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Thaksin denies PM’s accusation that he pulls the strings behind anti-government activities


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How can Thaksin be accused of anti Government Activities. Yingluck is the lawfully elcted Prime Minister and The PT Party the legal Government. Those who call themselves the Government are Usuurpers and militarists interested only in feathering and protecting their own nests. Had Yingluck's Government fallen in an election then all the charges and accusations might have some recognition Internationally.

All the talk and finger pointing is just a shuffling of the Deck and the only Ones losing are the Thai People. Only a matter of time before they change the name back to Sayam

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It must be said that Thaksin is a genius when it comes to spin and corrupting people, obviously these are abhorrent character traits that no human being should ever wish to harbour.

Prayuth just looks like an uneducated oaf in comparison, he has shown his true colours (although anyone with an ounce of intelligence knew already what his true colours were before the coup) . The 3rd hand that could seriously shake things up remains very well hidden. One can only wonder at what point it will be introduced. As much as I loathe the man (Thaksin(, Thaksin is routing Prayuth currently, Prayuth's heavy handedness and scandal ridden regime is slowly but surely showing just how ineffective it is in everything it does.

How long until it all erupts into something uncontrollable I wonder, it's inevitable I would have thought.

And it wont be section 44, it will be control by who has the most guns.

I would think with the TRIAL of the new immigration form, which will probably come in, and the monetary status of the bourse, there will be civil unrest within 12 months again but on a far larger scale.

The powers that be that want all the power are setting up their factions to split the army the government and the country

Blind Freddy can see this

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"Prime Minister Prayut appeared to have the habit of putting the blame on the other people for all the problems in Thailand without taking any responsibility"

​What a coincidence. Seems that Prayut learnt this off thaksin and the PTP.

The PTP run by thaksin blamed the tax payers, the rural doctors, the rice farmers,the corn farmers, the woman's league, the first car buyers that defaulted on loans, the environmentalists (garbage), the rubber farmers, academics, unions, students, teachers, public servants, consumer advocates, economists, scientists, judges, lawyers and professors for all the faults of the PTP.

Did I miss anyone...Oh yes, they also blamed the World bank, Moody's, UNHCR, Human Rights Watch, Supa, global economists, IMF, private banks, GSB, the EC, AoT, the courts, military, bangkok middle class, business owner, state enterprise staff, Buddhist monks, civil servants, labor unions, Green Politics group, Thai Constitution Protection Association, The Thai press, NIDA poll, Bangkok Poll for their own shortcomings as well.

Glad I kept the list of entities or people the PTP have blamed before. I knew it would come in handy one day.

Fortunately the majority have woken up to the shenanigans by thaksin and his ilk with this hypocrisy they spew.

If the majority have waken up, why are they not allowed to express their opinion, let alone vote?

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"Prime Minister Prayut appeared to have the habit of putting the blame on the other people for all the problems in Thailand without taking any responsibility"

​What a coincidence. Seems that Prayut learnt this off thaksin and the PTP.

The PTP run by thaksin blamed the tax payers, the rural doctors, the rice farmers,the corn farmers, the woman's league, the first car buyers that defaulted on loans, the environmentalists (garbage), the rubber farmers, academics, unions, students, teachers, public servants, consumer advocates, economists, scientists, judges, lawyers and professors for all the faults of the PTP.

Did I miss anyone...Oh yes, they also blamed the World bank, Moody's, UNHCR, Human Rights Watch, Supa, global economists, IMF, private banks, GSB, the EC, AoT, the courts, military, bangkok middle class, business owner, state enterprise staff, Buddhist monks, civil servants, labor unions, Green Politics group, Thai Constitution Protection Association, The Thai press, NIDA poll, Bangkok Poll for their own shortcomings as well.

Glad I kept the list of entities or people the PTP have blamed before. I knew it would come in handy one day.

Fortunately the majority have woken up to the shenanigans by thaksin and his ilk with this hypocrisy they spew.

Yes, but but but

I've yet to see one of these protests which he's supposed to be responsible for, unless Mr P's referring to red bowls, calendars, hitting the 'Like' button on Facebook, going to a park by train, expressing a personal opinion on the charter, reading a book or eating a sandwich.

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"Prime Minister Prayut appeared to have the habit of putting the blame on the other people for all the problems in Thailand without taking any responsibility"

​What a coincidence. Seems that Prayut learnt this off thaksin and the PTP.

The PTP run by thaksin blamed the tax payers, the rural doctors, the rice farmers,the corn farmers, the woman's league, the first car buyers that defaulted on loans, the environmentalists (garbage), the rubber farmers, academics, unions, students, teachers, public servants, consumer advocates, economists, scientists, judges, lawyers and professors for all the faults of the PTP.

