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Gay couple wins custody battle against Thai surrogate mother


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I don't like your tone.

Children of same sex couples are TWICE as likely to have mental problems.


IF that would be the case, it is most likely not because they have gay parents, but because they are met with prejudice and resentment by gay- haters and bigots!

I don't hate gay folk, no reason too......I just don't like kids being made to order to forfill something and have no mum.....

Most kids are 'made to order'. Plenty of kids - by your narrow definition - have no mum.

To be honest, I think you're just playing semantic games to justify your prejudice, whilst plugging your ears and ignoring any argument you don't want to hear.

No, I'm not going to explain what 'semantic' means.

Well, in the babes future I hope she knows that Trans said his piece as to how wronged she has been to be created to fill a gap...........I also hope she will find mum and have a chat.....smile.png

Yeah. I'm sure she'll be dead pleased to learn that some bigoted old duffer thinks she should never have been born.

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Here's another example why I think surrogacy should be banned......http://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2016/apr/29/man-pleads-guilty-to-sexually

Can't see your link but, excuse me, it IS banned for foreigners now in Thailand.

Did you imagine this topic was about a debate about whether surrogacy should be banned in Thailand, or anywhere?

Well, it isn't.

It's ONLY about a CUSTODY court case concerning one existing child and also the gay civil rights aspect that became relevant to the case, as the surrogate mother claimed that was her objection to releasing the child, as previously agreed to, when such surrogacy was NOT banned in Thailand.

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Well, in the babes future I hope she knows that Trans said his piece as to how wronged she has been to be created to fill a gap...........I also hope she will find mum and have a chat.....smile.png

People have kids for a variety of reasons. If I gave you an example where the wife pressures the husband to have a kid, because " all of our friends have kids and we don't", what would you say to that?

Or...we don't want to die alone?

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Well, in the babes future I hope she knows that Trans said his piece as to how wronged she has been to be created to fill a gap...........I also hope she will find mum and have a chat.....smile.png

People have kids for a variety of reasons. If I gave you an example where the wife pressures the husband to have a kid, because " all of our friends have kids and we don't", what would you say to that?

Or...we don't want to die alone?

It would have a mum......

Yeah, with the greatest of respect, you do sound like a broken record. First "would/should have a mum", then "has been created to fill a gap", then back to the mum thing, that I believe was addressed here by other posters, but obviously not to your satisfaction. Edited by lkv
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It's very common with homophobia to focus the homophobia towards gay MEN. It's often related to feelings of disgust thinking about male to male sex acts and sometimes as a defense mechanism about their own repressed attraction to men. Also related to misogyny because men who consider themselves macho (often from culture) feel that gay men have chosen to become like women in having sex with men, the "inferior" sex in the power pecking order.

Two women together, on the other hand, is among the most popular sexual fantasies among straight men. So no homophobia in that!

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I want to add something to my previous comment about homophobia.

I didn't mean to imply that lesbians don't experience homophobia, including severe homophobia involving "corrective" rape and even murder all over the world.

But in the context of the same sex parenting, it's pretty obvious that people are more used to idea of two lesbian mothers partly because they are women and partly because that has been much more common over the years than two same sex fathers.

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Mum can tell all when the time comes........Many a bird has had a one night stand and sired a kid.....But SHE sired it, will always be mum even with no male around, that's what a mum does...

Siring is what the father does, not the mother.

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You mean two males? Duh. Why ask such a stupid question. They can adopt when it is legal. In some nations they can legally hire surrogates. Many have children from previous relationships with women. Do they have wombs? Seriously, why ask that unless to BAIT?

But human gay folk cannot sire naturally can they......?

Just answer my question.........yes or no......You know the answer but duck and dive...

But just answer, can gay folk sire....?

Forget about modern day medical inject this and that...Just say yes or no...

No. I will not answer your IDIOTIC question assuming you mean two MALES because your hateful intention is so obvious. You know the answer. Everyone knows the answer. Everyone can also see your intention. Pure BAITING.

My patience has run out with that.

Welcome to my ignore list.

Having a tantrum again?

thinks it is punishment to be on his ignore list

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So you don't believe a single dad should raise a child?

Your being silly again....rolleyes.gif

Not at all - just trying to figure out what you believe.

You claim that you're not prejudiced against gay parents, and you've repeatedly (to put it mildly) stressed the importance of a child having a mother.

So presumably, you believe that a single dad would be unsuitable to raise a child.

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So you don't believe a single dad should raise a child?

Your being silly again....rolleyes.gif

Not at all - just trying to figure out what you believe.

