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Angry protest outside Trump rally in California


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Angry protest outside Trump rally in California


There was a turbulent reception for Donald Trump in southern California on Thursday with some 20 demonstrators arrested outside a campaign rally by the Republican frontrunner for the US presidential election.

Demonstrators smashed the window of a police squad car, marched in protest and blocked traffic as police in riot gear tried to disperse the crowd in Costa Mesa.

The Orange County Sheriff’s Department reported the arrests on its Twitter account, saying that there had been no major injuries.

A Los Angeles Times reporter posted a photo on Twitter of a man wearing a Trump T-shirt with a bloodied face.

A third of the population of Costa Mesa are Hispanic or Latino. So the US presidential hopeful’s platform of deporting illegal immigrants and building a wall along the Mexican border was always going to be a hard sell.

Trump is trying to get enough delegates to secure the Republican nomination outright and avoid a contested convention in July. A strong primary win in California for the billionaire on June 7 could thrust him above the delegate count needed.

Trump himself seemed happy with the campaign rally, which he said was attended by 31,000 people.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-04-30

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A whole 20...out of the 30k that were there to support The Donald (including many Latinos). More completely biased reporting fror a dying lamestream media organization, the LA Times, which like it's other kin, have bottom just about everything about this election wrong to date. I wouldn't put much cred in anything they "report".

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The Democrats must be worried by Trump to resort to this , they should take a good look at their own candidates

They are desperate..and trying to incite violence. Actually there is a method to their extreme "madness", aggressiveness" and "unfairness". Their leader (?? whoever that is) had prepared them to block entrances, exits...and to instigate violence. Their dream... to make the fallacy that Trump is a violent man and his supporters are thugs...did not come true for them. It was a "Holy Mary" play by religious zealots and Catholic, Mexican illegals. Typical Democratic manipulation of the poor and needy. Trump has it right. Open borders will only increase the power of democraps.

However, in the process, these dregs of society (who leach on government handouts and are mostly poor, illegals and people that support them) have done the exact opposite. More and more democrats, at least those with a lick of sense, are defecting to Trump.

Nobody wants to be associated with gangs of disruptive, violent...ill meaning leaches. Trump just shrugged it off...much to his gain. The middle ground is lost....these hooligans have pushed the undecided towards trump.

I do not want illegal aliens having a say in my politics. This mob will not win out, anyways. Trump has it wrapped up. Double the numbers of tiny ted. The others are out.

Republicans need to back their true nominee...who has definitely earned the right to run for office. My worst fear is that some radical, illegal, minority will be out for violence...against him. Trump needs to beef up his security....but let the wrongdoers head straight for the slammer.....demoquacks in jail. Just like old times.

Edited by slipperylobster
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The Democrats must be worried by Trump to resort to this , they should take a good look at their own candidates

Do these stupid protestors realize this is going to help elect Trump. Sorry to say these are drug crazy Fools do not know

Edited by HenryB
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Not being a Yank, I have never really looked at your politics until now. I now watch CNN most days to get an update and can see how really bias their reporters are. Their reporters and panellists laughed at Mr. Trump, cajoled him, called him all sorts of names and when he gave it back to them, how they cried and whined about it and called him more names. And just who is organising these poorly attended protests, none at the Cruz or Kasich rallies, says something I think. Anyway, backfiring, just look at the free publicity.

If a woman wants to play the game then they have to take the knocks, they can't have it both ways. if they put sh@@##t on someone, then learn how to take it instead of falling back of the "Woman Card" and crying foul. Typical of the lefties in politics, can dish it out but cannot take it.

Now that Mr. Trump has 75 percent of the votes, poor old "Ted" and that other misfit, Kasich, joined forces and when it blew up in their faces, tried to deny that they had colluded to deny the front runner the nomination. Wait until Indiana, Nebraska, New Mexico, California, Washington State, vote, they will both be shown the door. Same for the "No Way Trump Brigade", fell flat on their faces. Everything these clowns have done, their ads, money and blatant lies have backfired, with the voters seeing through their BS and rallying behind Mr. Trump.

Now that Mr. Trump is gaining momentum, winning by more than 60 percent in New York and a couple of other states and 50 percent in 3 more, with a clean sweep on the second "Super Tuesday", just look at how the establishment and the press are now changing their tune. And poor old Hilary and her Democrats, believe me, are very worried, even if they pretend they're not.