Did I miss anyone...Oh yes, they also blamed the World bank, Moody's, UNHCR, Human Rights Watch, Supa, global economists, IMF, private banks, GSB, the EC, AoT, the courts, military, bangkok middle class, business owner, state enterprise staff, Buddhist monks, civil servants, labor unions, Green Politics group, Thai Constitution Protection Association, The Thai press, NIDA poll, Bangkok Poll for their own shortcomings as well.

Glad I kept the list of entities or people the PTP have blamed before. I knew it would come in handy one day.

Fortunately the majority have woken up to the shenanigans by thaksin and his ilk with this hypocrisy they spew.

Did you start a new "list" yet?

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"Prime Minister Prayut appeared to have the habit of putting the blame on the other people for all the problems in Thailand without taking any responsibility"

​What a coincidence. Seems that Prayut learnt this off thaksin and the PTP.

The PTP run by thaksin blamed the tax payers, the rural doctors, the rice farmers,the corn farmers, the woman's league, the first car buyers that defaulted on loans, the environmentalists (garbage), the rubber farmers, academics, unions, students, teachers, public servants, consumer advocates, economists, scientists, judges, lawyers and professors for all the faults of the PTP.

Did I miss anyone...Oh yes, they also blamed the World bank, Moody's, UNHCR, Human Rights Watch, Supa, global economists, IMF, private banks, GSB, the EC, AoT, the courts, military, bangkok middle class, business owner, state enterprise staff, Buddhist monks, civil servants, labor unions, Green Politics group, Thai Constitution Protection Association, The Thai press, NIDA poll, Bangkok Poll for their own shortcomings as well.

Glad I kept the list of entities or people the PTP have blamed before. I knew it would come in handy one day.

Fortunately the majority have woken up to the shenanigans by thaksin and his ilk with this hypocrisy they spew.

Yes, but but but

I've yet to see one of these protests which he's supposed to be responsible for, unless Mr P's referring to red bowls, calendars, hitting the 'Like' button on Facebook, going to a park by train, expressing a personal opinion on the charter, reading a book or eating a sandwich.

Thaksin is a convict criminal. During past year he always try to destabilize Thailand for is own interest

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Thaksin is a convict criminal. During past year he always try to destabilize Thailand for is own interest

"Convicted criminal" is a relative term in a country like Thailand. If he was in power, all of those saying that would be convicted criminals themselves.

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"He went on saying that there was no need for him"

I see the usual non-denial, just like the non-denials from a few posters here.

It took the truth seven months in 2012/2013 when Thaksin first non-denied with "who am I to do such" concerning talks in Malaysia with the (wrong) Southern Terrorists group. Also denial by his clone at the time.

Nothing really changed

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I will believe Thaksin and Yingluck when I see the elephants fly in Thailand.

The poor, poor billionaire and sister, scare me in that they might get

re elected sometime in my lifetime again to parliament in Thailand. I just hope

that they both have a life long thumbs down from the powerful people of Thailand.

It is such a shame that they both still have so many supporters and followers.

I guess I will never understand the minds of a lot of Thai people.

Is it, Money talks, or something like that, or if you are rich you

can buy anything, even people. Geezer

So much passion Stargrazer.

Why do you hope they have a lifelong thumbs down from the people of Thailand?

What would it mean to you?

What do you know about it?

What can you say about the political manouverings that has caused so many coups in Thailand?

What do you know about the powerful families that are behind the current regime?

Or are you just a newbie and believe everything you read in the government approved papers?

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"Prime Minister Prayut appeared to have the habit of putting the blame on the other people for all the problems in Thailand without taking any responsibility"

​What a coincidence. Seems that Prayut learnt this off thaksin and the PTP.

The PTP run by thaksin blamed the tax payers, the rural doctors, the rice farmers,the corn farmers, the woman's league, the first car buyers that defaulted on loans, the environmentalists (garbage), the rubber farmers, academics, unions, students, teachers, public servants, consumer advocates, economists, scientists, judges, lawyers and professors for all the faults of the PTP.

Did I miss anyone...Oh yes, they also blamed the World bank, Moody's, UNHCR, Human Rights Watch, Supa, global economists, IMF, private banks, GSB, the EC, AoT, the courts, military, bangkok middle class, business owner, state enterprise staff, Buddhist monks, civil servants, labor unions, Green Politics group, Thai Constitution Protection Association, The Thai press, NIDA poll, Bangkok Poll for their own shortcomings as well.

Glad I kept the list of entities or people the PTP have blamed before. I knew it would come in handy one day.

Fortunately the majority have woken up to the shenanigans by thaksin and his ilk with this hypocrisy they spew.

Ah, Jamie, I've missed your posts, you've been quiet for a while now.

Still banging the "but...but... Thaksin" line?

He heh classic stuff from you, but things are much better now with the Junta in control eh?

So much has been achieved... why you would hardly recognise the place now.

