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Obama warns UK it will be at ‘back of the queue” for US trade if it votes to leave EU


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I see the intellectuals are up early this morning!

BBC reporting that Hillary supports UK remaining in Europe

Game over.....

You don't appear to grasp the concept that a massive amount of people in the UK really don't care what the US thinks.

Now this may or may not be to the detriment of the country but we can hardly expect the ordinary voter to grasp this concept.

As far as I'm concerned this vote, whenever it happens will have one result - they will vote to leave the EU.

Personally I like the EU but I'm clearly in a minority position here.

Actually, I think particularly younger Voters and those that read the "quality" press will take note. His "town hall" discussion with students yesterday was excellent

Also, in my experience, many are pro either Europe or USA

I thought Boris embarrassed himself with his discourteous comments. Sign of weakness I think

Personally, I think the situation is swing towards a clear vote to remain

Obviously, TV is not representative of the UK

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Who does Obama think he is?

He has made a complete hash of being president in his own country.

Now he is trying to tell the UK how to run its affairs.

The clown should shut up and ship out.

I would be interested to know what you think he has got wrong in the face of a totally uncooperative House of Representatives

The economy has recovered fast since 1998

He's pulled back from ill advised military endeavours

A health service

And plenty more. What did you want?

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Agreed that the BO person is promoting a trade status that heavily favors the US. Further agreed that the BO person has no say in whether the UK stays or leaves the EU.

But what is this all this indignant outrage at the US 'interfering' in the sacred, noble, unimpeachable politics of the UK?

Was anyone upset when Parliament took the time out of running the UK to debate the banning of a US presidential candidate? Was this something that directly and immediately affected the welfare of the UK? Did anyone have a fit that the government of the UK was blatantly attempting to interfere in the US elections?

Hey, It's not the end of the world...get over it.

Edited by Hayduke
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Dear Mr. Obama. your opinions don't matter anymore, you're a spent horse, in a short while you'll

retire to your stately home somewhere busing giving speeches for living, the US and the world

had enough of your leading from behind, so farewell soon to be Mr. ex president, the world will

keep turning just fine without you, just as it did before you.....

Hillary has the same view as Obama

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Americans would never accept being part of an organisation like the EU where they are dictated to by foreigners and having to open their borders to all member states citizens.

Would they tolerate for example an Americas super state with an open border with Mexico and government located somewhere in Canada churning out more legislation and red tape practically every week?

Clearly Obama has joined Cameron's project fear because it somehow suits US interests and he does not care about how remaining in the totally corrupt EU with uncontrolled immigration and all the social problems that will cause the average Brit.

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Americans would never accept being part of an organisation like the EU where they are dictated to by foreigners and having to open their borders to all member states citizens.

Would they tolerate for example an Americas super state with an open border with Mexico and government located somewhere in Canada churning out more legislation and red tape practically every week?

Clearly Obama has joined Cameron's project fear because it somehow suits US interests and he does not care about how remaining in the totally corrupt EU with uncontrolled immigration and all the social problems that will cause the average Brit.

You have a good point, but the difference is that the US is the world's largest trading partner, and UK by itself is not. If Britain wants to maintain its standing in the global marketplace they cannot go it alone, as they are too small as an economic power and risk marginalization.

Of course the US would not accept that. It doesn't have to in its position.

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I can't remember Britain being at the back of the queue in Iraq or Afganistan.

Yes but at that time Tony Blair and George Bush were joined at the posterior. If George stopped to fast poor Tony's nose went out of joint. We all know the "They have yellowcake" story
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Americans would never accept being part of an organisation like the EU where they are dictated to by foreigners and having to open their borders to all member states citizens.

Would they tolerate for example an Americas super state with an open border with Mexico and government located somewhere in Canada churning out more legislation and red tape practically every week?

Clearly Obama has joined Cameron's project fear because it somehow suits US interests and he does not care about how remaining in the totally corrupt EU with uncontrolled immigration and all the social problems that will cause the average Brit.

You have a good point, but the difference is that the US is the world's largest trading partner, and UK by itself is not. If Britain wants to maintain its standing in the global marketplace they cannot go it alone, as they are too small as an economic power and risk marginalization.

Of course the US would not accept that. It doesn't have to in its position.

What do you think Trump has been going on about?

The WTO routinely trumps U.S. laws and conventions with its rulings. According to former trade representative Robert Lighthizer, the U.S. is one of the most sued nations in the WTO and we lose the majority of cases brought against us. By signing the agreement with the World Trade Organization, the U.S. Congress agreed to concede a major portion of our sovereignty and permit the usurpation of our democratic legislative process, including:

  1. Conforming U.S. laws, regulations and administrative procedures to the will of the WTO (Article XVI, p. 10)
  2. Subjecting all state and local laws and practices that affect trade to international review by the WTO (Article XVI, p. 10)
  3. Allowing any WTO member country to challenge federal, state and local laws and practices as trade impeding (Section 2 of the Dispute Settlement Understanding)
  4. Taking all trade disputes to the WTO judiciary – giving the WTO final jurisdiction over all trade altercations. No appeal exists outside of the WTO (Section 2 of the Dispute Settlement Understanding)
  5. Empowering the WTO to enforce its rulings by imposing fines on the United States until we comply
  6. Disallowing Congress to change the agreement.


