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Do you pay her a salary? (I do.)


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dont care what you do with your life, but...

your not a man in my book if your paying for it. thats different then helping out financially. you need to be man enough to know the difference.

if shes sticking around purely for the cash you gots to accept it for what it is.

not something i likes to display at restaurants or in front of other men or be proud off during those times its happened to me.

but you does whats you gots to do.

im going to make me a sammich now.

You always "pay for it".

Paying a bar girl for short time, or long time, or marrying someone....you are still paying for it.

If you add it up, the bar girls are cheaper than a wife.

Go ahead and lie to yourself...you think your Western wife is free?

I'm not paying for it. My wife has more money than I do.

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I pay her a salary every month, same as a job would pay her, because I love her company and she is the only friend I have in Thailand. I didn't come here to be sitting on my own all day (I don't drink or go to bars). Every 5 or 6 weeks we pack up the car and hit the road for a 4 or 5 day holiday somewhere, couldn'r do that if she was working. When we need our own space she gets a bit of a job for about 2 months.

That's tragic. You're paying someone to be your friend?? Can't you go out and meet people?

I am 71, my wife is 40, we have been together eights years so far so good

I openly discuss our relationship is a business arrangement in which we have both found great love

Of course I give her money each month and help her family, she stopped work because I asked her to

This is wife no four and I have never been more loved or looked after, when I die she will get it all, she wanted a new Mini, and I replied did she really want to spend her future money and the answer was no!!

We all work it in different ways but some financial generosity helps greatly

Great love? Would that love withstand an indefinite interruption in the flow of money from you to her?

There is a price here and in the West - in the West it is marriage followed by 20 years of marriage and once you get set up, she takes 50% or more. After the lawyers clean you out, you get not much back. I have been there and done that. Never again. I prefer to slit my wrists. Take note that the above has happened to over 60% of my friends, family or just guys I have met over the years. The odds are not good.

Here I know one thing; my money works for me and gives me what I need. In the West, I can be with some slapper my age and eat razor blades trying to make her palpable in taste. In Asia, I can do what I want, and most girls (not all I note) will go with you if you have money. I regularly see old guys on the verge of being on a respirator trying to breathe, with young women.

Why? Cause it is the money pure and straightforward. We all cannot be that stupid.

Once your money dries up, few women of either race are going to want you. Sure some here and in the West will love you, but they are a rare breed and over 30 years of looking, very few tick that box. A Thai woman likes stability and in reality, most women do. If you provide, they will give.

To me, it is a fair trade and much cheaper than marriage. I know every month how much money I am going to spend and that makes me a safe bet for anyone and to date, I have not found a Thai girl that has disagreed with this.

Not too many loves will survive very well if, at any stage, pressure is added to the interruption of that supply of money. Financial pressures in the West are a major reason of breakups, and it would be no different here.

Edited by totally thaied up
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Come on. Isn't Thailand like less than 1% unemployment? Is she in the statistics now counted as "employed".

The funniest thing is how convincing you all sound.

I grew up in Yugoslavia where the average salary was less than US$200. I have never seen a woman in my country prostitute herself to a foreigner for $300 a month. They all worked... but for some reason Thai women are so convincing about this money extraction business.

Yes, they are all nice women.

Actually, lazy comes to mind.

Are you being serious?

You think there arent any women from the slav states that hook up with foreigners for money?

most of them come from Moldavia, Romania, Albania, never from ex-Yugoslavia,,,,,,cheesy.gif 5555

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Appears that after some 9 pages that at least half the posts are due to a too literal interpretation of the word "salary". It seems that in most cases this "salary" is in fact just spending money for the partner in cases when only one person has an income.

Also it appears that some feel that in a relationship that both people should have their own income otherwise it is an "old fashion" relationship or a "transactional" one. This is a rather unfortunate generalization (seems to happen a lot here). Many couples, for a variety of personal reasons, choose to have one partner not work or otherwise not contribute revenue to the relationship. Why do so many here feel the need to make a derogatory judgement of that choice? Again, as with so many posts, it says so much about the poster and their view of relationships and possibly their lack of success in them.


it's a good quote. However we are as it seems to be the minority. Most of the farangs here are looking for a cheap prostitute and call them girlfriend. And many escaped their home country because they were kicked out by poverty or being incapable in relationships. And here> Bragging to have a lot of girls......However they have to pay for the feeling of love, trust, and happiness.

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Jai dee and Khee Niouw are not limited to "hooker talk".

Hookers and those who associate with hookers. Never heard any other Thai national use those words, ever.

And I used to live in a 'Thai only' community.

Add ting tong, and salop salie for the full set.

Khee Niouw is not a hooker word. Nor is ting tong. Any young Thais will know these words. They're just slang.

