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Drought continues to ravage many areas of Thailand


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Drought continues to ravage many areas of Thailand

NARATHIWAT, 20 April 2016 (NNT) - The drought crisis continues to ravage residents in Su-ngai Kolok district, Narathiwat province. The Provincial Waterworks Authority will be forced to ration water supplies for domestic consumption if it does not rain in 20 days.

As the Su-ngai Kolok River begins to dry up fast, residents have built a small retention area with sandbags. The rapid decline of water in the river has threatened the production of tap water. Sun-ngai Kolok authorities are considering a request for cloudseeding operations.

In Phang Nga province, white water-rafting services in the capital district have been reduced to two per day instead of three, due to the drought crisis. The operators have been asked to provide other tourist activities, such as elephant riding or ATV rentals.

In the Northeast, an effort to remove water weeds in Huai Luang Reservoir in Udon Thani province has been made to preserve the remaining water sources for domestic consumption.

-- NNT 2016-04-20 footer_n.gif

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There is enough water until July the Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives has assured, and the drought committee has pointed out rains will likely be greater this year with rainfall expected as early as the third week of May.

So my dear Thai people there is absolutely nothing to worry about. But just what if no or less rain than expected, what is the plan then?

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Our village water supply in Ranong is only on a few hours a day. This is the province with the highest annual rainfall almost every year.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

We ( rural Chiang Rai ) lost our ( rationed ) tap water supply on the 4th of April.

Virtually all the wells in the village have run dry.

The Pooh Ban says that nothing can be done.

I suggested a water tanker every day so at least villagers can flush toilets and dip shower.

Cant be done...

Any news on the new submarines and tanks?

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Hey, Webfact, you might want to consider changing the alarmist heading for this thread in view of it's actual content.

The NNT report that you copied says only that residents in Su-ngai Kolok may have their water rationed if it doesn't rain in 20 days. That's all. That is one district, not "many areas".

The 2nd part referred to white water rafting activities that have been reduced in Phang Nga.

The final part is a reference to weeds being removed from a Udon reservoir

Webfact did not write the article, NNT wrote the article. Perhaps you should contact NNT to explain to them the errors in their article. Here is their contact details:

Information and Source
Views : 43

Correspondent : Nuppol Suvansombut

Rewriter : Benjamin Rujopakarn

National News Bureau & Public Relations : http://nwnt.prd.go.th

- See more at: http://thainews.prd.go.th/CenterWeb/NewsEN/NewsDetail?NT01_NewsID=WNSOC5904200010021#sthash.8tF4S9ln.dpuf

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Our village water supply in Ranong is only on a few hours a day. This is the province with the highest annual rainfall almost every year.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

We ( rural Chiang Rai ) lost our ( rationed ) tap water supply on the 4th of April.

Virtually all the wells in the village have run dry.

The Pooh Ban says that nothing can be done.

I suggested a water tanker every day so at least villagers can flush toilets and dip shower.

Cant be done...

Any news on the new submarines and tanks?

Hope you get some relief soon. For us I think rain is soon. It's cloudy, and wind is mostly from the Andaman.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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Here in Northern Chiangmai Province - our village tap water is severely rationed. Many home wells have run dry (We have restricted use on ours - hand clothes washing only, bucket dips instead of showers, only toilet flushing for number 2's etc).Bottled water deliveries are now sporadic, one supplier has closed completely. Even the water in the irrigation channels is rationed to 2 days a week. Our farm dam is dry - crops are dying.

It really is no joking matter - its serious!

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People did not seem to make any plans to save the water.. If so much had not been wasted before there would be plenty left now for domestic use.

In my area in Chiang Mai people were told to start using water less.. and the farmers were told not to plant rice or crops as there would not be enough water.

But the farmers flooded the fields, planted rice.. kept flooding the fields.. Then they started to pump water out our village temple lake.. which had a fish farm on it.. which is not ruined. Now the water is used up and the rice is mostly dead.

People in the village were washing down the roads with water to get rid of dust. I saw people washing down their house roofs and yards. The big houses have there sprinklers on every day for their huge laws... and then at Songkhran more water was wasted.

Years of damaging the environment by cutting down the forest trees that were on the mountains, and concreting up the ditches and clongs means there is no water retention when it rains now.. When the rains do come the water just rushes off the mountains and through the concrete ditches and is gone. In the past it would have slowly seeped into the soil and refilled the wells.. and the mud and weeks in the natural ditches and clongs held back the water for longer.

Now its a perfect set up for flash floods and droughts.

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