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"Sorry, cannot"...


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Cathartic post..

I lost my Kasikorn ATM debit card. I was at Maya mall on Friday evening and wanted to withdraw some cash, but no bank card.
Luckily(!?!), the Maya Kasikorn bank branch was still open and I reported my card lost and asked for it to be cancelled and for them to provide a new ATM card.
“Ah sorry, cannot”, I was told.
“Why not?” I asked.
“Ah, you have Robinson promotion ATM card and promotion now finished, you have to go to Kasikorn branch at Central Airport Plaza tomorrow for new card. I will call them for you”.
“Oh, OK, thank you”

Saturday morning, Kasikorn bank, 3rd floor, Central Airport Plaza.
“Hello, I lost my ATM card and your branch at Maya told me to come here for a replacement”.
“Yes, sir. You have passport and book bank?”
“Yes, here you are”.
“Ah, you had Robinson promotion ATM card?” “Promotion now finished”.
“So you can give me another ATM card?”
“Yes, have new insurance promotion, 150 baht for new card and 400 baht for insurance. Pay insurance every year, 400 baht”
“What insurance is it?”
“Is accident insurance, very good”.
“I already have insurance. Can I have a new card and not pay for insurance?”
“Sorry” cannot”.
“Hmm, OK. Can I have the card and then cancel the insurance?”
“Sorry, cannot. If you cancel insurance then 700 baht fee”.
“So if I want a new ATM card, I can only get one if I buy annual insurance I don’t want?”
“Yes sir”
<Sigh> “OK, then I have to have the new card with insurance”.
“Sorry, cannot”.
“What…why not?”
“You are too old for insurance”.
“OK, what CAN you do?”
“Ah, maybe new promotion next month for ATM card”.
“But what do I do if I want to withdraw some cash?”
“You can take book bank to branch with passport and they will give you cash”.
“What happens if I want cash at night, when bank is closed?”
“Sorry, cannot”
“OK, can I speak to the manager please?”
“Sorry, cannot”.
“Manager not here, go to another branch”.
“So, my lost ATM card was a “Robinson” card and because the promotion is finished there are no more cards. Also the ATM card you DO have is for an insurance promotion for which I’m too old and that’s it, you cannot give me another ATM card. At all, ever?”
“Yes. Sorry. Cannot. Wait please”.

Makes a phone call, lasting maybe 5 minutes.

“Please go to Kasikorn Bank branch at Big C, Hang Dong”.
“Do they have a bank card?”
“Why didn’t you tell me this before?”
“Sorry, cannot”.
“Why not? You’ve just told me”.
“Yes, sorry. Have to sell promotion first”.
“Ah, OK. What promotion is the ATM card at Hang Dong?”
“No promotion, just ATM card”
“But you don’t have those ATM cards here?”
“No, sorry. Do not. Have to sell promotion cards”
“OK, thank you for your help(!?!)”

I troll down to Kasikorn Bank, Hang Dong. Ask for new card, pay 150 baht fee and it’s provided within 5 minutes. I asked…

“Is this the only branch with promotion-free ATM cards?”
“No sir, many Kasikorn banks have”
“But not at Central Airport?”
“Yes, have at Central Airport”
“Really? I’ve just been to your branch on the 3rd floor, they sent me here because they don’t have”
“Yes, the Kasikorn Branch at the bottom floor has new ATM card”
“So why did I get sent here?”
“I think they don’t know”
“Can you call them and tell them?”
“Sorry, cannot, not my job”.

Exit one farang clutching new ATM card. Exasperated, bewildered, defeated, far from home, desperately in need of coffee.

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And you've never lost your temper? Maybe not, because you're too old? Thanks for sharing.

No, I didn't lose my temper. Not because I'm too old but because I've learnt that (especially in Thailand), it's a waste of time.

But thanks for your pointless comment...

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Oh my... sounds so much like real life. I'm a long-term Kasikorn Bank customer but in my experience their service is abysmal and their staff particularly helpless.

If it weren't such a hassle to move to another bank now that I don't have the work permit I had when I opened my account there, I would have done it long ago.

I've almost lost my temper countless times, especially when it comes to their silly, ridiculously time-consuming procedures when exchanging foreign cash.

I will soon have to renew my debit card because the chip-less version I have now is increasingly becoming an annoyance (e.g. can't use it in ticket vending machines at the movies), your story scares me.

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I've lost my card twice (KrungThai Bank), Both times I tried to get a new one at the KSK branch, they'll cancel it but I have to go to the bank where I opened the account to get a replacement. Go figure.

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I lost my Bangkok Bank debit card somewhere in CM last Friday.Wasn't really concerned,just annoyed as it was my fault.There was very little money in the account.

Went to Bangkok Bank at Big C Mae Hia at 10.30 am this morning ,spoke to a very pleasant guy ,teller, no problem he said.Gave him my passport and savings book, signed a few photocopies and

the application .Was out with a brand new debit card in 10 mins and no charge.

Lot of posters like to bash the BB.In 15 years I've never had a problem. Luck ? or are they just more helpfull. This was not the branch I originally got the card that was from BB near Chiang Mai Gate.

I also had a KB savings account many years ok, hardly used it and when i went to cancel they had deducted 50 baht a month as the account was inactive.Total deductions were 500 baht

for them looking after my money. I politely objected and all i got was "sorry" Of course they never told me about the inactivity fee when I originally obtained it.

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You just gotta love stories like this, staff that are about as helpful as a drunken slug but polite with it. Another case of common sense that isnt.

A bit like government personnel with 'No Comment' to media as they arent authorised to speak to the public.

Laughing at the bureaucratic nonsense is sometimes the only way to avoid going stark raving mad in this society.

