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You need to stop thinking like a European. Do you think people working at Big C take holidays and have insurance?

Point for you.

We have a saying, if you translate literally it says:

For dying to much, for living to less.

In my opinion it's modern slavery.

Just living to survive, what a hard life...

My g/f's brother and his g/f took off for Korea to work to do jobs "Koreans" did not want to do. Its the only way they could get a start in life and he was a car mechanic. And just think Cambodians are flooding into Thailand looking for work. Its a never ending cycle(of poverty)

I can't understand why some would get on TV and care about how much Thais make a month.

It is thailand and for me that is good money not sure how much you know about thailand I think not much .


You need to stop thinking like a European. Do you think people working at Big C take holidays and have insurance?

Point for you.

We have a saying, if you translate literally it says:

For dying to much, for living to less.

In my opinion it's modern slavery.

Just living to survive, what a hard life...

Personally, being from the US, I see the government rules and regulations and involvement with every aspect of our lives, combined with the monotonous zoning, suburbanization, and corporate homogenization of commerce and media, and the numerous individuals enslaved to debt, as modern slavery. Freedom is not measured by income, and happiness is not measured by wealth and possessions. I have worked in the factories of General Motors, and on Wall Street, and met happy people at all levels of income with all sorts of demands in life and work. Frankly, I pity many Americans, and envy many Thais.

Your own countryman might wonder the same about you.

Why would you choose to live in a relatively poor, developing country on so little where the water isnt safe to drink, pollution is high and infrastructure is lacking?

You do so because it affords you a lifestyle which would likely be impossible in your home country at the same cost. All made possible by the relatively poor population which dictates consumer prices.

Now imagine all Farang paid same prices as Thais...demand would increase, prices sky rocket and Thais would be priced out of their own country.

  • Like 1

You need to stop thinking like a European. Do you think people working at Big C take holidays and have insurance?

Point for you.

We have a saying, if you translate literally it says:

For dying to much, for living to less.

In my opinion it's modern slavery.

Just living to survive, what a hard life...

My g/f's brother and his g/f took off for Korea to work to do jobs "Koreans" did not want to do. Its the only way they could get a start in life and he was a car mechanic. And just think Cambodians are flooding into Thailand looking for work. Its a never ending cycle(of poverty)
It's more a philosophical answer because it will never happen.

But this poverty cycle will only come to an end if all people on earth have equal standard of living.

Everyone looking where he could make a better living.

Cambodians in Thailand, Mexicans in US, African refugees in Europe, etc...


You need to stop thinking like a European. Do you think people working at Big C take holidays and have insurance?

Point for you.

We have a saying, if you translate literally it says:

For dying to much, for living to less.

In my opinion it's modern slavery.

Just living to survive, what a hard life...

My g/f's brother and his g/f took off for Korea to work to do jobs "Koreans" did not want to do. Its the only way they could get a start in life and he was a car mechanic. And just think Cambodians are flooding into Thailand looking for work. Its a never ending cycle(of poverty)

I suppose some poor farang pensioners similarly moved into Thailand to escape poverty back home, so it is all relative?


I suppose some poor farang pensioners similarly moved into Thailand to escape poverty back home, so it is all relative?

This pensioner moved to escape the cold wet British weather.

Didn't move to Thailand though, just on holiday for 11 months of the year in Spain, France and Thailand.

Portugal and Italy sometimes, but not too keen on those countries, not sure why.

Absolutely hate Greece and Cyprus, not green enough.


They never leave home and family environment...while they share their meager earnings while dreaming good fortune will come their way one day and they will be rich and forever more financially secure for life.

Same dream 90 percent of the worlds population harbors in their minds and hearts.



Some would live on 10,000 baht a month very easily. There are many villages where the average wage is 2000 baht a month. The more skilled workers will do tours of duty in places such as Map Ta Phut for months on end, renting a room for 1000 - 2000 baht a month.

Many of the motorcycles in villages have either been bought on credit with fairly prolonged repayment terms, or are so old they belong in a museum.

