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Here to stay: Soldiers on Phuket streets to ‘bolster’ police efforts, take down influential figures

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Here to stay: Soldiers on Phuket streets to ‘bolster’ police efforts, take down influential figures

Tanyaluk Sakoot


Lt 1st Class Yotsawan Raknuanlaong has taken up direct command of the Army’s Phuket headquarters, located on Sakdidet Rd. Photo: Tanyaluk Sakoot

PHUKET: Soldiers seen on the streets over Songkran are to become a familiar sight as the Army has now assigned personnel to “assist and support” police in performing their duties.

The order to join police ranks in performing their duties was handed down on March 30, but it was not until the Songkran holidays that soldiers in Phuket joined police in manning checkpoints and carrying out raids.
Following the order, soldiers from the rank of sub-lieutenant up have been given police powers to summons, arrest and detain criminal suspects in a wide range of crimes including extortion, labour abuse and human trafficking.
But in Phuket, those powers will be restricted for use only in the presence of a police officer, assured Maj Gen Teenachat Jindangern, commander of Royal Thai Army’s 41st Military Circle, assigned to Phuket, under ISOC Region 4 Army base in Nakhon Sri Thammarat province.
“Our job is to assist and support police in Phuket,” he told The Phuket News. “Soldiers will be only assisting police. They will not conduct patrols on their own. Police will be ranking offices in all joint operations.
“Local police will still be in charge in all areas on the island,” Gen Teenachat assured.
While soldiers joined police in conducting patrols 24 hours a day to strictly crack down on any illegal activities, especially drunk driving, on Phuket roads, during Songkran, “We will continue carry out patrols in Phuket after Songkran, but not be as strict as during Songkran,” Gen Teenachat confirmed.
However, the Army will stand apart in its investigations into ‘influential people’, the general noted, adding, “This is part of the reason why we have set up an Army office in Phuket (on Sakdidet Rd).”
-- Phuket News 2016-04-17
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It makes me think of Cuba during the Cold War days when Fidel was in with the Russians but now is pruyat and the Chinese.soldiers on every corner and people arrested and never seen again.


Did anyone ever hear of the outcome where the students were picked up off the streets of Bangkok,and taken for re adjustment.


i am stunned by the expats that think this situation is normal...are you insane , history has many terrible examples of what comes next bah.gif


Well if they would get rid of all the transgressing tuk tuk drivers that feel this island is theirs to run and act as they wish, it would be a start to knocking down "influential people" seeing as someone has to be backing these clowns for them to exhibit the no fear attitude that they take for granted. Of course the "association fees" certainly go a long way in allowing them to do as they please.


It makes me think of Cuba during the Cold War days when Fidel was in with the Russians but now is pruyat and the Chinese.soldiers on every corner and people arrested and never seen again.

"...never seen again... '

please share some recent examples.


Times are tough, going to need two brown envelopes now. Pretty clear now why his nibs at the top had no interest in reforming the RTP; bring the Army in.

Yep ... I fear that the army now realises that they have an easy inroad to the gravy train.

It's a pity as the army used to be consider not corrupt, I suppose because they did not really have access to the instruments of local power .... now they do.


This is not a good sign. Things can only go downhill from here, especially as all military personel have automatic amnesty for any actions they take.

Time for the west to start imposing serious sanctions.


Investigating the influential people?

Lets not forget the influential people on Koh Tow, more powerful and better connected that the PM it would seem.

How many of those types are operating on Phuket.

Consolidating and channeling the income streams to Bangkok I would guess.


Investigating the influential people?

Lets not forget the influential people on Koh Tow, more powerful and better connected that the PM it would seem.

How many of those types are operating on Phuket.

Consolidating and channeling the income streams to Bangkok I would guess.

It is interesting to see the difference between how things have played out in Phuket with encroachment cases and beach bar removal compared to Surat Thani, Koh Tao... there it is business as usual, no coastal reclamation or inconvenience of influentials. I wonder if the real story will (can) ever be told?


I don't agree with the comments about the rise of the military.

Corruption is entrenched in Phuket and the local BIB are incapable of doing anything about it. They're a major part of the problem. The PM knows this and has put his people in the mix to make sure the in-roads are made into eliminating this corruption.

There is no reason to jump to jump to any other conclusion and every reason to hope that getting the military in the loop will have a positive effect.

I haven't heard one thing to believe otherwise. Before Prayuth came to power Phuket was an open sewer of corruption and I've seen nothing but positive things since he's taken over. Phuket is far better off since Prayuth came to power.

Certainly with more power comes the possibility of this will come to a terrible outcome, but I haven't seen anything other than a positive movement toward a far less corrupt government under Prayuth. He's a good man who wants to see a better tomorrow for Thailand. As far as I'm concerned, an open democracy like we had before Prayuth is a recipe for disaster. Screw democracy, I'll take the NCPO over the likes of Thaksin and his ilk for years to come. Thailand can't handle Democracy. The only way to get rid of the entrenched corruption is a strong military. It's unfortunate but true.


