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They didn't know David Bowie and now they don't know Prince, I wonder if they really know something?

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Tell me the truth, even educated / rich Thai, do you know some who had heard about David Bowie or Prince before ?

Every time I speak with Thai they have no idea about music that was made 40 years ago, and their smart reply (as usual) is that they were not born.

I was not born also but I know every music band that has been famous even 1 week in this life, so these people must really be interested by nothing to not even know names a Bowie or Prince ?! Ah yes, they know a lot about food and beauty :-)


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Every time I speak with Thai they have no idea about music that was made 40 years ago, and their smart reply (as usual) is that they were not born.

Do you know Frank Zappa? What about some Thai musicians who made great music 13 years ago? Blaming Thais is so easy.

Edited by lostinisaan
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It is fair comment thais really do not know much about the outside world, yes admittedly i know nothing or really care about thai music but you would think in the modern age modern music young thais would have been influenced by western music to some extent

Of course if you mix in student circles in Bangkok they will know but outside BKK i suspect its just a black hole ,sad because its not just music!

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Because i suspect you and I Who are not Thai did.

That is where i am making my assumptions based on my experience yes i lived in big western city ...... what did you listen to as a teenager

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Strange how Thai folk l sing too know James Taylor, Elvis, Clapton and a few others songs....Strange that...coffee1.gif

Agreed - add CCR & some Queen to that list too....

Edited by pgrahmm
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The OP might have a leg to stand on if he could 'wow' us all with his knowledge of famous Thai artists of the last 40 years, which I doubt he could.

I think you must mix in the wrong circles OP, most of my Thai pals; who I guess are pals because they are music 'savvy', have a greater depth of knowledge about some Western Artists than I, especially those which never appealed to me per se such as The Stones, The Beatles, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix to name but a few....One such pal could, and would discourse with almost encyclopaedic depth when he got 'on topic', especially after a few beers....

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What makes the OP think that the Thais would be interested in anything that he's interested in? I'm not interested in most things the OP is interested in.

Perhaps the OP could fill us on on his knowledge of lets say, Lung Yong, Porn Thep (Likay) or The Mighty Wai Pot.

Head upcountry, everyone from teens to old yais knows this stuff and are up on the dance floor giving it big licks.

Never hear Prince or Bowie playing upcountry.

The Mighty WaiPot sings about what the locals can recognise and relate to.

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Even in BKK, even people who spend 10 horus a day on Internet... they are so hopeless, and for the ones who call TELLING THE TRUTH bashing, buy a life guys.

It is fair comment thais really do not know much about the outside world, yes admittedly i know nothing or really care about thai music but you would think in the modern age modern music young thais would have been influenced by western music to some extent

Of course if you mix in student circles in Bangkok they will know but outside BKK i suspect its just a black hole ,sad because its not just music!

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Ridiculous you, who cares your stupid song in this world except 3 thai and a half.

What makes the OP think that the Thais would be interested in anything that he's interested in? I'm not interested in most things the OP is interested in.

Perhaps the OP could fill us on on his knowledge of lets say, Lung Yong, Porn Thep (Likay) or The Mighty Wai Pot.

Head upcountry, everyone from teens to old yais knows this stuff and are up on the dance floor giving it big licks.

Never hear Prince or Bowie playing upcountry.

The Mighty WaiPot sings about what the locals can recognise and relate to.

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Strange how Thai folk l sing too know James Taylor, Elvis, Clapton and a few others songs....Strange that...coffee1.gif

Mate, when you use " buythisdashcam" as your username, it says a lot about your mental ability. ......facepalm.gif

Even Einstein made a such a nice quotation: " I know that i know nothing". But the OP knows all bands of the last 40 years?

Edited by lostinisaan
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But as all kids end drug addict, it's fine for yours also ?

Every time I speak with Thai they have no idea about music that was made 40 years ago, and their smart reply (as usual) is that they were not born.

I have grade two students who could clean up your English. What do you mean by they were not born?

If they are not born, how can you communicate with them in your finest Thai? I guess you speak Thai as you write in English.