Although there are a few things Mr.Trump probably wishes he never said, at least he had the kahunas to say them and it's about time someone came forward and called the establishment for what they are. They do not care about the American Citizens, only their own sorry and ensure they keep their noses in the trough. It is abundantly evident that they are really p@@@d because they have no control over Mr. Trump, who has rejected their interference and money.

My prediction, even though many may not like it, Mr. Trump will triumph in the Republican race and will win the general election. People, despite their allegiances, have had enough of the ruling political elite and want to be heard. They want governments to be of the people, by the people, for the people and that these arrogant elitists learnt that they are servants of the people, not our masters.

He may not be a polished politician but who needs them, anyone who can build a business like Mr. Trump has is far from being a fool and if some think he is, then give me this type of fool any day. He will bring a number of intelligent and worldly wise people to the fore, and will, I believe, bring about a more sustainable relationship with other world powers. I just hope you Yanks give the guy a go and not swallow the BS being spewed forth by Hilary.

Edited by Si Thea01
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Americans have lost the true meaning of "president". They are voting for dictators.

Nope, not true. Perhaps a relook at the US system of government is in order here.

In any case, what does your post have to do with violent demonstrations and the destroying of property?

Edited by SpokaneAl
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Now we see who the real red necks are. These tolerant, free speech loving liberals. They are too stupid to realize that by their actions they are simply building a bigger Trump voting base.

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The Democrats must be worried by Trump to resort to this , they should take a good look at their own candidates

A good case of doublethink here. When Trump's people get violent it's because of righteous anger. But when anti-trump people get violent, it's because of a plot by Democrats.

An objective viewer would point out that this is evidence that Trump's ability to rouse up the electorate isn't confined to just his supporters.

What's more, the people who tend to favor Trump already have a higher electoral participation rate. But Hispanic citizens have traditionally had a low electoral participation rate. So they have lots more room to increase their level of participation.

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Now we see who the real red necks are. These tolerant, free speech loving liberals. They are too stupid to realize that by their actions they are simply building a bigger Trump voting base.

Got that right

Imagine if anti Hillary protesters overturned cars, assulted police etc the hue and cry would resound throughout the Land! whistling.gif

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No double lead by the illegals on welfare and

Afraid they are heading back to their countries.

Many hard working Latinos support Trump and

Would like to see this element removed from

The US.

I'll say one thing about your contention that many hardworking latinos support Trump: it's unfalsifiable. Of course, it's also meaningless without hard numbers. Care to define what you mean by many? How about putting it in percentage terms? Have you got anything that resembles data to support what you contend?

Edited by borborygmus
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It is going to be a loooonnnnnggggg hot summer in the USA.

Honestly this is the result of both parties failing to represent the people. And the two party system's ability to marginalize dissenting voices. These parties represent the donors. Not the people. Today the American government is a wholly owned subsidiary of the corporate state. And people are just now becoming aware enough to act on it. The Tea Party (not the one co-opted by the Koch Bros), Occupy Movement and other events, were forerunners to what is about to unfold.

This is not about Left / Right politics. This is about a long ago forgotten democracy.

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Not being a Yank, I have never really looked at your politics until now. I now watch CNN most days to get an update and can see how really bias their reporters are. Their reporters and panellists laughed at Mr. Trump, cajoled him, called him all sorts of names and when he gave it back to them, how they cried and whined about it and called him more names. And just who is organising these poorly attended protests, none at the Cruz or Kasich rallies, says something I think. Anyway, backfiring, just look at the free publicity.

If a woman wants to play the game then they have to take the knocks, they can't have it both ways. if they put sh@@##t on someone, then learn how to take it instead of falling back of the "Woman Card" and crying foul. Typical of the lefties in politics, can dish it out but cannot take it.

Now that Mr. Trump has 75 percent of the votes, poor old "Ted" and that other misfit, Kasich, joined forces and when it blew up in their faces, tried to deny that they had colluded to deny the front runner the nomination. Wait until Indiana, Nebraska, New Mexico, California, Washington State, vote, they will both be shown the door. Same for the "No Way Trump Brigade", fell flat on their faces. Everything these clowns have done, their ads, money and blatant lies have backfired, with the voters seeing through their BS and rallying behind Mr. Trump.