I don't agree with the comments about the rise of the military.

Corruption is entrenched in Phuket and the local BIB are incapable of doing anything about it. They're a major part of the problem. The PM knows this and has put his people in the mix to make sure the in-roads are made into eliminating this corruption.

There is no reason to jump to jump to any other conclusion and every reason to hope that getting the military in the loop will have a positive effect.

I haven't heard one thing to believe otherwise. Before Prayuth came to power Phuket was an open sewer of corruption and I've seen nothing but positive things since he's taken over. Phuket is far better off since Prayuth came to power.

Certainly with more power comes the possibility of this will come to a terrible outcome, but I haven't seen anything other than a positive movement toward a far less corrupt government under Prayuth. He's a good man who wants to see a better tomorrow for Thailand. As far as I'm concerned, an open democracy like we had before Prayuth is a recipe for disaster. Screw democracy, I'll take the NCPO over the likes of Thaksin and his ilk for years to come. Thailand can't handle Democracy. The only way to get rid of the entrenched corruption is a strong military. It's unfortunate but true.

I think you are dreaming. Even the local Phuket population are shocked that the military are entering the gravy train protocol. As so previous poster well stated ... it doubles the brown envelopes.


I think you are dreaming. Even the local Phuket population are shocked that the military are entering the gravy train protocol. As so previous poster well stated ... it doubles the brown envelopes.

"it doubles the brown envelopes".

Is your statement based on seriously reliable fact, if correct and true the impact and fall out is probably a tipping point?


I think you are dreaming. Even the local Phuket population are shocked that the military are entering the gravy train protocol. As so previous poster well stated ... it doubles the brown envelopes.

"it doubles the brown envelopes".

Is your statement based on seriously reliable fact, if correct and true the impact and fall out is probably a tipping point?

That's what at least one bar owners in Bangla I've known for years told me ...


It is a step in the right direction

Everybody knows that the police did not do their job and are corrupt and part of the problem.

I am surprised to read so many command with the tunnel view (military is always bad - don't care about the situation with corrupt police)

I think the military can be the power that helps to "reform" the police


This does not bode well for Thailand.

Why is that?

This is a very positive step. It seems that there are a group of sad ignorant people on this forum who have nothing better to do than make stupid posts when something really positive is done by the government.


Times are tough, going to need two brown envelopes now. Pretty clear now why his nibs at the top had no interest in reforming the RTP; bring the Army in.

your childish obsession with brown envelopes is getting tedious. You have no proof of your remarks and they border on libelous.


I've seen nothing but positive things since he's taken over. Phuket is far better off since Prayuth came to power.

Please support your statement with some examples. I offer that it is now worse than ever.

After the military took over, almost 50% of teh Patong beach was handed over to the jet ski gangs.

-The commercial business operators are still working the beaches.

-The tuk tuk operators still do as they please and park wherever they wish, only they are more emboldened now as they beat the army.

-The bars and clubs still violate the existing operating hours and liquor control laws.

-The number of minors working the sex trade, has become more evident.

-Close to 100 jetskis an be found at Patong beach

- Land encroachment and non enforcement of building codes is unchanged. Has anyone been charged yet?

Name one official who has been arrested and charged with corruption and is now facing criminal charges

Exactly what has changed for the good?

If the army is going to rule, then it should do it, and clean up Phuket once and for all. Arrest the corrupt officials, shut down the illegal businesses, arrest the peoplel dumping raw sewage off of he beaches, stop the transport rip offs etc.


This is a very positive step. It seems that there are a group of sad ignorant people on this forum who have nothing better to do than make stupid posts when something really positive is done by the government.

As per the above post, please provide examples of concrete positive improvements made by the military.

Thank you.


I think you are dreaming. Even the local Phuket population are shocked that the military are entering the gravy train protocol. As so previous poster well stated ... it doubles the brown envelopes.

"it doubles the brown envelopes".

Is your statement based on seriously reliable fact, if correct and true the impact and fall out is probably a tipping point?

That's what at least one bar owners in Bangla I've known for years told me ...

I would put that tidbit in the bullshit file. People say things, they may have an agenda.

There is no reliable info that the military is on the take. I haven't heard of one single situation where this has happened and I would have.

I'm not going to say the name here, but the owner of the biggest clubs on Bangla has said nothing about this kind of thing happening.

The cops are bent, as we all know. The military is not.

Don't spread bullshit.


This is a very positive step. It seems that there are a group of sad ignorant people on this forum who have nothing better to do than make stupid posts when something really positive is done by the government.

As per the above post, please provide examples of concrete positive improvements made by the military.

Thank you.

There isn't a sunchair on a Phuket beach et al. The taxi situation at Phuket airport no longer resembles a third world nation. The biggest crooks in Phuket are out of business. The biggest cop crook in Thailand is under indictment. National Park land that's been sold off is being taken back.

If you can't see big improvements since the coup, you're not paying attention.

And Thank you

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