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Pai police arrest three French women found in possession of heroin

Jonathan Fairfield

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Had my share of drugs in the past and loved them all.

Would do it again if i was living in a easy county in Europe.

For Thailand my only drugs are beer and whisky.

Pretty sure they where ratted out , but police should also arrest these hill tribes that sold the drugs to them.

Me too,

Only Mary Jane though.

l can't even remember 1976.

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I wonder if some opinions here would be different if these three were young, hard bodied French 'glamours' innocently travelling the world on their 'gap year'.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world a dead drug addicted pop star is being venerated by everyone from the POTUS down.

But then he got his 'legal' opioid drugs from a man in a white coat and not from a hill tribe in northern thailand,

The world will be a much safe place with these three banged up for the next 30 years. Another decisive victory in the long running Drug War.

It is a sad, strange world.

Yeah of course! it is not like Pai is a notorious place full of drugs, where even the menus at the bar offer them with the price.

It is not like Thailand do everything to tackle the drug rings and money from it...

I just hope you don't drink coffee, use narcoleptics to sleep, drink alcohol, or smoke a cigarette. Those are drugs too, those are dangerous too, those fill the pockets of crooks too, and yet I am quite sure you enjoy some of them.

So learn what is an addiction, why most of the users are victims and not gangsters.

Decisive Victory, my arse!

The only last three busts which could have lead to less Ice in Thailand resulted in three escapes from the main suspects...strange no?

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Drugs are for mugs!

Really? Tell that to cancer patients and thie terminally ill.
Why would you make such a ridiculous statement when the discussion is CLEARLY about illegal drugs?

I often wonder what drugs some who post here are on themselves.

I'm with you Holy Cinema.

For you and your 'like'ers...

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The number of idiots in this world never ceases to amaze.

How anyone can be so stupid as to act this way in this day and age is beyond me.

I have never bought, sold or used heroin but even I know that acting in the manner these fools did could only end in tears.

Addiction is a disease that could happen to you. Sometimes you really should stop and think before posting - is it because of low self-esteem that you constantly try to belittle sick people?

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Inflammatory posts and replies have been removed. Some posts using foreign language have been removed. English is the only acceptable language anywhere on ThaiVisa including Classifieds, except within the Thai language forum, where of course using Thai is allowed.

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The number of idiots in this world never ceases to amaze.

How anyone can be so stupid as to act this way in this day and age is beyond me.

I have never bought, sold or used heroin but even I know that acting in the manner these fools did could only end in tears.

Addiction is a disease that could happen to you. Sometimes you really should stop and think before posting - is it because of low self-esteem that you constantly try to belittle sick people?

I am belittling their stupidity at walking into such an obvious set up.

Because that's what it was, a set up.

And that's what they were, stupid.

Drug taking as a sickness, not sure? Might be, might not be.

However that's no excuse for acting in such a idiotic manner.

I take no pleasure from their situation, but I have no sympathy either. You reap what you sow.

Edited by Bluespunk
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My tgf family in Pai told us that this is frequent event there. The rural locals sell heroin, marijuana etc to tourists. Having done so they immediately, and prearranged, phone the local cops, waiting just down the road, giving the buyers details, motorcycle number etc. Sellers keep the money, get some dugs returned, and repeat the operation. Just one big well known set up.Sometimes the cops ether book the tourists or take bribes and the drugs. We actually watched this happen on the road from the waterfall. Plastic hippies of Pai reliving their grandparents dreams.

Edited by mankondang
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The number of idiots in this world never ceases to amaze.

How anyone can be so stupid as to act this way in this day and age is beyond me.

I have never bought, sold or used heroin but even I know that acting in the manner these fools did could only end in tears.

They act that way because they are addicts! If you never used and never lost everything, there is no way you could understand. They should have never admitted that they were going to sell a portion. People should never talk to Police in a criminal case without legal representation.

Yes, but himself has an opinion on everything, he knows everything about everything and him judge ...

Agree with you on the addiction that leads to inconsistent acts. But clearly in this case, these three people do not cause harm to others.

On this principle do not worry too much. French diplomacy does not abandon his compatriots in distress will intervene discreetly with his counterpart Thai.

And all-too discreetly these 3 people will be offered a one way to Paris at condition to never come back.

Those who rejoice misfortune of others will be for their expenses without even knowing it. Let's have a little compassion for them ...

They have harmed themselves, their families and friends who will miss them for a very long time. They are also a financial burdon on Thai citizens that see their taxes increase from the increased, incarceration expenses.


