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Selfish behavior from Thais

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I take a bus quite a lot. Sometimes I also take a subway.

So, when inside a bus, my wife will always tell me rather angrily to "sit down" before someone else does. If I don't sit, she thinks of me being rather stupid. About a month ago we were gonna go to Hua Hin with a cheap train. I didn't really know what the cheap train was at the time, but apparently when the train is ready to leave the passengers start fighting for seats (including my wife who generously saved a seat for me) and it's really rather uncomfortable you sitting while a bunch of old people have to endure a 4 hour train ride. So, I told her I can't do this, let's just take a bus. She literally went off at me like I was the biggest idiot and we got into a fight.

So, today I took a bus, a MRT and a bus. When in the bus I took a seat and started playing with phone. I feel a gentle tap on the shoulder and a ticket lady is pointing at a pregnant lady. Ok, she wants me to give up a seat which I gladly do, but there were a bunch of other, younger people and she went for a Farang. To be honest, I felt a bit insulted. Later at the MRT, I see a lady (maybe 40) running towards a seat while another old lady (over 80) was a bit late to make it, The lady that grabbed the seat just started playing with the phone, while older one seemed quite exhausted from the heat.

It seems to me that Thais will only get up for a monk.

Anyway, this is my rant for today. What do you think?

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Statistically speaking, taking an old school train is the safest bet.

They are as slow as hell, don't fall off the rails too often (and even when they do, they're going so slow you'd hardly notice), plus there are only two trains in the whole country which greatly reduces the odds of a head on collision. whistling.gif

Tell the missus you're going Indian style next time and sit on the roof. thumbsup.gif

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I have found the opposite.

On the Song Taew truck we have in Chiang Mai the people are always really nice. I always see the young men get up and stand on the back of the truck to let the women, girls and older people sit inside in the shade.

If the bus gets really full they will all help pass down small wooden seats for extra seating... and they all help the elderly on and off. Its normal to help people with they shopping bags too.. and they all chat to each other.

Once here was a younger woman who would not move up along the bench to let someone sit down.. well the old ladies started to shout commands at her and made her move up.

In the UK on public transport the young people are likely to attack you rather than give you their seat! Much better here.

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I see it as a sort of paradox.

Ive seen Thai people put bags on the seat next to them in order to stop a foreigner taking the seat. (seriously).

On the other hand, my Thai neighbours regularly give my family and myself food, homemade and bought, and treat my son like their own.

Cant wrap my head around it sometimes.

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What do you think?

I think you spend too much time searching for lame excuses to bash Thai people as if their behavior is any different from that of some people using public transportation in any country.

If you want to give your seat to someone, do it. Don't pretend that your discomfort watching old people standing is getting you on the fast tract for beatification.

Look, look. There's a free seat on the London Underground. Why is no one rushing to sit next to the nutter?


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I have found the opposite.

On the Song Taew truck we have in Chiang Mai the people are always really nice. I always see the young men get up and stand on the back of the truck to let the women, girls and older people sit inside in the shade.

If the bus gets really full they will all help pass down small wooden seats for extra seating... and they all help the elderly on and off. Its normal to help people with they shopping bags too.. and they all chat to each other.

Once here was a younger woman who would not move up along the bench to let someone sit down.. well the old ladies started to shout commands at her and made her move up.

In the UK on public transport the young people are likely to attack you rather than give you their seat! Much better here.

Welcome to the Lanna Kingdom. They might tell you its Thailand, but its not really.

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So, today I took a bus, a MRT and a bus. When in the bus I took a seat and started playing with phone. I feel a gentle tap on the shoulder and a ticket lady is pointing at a pregnant lady. Ok, she wants me to give up a seat which I gladly do, but there were a bunch of other, younger people and she went for a Farang. To be honest, I felt a bit insulted.

Wow. I would certainly have felt very insulted by this and I would not have remained without reaction.

Have you tried showing these younger people and asking why they were not requested to give their seats?

How humiliating... it definitely demonstrates how some Thais consider us as sub-humans bah.gif

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Unfortunately the concept of giving up a seat for a lady or whoever seems to have disappeared worldwide.

I don't think is right for a man to give up his seat for a women....

These days is equal rights...

But I do believe in giving up a seat to some in real need of it.. like the elderly, disabled etc.. just not to a perfectly healthy female.

Also hold the door open for anyone behind you regardless of age, sex or whatever.

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Unfortunately the concept of giving up a seat for a lady or whoever seems to have disappeared worldwide.

I don't think is right for a man to give up his seat for a women....

These days is equal rights...

But I do believe in giving up a seat to some in real need of it.. like the elderly, disabled etc.. just not to a perfectly healthy female.

Also hold the door open for anyone behind you regardless of age, sex or whatever.

Just recently I held open a door for a woman and she screamed at me "I can open it my bloody self", so I slammed it in her face. Rude biatch.
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Weren't you on a few weeks back bragging about your 'wealth', now it's cheap trains, buses and public transport in general.

Forget this guy... he's ranting and raving about tne most mundane things. I call BO**OCKS on this one.

Maybe trying to start a Thai bashing thread?

A few days ago he was heading off to Canada, now he's taking cheap trains to Hua Hin... whatever ?

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