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Just wondering if any of you guys bought into this stock recently. I bought a few share about 4 months ago. Very few.

What do you guys think about it's future?

Also is there an investing club around?

Thanks, Gary


I have a few shares in ConocoPhillips also. But, I am not loving it at this time.

Why do you like it? After the dividend cut it has kinda put me off of it.

Regards, Gary


Why do you like it? After the dividend cut it has kinda put me off of it.

What dividend cut? The last dividend payment (2015Q4) was maintained at 0.47 - exactly the same as the previous seven payments.

That said, I think a dividend cut is highly likely given the current low cost of oil.


Gary, I am in no way an expert and over the past few years lost on the likes of TSCO and SBRY however am still in credit with both day trading and long term investments. Shell bottomed at 16p a few months back and at present 22.5p so a good growth but may have missed the boat already, the divi is guaranteed this year at I believe 7%

Personally I am heavily into BP with an average of 323p and divis expected of around 8%. If looking now you may want to chose BP over Shell as the growth once fuel prices increase could be more than with Shell. Just my thoughts.


Gary, I am in no way an expert and over the past few years lost on the likes of TSCO and SBRY however am still in credit with both day trading and long term investments. Shell bottomed at 16p a few months back and at present 22.5p so a good growth but may have missed the boat already, the divi is guaranteed this year at I believe 7%

Personally I am heavily into BP with an average of 323p and divis expected of around 8%. If looking now you may want to chose BP over Shell as the growth once fuel prices increase could be more than with Shell. Just my thoughts.

Hey, yes I reinvest my dividends in Shell when they hit. Royal Dutch Shell bought BP in a merger a few months ago? I am pretty bullish on Royal Dutch Shell a the moment.

Regarding COP. I just got my dividend and it has dropped to .25. You may want to check your statement. They dropped there price per share a few weeks ago. Not good and the reason I am not reinvesting in them at the moment.

@Halfaboy, I think you mis read. COP has cut their dividends not RDS. RDS has saved me so far this year. I bought in at 45/share. Hind sight of course. But, now I wish I gone full in... sad.png

Regards, Gary


Royal dutch Shell recently bought BG (British Gas) not BP (British Petroleum); probably a good long term move for them but most commentators believe they paid a fullish price. I own it and believe it to be a top quality company but it has had a pretty good bounce from the lows and its not particularly cheap now (other than the good yield). I personally would not be putting new money in right here and , in fact, i top sliced a bit on Friday. i dont believe Shell have cut the dividend since 1945 and i very much doubt they will cut it over the next few years (unless we get sustained sub 30 dollar oil). At their recent AGM BP,s chairman was just ever so slightly less committed to maintaining the dividend payment than previous statements and, FWIW i think BP would be more likely to cut than Shell.


My mistake thank's for the correction @worldchild.

I'm still adding RDS, but i am researching other companies as usual.

I am just getting into buying and selling my own stocks. A lot of fun so far. smile.png

What do you think of NOKIA. I just bought a few shares. I have read until I am blue in the face. They bought Alcatel Lucent So? Probably wrong, but I bought thinking in 4-5 years they might be gaining momentum.

Great hobby.

Regards, Gary


I paid 51.50 usd for rds/a about 6 months ago...it went to 55, then rapidly down to low 40s. Barely in the black as of last week. Friday was my monthly dividend re-investment day, and I added to XLE, as opposed to increasing my positions in cop, xom, bp, or rds. I think at leat one merger of the big boys will be likely in the next 18 months; similar to the Exxon Mobil merger. COP were the ones talking about how safe their divi was, and they were the first to cut.


@KhonKaenKwoboy, Yea COP killed me this year. I paid 47 for it. I may never get my money back from that one. It is my black sheep of the family right now.

I also picked up some Qualcomm. I am breaking even with that one so far.

Being a bit diversified has helped some. I am ahead but not by much...

Going to wait and watch for a while now.

@thrilled. Yea, the energy sector is a bit of a wild ride. Hoping in two or three years it will settle down?



I quite like Shell, trade it a fair bit.

I did sell half my holding on Friday as the sp was looking a bit toppy.

I think it is a decent investment if bought at a reasonable price, I would buy some back if the sp falls back.

As to the dividend, in the last report & accounts, Shell did indicate that divis for 2016 would be at least at the same level as 2015.

Not a guarantee but at least they guided. My personal opinion is that they will at least hold it rather then cut, could be wrong of course.

Good Luck Everyone.smile.png


yes, them and CVX seem to be most committed to divi and have phenomenal track records to prove it...and XOMs is relatively small, so that is safe as well. CVX put about 70 billion usd in that nat gas facility in OZ, and that may not end to well. I think those oil people are a lot smarter than the tech people, and have a plan for all scenarios...and could be profitable at 5 usd per barrel oil....because there is just as much money in refining it.


I have Exxon and Chevron.You might want to be careful buying more right now.Might be like trying to catch A falling knife.

YTD, XOM is up 10.04%, Chevron 9.72%, and Shell 13.34%...plus very healthy dividends. coffee1.gif


My twopenith, Qualcom, no long term future, Nokia, good five year horizon based on their customer base and 5G network development


My twopenith, Qualcom, no long term future, Nokia, good five year horizon based on their customer base and 5G network development

I hope you are right about Nokia. I bought it as a sleeper stock. They will inter with a good Android phone at the end of the year I hope, and of course the 5g network will be in place for them. If nothing goes very wrong. I am hopping this stock will see a significant increase in the future. I am poor boy-ing it as a stock buyer. But Nokia is so cheap I picked up 250 shares just in case?

Since I am a new-be in investing I am trying to make some sense of what is going on in the market? I thought for sure the oil stock would tank on the recent OPEC mess. But, it went up???? Anyone care to explain what is going on.

Regards, Gary


Oil worker strike in Kuwait, pipeline sabotage in Nigeria and Ecuador. Also, a bit of a short squeeze going on market wide, so just when it seems like the market is getting lofty, it gets driven up more. It looks like the damage done by a strengthening Dollar is over. Lots of earnings reports are due out in the next few weeks.....Depends on your tax situation, but I'll take profits on half or all, and buy them back for less, if they are quality companies. The only thing that is for sure is that the experts seem to be wrong about half the time, and actually give a lot of credibility to real estate agents.


@KhonKaenKowboy, thanks for the update. Didn't know about Nigeria or Ecuador! Interesting.

Quote - "The only thing that is for sure is that the experts seem to be wrong about half the time, and actually give a lot of credibility to real estate agents."

LOL, I will have to remember that one.

I'm trying to figure out what to do. I am even with COP now, And up about 7 dollars a share with RDS. Kinda exciting, but I really do not know whether to sell, and wait on the next downturn or hold? I am tempted to sell, and buy back on the next downturn.

Regards, Gary


I have decided to hold on to my shares of RDS-A. Will buy more if it tanks again next year. Good dividends, My black horse is COP. Thinking of selling as soon as I can make a few bucks.


Short AAPL. Its over! The party ends for everyone, no excetions. Trees dont grow to the sky!

Their main product is a PHONE for goodness sake. Thye going after lower end consumer is the TELL they know its over. Just get what they can.


I just bought back my RDS/A @52.53.....Ex-divi is this month, so I was willing to pay a little more.

You and I think allot alike. I am watching it very close. I will be looking to acquire more if it drops a little more.


Good tip @KhonKaenKowboy that looks interesting.

Thanks, Gary


I sold all my XLU, as it seemed to be getting lofty....will always buy that one back, though. RDS/A had good results, don't think they could have been much better...still went down.....it's a very strong Hold, IMO.

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