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Ghosts seeking justice? Udon cremation site search just got creepier!


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Ghosts seeking justice? Udon cremation site search just got creepier!


UDON THANI:-- As forensics continued to pore over the Udon site where human remains have been found, a captivated Thai public now believe they have seen the spirits of the dead.

While police and other officials examine one of the sites in the Nong Pheu area pictures taken by a cable TV company appear to show mysterious figures in the background, reports Daily News.

Some twenty metres behind the officials at least one of the figures is 'floating without his feet on the ground' it is claimed. Thais on social media are convinced these are spirits of the dead coming to seek justice for their untimely demise.

The pictures were taken by a local cable TV reporter identified as Tor or "Victor". After the pictures were posted online and shared multiple times on the Line messaging app questions were asked about the veracity of the pictures. But "Victor" said they were genuine pictures that had not been tampered with or edited in any way.

Many Thais, convinced the figures were indeed spirits beseeching authorities to seek justice, posted their opinions on Line.

The case of the almost two dozen burial sites - referred in the Thai media as "the car tyre burial sites" because of claims that bodies were burned there illegally using tyres to incinerate them completely - is top of the news in Thailand.

In latest developments head of the police forensics hospital carrying out the investigations Dr Pornchai Suthirakhun has said that there are definitely human remains among some 20 piles of bones and other evidence that the team has uncovered.

Dr Pornchai said that forensics were able to say with certainty that some of the remains are human though more tests are needed to discover which body parts have been found.

DNA testing is underway not just of the bones themselves but of many relatives who claim that the bones are their loved ones murdered and cremated in the area by persons unknown.
The remains have come to light due to fires and drought revealing previously hidden parts of the 1-2 rai area of scrub.

Dr Pornchai said that examining the remains is quite a slow process due to the degraded nature of the bones and it may be impossible to extract DNA from some fragments.

"But we will do this as fast and as well as we can, " said Dr Pornchai "as this is a case in the public interest."

At the weekend a man claimed at a police meeting that he had been threatened with ending up dead in the area if he did not pay ransoms to four policemen, who he named. "Uncle Joo" said that 560,000 baht was extorted from him on two occasions before he decided to go public.

Police continue to investigate.

Source: Daily News

-- 2016-04-27

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Clearly fake, but at least it bumps it to the top on the news. I'm sure the Police investigation of themselves will be transparent and in-depth lol. Cant be too hard to pull up the records of four bank accounts covering the last 10 years.

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Did 'Tor' bung a few of his pals a bottle or two of wallop to wander around the woods just on the periphery of his range?

I bet today the jammy sod is doing the rounds of those dumb 'talk shows' on TV every morning/afternoon where four or five hot chicks and an unconvincing Ladyboy sitting around, all talking at the same time until the 'Queen Bee' of the gaggle speaks, when the rest intone: 'ka, ka, ka' over and over until she's done.

Good for 'Tor!' says I. A free few nights in BKK while he enjoys his 'celebrity' status and if he's lucky he might get to pop one if the girls from the above shows...if he's unlucky it will be the unconvincing LB.....

Edited by Merylhighground
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...is anybody interested in how this mass grave came about....

The relatives of the occupants surely will be.

Since asking the RTP to investigate rigorously and without favour is rather pointless, perhaps they see the "spirit" phenomena as their only hope for keeping the investigation open and in the public eye?

Edited by JAG
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I like the expression I've heard from a few ladies in the past. " I don't believe in ghosts but I've seen one"

Years ago I had one (of many) arguments with locals about ghosts. I always said, "Show me a ghost first hand and I'll give you 50,000 Baht".

One girl said that all I had to do was to sit alone in a room at midnight,with a mirror while peeling an apple, then I'd see a ghost for sure. When I naturally laughed at what she said, she wouldn't talk to me for days afterwards.

The best response I had came from someone who knew that I considered it rubbish (trying to be diplomatic here). This particular girl said that ferangs couldn't see Thai ghosts anyway! That was the best attempt at face-saving in that situation.

When talking with Thais about ghosts, I have a standard reply in Thai to ask if they're aware that the word "gullible" has been removed from the dictionary.

My 50,000 Baht is still safe, obviously.

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