I live in a Thai only area and NEVER hear these words used.

The only place I hear them used is in farang bars in Lower Suk or Pattaya.

Too be honest, I dont think I have EVER heard my wife or any of her family use Ting Tong, its lo class hooker talk.

The only place I have ever heard kee niaw used is in some grubby farang bars served by upcountry types where I didnt tip them at least 100 baht.

Go to the back of Seacon Square in Bkk and you will never hear these words used.

I give a 50/70 baht tip, I get a wai and a kop khun ka, try the same in the falang enclaves you get a scowl and a kee niaw..

These slappers wouldnt dare use this language to a Thai guy in a Thai area.

Dont believe me, head to Ratchcahda in Bkk, you will never hear these words.

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I grew up in Yugoslavia where the average salary was less than US$200. I have never seen a woman in my country prostitute herself to a foreigner for $300 a month. They all worked... but for some reason Thai women are so convincing about this money extraction business.

You're so right, and all these guys claiming theirs are different, you gotta laugh.

You pay them and they have sex with you, you stop paying them and they have sex with someone else.

Not really much to discuss. Apart from how deluded can a poster appear to be.

The truth of the matter is, they are having sex with a Thai man for free.

Heard it all before, him he never talk to me, him he not fun any more, him he only want to get drunk with friend, him he too lazy to learn Thai.

These women are bored out of their minds, nothing more than babysitters for farang dinosaurs.

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it must be work to be with people who pay money.

IF you are insecure, you will pay money. IF much older, you will pay money. IF love control, you will pay money. IF afraid to be alone, you will pay money. IF not very smart, you will pay money.

I just created a new T-shirt, "I pay for a girl" Darn, nobody will pay for this. How about, "I come to Thailand to pay women for sex" Nope. Maybe, "I am master. I pay money. They are controlled by my money."


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it must be work to be with people who pay money.

IF you are insecure, you will pay money. IF much older, you will pay money. IF love control, you will pay money. IF afraid to be alone, you will pay money. IF not very smart, you will pay money.

I just created a new T-shirt, "I pay for a girl" Darn, nobody will pay for this. How about, "I come to Thailand to pay women for sex" Nope. Maybe, "I am master. I pay money. They are controlled by my money."


How about "I came to Thailand cause here I'm on the high side of the income inequality gap" ?


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My wife is a middle class BKK hottie 7 years younger with an absolute heart of gold.

Four years and we are still well smitten.

She has a business and pays for all.

I can pay but she won't have it.

I've found the guys with the upcountry lo-so girls (or equivalent) pay the stipend.

I guess it's 'whatever it takes' for many hey.

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My wife is a middle class BKK hottie 7 years younger with an absolute heart of gold.

Four years and we are still well smitten.

She has a business and pays for all.

I can pay but she won't have it.

I've found the guys with the upcountry lo-so girls (or equivalent) pay the stipend.

I guess it's 'whatever it takes' for many hey.

Prove it!!

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My wife is a middle class BKK hottie 7 years younger with an absolute heart of gold.

Four years and we are still well smitten.

She has a business and pays for all.

I can pay but she won't have it.

I've found the guys with the upcountry lo-so girls (or equivalent) pay the stipend.

I guess it's 'whatever it takes' for many hey.

Prove it!!

The doubter!!!

If two are in love and have a common goal/plan/aspirations/drives/wishes....a shared future, do you honestly think it's not possible?

Don't worry pal, I'll be paying my share all in good time. We choose not to change a strong currency to weaker in this country run by a regime that has a "gag" order on free speech and independence.

We spend THB, not $'s, €'s or £'s.

Again, I do not pay my girl a salary. She'd be offended if I offered.

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Why should he have to prove it?

No, he does not have to, but we are all well aware of the posters here that get up our noses with BS

"My wife is hi-so Chinese/half Thai."

"My wife is a rocket scientist."

"My wife paid my sin sod."

90% of my friends here came to Thailand around 25 odd years ago and shacked up with a bar girl, married and got kids and in truth, that is the reality for a lot of folks.

Most my friends are happy, kids at University and life is going on, and it all came from a bar.

Yes, like so many that do not want to admit it, they paid for it and I certain see nothing wrong with this and judge no one on this fact.

Trying to hide the fact or post something that is most likely not real, or is just baiting, is just laughable in my thinking. Sure, it may be true, but it probably isn't.

Edited by totally thaied up
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Going back to the OP, i am surprised that his approach has been successful and 'hats off' to his gf if she has stuck to the allowance.

My only experience in a similar situation (not with a Thai though) was that giving any sort of allowance was pretty pointless as it would be quickly spent and then followed by a demand for more.