You claim that you're not prejudiced against gay parents, and you've repeatedly (to put it mildly) stressed the importance of a child having a mother.

So presumably, you believe that a single dad would be unsuitable to raise a child.

Gawd.......rolleyes.gif ...You still don't get the mum thing............facepalm.gif

If a MUM dies during childbirth or an accident the dad takes over, he has to deal with it, but for sure he will not fail to show his/their child who it's mum was...In fact mum will be in a photo on the wall or sitting on the mantelpiece in memory of...

So a single man can raise a child, but two men together cannot?

What if the guy comes out after his wife dies and marries a man? Does he have to give the child away?

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I think you are baiting.....laugh.png

Of course a guy can raise a child if mum has passed away or buggered off...Thousands do..But the kid knows it had a mum, not a paid for thing...

If mum dies and the guy hooks up with a bloke he will have some explaining to do....laugh.png

Why? Some people are bisexual. Some guys just deny their sexuality until later in life.

So, in this scenario, would you be ok with the man raising the child with his new partner?

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I think you are baiting.....laugh.png

Of course a guy can raise a child if mum has passed away or buggered off...Thousands do..But the kid knows it had a mum, not a paid for thing...

If mum dies and the guy hooks up with a bloke he will have some explaining to do....laugh.png

Why? Some people are bisexual. Some guys just deny their sexuality until later in life.

So, in this scenario, would you be ok with the man raising the child with his new partner?

Yes, IF the kid KNEW it had a mum that was not paid for, mum has history with dad, something to grasp.....NOT, oh l paid some bird to create you cos I don't like ladies...

You think gay men don't like women?

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I think you are baiting.....laugh.png

Of course a guy can raise a child if mum has passed away or buggered off...Thousands do..But the kid knows it had a mum, not a paid for thing...

If mum dies and the guy hooks up with a bloke he will have some explaining to do....laugh.png

Why? Some people are bisexual. Some guys just deny their sexuality until later in life.

So, in this scenario, would you be ok with the man raising the child with his new partner?

Yes, IF the kid KNEW it had a mum that was not paid for, mum has history with dad, something to grasp.....NOT, oh l paid some bird to create you cos I don't like ladies...

Goodness...you must be one of the dumbest posters on TV!

And I am not giving that title away easily, because thanks to the various Koh Tao murder- threads, I have seen dumbness galore!

So: mommy + daddy= good

just mommy = good

just daddy= good, if he can show a picture of mommy

2 mommys= great

2 daddy's = really bad...even if they could show the kid a picture of a random Asian woman and tell a heartbreaking story about a car-accident or a deadly sickness, right?

what about the "just daddy"- case?

Can he traumatise the child with a Thirian Lanister- story, of how the child killed the mom at birth?

Or does it have to be "mommy loved you so much, but then there was the bad accident..."?

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Goodness...you must be one of the dumbest posters on TV!

And I am not giving that title away easily, because thanks to the various Koh Tao murder- threads, I have seen dumbness galore!

So: mommy + daddy= good

just mommy = good

just daddy= good, if he can show a picture of mommy

2 mommys= great

2 daddy's = really bad...even if they could show the kid a picture of a random Asian woman and tell a heartbreaking story about a car-accident or a deadly sickness, right?

what about the "just daddy"- case?

Can he traumatise the child with a Thirian Lanister- story, of how the child killed the mom at birth?

Or does it have to be "mommy loved you so much, but then there was the bad accident..."?

Indeed, and you can't cure stupid, so why bother?

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So what about a straight couple, who can't conceive by natural means, who use the exact same method?

You're against that too, I assume?

You're being silly again....rolleyes.gif

The lady will give birth and be mum.....

Now SB....facepalm.gif ...We are going round in circles because your baiting ain't worked..tongue.png

Thankfully LOS has closed the loophole for this stuff.....

Kid needs a mum from the outset in our world, if tragedy happens and mum is taken out, folk deal with it the best they can...thumbsup.gif

Oh SB, do you have kids, or are you gay, divorced, whatever......Just so I can create a picture, nooooo, will cost you nothing for the info...smile.png

I meant I'd they used a surrogate and a donor. Same scenario, just a straight couple not a gay one.

I'm married. No kids yet. Not sure what difference that makes.

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So you have never seen the bond between YOUR child and it's mother.......

What does your mum mean to you...?

My mum died when I was young.

I turned out ok, though.

Sorry to hear that....

Glad to hear you turned out OK....Do you think of her at times......?

Oh come on. What do you think?

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