference in attitudes to the UK and Brexit/Remain.

The quote that " 'England' was a green and pleasant land was made by Winston Churchill. I also believe that he said, " 'England' has the best climate in the world, but the worst weather". It is one of the reasons why I would not wish to settle back there.

When we wax nostalgic, of course, this is the time that the "In" campaign sneer and remark that we are harking back to earlier times, when things were different, and that the country and indeed the world, has moved on. They are right, of course, but that is not to say that we are unaware of the fact. We understand that there is no going back (and, perhaps, we would not fully want that, in any case).

But, simply put, "Brexit" does not mean that the United Kingdom would or could go back to how it was in earlier times, in any sense. Nor is this the platform that "Brexiteers" (I like this term; it reminds me of "Cavaliers") are campaigning from. We are every bit as intellectually capable as the "in" campaign to weigh the options, examine the choices, make a reasonable analysis of the facts and judge where we believe our country and countrymen would be better off.

When we look at the possibilities that free trade has to offer; the potential off-set of any quantum of increased trade duties with the savings of our net EU contribution; the introduction of a "sensible" (and, perhaps, points-based system) of immigration, allowing only "qualified" immigrants to settle; the looming (and inevitable) collapse of the euro currency, and the turmoil it will leave in its wake; and, lastly, the clawing back of our sovereignty and being responsible for our own destiny; one would really need to be persuaded as to why we would not exit the EU, as opposed to any argument that we should vote to stay in.

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Strange thing is, if you look at any conversations on forums or social media then nearly everyone is on the Brexit side and there is usually only 2 or 3 Remainers that come and argue their fear induced case. I cannot believe that 86% of people in the UK would choose to stay in the EU as just about everyone I speak to wants to leave.

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Strange thing is, if you look at any conversations on forums or social media then nearly everyone is on the Brexit side and there is usually only 2 or 3 Remainers that come and argue their fear induced case. I cannot believe that 86% of people in the UK would choose to stay in the EU as just about everyone I speak to wants to leave.

I guess that says something about social media?

Bookies are not often wrong!

Note sterling against baht is back to Nov last year......why is that?

Oh, I remember; all the experts are scaremongers! Ha!

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We are a sovereign nation, why pay 365 million a day to be dragged down to equality with 3rd world countries and ruled from Brussels?

Perhaps a typo OS, do you want to reconsider the number perhaps!

A week.

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Strange thing is, if you look at any conversations on forums or social media then nearly everyone is on the Brexit side and there is usually only 2 or 3 Remainers that come and argue their fear induced case. I cannot believe that 86% of people in the UK would choose to stay in the EU as just about everyone I speak to wants to leave.
I guess that says something about social media?

Bookies are not often wrong!

Note sterling against baht is back to Nov last year......why is that?

Oh, I remember; all the experts are scaremongers! Ha!

The entire remain campaign is based purely on fear mongering. Some of it may be true, some of it is just speculation, most of it is extremely exaggerated, but all of it is being used in a way to scare people into voting for what the lying politicians need to happen for their own selfish benefits. None of it is a fair and balanced view because the PM has made it clear he wants to remain in the EU so daily we have another scare piece of propaganda about how leaving the EU will help ISIS, or start WW3 or in some way destroy the planet because they are lying to us for their own agenda. If it was so fantastic for us to be part of the EU then why are all the positive aspects of it not being shouted about every day instead of insisting that leaving will cause WW3??

For this very reason alone I already decided from the beginning to vote against project fear. All of the other factors about the billions we give to the EU, the unelected commissions, the migration problem, the impending 5 countries that will join, the fact that most would-be successful countries are all being bailed out by the EU because their economies don't fit into the grand scheme of things (bailed out by us yet again btw). All of these things, and many many more, are all now reasons I will vote to leave but my mind was already made up after seeing the remain campaign follow the exact same lies and fear propaganda that it used to screw Scotland out of their independence.