Edited by Scotwight
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The in campaign will be hoping the deal with Turkey satisfies the Turks. If not, before the referendum, the deal will be off. And immigration will be again in the news.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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Yes Dodgy Dave was starting to sweat as the race tightened. He had to beg Obama to come in and drop

the big trade hammer. We have already seen first hand the damage that NAFTA did to Canada and the US

mainly benefiting Mexico and now the TPP pact will sound the death knell for what is left of

the good paying jobs in the west. Obama, Trump, Hillary, Cruz we all know whose pocket they are in Big Business.

Edited by elgordo38
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Yes Dodgy Dave was starting to sweat as the race tightened. He had to beg Obama to come in and drop the big trade hammer. We have already seen first hand the damage that NAFTA did to Canada and the US mainly benefiting Mexico and now the TPP pact will sound the death knell for what is left of the good paying jobs in the west. Obama, Trump, Hillary, Cruz well all know whose pocket they are in Big Business.

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Americans would never accept being part of an organisation like the EU where they are dictated to by foreigners and having to open their borders to all member states citizens.

Would they tolerate for example an Americas super state with an open border with Mexico and government located somewhere in Canada churning out more legislation and red tape practically every week?

Clearly Obama has joined Cameron's project fear because it somehow suits US interests and he does not care about how remaining in the totally corrupt EU with uncontrolled immigration and all the social problems that will cause the average Brit.

The USA IS an American super state consisting of 50 individual states each with individual freedom to pass laws and generate taxes but with a common currency and free movement of labour. UK is equivalent to California without the sun.

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Americans would never accept being part of an organisation like the EU where they are dictated to by foreigners and having to open their borders to all member states citizens.

Would they tolerate for example an Americas super state with an open border with Mexico and government located somewhere in Canada churning out more legislation and red tape practically every week?

Clearly Obama has joined Cameron's project fear because it somehow suits US interests and he does not care about how remaining in the totally corrupt EU with uncontrolled immigration and all the social problems that will cause the average Brit.

The USA IS an American super state consisting of 50 individual states each with individual freedom to pass laws and generate taxes but with a common currency and free movement of labour. UK is equivalent to California without the sun.

You forgot to add

Governed by Americans for Americans and with the interests of Americans first and foremost

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Americans would never accept being part of an organisation like the EU where they are dictated to by foreigners and having to open their borders to all member states citizens.

Would they tolerate for example an Americas super state with an open border with Mexico and government located somewhere in Canada churning out more legislation and red tape practically every week?

Clearly Obama has joined Cameron's project fear because it somehow suits US interests and he does not care about how remaining in the totally corrupt EU with uncontrolled immigration and all the social problems that will cause the average Brit.

The USA IS an American super state consisting of 50 individual states each with individual freedom to pass laws and generate taxes but with a common currency and free movement of labour. UK is equivalent to California without the sun.

You forgot to add

Governed by Americans for Americans and with the interests of Americans first and foremost

And what country doesn't do this? tongue.png

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Americans would never accept being part of an organisation like the EU where they are dictated to by foreigners and having to open their borders to all member states citizens.

Would they tolerate for example an Americas super state with an open border with Mexico and government located somewhere in Canada churning out more legislation and red tape practically every week?

Clearly Obama has joined Cameron's project fear because it somehow suits US interests and he does not care about how remaining in the totally corrupt EU with uncontrolled immigration and all the social problems that will cause the average Brit.

The USA IS an American super state consisting of 50 individual states each with individual freedom to pass laws and generate taxes but with a common currency and free movement of labour. UK is equivalent to California without the sun.
You forgot to add

Governed by Americans for Americans and with the interests of Americans first and foremost

As in governed by Europeans, for Europeans and with the interests of Europeans first and foremost? ?
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Americans would never accept being part of an organisation like the EU where they are dictated to by foreigners and having to open their borders to all member states citizens.

Would they tolerate for example an Americas super state with an open border with Mexico and government located somewhere in Canada churning out more legislation and red tape practically every week?

Clearly Obama has joined Cameron's project fear because it somehow suits US interests and he does not care about how remaining in the totally corrupt EU with uncontrolled immigration and all the social problems that will cause the average Brit.

The USA IS an American super state consisting of 50 individual states each with individual freedom to pass laws and generate taxes but with a common currency and free movement of labour. UK is equivalent to California without the sun.
You forgot to add

Governed by Americans for Americans and with the interests of Americans first and foremost

As in governed by Europeans, for Europeans and with the interests of Europeans first and foremost? ?


What do they call someone who speaks three languages?


Two languages?


One language?


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The truth is most ordinary British men and women, whether they are for or against the EU, don't give a rat's @rse about the opinions of America and it's President. Whatever they decide on June 23rd it will not be because the US establishment coloured their decision.