Please stop Thai Bashing, i have a program that can easily find an IP address. My son didn't like your post and he can be very aggressive.

good post and who cares about these bands and this kind of music where most of them are drug addicts. . I would prefer my Thai children not to listen to it.

Man, I'm living here for 15 years and the drug addicts are a minority. BTW, drugs were always here and will always be here.

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OP, ironically, Bowie was probably best known in Thailand around the time of his 'slump' in the period following the Let's Dance/Serious Moonlight Tour (1983 - early 1990s when he was largely inactive).

During this time he was reportedly a regular visitor to Thailand, including one sold out show in Bangkok in 1983 at the Thai Army Stadium in Din Daeng, after which he had all but fallen off most people's radars.

In the following period when he was largely inactive musically, he reportedly visited Thailand many times during this spell of inactivity unless these visits are/were mere 'expat apocrypha'.

When I first started coming to Bangkok in the late 1980s/early 1990s there were still many reports (always unsubstantiated) of people who claimed to have 'seen' Bowie flitting in the late night down some minor Bangkok Sub-Soi or he had been sighted in Phuket where he was alleged to have visited his pal Mick Jagger at the latter's abode at the Royal Phuket Yacht Club.

It is also worth noting that Western music acts who have played in Bangkok or have visited Thailand, tend to find a place in the Thai psyche or in their 'music radars' if you will.

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Ridiculous you, who cares your stupid song in this world except 3 thai and a half.

What makes the OP think that the Thais would be interested in anything that he's interested in? I'm not interested in most things the OP is interested in.

Perhaps the OP could fill us on on his knowledge of lets say, Lung Yong, Porn Thep (Likay) or The Mighty Wai Pot.

Head upcountry, everyone from teens to old yais knows this stuff and are up on the dance floor giving it big licks.

Never hear Prince or Bowie playing upcountry.

The Mighty WaiPot sings about what the locals can recognise and relate to.

I will take your click baiter post and reply.

Who gives a toss about Bowie or Prince?

If they are so enlightened please feel free to point me in the direction of any songs they sang about the struggles of the normal Thai.

Their music dont resonate here.

Maybe Thailand aint for you.

As for my stupid song, sorry I didnt write it, but can you understand it?

Thought not, clueless, window or aisle seat please?

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Why people always have to post stupid replies ? you have nothing else to do ? WHO IN THE WORLD KNOWS PRINCE OR BOWIE ? Open your TV, change the channel as you wont learn anything on a Thai channel, and see WHO IN THE WORLD KNOWS PRINCE OR BOWIE.

And if you plan is do go on being ridiculous as you are until now, enjoy, I dont talk with this kind of people, sorry.

Ridiculous you, who cares your stupid song in this world except 3 thai and a half.

What makes the OP think that the Thais would be interested in anything that he's interested in? I'm not interested in most things the OP is interested in.

Perhaps the OP could fill us on on his knowledge of lets say, Lung Yong, Porn Thep (Likay) or The Mighty Wai Pot.

Head upcountry, everyone from teens to old yais knows this stuff and are up on the dance floor giving it big licks.

Never hear Prince or Bowie playing upcountry.

The Mighty WaiPot sings about what the locals can recognise and relate to.

I will take your click baiter post and reply.

Who gives a toss about Bowie or Prince?

If they are so enlightened please feel free to point me in the direction of any songs they sang about the struggles of the normal Thai.

Their music dont resonate here.

Maybe Thailand aint for you.

As for my stupid song, sorry I didnt write it, but can you understand it?

Thought not, clueless, window or aisle seat please?

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What do you know about who was famous in Thailand 40 years ago?

Funnily enough I know a lot about Thai popular music from 60 plus years ago . It is something of a hobby. This music generally goes under the heading of ' pleng amatha ' .... immortal songs. ( won't bore you with the Thai spelling.)

Until now I have yet to meet a Thai that knows any of these songs.. This is because I don't mix with too many eldely Thai who were affluent enough in those days to have a primitive television or access to foreign music. And yet if you go down Chinatown you can still buy vinyl records by these artists. Not cheap as they are collectors items but it shows that there are some Thais out there who listen to this stuff.

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