At 399 baht a 700 ml bottle of Scotch whiskey, it would be quite expensive for a village partygoer to acquire a skinful. Lao Ka is much less expensive at 60 baht a bottle, with a stronger alcohol content.

Most rural Thais either get vegetables, fruit and chickens free, or at lower prices than a falang would pay.


You will find the people who comment on here sit comfortably in their Issan mansions or Bangkok /Pattaya condos living nothing like the people they know so much about,it amazes me how expat westerners know so much about the living habits of the less fortunate Thai folk.

Yo, Stoner, I live amongst them.


Your not thai living my friend.Also many have side jobs they do to get more money.Also 2 incomes.If more family s living there then there is more income to pay the bills.Many have mopeds.They are so cheap on gas.The ones that do have A car they have A

bigger income.Like one guy said,housing is low for A Thai.You can't rent A house the same price as A Thai does.

More than one job is part of this whole misery.

Of course you're tired and exhausted if you work 10 hours, 7 days.

Ergo that means company has to employ more staff with lower individual salary.

Ergo, most staff are not worth much. Thank the education system for that.


You need to stop thinking like a European. Do you think people working at Big C take holidays and have insurance?

Point for you.

We have a saying, if you translate literally it says:

For dying to much, for living to less.

In my opinion it's modern slavery.

Just living to survive, what a hard life...

My g/f's brother and his g/f took off for Korea to work to do jobs "Koreans" did not want to do. Its the only way they could get a start in life and he was a car mechanic. And just think Cambodians are flooding into Thailand looking for work. Its a never ending cycle(of poverty)
It's more a philosophical answer because it will never happen.

But this poverty cycle will only come to an end if all people on earth have equal standard of living.

Everyone looking where he could make a better living.

Cambodians in Thailand, Mexicans in US, African refugees in Europe, etc...

But this poverty cycle will only come to an end if all people on earth have equal standard of living.

Sorry I dont know where you come from, probably some socialist east european country like poland or Romania.

Please tell me why you expect the same standard of living as I?

You get out of life what you put into it, I want nothing from you, I will take care of myself and my family, please dont tax me to effin death to take care of you and yours.

Nice rant, sorry wrong counry, head back to your socialist utopia.

Not mentioned the upcountry hammock swingers, what the eff do they actually contribute to society, why should they have an equal standard of living.

HJck even Marx/Engels saw through this.


Recently saw a job offer at Big C for cashier.

Monthly salary 10,500 Baht + overtime.

How can someone (let me say a single person) survive with that?

Rent 3000


50 each working day 1000


3 meals each day for 50


Phone 300

Things for daily life

Nothing left over for:


Support family

Health care / insurance



Hobby, going out

Travel or holidays

How they can living?

Family. This concept may be alien to you.
In European culture you're supposed to be independent.

I don't know anyone who pays his parents, grandparents or sisters some money. It's more the opposite way, the older give to the younger.

Love, respect and support flow UPWARD in Thailand as it does in many SE Asia nations as well as Japan. In the West love flows downward. Children in Thailand love, respect and take care of their parents. Not so in the West. A Western mother can take care and provide for 5 children, but when the time comes, 5 children can't or won't take care of 1 mother. Now...who is more domesticated?


I used to know a Thai women who works as a freelance photograph and is living in Bangkok in a wooden house and paying 500 Baht for the rent, no aircon no shopping, she was surviving very with her wage of 14K and that includes even some occasional beach trips to samui, for example Thai travels in very large group of 4-6 and share accommodation and food which cuts costs dramatically, as for me, only my monthly electricity bill exceeds 7K so I really wonder how these people survive.


Look at the poor citizens or immigrants in your home country if you want to see something similar. Or do you ignore them? Living below the poverty level but surviving. Yes, survive as a family. if someone is sick a family member does the care. Resources are pooled. That's why when Europeans and Americans protest child labor they are showing their ignorance of the fact that the family needs that money to survive. Very elitist.