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So you want everyone to believe that every guy you know that married a prostitute is having a great marriage. But you can't believe that my wife put 1 million of her own money for sinsod? Just goes to explain how screwed up the average poster is here.

Btw, times change buddy. Even women in Thailand have a career and a choice so they don't have to prostitute themselves. Has nothing to do if ones wife is hiso or not.

And btw I accept your challenge or anyone for that matter. I can prove it that my wife put sinsod and also transferred money to my account for marriage visa. I can also prove I live rent free in her house. Since this proof would require my identity to be exposed I am willing to do a bet. Say 5 million baht. Do you accept?

Edited by theguyfromanotherforum
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Why should he have to prove it?

He doesn't have to prove it but if he turns up talking about his "hot wife" with her "own business" who "won't take money", he's more or less saying he's got it better than the guys who've admitted they're paying.

Of course, if true, then he's right - he has got it better - but he should be willing to prove it

There are thousands of berks on Thaivisa who claim to be married to a Thai-Chinese ex-model who graduated from MIT with a Ph.D in particle physics but very few can actually prove it so until one of them does, it's all bullshit.

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Shock horror! 70 million people in Thailand and it's possible for a westerner to meet one who isn't among the 250,000 girls in the sex industry????

A lot of people here seem to believe their experiences crawling the bars in Pattaya, Nana, Sukhumvit, Patpong etc etc are representative of the entire female Thai race and all relationships between Thai women and westerners. Utterly ludicrous.

Edited by RandolphGB
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Shock horror! 70 million people in Thailand and it's possible for a westerner to meet one who isn't among the 250,000 girls in the sex industry????

A lot of people here seem to believe their experiences crawling the bars in Pattaya, Nana, Sukhumvit, Patpong etc etc are representative of the entire female Thai race. Utterly ludicrous.

It is I agree,but it's a sentiment which is also viewed by the local population as much if not more so than expats.

Sad but true.

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my missus does not work.

On the first of every month I transfer to her account 80k. From this she pays all the household bills (rent/electric/water/internet/cable tv etc etc) and makes sure there is always fresh bread, milk, beer in the fridge and ciggies in my office and covers any other miscellaneous expenditure (this month we had all the AC's serviced).

What ever is not spent is hers.

How much is the rent?

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So you want everyone to believe that every guy you know that married a prostitute is having a great marriage. But you can't believe that my wife put 1 million of her own money for sinsod? Just goes to explain how screwed up the average poster is here.

Btw, times change buddy. Even women in Thailand have a career and a choice so they don't have to prostitute themselves. Has nothing to do if ones wife is hiso or not.

And btw I accept your challenge or anyone for that matter. I can prove it that my wife put sinsod and also transferred money to my account for marriage visa. I can also prove I live rent free in her house. Since this proof would require my identity to be exposed I am willing to do a bet. Say 5 million baht. Do you accept?

is your wife going to put up the 5 million baht for the bet too?
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Shock horror! 70 million people in Thailand and it's possible for a westerner to meet one who isn't among the 250,000 girls in the sex industry????

A lot of people here seem to believe their experiences crawling the bars in Pattaya, Nana, Sukhumvit, Patpong etc etc are representative of the entire female Thai race. Utterly ludicrous.

It is I agree,but it's a sentiment which is also viewed by the local population as much if not more so than expats.

Sad but true.

Yes, Thais can be some of the worst for it - taxi drivers, hotel receptionists etc. It might be true in the majority of situations... But to say it's impossible, or doesn't happen, is just false.

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Personally, I am partial to this approach because:

​1. The woman can depend on fixed salary/allowance every week or every month.

​2. She doesn't have to beg or cajole every time she wants money for something.

3. You don't have to put up with repeated begging and cajoling for money.

​4. It puts you in a position of "boss". Thai women understand that.

Yep number 4 spells it out VERY PLAINLY....your the boss and you control her.

Sounds like your afraid of an equal nor do you want any hassles, your not helping anyone incuding yourself with this approach, I've said it a few times in here when the idea of paying your partner a wage comes up, its "control" pure and simple.

The trouble is when people like you do it the girl friends of the beneficiary hear of it then the thinking is its normal and to be expected....buddy its not normal and we dont do it in our home countries, these women got a long finer before you turned up and they will live long lives even if they never met you or an other foreginer.

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Shock horror! 70 million people in Thailand and it's possible for a westerner to meet one who isn't among the 250,000 girls in the sex industry????

A lot of people here seem to believe their experiences crawling the bars in Pattaya, Nana, Sukhumvit, Patpong etc etc are representative of the entire female Thai race. Utterly ludicrous.

It is I agree,but it's a sentiment which is also viewed by the local population as much if not more so than expats.

Sad but true.

Yes, stoneyboy & RandolpGB, you're right. The problem is that the extremes and expectations Thailand as a whole are more prolific to the outsideworld. --The world public sees Thailand in this negative way just because of THIS.

