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Rental Law/ Breaking 1 Year Lease...help!

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I have found myself in a condo I do not like though I have 2 months deposit and a 1 year lease. I have been here 3 months already. I want to move this month. What can a landlord do if I break the lease? What is likely to happen knowing this is Thailand and no one seems to like gov't red tape or spending extra money they don't want, ie legal fees, etc.

My worry is that I am applying for work permit and I don't want to get red flagged.

Thanks in advance!

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In real life all that would happen is that you lose your deposit.

You might have an exit clause in contract but it usually is only if condo un-liveable or one moves to other country (I always get that clause changed to 1 month notice instead).


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You most certainly won't get red flagged at immigration or with your WP that's for sure... not unless the Condo owner has a sister who happens to work at such a place and even then it would be a case of extreme bad luck to get the sister there to do your paperwork on the day you arrive.

I wouldn't worry about it and just wave good bye to your deposit and put it all down to experience

Edited by Casanundra
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I've had to move out early twice before. I simply read the contract, found what notice I had to give and accepted that I would loose the deposit.

Once you've accepted that the contract gives your landlord the right to keep your deposit, give him notice and leave on good terms. The last thing you want is the landlord annoyed that you are leaving coming and claiming extra damages in lieu of the rent he thought he was going to get.

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In my experience it depends on the relationship you have with your landlord.

When we decided to buy rather than rent, and gave them the notice period in the contract, they gave us the deposit back, though im sure this is a rare occurence.

Either way, it wont affect your WP application.

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Another thought.

Does the contract have a "diplomatic clause" which give you an out in the even that you job requires you to leave?

Then you just say you haev been reassigned to Chiang Mai. :o

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I'd be fair to the landlord and just tell him the truth. Give him notice that you are moving. Be prepared to lose your deposit. It would be a rare landlord who would give it back.

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