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Trump's cries of 'rigged' system shift blame for his losses


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The voting system in the USA is the most screwed up thing I have ever witnessed. In fact, I have yet to meet an American who truly understands its scope and can clearly elucidate its intricacies adequately so that anyone asking would totally understand.

I think you are correct that most Americans have little idea of the intricacies of the electoral college, or of politics in general. However, I think ignorance of their political workings is true of most people everywhere. Suffice to say, there is no standard application of delegate rules in the US. Each state, and even counties and municipalities within some states, can decide its own delegates' rules. In most, if not every state, the delegates do not have to vote the way the populace voted and as mentioned in the article, in some states the delegates do not even have to say for whom they voted. It is a good-ole boy arrangement which is intended to keep party power and decisions at the grassroots level. However, it is not so out of the ordinary. In most countries, elected members of congress or parliament do not have to vote the way their constituency desires, do they? Politics in itself is a contradiction and is a good-ole boy system everywhere.

I am American, and I cannot tell one how primary voting is done in each state.

I know it in my state.

Yes, it is a corrupt mess.

I do recall that Florida mess... the blame was placed on DieBold,

the company that made the voting machines.

They did admit to it.

Since Colorado made the headlines,

and this 'rigged system' has been exposed,

voters are pissed off (not just Colorado).

Here is the Gov of Maine






So Trump has spoken about illegal immigration,

and a little about the drugs coming cross the border.

He has never alluded to at what cost that is.

It is estimated at 150 Billion a year.

Well, here is a heads up,

if it is even half as bad as stated, it's bad.



No, I should, but will not,

discuss the Syrian immigration into the us,

and I should not mention ISIS coming across the Mex border...

I urge you to educate oneself of the 'North America Union'.

It is not a tinfoil hat conspiracy.

Be afraid of TPA, TPP, TPPiP.

NO, Trump is NOT shifting blame for losses,

he is exposing the corrupt system.

I will come back and ask all of you,

the eurotrash usa bashers/trump haters,

those from Canada,

those from Aussie land and Kiwies.

What do you think about the Syrian migration.


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There's plenty of rigging in the US electoral system, although that's not what Trump is complaining about. Take that old relic of slavery, the Electoral College, for example. Each state gets one elector for each senator (all states large and small have exactly two) and for each Congressman, the number of whom depends on the population. (The original purpose was to transfer the undemocratic advantage in the Congress accorded to the slave states by the Three-Fifths Compromise to the presidential election.) In most or all states, the winning candidate gets all the electors for the state even with no more than a bare majority. Clearly unfair and gives rise to situations such as the 2000 election where the winning candidate did not have the highest number of votes.

Trump is appealing to his low-information base as someone who will stick up for their interests. The truth is the opposite. Trump's announced tax policy is the same old Republican plan of lowering taxes on the rich, which does not include his base. Trump is the new Reagan, a personality who can fool the base into voting against their own interests while they rigorously serve the wealthy.

Hillary will make mincemeat of him. Get ready for a Dem Madam President, a Dem Senate, and a liberal Court for a generation or two.

Get ready for a Dem Madam President, a Dem Senate, and a liberal Court for a generation or two.

Get ready for the next presidential assassination.

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Casinos are rigged too but Trump somehow managed to go bankrupt in 5 of them.

Obviously this idiot isn't qualified to run a casino or run for president.

To those uninitiated in bankruptcy laws, four instances of corporate bankruptcy in a row can seem staggering. “To the ordinary person in the street, it may seem surprising, but certainly not to me,” said Reed Smith partner Michael Venditto, who has represented clients in high profile Chapter 11 cases, including bankrupt airline TWA. “Chapter 11 is how you reshape and restructure a company that has problems. It doesn’t indicate anything nefarious or even bad management.” He has never filed for personal bankruptcy — an important distinction when considering his ability to emerge relatively unscathed, at least financially.


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I've posted this before, but it's worth repeating: Trump wants the title of "President". He doesn't actually want to do the job.

Are you bragging about your posting abilities? I doubt that you have had a sit down with Trump where he told you what he really wants.

It wasn't worth mentioning to begin with as it is only your opinion and it is NOT worth repeating.

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So if the American election process is so corrupt that people cannot freely vote for who they want to then it is not a democratic process and therefore the USA is not really a democracy. According to the Trump supporters if it was a true democracy their boy would walk it.