THIS cannot be changed; we have to live with it.

Sad but true, indeed.

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my missus does not work.

On the first of every month I transfer to her account 80k. From this she pays all the household bills (rent/electric/water/internet/cable tv etc etc) and makes sure there is always fresh bread, milk, beer in the fridge and ciggies in my office and covers any other miscellaneous expenditure (this month we had all the AC's serviced).

What ever is not spent is hers.

How much is the rent?

less than 80k.

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my missus does not work.

On the first of every month I transfer to her account 80k. From this she pays all the household bills (rent/electric/water/internet/cable tv etc etc) and makes sure there is always fresh bread, milk, beer in the fridge and ciggies in my office and covers any other miscellaneous expenditure (this month we had all the AC's serviced).

What ever is not spent is hers.

How much is the rent?

less than 80k.

Ok, so I know now, where you stand, Don Mega.

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So you want everyone to believe that every guy you know that married a prostitute is having a great marriage. But you can't believe that my wife put 1 million of her own money for sinsod? Just goes to explain how screwed up the average poster is here.

Btw, times change buddy. Even women in Thailand have a career and a choice so they don't have to prostitute themselves. Has nothing to do if ones wife is hiso or not.

And btw I accept your challenge or anyone for that matter. I can prove it that my wife put sinsod and also transferred money to my account for marriage visa. I can also prove I live rent free in her house. Since this proof would require my identity to be exposed I am willing to do a bet. Say 5 million baht. Do you accept?

May I ask what is your contribution to your marriage?

I would feel very unhappy and uncomfortable in your situation ..

My GF is a Loso from Isan and after reading all these posts I get the message I live with a parasitical hooker. It may all be true but after 16 very happy years together I wonder what I did wrong/right?

I always paid a "salary", with this money she does what she wants, I know that the biggest part goes to her family which gave them a better life as well. To those who like to use this post to insult other members I would like to point out that this forum allows personal opinions which can defer from yours. Calling other members GF or wife a hooker is in my opinion not in line with this forum etiquette.

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So you want everyone to believe that every guy you know that married a prostitute is having a great marriage. But you can't believe that my wife put 1 million of her own money for sinsod? Just goes to explain how screwed up the average poster is here.

Btw, times change buddy. Even women in Thailand have a career and a choice so they don't have to prostitute themselves. Has nothing to do if ones wife is hiso or not.

And btw I accept your challenge or anyone for that matter. I can prove it that my wife put sinsod and also transferred money to my account for marriage visa. I can also prove I live rent free in her house. Since this proof would require my identity to be exposed I am willing to do a bet. Say 5 million baht. Do you accept?

My, we woke up on the bed the wrong side this morning?

Just about my whole social circle knows about your story. I think just about every member on Thai Visa now knows it as well as you bring this up very often. I am not joking, all my mates that are here on Thai Visa know your story, and we have sat down having coffee discussing this. Many people posting here do know me (if you're from CM).

Yes, my partner has a career as well, and it is for Thai standards, successful. I live also rent free in our house, have a work permit and help out the needy. I can speak average Thai. If you read my reply correctly, you will have noted something that was important. I was talking about a time 25 years ago; a time you were not even here and life compared to now was different. Some of my friends have bar wives. Most have children and life for them has been good. Most now are in their late 70's to early 80's and will die here with family around them, living here for over 25 plus years.

That is a normal life.

No, not every guy has a great marriage, and some have had a terrible time as well, but we have the same issues as well in the West. The only difference between you and I is I do not have to say I had someone pay a million baht for Sin Sod and for someone to pay for my marriage visa. If I could not do that myself, I would not be in Thailand as I would consider myself not to have enough funds to live here comfortably. Like I said, I have many questions; did your wife give the million baht to her parents and not get it back? Did she have to pay or was if for her, just 'flash money' to show on the day to impress friends? I have been to many weddings and seen such flash money, but it has always gone back to the married couple. If the money went back to the parents, these days, unless you're destitute, some may see it as an affront to them.

No, I believe you, but you sure seem proud of it. I am different to you and would be very humble about such an issue. You are lucky if you have such a loving wife, yet to be so boastful about it on a public forum, just makes me scratch my head. I am certainly not having a go at you as to date, after being around Thailand for 25 plus years, I have only heard of one other Thai Girl paying Sin Sod for her Thai boyfriend secretly, not telling her parents about it. Sure, in the elite world it is entirely different to us mere mortals.

I have been here long enough to know how this place works. We have all sorts of people here; some that will pay, some that will won't and like another poster said, there are millions of single girls here not working in the industry but for the average two-week male tourist, they will not meet them.

I wish you the best.

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