I remember when there was a big uproar over a volleyball manufacturer employing children in Bangladesh. So they stopped. I was intrigued by the story and wanted to know what happened to the families. Well, some of the children turned to prostitution.


I used to know a Thai women who works as a freelance photograph and is living in Bangkok in a wooden house and paying 500 Baht for the rent, no aircon no shopping, she was surviving very with her wage of 14K and that includes even some occasional beach trips to samui, for example Thai travels in very large group of 4-6 and share accommodation and food which cuts costs dramatically, as for me, only my monthly electricity bill exceeds 7K so I really wonder how these people survive.

7k for electricity is very high! Is that for a house?


Thai people have what Americans would call - "true grit'. They can endure much more than any foreigner I have ever met. The low salary, long hours, transportation issues. and fatigue- yet they still smile. You wonder why drugs and alcohol become problems. Take away hope and all you have is a night on alcohol/drugs to take the pain away. The government provides very little and the wealthy continue their exploitation. It is not sustainable as costs keep rising. The red shirt movement exists for a reason- many Thais are fed up. What's interesting is many Americans working in similar situations are also fed up. the common denominator is exploitation. Within the next 20-30 years a new system in both countries will rise and the poor will inherit the earth. I wouldn't want to be one of the rich when it happens.


From what planet are you from?

In Thailand like in Cuba, posters can say "In this country no children sleeps on the streets".

How many rich countries can say the same?

By the way...

Recent private census shows that more than 300.000 children sleeps on the streets and shelters in the USA....most with their families.

That means that more than 1 million people are homeless or living on welfare.

If you are from the US..better to come back and look at again....

You need to stop thinking like a European. Do you think people working at Big C take holidays and have insurance?
Point for you.

We have a saying, if you translate literally it says:

For dying to much, for living to less.

In my opinion it's modern slavery.

Just living to survive, what a hard life...

My g/f's brother and his g/f took off for Korea to work to do jobs "Koreans" did not want to do. Its the only way they could get a start in life and he was a car mechanic. And just think Cambodians are flooding into Thailand looking for work. Its a never ending cycle(of poverty)
It's more a philosophical answer because it will never happen.

But this poverty cycle will only come to an end if all people on earth have equal standard of living.

Everyone looking where he could make a better living.

Cambodians in Thailand, Mexicans in US, African refugees in Europe, etc...

But this poverty cycle will only come to an end if all people on earth have equal standard of living.

Sorry I dont know where you come from, probably some socialist east european country like poland or Romania.

Please tell me why you expect the same standard of living as I?

You get out of life what you put into it, I want nothing from you, I will take care of myself and my family, please dont tax me to effin death to take care of you and yours.

Nice rant, sorry wrong counry, head back to your socialist utopia.

Not mentioned the upcountry hammock swingers, what the eff do they actually contribute to society, why should they have an equal standard of living.

HJck even Marx/Engels saw through this.

It was just meant as a thought or basic theory.

I know it is very very unlikely, yes if not impossible and even than it's not guaranteed it will work.

See the many socialist countries that collapsed and didn't survive with that concept.


Thai people have what Americans would call - "true grit'. They can endure much more than any foreigner I have ever met. The low salary, long hours, transportation issues. and fatigue- yet they still smile....

Wow so true. I would add to that 19th century boss-employee relationships that are low on respect and benefits.

I have hundreds of Isaan university graduates who have gone to work in Bangkok, who are enduring conditions I would have folded under long ago. I first tried to give them sympathy, but most would hear nothing of it.


....What's interesting is many Americans working in similar situations are also fed up......

Hence, the current Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump phenomena. They both appeal to a worrisomely-large disenfranchised portion of the total population.


Recently saw a job offer at Big C for cashier.

Monthly salary 10,500 Baht + overtime.

How can someone (let me say a single person) survive with that?

Rent 3000


50 each working day 1000


3 meals each day for 50


Phone 300

Things for daily life

Nothing left over for:


Support family

Health care / insurance



Hobby, going out

Travel or holidays

How they can living?

