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Really Need Some Moving Logistics Information Soon -- 15 Shipping Cartons - Need To Move 1 Kilometer


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I would be SUPER Grateful if anyone can tell me the fair going rate to move 15 standard shipping cartons (46 centimeters Square)

One Kilometer

From one one point to another point.

I do not really speak much Thai, but I also do not want a Farang price, if there is such a thing, anyway (normally, I am charged whatever everyone else pays)

However, in this case, I really do not know the fair rate, because I have zero experience.

The cartons are heavy, but not super heavy, and I have no scale here.

There are elevators at both points, and not much traffic to deal with.

If I had a handtruck, then I could easily wheel the whole thing by myself, and get some needed exercise.

But if I bought one, then I would have to store that as well, and I don't know where to rent one.

I have heard some people tell me that I might use a Red Car, however, then they told me about Baht2000, which seems like a crazy price, because I am not shipping across town.

I also have 3 suitcases, 3 desktop computers, a laser jet printer, and these are also in cartons.

So that makes about 18 cartons total, but there is an elevator, and if I had a truck and a handtruck, I could load the whole thing within an hour, easy, maybe less time than that.

I should move in about 3 more days, so I am getting stressed out about it.

Hoping for some information about how to do this with the least headache involved, and I never like to pay too much for anything.

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I would use a red car, its easier.

If you and the driver moved the cartons together, then a fair price 1000B max

Thank you.

Of course I would do half the work, maybe more.

However, I think it might require 2 trips.

If I had a friend who had a truck it would be nice, but I do not

(Most of my friends here are girls, and the only guy friend I know rides a motorcycle)

What about 600 Baht.

Too low?

I figure 2 hours max.

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If I had a friend who had a truck it would be nice, but I do not

(Most of my friends here are girls, and the only guy friend I know rides a motorcycle)

Try ask them, plenty of women here have driver’s license and some even have their own pickup truck, but even if they don’t, there should be one in their network.

If your building have staff (like security) then you can also ask them if they know someone with a truck.

Personally I would not want to move 15-18 boxes in a songthaew.

What about 600 Baht.

Too low?

I think it would be OK to pay 500 baht for the car and 100 baht tip for anyone involved in carrying.

I suggest you have some cold water at the destination that you can offer the people involved.

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If I had a friend who had a truck it would be nice, but I do not

(Most of my friends here are girls, and the only guy friend I know rides a motorcycle)

Try ask them, plenty of women here have driver’s license and some even have their own pickup truck, but even if they don’t, there should be one in their network.

If your building have staff (like security) then you can also ask them if they know someone with a truck.

Personally I would not want to move 15-18 boxes in a songthaew.

What about 600 Baht.

Too low?

I think it would be OK to pay 500 baht for the car and 100 baht tip for anyone involved in carrying.

I suggest you have some cold water at the destination that you can offer the people involved.

Really good solid advice!!!

Thank you so much, because I did not know what amount of payment would be suitable.

Thank you.

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Often condo buildings and serviced apartments have hand trucks available for the residents to use and the security staff and handymen can be enticed to do odd jobs like this helping a resident load boxes into a songthaew for 20 - 40 baht tip. The benches in the back of most songthaews fold up. Have you tried asking at the office of the building where you live and where you're going?

When we moved from a serviced apartment to our first condo, the building staff at both places pitched in and basically handled a job of this size, including going out to the street and flagging down a songthaew and negotiating a good price. Plus, some of the staff people from the serviced apartment came along to help unload -- I think because they were noisy and wanted to have a look at the condo we'd rented.

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First, THANK YOU to everyone for helping me with the above good advice.

However, I do not need any further suggestions.

It is too much trouble for me to go find a Songtao, then worry about getting my electronic equipment and desk all scratched up and dented by a well meaning driver who has no experience.

PLUS, I do not speak Thai, and cannot communicate, and who knows what hassle it would be.

So, as the wise commentor above suggested,

I am just going to call John tomorrow, and let his company Chiangmai removals take care of it.

I am too tired from my walking in the hot sun to want any more exercise, anyway.

I used John's service before, and as I noted above, and that time I was really happy to have a Farang manage it.

When I moved last time, I had a LOT more stuff, also some good furniture, and the staff he hires are careful, and extremely polite, which I like.

Some people I hired before seemed sort of put-out that I had hired them, even though I paid them too much.

Just before Songkran holiday, I contacted one of the staff at Chiangmai removals, and they delivered the cartons I have now. I thought I might just buy the cartons, and then move them one after the other.

But even if I HAD a hand truck, probably I still would not want to walk up and down the street with everyone looking at this Farang as he pulled 18 cartons up and down the hill here.

This thought was really stressing me out!

So, that is that.

Big relief.

AND, again, Thank you for your fast suggestions.

Someday, I might try a Songtao, but this is NOT the time to try it now!


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Not to add to your stress..merely to help you prepare..I just moved such a load in an open truck yesterday...and at 5p.m. in Chiang Mai..it looked like it was going to rain. That would have been a big big mess! Keep this in mind.

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Yes, I had not thought of that...
But, now I have decided to contact John's services, of Chiangmai Removals, early Saturday, and I have no worries that his staff knows how to deal with some rain, even if it came down in torrents.

Still, let us hope it will not rain!!!

I do not much like walking in mud.