So when Obama overwhelmingly won his Presidency (twice) that was due to the corrupt system. Obviously then the same must be said for G W Bush and Clinton and Bush senior and Reagan etc etc. All a bit disappointing really

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There's plenty of rigging in the US electoral system, although that's not what Trump is complaining about. Take that old relic of slavery, the Electoral College, for example. Each state gets one elector for each senator (all states large and small have exactly two) and for each Congressman, the number of whom depends on the population. (The original purpose was to transfer the undemocratic advantage in the Congress accorded to the slave states by the Three-Fifths Compromise to the presidential election.) In most or all states, the winning candidate gets all the electors for the state even with no more than a bare majority. Clearly unfair and gives rise to situations such as the 2000 election where the winning candidate did not have the highest number of votes.

Trump is appealing to his low-information base as someone who will stick up for their interests. The truth is the opposite. Trump's announced tax policy is the same old Republican plan of lowering taxes on the rich, which does not include his base. Trump is the new Reagan, a personality who can fool the base into voting against their own interests while they rigorously serve the wealthy.

Hillary will make mincemeat of him. Get ready for a Dem Madam President, a Dem Senate, and a liberal Court for a generation or two.

Get ready for a Dem Madam President, a Dem Senate, and a liberal Court for a generation or two.

Get ready for the next presidential assassination.

The next Presidential assassination? You seem to be advocating something here that the moderators should take note of.

The Republican party is in total meltdown as it deserves to be. The next Republican President has been born yet.

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America. Where reality TV meets reality. What a circus ???

The media is vehemently anti Trump. Take CNN for example. They hate Trump. I don't see American TV as being real. I think it is biased as heck. Fox news one way (but even Fox is anti Trump) and MSNBC and CNN the other way. Bloomberg is better but boring and the color is lousy.

I can fully understand that all the media is against Trump.

Lets face it, who in their right mind could possibly be for Trump

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The voting system in the USA is the most screwed up thing I have ever witnessed. In fact, I have yet to meet an American who truly understands its scope and can clearly elucidate its intricacies adequately so that anyone asking would totally understand.

I think you are correct that most Americans have little idea of the intricacies of the electoral college, or of politics in general. However, I think ignorance of their political workings is true of most people everywhere. Suffice to say, there is no standard application of delegate rules in the US. Each state, and even counties and municipalities within some states, can decide its own delegates' rules. In most, if not every state, the delegates do not have to vote the way the populace voted and as mentioned in the article, in some states the delegates do not even have to say for whom they voted. It is a good-ole boy arrangement which is intended to keep party power and decisions at the grassroots level. However, it is not so out of the ordinary. In most countries, elected members of congress or parliament do not have to vote the way their constituency desires, do they? Politics in itself is a contradiction and is a good-ole boy system everywhere.

What do you think about the Syrian migration.


Steve Jobs' family is Syrian, quite an O.K. contributor to our society.

Same with Jerry Seinfeld, he's brought a lot of laughs to a lot of people.

Fear mongering, bread and butter of the right whingers. "We're the only one's that can protect you", yeah well, didn't seem that way on 9/11.

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Casinos are rigged too but Trump somehow managed to go bankrupt in 5 of them.

Obviously this idiot isn't qualified to run a casino or run for president.

To those uninitiated in bankruptcy laws, four instances of corporate bankruptcy in a row can seem staggering. “To the ordinary person in the street, it may seem surprising, but certainly not to me,” said Reed Smith partner Michael Venditto, who has represented clients in high profile Chapter 11 cases, including bankrupt airline TWA. “Chapter 11 is how you reshape and restructure a company that has problems. It doesn’t indicate anything nefarious or even bad management.” He has never filed for personal bankruptcy — an important distinction when considering his ability to emerge relatively unscathed, at least financially.


Yeah that's a nice little spin on paper but it does not really address HOW Trump managed to get into all the financial trouble with 5 CASINOS in the first place. You don't really hear of too many casinos needing to file for bankruptcy do you?

As for him not filing personal bankruptcy, that is not very likely considering everything he does is through the TRUMP entity.

Your statement also does not address how filing for bankruptcy (either personal or corporate) allows you to screw over all of the people that you owe money to.

This clown is worth billions (by his own admissions) yet he needs to find underhanded ways to screw others out of the money he owes them, even though he is so successful and has so much money.

