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Red bowls seized from Pheu Thai's former MP in Nakhon Sawan


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sounds like they had a tip about something bigger at that location but perhaps someone alerted them ahead of the raid in time to get rid of whatever they were after.

Never tell the BIB what your planned raid is, can't be trusted especially if you are going after the reds.

The brilliant EYE sees all, can take a small story with no details and gives us the lowdown every time.

With his crystal ball and his ESP he will decipher the vaguest clues and tell us what really happened.

It's possible allseeingeye is right. I don't suppose everyone in the police or army supports the junta and 300 seems excessive even given the military's paranoia.

Either way this is all very depressing isn't it.

You've got some guy who wrecked his own government (sorry his sister's government) because he couldn't stop whining about his amnesty. Then he comes up with some red bowls for some reason. Possibly because his supporters might be missing him or maybe in case there not. He's safe out of the country so he sends them to supporters in the country so they get into trouble.

Then you have the current administration who just don't seem to realise that they might have got many of his supporters onside a couple of years ago when his ill thought out amnesty plan was losing him support if they'd not used authoritarian military procedures. Then just to prove they have as little or less political aptitude than him they decide that confiscating red bowls will help forge the way forward for Thailand.

Not a great choice really.

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Well, thank goodness these heroes captured those dreaded and dangerous red bowls. We can all sleep more comfortably now.

Up to now one only had to worry about what color shirt to wear/not wear. I guess that has been extended to bowls as well.

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