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Englishman 'arrests' ladyboy pickpocket in Pattaya

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Shouldn't the inverted commas in the title be on 'Englishman' rather than arrests??

Why? Isn't a man with an Indian name and looks, an Englishman, if born in England and of British nationality? Before too long you will quarrel with President Obama being referred to as American!


He's not English, he might have been born there but I'll bet a penny to a pound neither of his parents or grandparents are English. Just because a pig is born in a stable, doesn't make it a horse.

The best description by far!

Even a large amount of the Indians in the UK who often call themselves British because they hold the required paperwork admit to being British Indians, ditto BritishChinese.

I spent 20 years in Hong Kong and have all the paper work to describe me as Chinese, but obviously I am not.

For the sake of argument a "real" Englishman is white Anglo Saxon Christian with English as his first language. Everyone else is a guest!



This man is NOT ENGLISH !

He may well have a British Passport but being ENGLISH is very different!

How would that be then! England, where the English live, is part of Britain. If the guy was born and raised in England he probably identifies more with England than his parents, or grandparents, country of origin.

Also bear in mind that the history of the British Isles and all its invaders makes Anglo Saxons claims to indigenous purity as questionable as the gentleman in the news item.


If the offspring of immigrants can't be English, then you lot are probably all French, Dutch, Scandinavian or Roman.

Sorry but it seems to me it is kinda stubborn political correctness not willing to see the difference between English man and British Subject (no offence)smile.png

post-154100-0-67784300-1461589493_thumb. post-154100-0-56196600-1461589504_thumb.


A "class A" Englishman thumbsup.gif Really looks like one too coffee1.gif

who goes on a Baht bus trip with £3,000 in his pocket? blink.png

interesting to see that 80%+ of the crime in Pattaya is done by Lady-boys.....

The journalist has made the typical foreigners mistake of thinking that someone who holds a British passport is automatically "English".

Of course he's not English, he's British, just like the Scots,Welsh,Ulstermen,Jamaicans,Hindustanis........the rich panoply of races and tribes gathered to the loving breast of Mother Britannias glorious Empire. (Of course not all of them appreciated the good fortune bestowed upon them)

And empire so envied and admired that even now, when it's sunset is long past, it's magnificent reputation draws a kaleidoscope of peoples to the shores of "this sceptred isle".


attachicon.gif English man.jpgattachicon.gif English man.jpg

If the offspring of immigrants can't be English, then you lot are probably all French, Dutch, Scandinavian or Roman.

Sorry but it seems to me it is kinda stubborn political correctness not willing to see the difference between English man and British Subject (no offence)smile.png

attachicon.gif English man.jpg attachicon.gif B S .jpg

It is axiomatic that an "English man" is a "British Subject". English people are just one of the ethnic/cultural groups (see post 109) that are defined as British.

I take no offence at your ignorance.


I commend the gentleman on doing what most people would not be able to do and catch the thief.

As an American, I would not consider the gentleman an Englishman simply because he has a British passport and speaks with a British accent. His appearance indicates he is not culturally aligned with English traditions. An Englishman is a person who follows traditional English customs; dresses as most English people do and partakes of English history and culture. He/she is also able to trace their roots several decades back through English history.

As an American- if I move to England and obtain a British passport and speak with an English accent and have a child born in England- I would not consider myself to be an Englishman nor would I consider my child to be English. This is much different than a person emigrating to America where there is a long history of immigration and assimilation into the American culture.

This is not being a racist but recognizing the facts of life. If I met the gentleman and he indicatd he was an Englishman- I would not call him out on it. He has the right to identify himself as he sees fit and certainly not be discriminated against in any way . To me, being identified as an Englishman refers more to cultural heritage than nationality.

and right you are!

If Mr. Akhtar would have been reading this silly article, he will certainly, be the first one who would feel offended as to being called an Englishman! He is an Indian Muslim dude, who is British - very possibly born in England to his Indian parents (who might, as well, been also born in UK), as many others within the country ...

They are rarely a "poor people" within the society, but proud of their origin and good citizens.

They are used to carry a cash (apart of "plastic" especially when traveling) and they are used to stand their ground.

To me it also seems like the "anger" shall be directed on to the author rather than Mr. Akhtar, as he definitely won't call himself an "Englishman", lol

I'd only say: "Bravo, dude!"


attachicon.gif English man.jpgattachicon.gif English man.jpg

If the offspring of immigrants can't be English, then you lot are probably all French, Dutch, Scandinavian or Roman.

Sorry but it seems to me it is kinda stubborn political correctness not willing to see the difference between English man and British Subject (no offence)smile.png

attachicon.gif English man.jpg attachicon.gif B S .jpg

It is axiomatic that an "English man" is a "British Subject". English people are just one of the ethnic/cultural groups (see post 109) that are defined as British.

I take no offence at your ignorance.

As I take none too at your sense of humour ( absence of)


A "class A" Englishman thumbsup.gif Really looks like one too coffee1.gif

who goes on a Baht bus trip with £3,000 in his pocket? blink.png

interesting to see that 80%+ of the crime in Pattaya is done by Lady-boys.....

The journalist has made the typical foreigners mistake of thinking that someone who holds a British passport is automatically "English".

Of course he's not English, he's British, just like the Scots,Welsh,Ulstermen,Jamaicans,Hindustanis........the rich panoply of races and tribes gathered to the loving breast of Mother Britannias glorious Empire. (Of course not all of them appreciated the good fortune bestowed upon them)

And empire so envied and admired that even now, when it's sunset is long past, it's magnificent reputation draws a kaleidoscope of peoples to the shores of "this sceptred isle".