I also notice that the only people who vote to remain are people who will personally benefit in the short term. Everyone I know who wants to leave will have to make some concession to do so but they are prepared to do so for the long term benefit of the country.

And I don't doubt that we will remain in the EU after all of this, it is hardly a fair democracy when all of the info about leaving the EU is coming from people who desperately want to remain in, so the bookies are probably right. It doesn't however mean that it is the right decision for the UK to remain in the EU. It just means that all of the fear mongering and lies by our politicians who are personally better off in the EU has fooled and scammed the nation out of our one chance to leave the failure of the EU.

Edited by KunMatt
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And you also appear to be evidence of what I just said about people only wanting to remain for their own selfish needs. All you care about is that you will get a good exchange rate so for that you will doom the UK to be shackled to the failure of the EU.

This is just typical of the mentality of the remain camp. Typical selfish, self serving liars who will do anything just as long as they are ok in the short term.

Don't be like this selfish person. Think of your country and your future family in the UK and put their needs before yours. Vote out.

Edited by KunMatt
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We are a sovereign nation, why pay 365 million a day to be dragged down to equality with 3rd world countries and ruled from Brussels?

Perhaps a typo OS, do you want to reconsider the number perhaps!

A week.

Nah, more like 17OM a week

This why the Brexiteers are losing. They can't tell the truth!

It's still a big number! But get it right!

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We are a sovereign nation, why pay 365 million a day to be dragged down to equality with 3rd world countries and ruled from Brussels?

Perhaps a typo OS, do you want to reconsider the number perhaps!

A week.

Nah, more like 17OM a week

This why the Brexiteers are losing. They can't tell the truth!

It's still a big number! But get it right!

Actually it's more like £245M per week, and when it comes to telling porkies for an self serving agenda nobody can top the Remainers, even the PM is doing it daily with his apocalyptic propaganda.

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A week.

Nah, more like 17OM a week

This why the Brexiteers are losing. They can't tell the truth!

It's still a big number! But get it right!

Actually it's more like £245M per week, and when it comes to telling porkies for an self serving agenda nobody can top the Remainers, even the PM is doing it daily with his apocalyptic propaganda.


Net contribution is less than 9B per annum

Why exaggerate?

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In 2015 the UK paid the EU £13B. The EU spent £4.5B back into the UK but that is money that we would spend as we please if we didn't give it away.

So as per uptheos's first post, we do give the EU £245M per week.

Fullfact has the net contribution as 8.5B

That is 163M per week

Why call me a lier?

Its a great deal of money anyway.......

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In 2015 the UK paid the EU £13B. The EU spent £4.5B back into the UK but that is money that we would spend as we please if we didn't give it away.

So as per uptheos's first post, we do give the EU £245M per week.

Fullfact has the net contribution as 8.5B

That is 163M per week

Why call me a lier?

Its a great deal of money anyway.......

Because we do pay £245M per week. We pay the EU £12.9B per year. The EU then spends £4.5B back into the UK.

So you are deliberately twisting the facts.

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And you also appear to be evidence of what I just said about people only wanting to remain for their own selfish needs. All you care about is that you will get a good exchange rate so for that you will doom the UK to be shackled to the failure of the EU.

This is just typical of the mentality of the remain camp. Typical selfish, self serving liars who will do anything just as long as they are ok in the short term.

Don't be like this selfish person. Think of your country and your future family in the UK and put their needs before yours. Vote out.

You misunderstand

Strengthening sterling is indicative of strengthening remain and weakening brexit

My family's future is better in the EU thanks!

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Strange thing is, if you look at any conversations on forums or social media then nearly everyone is on the Brexit side and there is usually only 2 or 3 Remainers that come and argue their fear induced case. I cannot believe that 86% of people in the UK would choose to stay in the EU as just about everyone I speak to wants to leave.

odds are 1/6 remain

Nobody is saying 86% of voters

Maybe 55/45?