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My tgf family in Pai told us that this is frequent event there. The rural locals sell heroin, marijuana etc to tourists. Having done so they immediately, and prearranged, phone the local cops, waiting just down the road, giving the buyers details, motorcycle number etc. Sellers keep the money, get some dugs returned, and repeat the operation. Just one big well known set up.Sometimes the cops ether book the tourists or take bribes and the drugs. We actually watched this happen on the road from the waterfall. Plastic hippies of Pai reliving their grandparents dreams.

The waterfall and its market place were well known when I first visited Pai 15 years ago, as was the very real danger of being busted on the way home.

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I am sometimes flummoxed by posts on this site. When a crime is reported you often get comments like it is the only country in the world where crime occurs...or like in this instance...where never before was there ever a person in the whole world ever caught in possession of drugs.

What sheltered lives must some people have lived.

The thing is as some others have pointed out ..When your in Thailand don't take drugs , i generally have a personal kind of travellers motto, when in Rome etc ,

If i want to smoke weed i do it somewhere like Amsterdam or where it's accepted , if i want a snort do it in mexico etc etc ..When i'm in Thailand its mainly beer as i can see whats in it //or the odd whisky, but common sense has to prevail, otherwise it's asking for trouble , you shouldn.t even walk through the airport with a valium ( even if you bought it on sukhumvit) doesnt matter they'll nail you for it , even a kamagra is cause to hassle, as loose as Thailand maybe you have to be sharp, i think some people get deluded by that mix of looseness and ultra strict law enforcement which can be highly costly.

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No Chicog, I would not sign it, but I have previous experience.

If you were to write, 'I do not understand, I cannot read Thai', before signing it, there is a fair chance you would get a more favourable outcome, but signing it without is like signing your own prison sentence.

If you went to your bank, and they asked you to sign a letter, written in Thai, which you did not understand, related to your life savings, would you sign it ? I am sure you would not, even if you trusted the bank manager.

So to sign a document, presented to you, by someone you definitely do not trust, is ludicrous, especially when you are aware that it will play a big part of the rest of your life.

Absolutely. I think possession of a Category I drug is 1-10 years and a fine up to 200K.

Intent to sell? Say goodbye to your family (unless you country has a reciprocal prisoner agreement).

Added: Selling Category I drugs can carry the death penalty.

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I understand the Thai law objectives from this harsh sentence, that is the protection of the Thai society.

It's nothing to do with protecting anyone, if that was the agenda Cigarettes and Alcohol that kill thousands each year would be illegal, it's all down to Taxation, if the Government can't Tax it, it's illegal.

Like most other countries, it's all about money, they don't give a damn about individuals as long as the drugs they use are the ones Taxed by the government, regardless of the dangers they pose.

Edited by Broken Record
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I understand the Thai law objectives from this harsh sentence, that is the protection of the Thai society.

It's nothing to do with protecting anyone, if that was the agenda Cigarettes and Alcohol that kill thousands each year would be illegal, it's all down to Taxation, if the Government can't Tax it, it's illegal.

Like most other countries, it's all about money, they don't give a damn about individuals as long as the drugs they use are the ones Taxed by the government, regardless of the dangers they pose.

Production could easily be taxed.

It is kept illegal due to pressure from foreign Governments after certain soldiers in a certain war became addicted and started taking it "home".

The answer was prohibition and put pressure on SEA countries to criminalise possession and impose the death penalty in some circumstances.

Didn't work with alcohol.....hasn't worked with any other drug.....made it worse in fact...drove up the price and demand

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Perhaps backpackers from yesteryear...finding out that things have changed. They look like users, rather than peddlers.

Agreed! Looks like they were trying to relive a bit of the old 'hippie trail' and they are of such a vintage that they could well be reliving' their younger days.

Shame for them, no one warned them of the severe penalties they face or that times, and tolerance to hard drugs have moved on a lot since those days. Looks like their holiday could be 'extended' in a most unpleasant way unless they've got the cash for the pay off as it does seem a tad odd that the coppers were lying in wait for them unless there's been a set up here....

Heroin and Opium were staple favourites of travellers through Northern Thailand and the Golden Triangle. Some of the travel literature from the time talks of little else when it comes to travelling through this area.

Old story, golden triangle in the sixties; hill tribes were allowed to continue selling the drugs if they tipped the cops to the buyers. It was a good deal for the cops; can't continue getting much money from the hill tribes.

Perhaps not much has changed.

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Buying heroin in Thailand is very stupid. (everywhere)

Who tipped the police, probably the dealer or one of his freinds themselves?