Very poetically put. I was imagining a Night at the Proms. flag waving and all. But to the point. A foreigner (farang) who has lived in Thailand all his life and even has the correct paperwork, would never be called a Thai. The man must be congratulated for showing true British grit in apprehending the rascal.coffee1.gif


The yanks have it right,African American etc., this one Asian English would be right,to say English no matter if born there would raise eyebrows

And yet whenever the 'Farang' debate comes up, all of a sudden labelling people by their race is deeply offensive.

So you are saying that the headline should be "Arab 'arrests' ladyboy pickpocket in Pattaya"?


Sorry your article should have read English resident, not English man.

Never in a million years is he an English man.

that is your NEW Englishman! Soon they all will be from the Mid East! Read that as Muslim,

The yanks have it right,African American etc., this one Asian English would be right,to say English no matter if born there would raise eyebrows

And yet whenever the 'Farang' debate comes up, all of a sudden labelling people by their race is deeply offensive.

So you are saying that the headline should be "Arab 'arrests' ladyboy pickpocket in Pattaya"?

I think 'Tourist' would have served as an adequate descriptor.


I just want to know what 'es got up around his neck? A neck supporter for a case of whiplash? Never seen one in black before

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


I commend the gentleman on doing what most people would not be able to do and catch the thief.

As an American, I would not consider the gentleman an Englishman simply because he has a British passport and speaks with a British accent. His appearance indicates he is not culturally aligned with English traditions. An Englishman is a person who follows traditional English customs; dresses as most English people do and partakes of English history and culture. He/she is also able to trace their roots several decades back through English history.

As an American- if I move to England and obtain a British passport and speak with an English accent and have a child born in England- I would not consider myself to be an Englishman nor would I consider my child to be English. This is much different than a person emigrating to America where there is a long history of immigration and assimilation into the American culture.

This is not being a racist but recognizing the facts of life. If I met the gentleman and he indicatd he was an Englishman- I would not call him out on it. He has the right to identify himself as he sees fit and certainly not be discriminated against in any way . To me, being identified as an Englishman refers more to cultural heritage than nationality.

and right you are!

If Mr. Akhtar would have been reading this silly article, he will certainly, be the first one who would feel offended as to being called an Englishman! He is an Indian Muslim dude, who is British - very possibly born in England to his Indian parents (who might, as well, been also born in UK), as many others within the country ...

They are rarely a "poor people" within the society, but proud of their origin and good citizens.

They are used to carry a cash (apart of "plastic" especially when traveling) and they are used to stand their ground.

To me it also seems like the "anger" shall be directed on to the author rather than Mr. Akhtar, as he definitely won't call himself an "Englishman", lol

I'd only say: "Bravo, dude!"

His ancestors are more likely to have come from Pakistan than India. India does have some, but a small percentage of the population. Pakistan is pretty much exclusively Muslim.


I am English because I am a white Caucasian whose Mother and Father were English even though going back only a couple of generations we have Irish, French and (God elp us Scottish) ancestors.

One of my daughters has a British Birth certificate and a British passport, but that does not make her English - she is 100% Thai because both her parents are 100% Thai.

Two of my daughters were born in Singapore and have Singaporean Birth certificates, but that does not make them Chinese or even Singaporean.

One of their brothers was born in Hong Kong and that makes him a Hong Kong Belonger, but he isn’t even half a percent Chinese.

Actually both the Singaporean born sisters and HK born son all have a half Austrian Mother who was born in Africa in a country that does not even exist any more. But they are still English.

The (probably) British gentlemen in question did as any true-blue Englishman would and promptly “arrested” the forward motion of the miscreant, but it would be a very strange twist of genealogy if he was actually English.


"Imran phoned police who came to formally arrest the thief who admitted that he had picked the pocket of the Englishman as they were on the bus. He was taken away saying that he did it to pay a debt for household items."

Must've have been quite some fancy items, then !

In The Isarn you can build a 2 bedr. house for that money, if you have secured the land already....


Sorry your article should have read English resident, not English man.

Never in a million years is he an English man.

I guess when someone holding any country passport they will be from that country. Do you think all American are from there?


Sorry your article should have read English resident, not English man.

Never in a million years is he an English man.

I guess when someone holding any country passport they will be from that country. Do you think all American are from there?

No only "Red" Indians (india dang) - and some Eskimo's.

NB see previous post about my British Thai daughter who, no matter how much I love her, is never going to be English. Nor would she want to be, she's proud to be Thai (and proud to be British).

Holding a British passport makes you British, not English.

Hold-on, she has hung about there so long she damn well nearly is bloody English. Come home girl.

America, Australia, etc are not real countries. They are lapsed colonies, therefore they are really British.


Im not sure that one should be categorized as a ladyboy

Not being an expert, but I think that Thais lump everyone into the same category from gays to crossdressers/transvestites to non surgical transgender to surgical transgender.


Sorry your article should have read English resident, not English man.

Never in a million years is he an English man.

Depends, if he is from England and has a British passport--looks like a lot of Brits I see in the papers.


Truely no matter how dilligently a non-white conforms to the mannerisms and characteristics of a "proper Englishman", they will not be accepted by some. Even though street chavs are derided by the same, the authenticity of their Englishness would never be questioned, though they hardly differ from punks in Baltimore or Paris. The one-drop rule, the true fallacy of racism. Suggested reading "Memoirs of a Black Englishman" by Paul Stephenson.

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