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In 2015 the UK paid the EU £13B. The EU spent £4.5B back into the UK but that is money that we would spend as we please if we didn't give it away.

So as per uptheos's first post, we do give the EU £245M per week.

Fullfact has the net contribution as 8.5B

That is 163M per week

Why call me a lier?

Its a great deal of money anyway.......

Because we do pay £245M per week. We pay the EU £12.9B per year. The EU then spends £4.5B back into the UK.

So you are deliberately twisting the facts.

i give up

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In 2015 the UK paid the EU £13B. The EU spent £4.5B back into the UK but that is money that we would spend as we please if we didn't give it away.

So as per uptheos's first post, we do give the EU £245M per week.

Fullfact has the net contribution as 8.5B

That is 163M per week

Why call me a lier?

Its a great deal of money anyway.......

Because we do pay £245M per week. We pay the EU £12.9B per year. The EU then spends £4.5B back into the UK.

So you are deliberately twisting the facts.

i give up

Glad to hear it. Vote leave.

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My country Norway and Switzerland would never consider joining the EU , But as EEA member there's not much difference really when it comes to business and trade. We can't vote in big political decisions in EU but we're doing ok, mostly thanks to the oil and fish export.

Edited by balo
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I am old enough to remember the UK as it was, a green and pleasant land....When I look at it now I see a crap environment, an influx of foreign spongers reaping stuff that ordinary UK folk fought for. My own dad shook his head before he passed at the mess our governments have created for UK folk..

They last few lines of this song tells it for me..

I am old enough to remember the UK as it was, a green and pleasant land....When I look at it now I see a crap environment, an influx of foreign spongers reaping stuff that ordinary UK folk fought for. My own dad shook his head before he passed at the mess our governments have created for UK folk..
They last few lines of this song tells it for me..

Your Post has quite riled me ! How long is it since you have lived in the UK? I have lived and worked in a multi cultural London until very recently and it is quite clear to me that any crap environment is caused by lazy British thugs who simply are not prepared to do so many jobs, even if well paid, that immigrants will do. Just look at all the P'Pinno domestic workers that are actually well paid with all living accommodation included. The Brits would rather scrounge of the welfare state instead

Add to that, i have never felt threatened by any immigrant in London but i certainly have felt as risk from young male British thugs. Either give some justification for your comments or i will just consider you as a racist !

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And you also appear to be evidence of what I just said about people only wanting to remain for their own selfish needs. All you care about is that you will get a good exchange rate so for that you will doom the UK to be shackled to the failure of the EU.

This is just typical of the mentality of the remain camp. Typical selfish, self serving liars who will do anything just as long as they are ok in the short term.

Don't be like this selfish person. Think of your country and your future family in the UK and put their needs before yours. Vote And you also appear to be evidence of what I just said about people only wanting to remain for their own selfish needs. All you care about is that you will get a good exchange rate so for that you will doom the UK to be shackled to the failure of the EU.

This is just typical of the mentality of the remain camp. Typical selfish, self serving liars who will do anything just as long as they are ok in the short term.

Don't be like this selfish person. Think of your country and your future family in the UK and put their needs before yours. Vote out

Please take time to read your Post again in the cold light of day and see how offensive it is to people who simply have a different viewpoint from you. Your Post is very immature.

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Don't be like this selfish person. Think of your country and your future family in the UK and put their needs before yours. Vote out[/font][/color]

Please take time to read your Post again in the cold light of day and see how offensive it is to people who simply have a different viewpoint from you. Your Post is very immature.

From what I've seen in many discussion about the referendum, there are two types of people who want to remain in the UK: people who it would affect financially in the short term and people who believe the fear campaign that leaving would cause WW3 and help ISIS.

Not once have I seen anyone from the remain camp talk about how stay in is in the best interests of the UK in the long run. So yes, I call this type of thinking selfish and self serving because that's exactly what it is. Looking after yourself at the detriment of the country and everyone else in it.

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