Police arrest the three women, for 'a little' quantity of heroin, while many other

kilograms are going another direction without problems, no police there.

The three women in jail, dealer and companions counting their money.

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Another classic example of women who think they can do what they damn well like ,,, anywhere .... sorry but not in thailand ... maybe they were selling some to friends .. to finance their Holiday .... good luck with that excuse .... nobody to save you now..... not even French Gov.

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I am sometimes flummoxed by posts on this site. When a crime is reported you often get comments like it is the only country in the world where crime occurs...or like in this instance...where never before was there ever a person in the whole world ever caught in possession of drugs.

What sheltered lives must some people have lived.

The thing is as some others have pointed out ..When your in Thailand don't take drugs , i generally have a personal kind of travellers motto, when in Rome etc ,

If i want to smoke weed i do it somewhere like Amsterdam or where it's accepted , if i want a snort do it in mexico etc etc ..When i'm in Thailand its mainly beer as i can see whats in it //or the odd whisky, but common sense has to prevail, otherwise it's asking for trouble , you shouldn.t even walk through the airport with a valium ( even if you bought it on sukhumvit) doesnt matter they'll nail you for it , even a kamagra is cause to hassle, as loose as Thailand maybe you have to be sharp, i think some people get deluded by that mix of looseness and ultra strict law enforcement which can be highly costly.

I regularly pass through Swampy,with Morphine tablets,plus Morphine syrup,the latter in a sealed plastic bag on open display.

Have never been questioned.

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As said, probably a set up.

The dealer and people who set them up, must be laughing and counting their money.

Sad really, they are facing heavy sentences and possibly death penalty - Selling ? for trying to get high and get their money back by selling a little.


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I wonder if some opinions here would be different if these three were young, hard bodied French 'glamours' innocently travelling the world on their 'gap year'.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world a dead drug addicted pop star is being venerated by everyone from the POTUS down.

But then he got his 'legal' opioid drugs from a man in a white coat and not from a hill tribe in northern thailand,

The world will be a much safe place with these three banged up for the next 30 years. Another decisive victory in the long running Drug War.

It is a sad, strange world.

Good point. But that doesn't explain the stupidity of this three grannies. They are grown enough to know what are the consequences if you play drugs in thailand.

Their country their rules.

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I am sometimes flummoxed by posts on this site. When a crime is reported you often get comments like it is the only country in the world where crime occurs...or like in this instance...where never before was there ever a person in the whole world ever caught in possession of drugs.

What sheltered lives must some people have lived.

The thing is as some others have pointed out ..When your in Thailand don't take drugs , i generally have a personal kind of travellers motto, when in Rome etc ,

If i want to smoke weed i do it somewhere like Amsterdam or where it's accepted , if i want a snort do it in mexico etc etc ..When i'm in Thailand its mainly beer as i can see whats in it //or the odd whisky, but common sense has to prevail, otherwise it's asking for trouble , you shouldn.t even walk through the airport with a valium ( even if you bought it on sukhumvit) doesnt matter they'll nail you for it , even a kamagra is cause to hassle, as loose as Thailand maybe you have to be sharp, i think some people get deluded by that mix of looseness and ultra strict law enforcement which can be highly costly.

I regularly pass through Swampy,with Morphine tablets,plus Morphine syrup,the latter in a sealed plastic bag on open display.

Have never been questioned.

With no prescription?

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It's not just the courruption where the police win here. They can also say 'see, we are catching the dealers, and btw its foreigners at the root of the problem' win-win for the police every way you look at it.

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It's not just the courruption where the police win here. They can also say 'see, we are catching the dealers, and btw its foreigners at the root of the problem' win-win for the police every way you look at it.

And that's one of the really sad things in cases like this. A bust like this will show foreigners that it appears that Thailand has a zero toleranse against drugs (like for. instance Singapore) and is having a big success in eradicating drug use,to the applause of the World community.

In reality the country is awash with drugs that increasingly does a lot of harm in all parts of the society, much because of corruption of all parts of the justice system here !!

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....and the drug dealers get off scott-free ....???

Did anybody ever suggest life is fair?

I suppose you're talking about the dealers who sold to these women, but these women ARE drug dealers. They admitted that they would be selling some of the heroin.

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A bust like this will show foreigners that it appears that Thailand has a zero toleranse against drugs (like for. instance Singapore) and is having a big success in eradicating drug use,to the applause of the World community.

As of 19 to 21 April 2016, The world community is shifting away from zero tolerance: UN General Assembly Special Session on the world drug problem 2016

Thailand should follow the U.S.A., just as they had done when the U.S.A. led the war on drugs.

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