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Does anyone think the US has ever wanted to do us any favours. Obama is demonstrating what a selfish lot they are and his dealings with other countries are terrible. We joined a common market which has morphed into an EU dictatorship a globalists dream & will fail.

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I see the intellectuals are up early this morning!

BBC reporting that Hillary supports UK remaining in Europe

Game over.....

Not in the slightest as neither Obama or Hilary even have a vote.

The Breamains are getting desperate and the game is still on and far from over.

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I do not see this as the US or Obama telling the UK what to do one way or the other. Simply passing on information that a trade deal with the U.K. will not be a priority. What the UK and its citizens do with this information is up to them.

Since the UK has been in the EU they haven't signed a trade deal with the US yet, and neither has the EU.

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It really is for the UK to decide. However, just shows being a US military vassal only gets you so many points, you have to follow the political directives as well to maintain favoured lapdog status. Need to be more like...Australia.

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Who does Obama think he is?

He has made a complete hash of being president in his own country.

Now he is trying to tell the UK how to run its affairs.

The clown should shut up and ship out.

I would be interested to know what you think he has got wrong in the face of a totally uncooperative House of Representatives

The economy has recovered fast since 1998

He's pulled back from ill advised military endeavours

A health service

And plenty more. What did you want?

The economy isn't really much better since 1998 and to pay for it the USA printed trillions of dollars with nothing to back it up with.

If he has pulled back from ill advised military endeavours what would you call Libya and Syria? His faithful lapdog Cameron has also brought the UK along to help him out there as well. The USA has boots on the ground in Syria and is also sending more boots into Iraq once again.

I cannot comment much about the health service but from what I have read it will soon be a no money or insurance, no or minimal treatment service.

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I"m in the UK at the moment and the mood is pretty much that the older, that is over 40, generation want out. Of course the establishment and vested interests are pushing fear and loathing onto the public. Obamas' point of view is noted but not really taken seriously, people understand that this is about so much more than trade.

What is missing is the argument about the long term situation, 78 million Turks have just been granted visa -free access to the Schengen area, with no vote, no consultation , just Merkels idea to bargain with Ergoman where she gave the farm away and handed the vaseline to the fundamentalist muslims, again.

The big plan, the elephant in the room is one government , one country (Europe) , one police force, one Army, a federal state that demolishes nationhood and emasculates

the sovereign states of Europe. Pretty much already done.

With Brexit there is a chance to stop or temporarily halt the madness which enslaves the rest of Europe to the German machine which is steamrolling over all and sundry and which is the only beneficiary of the austerity of the southern european countries who are suffering in a way not seen in a generation. The European project is nothing about anything except taking power from the people, and its almost done it.

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The U.S dictating to others, don't they realise how much thier attitude is resented by the world.

It stings like a bitch when the shoe is on the other foot.

Your statement sounds like the kettle calling the pot black.

I wonder if the US will give the UK some cheese to go with their whine.

I don't mind Obama expressing his opinion on Britain and the EU. And, has the head of a country that is still our closest ally, he deserves the respect for his views that a best friend should receive. Nor do I mind what his view is - in fact I happen to agree with him.

However, the "threat" that comes over as do as we say or we'll shove you to the back of the queue and treat you as nothing specials shows perhaps how little he values that friendship.

Carter, was very anti British and pushed to move the "special relationship" from Britain to Germany. Now Obama - whose he gonna choose Germany whose citizens don't want a EU-US secret trade deal, France, highly reliable when you want allies, Poland, Estonia, Italy - go down well with the mafia.

Reagan and Bill Clinton did much to repair that relationship and when America really needed friends they found Britain the first to volunteer, as usual.

I really hope Britain stays in the EU and drives the much needed reforms, along with Denmark, Poland, the Baltic states, the Netherlands and others who don't want a federal state of Europe managed by Frau Merkel and her cronies. If Britain leaves, and there is a possibility others might follow, the EU will simply become a German Empire with the French still pretending they're significant.

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Americans would never accept being part of an organisation like the EU where they are dictated to by foreigners and having to open their borders to all member states citizens.

Would they tolerate for example an Americas super state with an open border with Mexico and government located somewhere in Canada churning out more legislation and red tape practically every week?

Clearly Obama has joined Cameron's project fear because it somehow suits US interests and he does not care about how remaining in the totally corrupt EU with uncontrolled immigration and all the social problems that will cause the average Brit.

The USA IS an American super state consisting of 50 individual states each with individual freedom to pass laws and generate taxes but with a common currency and free movement of labour. UK is equivalent to California without the sun.
You forgot to add

Governed by Americans for Americans and with the interests of Americans first and foremost

As in governed by Europeans, for Europeans and with the interests of Europeans first and foremost? ?

But that isn't true. There is no "European" nationality. And, as we've seen some countries only want to do things that benefits their own national interests or to try and dominate the EU and run it in their way regardless of what other countries want and certainly not what an electorate might want.

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I see the intellectuals are up early this morning!

BBC reporting that Hillary supports UK remaining in Europe

Game over.....

With Obama and HRC supporting the IN vote, that just about clinches it for the OUT side. Wonderful.

Thanks B and H even if you are interfering goits.

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