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Mass killer Breivik wins court case over 'inhuman' prison conditions


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And this is why we have representative democracies. Imagine a country run by TV contributors!!!

We have not had capital punishment in the civilised world for decades. However, if you had a plebiscite, the great unwashed would screaming and shouting to get it back

Do people not read anymore?

Sure, but only if what I'm reading provides me with one of the following two things:

- Great offence and outrage so that I can complain loudly and vigorously about the idiots who think such things

- A confirmation of my already existing opinions so I can congratulate both myself and the writer for thinking such things.

Anything else is just so much blah blah blah, too much effort, and is better left pinheads.

Edited by Neurath
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What an extraordinary Nation of people.

No matter the despicable, heinous crime perpetrated on their Nation and People, they hold resolute to their values and respect for human rights. They refuse to yield to a barbarous act and become the very thing they reject, inhumanity to man. They continue to hold themselves to the highest principles and ethical behaviour where most Nations stumble and fall.

They bring great honour to those who lost their lives and families who lost loved ones.

My deepest respect to the People of Norway. They stand as a beacon of courage and true civilised Democracy.

They bring great honour to those who lost their lives and families who lost loved ones- has anyone asked the families who lost loved ones if this decision brings them great honour?

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And this is why we have representative democracies. Imagine a country run by TV contributors!!!

We have not had capital punishment in the civilised world for decades. However, if you had a plebiscite, the great unwashed would screaming and shouting to get it back

Do people not read anymore?

Sure, but only if what I'm reading provides me with one of the following two things:

- Great offence and outrage so that I can complain loudly and vigorously about the idiots who think such things

- A confirmation of my already existing opinions so I can congratulate both myself and the writer for thinking such things.

Anything else is just so much blah blah blah, too much effort, and is better left pinheads.

How about reading something new?

Go on!

It'll do you good!

I'm not joking ?

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What an extraordinary Nation of people.

No matter the despicable, heinous crime perpetrated on their Nation and People, they hold resolute to their values and respect for human rights. They refuse to yield to a barbarous act and become the very thing they reject, inhumanity to man. They continue to hold themselves to the highest principles and ethical behaviour where most Nations stumble and fall.

They bring great honour to those who lost their lives and families who lost loved ones.

My deepest respect to the People of Norway. They stand as a beacon of courage and true civilised Democracy.

They bring great honour to those who lost their lives and families who lost loved ones- has anyone asked the families who lost loved ones if this decision brings them great honour?

I don't really see that the views or feelings of the families of the vicitims have anything at all to do with this recent court case.

Breivik is in prison. There are rules, regulations and laws stipulating how people in prison should/should not be treated.

The court looks at how the prisoner is treated, compares that with the relevant legal stipulations, and then draws its conclusions.

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So this is thee 1st world system you all tell about your civilized system you wish was in Thailand !!!!!! What a joke

It actually is, in a modern first world country you cant let emotions dictate how the justice system should work.

How does it benefit society when you punish people out of spite and anger? It makes you and the other keyboard warriors happy but thats about it.

The goal is to reduce crime for the benefit of society as a whole and the key to that is foremost rehabilitation. We cant waive Breiviks human rights just because we feel like it.

Edited by Kaalle
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Let's leave the "eye for an eye" stuff with the Muslims and the more extreme evangelicals

The key is get the lowest possible recidivism rates

Keep brutalising society and you get something a bit too American for my liking

If you think being incarcerated for a while is fun, you know nothing. As for a prison, even a Norwegian one, being pleasant, I suggest you review your housing arrangements!

And you believe that anyone can be turned around? Saved?

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And this is why we have representative democracies. Imagine a country run by TV contributors!!!

We have not had capital punishment in the civilised world for decades. However, if you had a plebiscite, the great unwashed would screaming and shouting to get it back

Do people not read anymore?

Just hang the guy.

Hanging would be too nice. I'd advocate something more to do with jam, sand and insects.

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The epitome of irony, he's complaining of 'inhuman' treatment, the mass murderer, nice, very nice

Sweden.... what next, to compensated for being incarcerated and ' loss of freedom' ?....

Sweden? Sweden?

Probably got a Fail in geography. Maybe even thinks Stockholm is the capital of Switzerland

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Breivik should be accorded whatever rights are legally his. There is a very good argument that when it comes to dividing up finite resources that pensioners and the homeless should be be higher up the ladder than prisoners. Perhaps Norwegian prisons as a whole should be far less hospitable and the rules regarding them revised post-hoc. If this were the case at least Breivik might indirectly have resulted in something being fixed which needed fixing.

Think you are hitting the nail pretty close to the head here.

Norway, is supposedly one of the riches countries in the world. with a 5 star prison service. On the other hand, pensioners and people staying in an institution for old people ( yes, those folks that have paid taxes their whole life and built up the wealth) are given a 1-2 star treatment. Many pensioners are living on less than what the government is calling a poverty line. if staying in an institution it is not uncommon having to share rooms with up to 4-5 others, people needing assistance to get up and out of beds not been given that help due to nurse shortage...... And being forced to stay in bed all day......

That is pretty disgraceful compared to the 5 star prison service

Shame on Norway

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Breivic is serving about three months for each of his victims, and I am sure that 77 grieving family will be delighted to see how effective the prison rehabilitation system has been thus far.

Prison life has its own moral rules, and he would be a marked man. But as he is in solitary confinement, he may survive his 21 years term in one piece.

But, I bet there a more than a few members of the community who are prepared to wait two decades to greet him upon his release.

I am Norwegian and it's not what you think, Yes the sentence is 21 years according to the law but he is going to end his life in prison . He will never get out , I don't care if he has access to video games TV etc, and he can complain as much as he wants , but his life will always remain inside a prison cell, The Norwegian system actually works , and human rights is very important in this country .

Edited by balo
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The end result of liberalism is that you are required to tolerate everything except conservatism.

While conservatism was the reason for Breivik to kill the pro-left, pro-palestine kids on the island....coffee1.gif

I would say it was anger towards unchecked liberalism and the fact he is a psychopath.

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