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To those uninitiated in bankruptcy laws, four instances of corporate bankruptcy in a row can seem staggering. “To the ordinary person in the street, it may seem surprising, but certainly not to me,” said Reed Smith partner Michael Venditto, who has represented clients in high profile Chapter 11 cases, including bankrupt airline TWA. “Chapter 11 is how you reshape and restructure a company that has problems. It doesn’t indicate anything nefarious or even bad management.” He has never filed for personal bankruptcy — an important distinction when considering his ability to emerge relatively unscathed, at least financially.


Yeah that's a nice little spin on paper but it does not really address HOW Trump managed to get into all the financial trouble with 5 CASINOS in the first place. You don't really hear of too many casinos needing to file for bankruptcy do you?

As for him not filing personal bankruptcy, that is not very likely considering everything he does is through the TRUMP entity.

Your statement also does not address how filing for bankruptcy (either personal or corporate) allows you to screw over all of the people that you owe money to.

This clown is worth billions (by his own admissions) yet he needs to find underhanded ways to screw others out of the money he owes them, even though he is so successful and has so much money.

Trump bought the casinos. restructured them and sold them. A debt restructuring allowed his properties to operate under the bondholders’ ownership, by being forced to partner with them, Trump managed to avoid personal bankruptcy.

You are wrong about everything in the TRUMP entity. That would be silly considering the litigious nature of American society nor would it be possible under our tax laws.

Trump's personal financial disclosure revealed detailed information about his stock portfolio, which it says is worth between $33.4 million and $87.9 million. Trump has stock in hundreds of companies in a wide variety of industries including tech giants, financial firms, and defense contractors.

Trump's stock holdings are held in accounts with Barclays, Oppenheimer, JPMorgan, and Deutsche Bank, according to the disclosure:

  • In the Barclays account, Trump holds investments in 32 entities, as well as cash worth between $49,021 and $396,001.
  • In two accounts at Deutsche Bank, Trump holds cash, treasury bills, and stock in 173 entities. According to the report, the two accounts are worth between $21,725,129 and $51,595,016.
  • In the Oppenheimer account, Trump holds cash and 31 positions worth between $10,380,031 and $33,301,000.
  • Finally, in the JPMorgan account, Trump holds stock in 60 firms worth between $1,251,008 and $2,617,000.
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If trump don't like the way the republican system is run drop out and run as an independent.

DD0000.gif William Clinton Albert Gore Jr. Democratic 44,909,806 43.01% 0000DD.gif George Bush J. Danforth Quayle Republican 39,104,550 37.45% 00DD00.gif H. Ross Perot James Stockdale Independent 19,743,821 18.91%

So now you know how Clinton got elected.biggrin.png

Edited by Scotwight
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If trump don't like the way the republican system is run drop out and run as an independent.

DD0000.gif William Clinton Albert Gore Jr. Democratic 44,909,806 43.01% 0000DD.gif George Bush J. Danforth Quayle Republican 39,104,550 37.45% 00DD00.gif H. Ross Perot James Stockdale Independent 19,743,821 18.91%

So now you know how Clinton got elected.biggrin.png

Third-party candidates in the US are spoilers like Ross Perot and Ralph Nader in 2000. The only third-party candidate who ever won was Lincoln in 1860 with 39% of the votes cast in a four-way race.

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So if the American election process is so corrupt that people cannot freely vote for who they want to then it is not a democratic process and therefore the USA is not really a democracy. According to the Trump supporters if it was a true democracy their boy would walk it.

So when Obama overwhelmingly won his Presidency (twice) that was due to the corrupt system. Obviously then the same must be said for G W Bush and Clinton and Bush senior and Reagan etc etc. All a bit disappointing really

The US is a Republic, not a Democracy. Wonder about your own political system, I am sure you will find it rigged too. Politics is all about rigging.

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So if the American election process is so corrupt that people cannot freely vote for who they want to then it is not a democratic process and therefore the USA is not really a democracy. According to the Trump supporters if it was a true democracy their boy would walk it.

So when Obama overwhelmingly won his Presidency (twice) that was due to the corrupt system. Obviously then the same must be said for G W Bush and Clinton and Bush senior and Reagan etc etc. All a bit disappointing really

The US is a Republic, not a Democracy. Wonder about your own political system, I am sure you will find it rigged too. Politics is all about rigging.


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