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Electric Goes out about 3 times a weekly lately


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The power has been unstable here in my neighborhood (Udon), as well. Usually late in the afternoon..just after the temperature peaks. We have been in the 41-44 temperature range, and we don't cool down too much at night. (Until early Morning).

Power is unstable because the demand is high...for air conditioning. It was totally off for 2 hours the other night. Even if it doesn't go off, it fluctuates so badly that the air conditioner, refrigerator, florescent lights, and microwave do not work. Air condition fan works but no cold air. Microwave spins and hums but does not heat. Refrigerator struggles. This goes on from 4pm to about 7pm.

Bottom line....power company cannot keep up with the high demand during the hot season. It will normalize by the end of May.

Others may be luckier (perhaps we are living in "non-priority" areas of our cities).

I am slightly west of the airport right inside ring road (udon thani)

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I am in Wat Ket and so far have had two very brief outages. MIght be a nationwide thing. Yesterdays national paper advised that the daily electricity consumption record had been broken three times this month, highest ever consumption was Monday 25th.

Hot weather, more aircons, running longer, people staying inside with multiple fans going day and night....and more hot weather to come.

I think Gonzo has cursed some transformers as well in Wat Ket.

Edited by mamborobert
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Two or three, think yourself lucky when I lived in Delhi on one particular occasion I gave up counting after 50 in the same day

Yes, in Pakistan it was pretty much a daily occurrence and where I lived in Africa it would go out for days, especially when the rainy season began.

Even groceries that had refrigeration couldn't keep perishable food. Food poisoning was more common than the common cold.

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The power has been unstable here in my neighborhood (Udon), as well. Usually late in the afternoon..just after the temperature peaks. We have been in the 41-44 temperature range, and we don't cool down too much at night. (Until early Morning).

Power is unstable because the demand is high...for air conditioning. It was totally off for 2 hours the other night. Even if it doesn't go off, it fluctuates so badly that the air conditioner, refrigerator, florescent lights, and microwave do not work. Air condition fan works but no cold air. Microwave spins and hums but does not heat. Refrigerator struggles. This goes on from 4pm to about 7pm.

Bottom line....power company cannot keep up with the high demand during the hot season. It will normalize by the end of May.

Others may be luckier (perhaps we are living in "non-priority" areas of our cities).

I am slightly west of the airport right inside ring road (udon thani)


In Samui, Lamai area Weekly is the norm, any time of year. Sometimes all day too.

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The power has gone out 4-5 times in the past 7 months here at my condo in Jomtien.

Never pleasant but I have yet to get stuck in an elevator. Not really sure what happens.

I have had to use the stairs 2-3 times. (8th floor). Usually just a few hours, once all

day with planed service maintenance outage.

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Seems answers are for every place in Thailand except Chiang Mai. biggrin.png

I also live in Mae Hia on the west side of Hang Dong road and have not had any outright power failures for several weeks. When the wind kicks up so does my UPS but never a full outage. I find in my area the stability has been quite good.

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Here in the Padaet district of Chiang Mai we have been getting one or two outages per day for the last 10 days or so. Only one of those lasted longer than one minute. Even worse we just got our first power bill over 10K Baht today.

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Power was out Tues afternoon in Santhitam Rd for over two hours, much longer than usual. Stands to reason, everybody hits the A/C, something's got to give. I'm running mine much too much. In the prior five years here, I have never turned it on, but this year i had to give in.

OK, I'm turning it off now. For a while...

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Power goes out - ice sales rise!

Time for differential rates to be charged isn't it?

Off peak and peak usage rates?

Seems a glutinous practice using one's a/c during the day when the "booming industry of Thailand under the guidance of the junta" needs every kwh available to meet production demands.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The bad storm last week in ning hoi and nong phung brought down one of those very old trees and caused a major powercut. the clean up operation was still going on 3 days later. does anyone know if its all back to normal yet? that was a severely violent storm

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Power was out Tues afternoon in Santhitam Rd for over two hours, much longer than usual. Stands to reason, everybody hits the A/C, something's got to give. I'm running mine much too much. In the prior five years here, I have never turned it on, but this year i had to give in.

OK, I'm turning it off now. For a while...

Well, now that the cool spell has arrived and it's down to 37C, it's quite enjoyable!

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In my area, a mouse just has to fart,and the electric goes off,

bit wind or rain and you can hear the fuses on the transformers

going off,when you see the jumble of wires it's not surprising.

Thais seem very relaxed about electricity,maybe because they

cannot see it, but go to any market,there are wires laying on

the ground,some with tape on the joints or possibly just a

plastic bag.

regards worgeordie

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It's very odd that I don't see a single post yet that mentions the area that I live in, Banwangtan.

In this neighborhood it can be expected to have an outage anytime the wind blows.

There was a newsletter sent out months ago about how the power lines are older ones that are not insulated. I'm sure with all the large mature trees planted directly under the power lines that this plays a big part with the problem.

Most times when the power goes out you can typically expect it to be out for 2-4 hours. Really sucks when it's hot out.

When I first rented the house I'm in the landlord passed me a bag of small candles and said, 'Here, you'll probably need these sometime.'

Needless to say I have since purchased a couple of small LED lanterns which are very nice and convenient. Likewise I've got a great UPS. It can run my PC, router, 46" LED TV, and a floor fan for a little over 2 hrs and then the battery starts draining. If that happens I usually turn off the TV and watch using my 32" monitor.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm at Nongkwaai and find the the numbers of power outages here a real PITA to be honest.

I went away for a trip recently and came back on May 11. Since then we've had three full days of no power as a result of them stringing yet more cables up on posts to get blown down and about 5 cuts of varying lengths.

Pretty sick of it to be honest. Of course you can go out but I want to go out when I want to go out, not because of power cuts. Last year I was in Phuket and had about 3 the whole year, the longest being about 2 hours.

I didn't mind the first couple of all day power downs as I thought finally they might be fixing it but no. And now the power cuts we we get aren't even for any identifiable reason such as wind or rain, just goes off, and the weather is cooler already.

Whatever they do with it, it won't be bothering me when my rental contract is up!

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