Family. This concept may be alien to you.
In European culture you're supposed to be independent.

I don't know anyone who pays his parents, grandparents or sisters some money. It's more the opposite way, the older give to the younger.

Thailand as far as I know isn't in Europe.


You need to stop thinking like a European. Do you think people working at Big C take holidays and have insurance?

Point for you.

We have a saying, if you translate literally it says:

For dying to much, for living to less.

In my opinion it's modern slavery.

Just living to survive, what a hard life...

I think you do not know much about Thailand and you are not socialized at all.For sure you do not speak Thai and you do not live with Thai people!I am foreigner with Thai wife and we live in Bkk suburb !We need for decent life there less than 15.000 baht per month and we live very good.My wife cook delicious food every day and she has motorcycle.I pay mortgage every month 2300 baht for condo of 34m2.She work for 10500 baht +overtime too.I have much better monthly income,but we do not need more than 14000 baht per month.Food is about 150 baht per day,transport about 100 baht per month.Water 100baht,electricity(we have air con.)500-750 baht per month,internet 749 baht!We can travel each month too on the seaside or elsewhere on this amount!I live much better here than I can live in Europe with maybe 1200-1500 Euro per month.You live maybe in Sukhumwit,eat foreign food and can not speak language!

I don't live in Sukhumvit or Farang ghettos

I have mostly Thai friends.

I can speak Thai passable.

I don't eat farang food here.

I cook by myself and eat Thai food.

I can't live in the suburbs where it is definitely cheaper.

Your 1200€ are 48,000 Baht.

If course anyone can live a good life in Thailand with that.

48000 bath cant have good even half western life...

10k B can injoy life with basic needs..

150b per day even no need if you home cook and some thai dish on market they buy 20 b + rice 5 b

50 b its 2 L or more fuel..

if they 10 km from work its near 3 day for trasportation..

in BKK i even see condo with some near basic western style for 4k per month. But Thai style can easy as say many previose for even 1000 B or share..

In European culture you're supposed to be independent.

I don't know anyone who pays his parents, grandparents or sisters some money. It's more the opposite way, the older give to the younger.

You very poor knowledge about history and culture many European nationalityfacepalm.gif

Usually the head of the family in many Western cultures, to care about family.

Its can be father, grandfather , son or grandson.. in modern it can be mother or dauther.. couple..

But so sad to see many western people forget about they culture...


Recently saw a job offer at Big C for cashier.

Monthly salary 10,500 Baht + overtime.

How can someone (let me say a single person) survive with that?

Rent 3000


50 each working day 1000


3 meals each day for 50


Phone 300

Things for daily life

Nothing left over for:


Support family

Health care / insurance



Hobby, going out

Travel or holidays

How they can living?

Family. This concept may be alien to you.
In European culture you're supposed to be independent.

I don't know anyone who pays his parents, grandparents or sisters some money. It's more the opposite way, the older give to the younger.

Love, respect and support flow UPWARD in Thailand as it does in many SE Asia nations as well as Japan. In the West love flows downward. Children in Thailand love, respect and take care of their parents. Not so in the West. A Western mother can take care and provide for 5 children, but when the time comes, 5 children can't or won't take care of 1 mother. Now...who is more domesticated?

In Thailand?


When you have seen thai people chained belt Safety of children or parents? Ah i am forget. they even can be trasportation as as firewood in the truck trunk.. is it love?blink.pngbah.gif

when her old parents leave their children is love?bah.gif

when parents call every three days and require the money is love?bah.gif

when daughter runs to the police in the hope of getting money, but it this time father with serious injuries driven unto the hospital, is it not a poor familybah.gif is love?

and many another thinks..

they all make to society approved.(not lost face) even "care" about they family..

ofcouse its not all..

But no need say "Love, respect"

If I see in western love and support I am more convinced that this is a sincere love and support.

And no need say in western not have it.. Almost my friend and people i know DO IT... Another thinks not forall parents need support they can afford in life more thinks then children.. Becouse They have lived longer and have more ..whistling.gif

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