Except those pesky journalists keep asking tricky questions of our dear PM, I wish they wouldn't.

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"Prime Minister Prayut appeared to have the habit of putting the blame on the other people for all the problems in Thailand without taking any responsibility"

​What a coincidence. Seems that Prayut learnt this off thaksin and the PTP.

The PTP run by thaksin blamed the tax payers, the rural doctors, the rice farmers,the corn farmers, the woman's league, the first car buyers that defaulted on loans, the environmentalists (garbage), the rubber farmers, academics, unions, students, teachers, public servants, consumer advocates, economists, scientists, judges, lawyers and professors for all the faults of the PTP.

Did I miss anyone...Oh yes, they also blamed the World bank, Moody's, UNHCR, Human Rights Watch, Supa, global economists, IMF, private banks, GSB, the EC, AoT, the courts, military, bangkok middle class, business owner, state enterprise staff, Buddhist monks, civil servants, labor unions, Green Politics group, Thai Constitution Protection Association, The Thai press, NIDA poll, Bangkok Poll for their own shortcomings as well.

Glad I kept the list of entities or people the PTP have blamed before. I knew it would come in handy one day.

Fortunately the majority have woken up to the shenanigans by thaksin and his ilk with this hypocrisy they spew.

A few times in the past I have responded to your posts in a serious way, because I thought your comments were worthy of response.

However, it is clear now that you are not interested in a two-way exchange of views. You are almost exclusively a "hit and run" contributor.

Moreover, this particular post is what as known as a "gish gallop", which is characterized by a a broad array of points far to numerous to be untangled and refuted by anyone wishing to compose a rational response.

That puts you squarely in the "troll" category, I'm afraid.

We need a good debate; there is some merit to be found at both ends of the Thai political spectrum. Unfortunately, you're not providing it.

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It must be said that Thaksin is a genius when it comes to spin and corrupting people, obviously these are abhorrent character traits that no human being should ever wish to harbour.

Prayuth just looks like an uneducated oaf in comparison, he has shown his true colours (although anyone with an ounce of intelligence knew already what his true colours were before the coup) . The 3rd hand that could seriously shake things up remains very well hidden. One can only wonder at what point it will be introduced. As much as I loathe the man (Thaksin(, Thaksin is routing Prayuth currently, Prayuth's heavy handedness and scandal ridden regime is slowly but surely showing just how ineffective it is in everything it does.

How long until it all erupts into something uncontrollable I wonder, it's inevitable I would have thought.

Beethoven was a genius, Michael Angelo was a genius, Taksin is not a genius, he is a lower than whale poop, sub human, that lacks moral fortitude, conscience or remorse to what he has done or is currently doing.

Edited by FourAces
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When you see what the rich and famous can get away with in Thailand it is easy to see how the rural poor feel that there is one law for the rich and one for the poor. I do believe however that when they allowed themselves to be conned into voting thaksin into power they made a great mistake, somewhat akin to voting for the fox to look after the chickens. They do have a legitimate grievance, but letting themselves be manipulated by this man is not going to solve their problems. Far better for them to completely distance themselves from the whole family and come up with a viable representative (not motor mouth either !). Incidentally I do believe Charlie Manson has never admitted his guilt, a basic rule among crooks :(

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The only reason that Thaksin has a certain amount of popularity is that he used money politics to buy the needed votes to keep he and his family in power. He also used his 'bully pulpit' to tout his largess and spread some of his own funds to certain areas of Thailand that he felt he could deceive. He was schooled by operatives from the United States as this is the same methodology that American politicians use and the result has been the same- incompetence and corruption. The one idea that Thaksin had that was good for the country was the '30 Baht' health scheme. However, he never fully funded it or administered it correctly so while poor Thais can have access to the care- the waits are long and tedious.

In addition, during his tenure as PM- the Thai economy was mostly robust but not because of him- the World was generally in an upward economic profile at that time. Many Thais made money during his regime and believe because he is a wealthy business person, he could power up the current stalled economy. The World economy doesn't work that way and this is evident by his sister nominee being unable to plan water management and then almost destroying Thailand's rice position in the World.

Instead of fighting his criminal case- he fled and has created much instability in the country. While one can argue about 'democracy' and all it allegedly entails, the current administration had no choice but to intervene to stop the chaos. There is basic peace in the streets and at least the majority of Thai people can lead a satisfying life. From what I have seen and heard from the politicians , none of them has ever put together a long term plan for the betterment of the Thai people. At least the current administration is working on reform; putting together a 20 year plan of action, and attempting to solve issues that have been overlooked and dismissed by a whole series of politico's from all sides. The issues are so complex and ingrained in Thai society- that it will take decades to solve. Frankly , i find the current PM a breath of fresh air- saying things directly that no politician would dare to say. Sometimes, it takes 'tough love' to make the actual changes that need to be made.

