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We're off! Spooked residents leave an apartment building after two creepy deaths


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We're off! Spooked residents leave an apartment building after two creepy deaths


BANGKOK: -- Residents of a downtown Bangkok apartment building are upping sticks and leaving after two deaths in a week.

And a woman who lives in the block claims she is in touch with the spirits of the dead people, freaking local officers, Daily News reports.

Police were called to the unnamed four storey apartment in Beung Kham district of Bangkok Wednesday where a man had died just three days after a woman was found dead in a bathroom.

Beung Kham police found Amphon Premrudee, 43, a gas delivery man in the Nawamin area lying dead in his room on the ground floor. He had been dead about two or three days and there were no signs of a struggle or theft. Known as a diabetic, spirits of a different kind were found next to his body - a drained bottle of lao khaw.

His boss said that Amphon had asked for time off to return to his home in Khon Kaen four days ago and he had not heard from him since.

On Sunday a 59 year old woman was found dead after appearing to have slipped in a bathroom. Police investigating were freaked when a resident of the building, Miss Khemjira Dechwong, 30, said that without knowing her friend had died the spirit had alerted her to her death describing the state of her lifeless body and where she was to be found.

She said the spirit had contacted her so that relatives could be informed as to what had happened.

Meanwhile on Wednesday the medium Khemjira was on hand again to say that the spirit of the dead delivery man was sitting beside the body in a restless state. She told foundation workers recovering the corpse to move the body a little in the van so that the spirit could go too.

She added that the dead man's spirit said it was not hungry but thirsty and that they should give some water to the corpse.

Now many superstitious residents of the block have had enough. They have packed up their things and left in droves complaining of a smell of corpses and two people dead in quick succession.

Source: Daily News

-- 2016-04-21

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Man... this the kind of staff the locals loves and thrives on, ghosts stories, nothing gets them going more than

a good yarn of a ghost ' Phee ' story...... and the gorier the better.... and now wait for the lucky lottery

numbers to come out of this story...

Edited by ezzra
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"Miss Khemjira Dechwong, 30, said that without knowing her friend had died the spirit had alerted her to her death describing the state of her lifeless body and where she was to be found.

She said the spirit had contacted her so that relatives could be informed as to what had happened."

Yeah right.

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"Meanwhile on Wednesday the medium Khemjira was on hand again to say that the spirit of the dead delivery man was sitting beside the body in a restless state. She told foundation workers recovering the corpse to move the body a little in the van so that the spirit could go too."

Attention seeking liar alert.

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Anybody want a room for rent, cheap? Just have your Thai friend go there complaining about ghosts and all the tenants residing there will leave. Vacancies will open and rent will be lowered. Hehehe! Superstitious fools with others praying on them. Next they will have the monks in to pray for their souls to stop bothering people along with a hefty donation by the owners

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Being of sound mind,

i think this lady skills would be better off used in

adjustment talks, the government may get better results

in peoples attitude , and only have to bring in opinionated people only


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Man... this the kind of staff the locals loves and thrives on, ghosts stories, nothing gets them going more than

a good yarn of a ghost ' Phee ' story...... and the gorier the better.... and now wait for the lucky lottery

numbers to come out of this story...

You'd think the Thais were the only superstitious folks on the planet after reading that. Spend an hour or two in a rural Irish pub for a few spirits and spirit tales..

Try this for a wake up call: Ladders, open umbrellas, black cats, Friday 13th, etc etc and that doesn't count all the mumbo jumbo from the Catholics and other religions.



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Warning not for the faint hearted


Well, I for one will not sleep tonight after seeing such a bunch of crap, and that includes the movie. Unless of course it was filmed by a 9 year old. Jeez!

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" On Sunday a 59 year old woman was found dead after appearing to have slipped in a bathroom. Police investigating were freaked when a resident of the building, Miss Khemjira Dechwong, 30, said that without knowing her friend had died the spirit had alerted her to her death describing the state of her lifeless body and where she was to be found."

If the BIB were even remotely competent (I know, I know!) they would take a closer look at the death of the woman and conduct a spiritless interwiew with the "seer".

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"...frequent ghost sightings caused many of the employees to quit and business eventually went down the drain. The owner then shot himself at the top floor of the factory. Today, it is said that the factory is still full of shoe debris as no one dares to enter it"

a) Lord Buddha says, let COMPASSION be your guide and you are safe from harm.

B) Be as brave when you are actually there at night as how you want to appear here on TV...!

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Man... this the kind of staff the locals loves and thrives on, ghosts stories, nothing gets them going more than

a good yarn of a ghost ' Phee ' story...... and the gorier the better.... and now wait for the lucky lottery

numbers to come out of this story...

The locals?

So the success of the Freddy Krueger movies, The Exorcist, movies about mummies, vampires, zombies, Night of the Living Dead, The Others, House on Haunted Hill, etc. depended on Thai audiences. I think it's safe to say that ghost stories and gore are the staple of a few more audiences that just in Thailand.

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Do they know about the Euro millions jackpot

they can see ghosts blah blah bullshit but

can't guess the lucky numbers, the jackpot

is now €30,000,000 or Thai Baht (wait for it)

1,190,327,257.98 THB,, remember folks you

are living in the land of fairy dust,,,


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