Regardless of which I still enjoy it here.

Glad the Op got his replacement ATM card in the end

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I lost my Bangkok Bank debit card somewhere in CM last Friday.Wasn't really concerned,just annoyed as it was my fault.There was very little money in the account.

Went to Bangkok Bank at Big C Mae Hia at 10.30 am this morning ,spoke to a very pleasant guy ,teller, no problem he said.Gave him my passport and savings book, signed a few photocopies and

the application .Was out with a brand new debit card in 10 mins and no charge.

Lot of posters like to bash the BB.In 15 years I've never had a problem. Luck ? or are they just more helpfull. This was not the branch I originally got the card that was from BB near Chiang Mai Gate.

I also had a KB savings account many years ok, hardly used it and when i went to cancel they had deducted 50 baht a month as the account was inactive.Total deductions were 500 baht

for them looking after my money. I politely objected and all i got was "sorry" Of course they never told me about the inactivity fee when I originally obtained it.

I've used Bangkok bank for years and they have always treated me well. Never had a problem replacing cards. When their machine ate my card the replacement was free. When I lost the card I had to pay for the replacement. Fair enough in my opinion.

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This also drives home the often told truth...Banks here are like franchises

We are use to a bank being a true branch but it is not that way at all here

But good on you for surfing right thru that instead of drowning

You have the right attitude for surviving here ;)

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I would just have closed my account and go to the next best option next door.

Reminds me when I cancelled my AMEX. They did not even try to keep me as a customer. Just get rid of the nasty farang, less work for us. Some of these clowns just need to be fired and put back on the next bus to their parents ricefield.

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Always go to your home branch for stuff like that. If at all possible, close your account immediately with incompetents. I have four bank accounts here, never an ATM card. I think I've paid their ATM fee once in 18 years. I don't bank with US banks, that charge fees, either. Also, it seems like they eventually would have pulled your card out of the machine....seems like it would have been reasonable to put a staff member in charge of getting it back and calling you to pick it up. Why people bank at places with the worst rates is also puzzling.

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Changing banks would only get you a new set of faces telling you 'cannot'.

Not necessarily. I just got a new ATM card a couple of weeks ago after I lost one in an ATM. Me getting old I guess.... No insurance scam, just a replacement. Cost 100B.

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Not necessarily. I just got a new ATM card a couple of weeks ago after I lost one in an ATM. Me getting old I guess.... No insurance scam, just a replacement. Cost 100B.

I had the exact same thing happen a couple weeks ago at Bangkok Bank

after their ATM in town at a 7-11 ate my card

I explained nicely to the girl I did not mind paying 100 baht but if their ATM's continued

to eat my cards would I always be charged 100 baht?

She waved the fee & said it was an ATM error 555 smile.png

I thanked her but I almost felt bad as I did not mean to be a cheap Charley but was just asking as it occurred to me

it was after all a Bangkok Bank ATM that ate my card

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Withdraw all money using bank book.

Walk next door to another bank.

Open account and get ATM card.

It isn't all that hard.

You're joking right?

Yes, not hard, but a $100 solutiion to a $5 problem.

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I would just have closed my account and go to the next best option next door.

Reminds me when I cancelled my AMEX. They did not even try to keep me as a customer. Just get rid of the nasty farang, less work for us. Some of these clowns just need to be fired and put back on the next bus to their parents ricefield.

1) "I would just have closed my account and go to the next best option next door". As before, a $100 dollar solution to a $5 problem (and who's to know another bank wouldn't be the same?)

2) "Some of these clowns just need to be fired and put back on the next bus to their parents ricefield". A tad extreme, don't you think? You seem to forget, we're guests in THEIR country...

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Count me another positive for Bangkok Bank, in other branches and cities have always been able to clarify an issue or conduct banking business with ease.

As far as the OP, I was impressed at the "sorry cannot". I am far more familiar with the "no cannot", even from my wife.

The OP must be a very hansum man.

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I forgot to take my KBank card out of an ATM in Patong one day and went to the bank to get a new one. The only one they had was the one with insurance. Reluctantly I paid and went home. 3 days later I was back in the bank asking for a new one as I had forgotten again. The girl looked at me and said "I think you are happy you have the insurance now"... Free card.

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Always go to your home branch for stuff like that. If at all possible, close your account immediately with incompetents. I have four bank accounts here, never an ATM card. I think I've paid their ATM fee once in 18 years. I don't bank with US banks, that charge fees, either. Also, it seems like they eventually would have pulled your card out of the machine....seems like it would have been reasonable to put a staff member in charge of getting it back and calling you to pick it up. Why people bank at places with the worst rates is also puzzling.

Maybe you didn't read my post.

1) I didn't "lose" my card in an ATM, I misplaced / lost it - ergo, no card to "pull out of a machine

2) Your personal banking arrangements are less than interesting (at least, to me)

3) When i opened my account some many years ago, Kasikorn "rates" were competitive. So no, not puzzling at all.

Thank you for the benefit of your "wisdom".

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Why you would say it is extreme, if a company kicks out incapable clowns, that scare away customers. May be a problem of job education, but in the case mentioned more of greed. "have to sell promotion to get commission". I'd kick them straight out. Bad for customers, bad for the company.

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Why you would say it is extreme, if a company kicks out incapable clowns, that scare away customers. May be a problem of job education, but in the case mentioned more of greed. "have to sell promotion to get commission". I'd kick them straight out. Bad for customers, bad for the company.

"have to sell promotion to get commission" is not something the employee on the floor dreamed up. The employee on the floor is doing what the upper levels dictate.

You must be advocating kicking out 'incapable clowns' commonly referred to with such titles as 'director of marketing'.

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