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Frankly , i find the current PM a breath of fresh air- saying things directly that no politician would dare to say. Sometimes, it takes 'tough love' to make the actual changes that need to be made.

I was about to ask what you've been smoking, but then you said you've been inhaling PM.

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He must be comparing himself to luminaries such as Nelson Mandela or Aung San Suu Kyi,

and hi thinks that if he be in exile long enough, he one day, will come back triumphant riding on a white

elephant to reclaim back his place.....

Stranger things have happened - don't rule it out! Its not only the good guys who come back!


Pakistans richest politician


Beloved by the people


overturning a corrupt and despotic monarch


Arafat Returns in Triumph to Gaza, Pleads for Unity : Mideast: After 27-year exile, he is cheered by thousands


Rhodesia opposition leader Robert Mugabe has made a triumphant return to his home country after five years in exile.


Aristide Makes Triumphant Return to Haiti - 18 Mar 2011

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"Prime Minister Prayut appeared to have the habit of putting the blame on the other people for all the problems in Thailand without taking any responsibility"

​What a coincidence. Seems that Prayut learnt this off thaksin and the PTP.

The PTP run by thaksin blamed the tax payers, the rural doctors, the rice farmers,the corn farmers, the woman's league, the first car buyers that defaulted on loans, the environmentalists (garbage), the rubber farmers, academics, unions, students, teachers, public servants, consumer advocates, economists, scientists, judges, lawyers and professors for all the faults of the PTP.

Did I miss anyone...Oh yes, they also blamed the World bank, Moody's, UNHCR, Human Rights Watch, Supa, global economists, IMF, private banks, GSB, the EC, AoT, the courts, military, bangkok middle class, business owner, state enterprise staff, Buddhist monks, civil servants, labor unions, Green Politics group, Thai Constitution Protection Association, The Thai press, NIDA poll, Bangkok Poll for their own shortcomings as well.

Glad I kept the list of entities or people the PTP have blamed before. I knew it would come in handy one day.

Fortunately the majority have woken up to the shenanigans by thaksin and his ilk with this hypocrisy they spew.

"Fortunately the majority have woken up to the shenanigans by thaksin and his ilk with this hypocrisy they spew."

On this (but not the rest of your post) I am in qualified agreement with you. In 2014 the people were tired of the demonstrated incompetence of the PTP, which was why it was an excellent time to hold a nationwide election and start the process of removing the PTP and Shinawatras from power democratically.

However the Democrats were also extremely unpopular and would have suffered as well, and Thailand would have been governed by a coalition of parties chosen by the majority, not the power-brokers of Bangkok. Obviously this was unacceptable to Suthep, Prayuth, quite a few posters on TV, and others who can not be named.

Now the incompetence of the PTP government has been forgotten, overridden by the incompetence and oppression of the junta. If there is another election the Shinawatras will be as influential as ever.

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I sure Thaksin would get actively involved in undermining the junta if it served his interests. However, as he pointed out:

"...there was no need for him to hire foreign lobbyists to tarnish the reputation for the prime minister because the latter has already undermined his own image with his own words."

Perhaps that's why nobody has offered proof of Thaksin doing anything beyond media interviews. Why bother? "Never interfere with an enemy while he is in the process of destroying himself." (credited to Napoleon).

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I sure Thaksin would get actively involved in undermining the junta if it served his interests. However, as he pointed out:

"...there was no need for him to hire foreign lobbyists to tarnish the reputation for the prime minister because the latter has already undermined his own image with his own words."

Perhaps that's why nobody has offered proof of Thaksin doing anything beyond media interviews. Why bother? "Never interfere with an enemy while he is in the process of destroying himself." (credited to Napoleon).

Sun Tze " when we are at ease, let the enemies tire themselves out". Matter of time when internal in-fighting and populace discontent will surface.

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I sure Thaksin would get actively involved in undermining the junta if it served his interests. However, as he pointed out:

"...there was no need for him to hire foreign lobbyists to tarnish the reputation for the prime minister because the latter has already undermined his own image with his own words."

Perhaps that's why nobody has offered proof of Thaksin doing anything beyond media interviews. Why bother? "Never interfere with an enemy while he is in the process of destroying himself." (credited to Napoleon).

Like with other 'innocent games' I'm sure all will come out in 6 to 12 months time.

When Thaksin says "no need' he doesn't deny, he obfuscates. Like his "who am I to do such" with the talks with Southern rebels, like the innocent calendar. Orchestrated, clear and simple.

Next we'll discuss how the EC is coming to a halt as Ms. Yingluck hasn't been on that very important visit yet. Awfully quiet after all nonsense.

Orchestrated, on purpose, deemed needed by our favorite criminal fugitive who wants to come back. Probably to show he doesn't have a 'need' to be corrupt, only the urge.

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