Edited by WonderousWand
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First, THANK YOU to everyone for helping me with the above good advice.

However, I do not need any further suggestions.

It is too much trouble for me to go find a Songtao, then worry about getting my electronic equipment and desk all scratched up and dented by a well meaning driver who has no experience.

PLUS, I do not speak Thai, and cannot communicate, and who knows what hassle it would be.

So, as the wise commentor above suggested,

I am just going to call John tomorrow, and let his company Chiangmai removals take care of it.

I am too tired from my walking in the hot sun to want any more exercise, anyway.

I used John's service before, and as I noted above, and that time I was really happy to have a Farang manage it.

When I moved last time, I had a LOT more stuff, also some good furniture, and the staff he hires are careful, and extremely polite, which I like.

Some people I hired before seemed sort of put-out that I had hired them, even though I paid them too much.

Just before Songkran holiday, I contacted one of the staff at Chiangmai removals, and they delivered the cartons I have now. I thought I might just buy the cartons, and then move them one after the other.

But even if I HAD a hand truck, probably I still would not want to walk up and down the street with everyone looking at this Farang as he pulled 18 cartons up and down the hill here.

This thought was really stressing me out!

So, that is that.

Big relief.

AND, again, Thank you for your fast suggestions.

Someday, I might try a Songtao, but this is NOT the time to try it now!


Sounds like you have had a lot of experience at moving before. This is nothing new to you.

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First, THANK YOU to everyone for helping me with the above good advice.

However, I do not need any further suggestions.

It is too much trouble for me to go find a Songtao, then worry about getting my electronic equipment and desk all scratched up and dented by a well meaning driver who has no experience.

PLUS, I do not speak Thai, and cannot communicate, and who knows what hassle it would be.

So, as the wise commentor above suggested,

I am just going to call John tomorrow, and let his company Chiangmai removals take care of it.

I am too tired from my walking in the hot sun to want any more exercise, anyway.

I used John's service before, and as I noted above, and that time I was really happy to have a Farang manage it.

When I moved last time, I had a LOT more stuff, also some good furniture, and the staff he hires are careful, and extremely polite, which I like.

Some people I hired before seemed sort of put-out that I had hired them, even though I paid them too much.

Just before Songkran holiday, I contacted one of the staff at Chiangmai removals, and they delivered the cartons I have now. I thought I might just buy the cartons, and then move them one after the other.

But even if I HAD a hand truck, probably I still would not want to walk up and down the street with everyone looking at this Farang as he pulled 18 cartons up and down the hill here.

This thought was really stressing me out!

So, that is that.

Big relief.

AND, again, Thank you for your fast suggestions.

Someday, I might try a Songtao, but this is NOT the time to try it now!


Sounds like you have had a lot of experience at moving before. This is nothing new to you.

Well, as you probably know, EVERY move is new.

In my case, THIS TIME, I was really stressed out about it, because I could not face using a SongTao, because I do not speak Thai.

And, I was afraid of getting over charged for a small job, which the driver would inevitably find a difficulty, because I think they just basically prefer to drive around town with their aircon on, and not be required to lift much.

I have done a lot of moving back and forth between countries, and it used to be easy before the airlines started their SUPER rigid weight and size policies.

In days gone by, if you were really nice to the ladies at the checkin, and you flew business class, they would let you take anything you could manage to haul into the airport.

I once brought back a whole metal shelving row that they use in retail stores, it was like 200 kilograms, in addition to my luggage which was also sizable.

The factory delivered the knock down metal shelf to the airport, and the airline I was on did not bat an eye.

But, moving by SongTao would have been harder.

So, I am glad I can relax now, and let someone else handle it.

(I was quite a bit younger 20 years ago.)

(I did not mean one of those little metal shelves. I brought back one section of Hardware Store shelving which is iron, and coated with enamel. Probably more than 200 kilograms. No Charge!)

Edited by WonderousWand
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Dante99 Requested an After the Move Assessment:


1. John, himself, arrived with two strong men, exactly at the scheduled time.

2. I had boxed everything in cartons, except three large desk tops, chairs, and a large folding table, all of which I had earlier moved to near the elevator doors.

3. I had been worried that the fine finish on the desk tops would be scratched, and John put them in blankets.

4. Within 80 minutes of the arrival of their truck, everything had been loaded into the truck, driven to my new living quarters, and hand carried into my new place.

5. I paid a super reasonable fee for all the good service, but I will not give the amount, because all moves are different, and there would be no point in quoting a figure. I will just say: REASONABLE, a very low and fair price.

6. Basically, I already knew that I would not need to worry about anything, because, as I stated above, I knew that the service was EXCELLENT. I will be moving again, fairly soon, to a larger place where I can install my own dedicated TRUE internet high speed connection. And when I move, I will do the move exactly the same way.

I am hugely relieved, and the stress of the past few days is GONE.

This company does storage and international shipping, as well,

And they will ship your stuff overseas, which is what I plan to do when I leave Thailand.

I did not realize that John does small jobs as well as major moves, and that is why I hesitated to contact the company this time.

Turned out, I had worried needlessly, since according to John, "there is no job too small"

I am honestly really happy today at the way things worked out.

I would not do it any other way, especially in this heat.

AGAIN: Thanks to all the above commentors for providing many good suggestions and information.

Hope the above might help someone next time they are in roughly the same situation as I was last week.

Take care.

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