Now that Mr. Trump is gaining momentum, winning by more than 60 percent in New York and a couple of other states and 50 percent in 3 more, with a clean sweep on the second "Super Tuesday", just look at how the establishment and the press are now changing their tune. And poor old Hilary and her Democrats, believe me, are very worried, even if they pretend they're not.

Although there are a few things Mr.Trump probably wishes he never said, at least he had the kahunas to say them and it's about time someone came forward and called the establishment for what they are. They do not care about the American Citizens, only their own sorry and ensure they keep their noses in the trough. It is abundantly evident that they are really p@@@d because they have no control over Mr. Trump, who has rejected their interference and money.

My prediction, even though many may not like it, Mr. Trump will triumph in the Republican race and will win the general election. People, despite their allegiances, have had enough of the ruling political elite and want to be heard. They want governments to be of the people, by the people, for the people and that these arrogant elitists learnt that they are servants of the people, not our masters.

He may not be a polished politician but who needs them, anyone who can build a business like Mr. Trump has is far from being a fool and if some think he is, then give me this type of fool any day. He will bring a number of intelligent and worldly wise people to the fore, and will, I believe, bring about a more sustainable relationship with other world powers. I just hope you Yanks give the guy a go and not swallow the BS being spewed forth by Hilary.

Yeah, Trump is definitely going to hurt the ruling political elite. Money is power. He plans to cut their taxes hugely. Thereby giving them more money but less power? They must hate him for that. He also is against raising the minimum wage. Donald Trump strikes another blow for the American Worker!!!

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That's right 20 people out of 30,000 is not newsworthy. The fact that people get upset is. Hillary couldn't prompt any of this, no one cares, no one gets excited, only Trump can decide this election. Like Ross Perot on big roids.

The thing I worry about the most is this violent scene replicating itself on GOP nomination night, and we don't get to see the Don in action for some reason...

The PC concensus of idiots fears Trump as a racist, but the real politicians know it takes a huge amount of balls and power to say anything even slightly polarizing, such as Trump has. They will cry like babies, something bad gonna happen closer that golden nest of hair gets to the Whitehouse

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Dealing with percentages requires statistical data

that is always manipulated and mostly useless.

"Many" can refer to knowledge gained by interviews,

General knowledge derived from informal meetings,

And listening to the community response to problems,

And who might best serve their community. Case in

Point being; listening to the working class Lation


Edited by little mary sunshine
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The protesters like that are helping Trump. Lets him play the victim, which is ridiculous.

Bring on the Trump nomination and then release the TON of dirt on him, 24/7, and he will destroy the republican party.

Hillary's "scandals" are baked in for many years.

With Trump's dirt, you ain't seen nothing yet.

Edited by Jingthing
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The Democrats must be worried by Trump to resort to this , they should take a good look at their own candidates

They are desperate..and trying to incite violence. Actually there is a method to their extreme "madness", aggressiveness" and "unfairness". Their leader (?? whoever that is) had prepared them to block entrances, exits...and to instigate violence. Their dream... to make the fallacy that Trump is a violent man and his supporters are thugs...did not come true for them. It was a "Holy Mary" play by religious zealots and Catholic, Mexican illegals. Typical Democratic manipulation of the poor and needy. Trump has it right. Open borders will only increase the power of democraps.

However, in the process, these dregs of society (who leach on government handouts and are mostly poor, illegals and people that support them) have done the exact opposite. More and more democrats, at least those with a lick of sense, are defecting to Trump.

Nobody wants to be associated with gangs of disruptive, violent...ill meaning leaches. Trump just shrugged it off...much to his gain. The middle ground is lost....these hooligans have pushed the undecided towards trump.

I do not want illegal aliens having a say in my politics. This mob will not win out, anyways. Trump has it wrapped up. Double the numbers of tiny ted. The others are out.

Republicans need to back their true nominee...who has definitely earned the right to run for office. My worst fear is that some radical, illegal, minority will be out for violence...against him. Trump needs to beef up his security....but let the wrongdoers head straight for the slammer.....demoquacks in jail. Just like old times.

Do you have any proof that those protesting were "religious zealots and Catholic, Mexican illegals." or Democrats for that matter?

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Dealing with percentages requires statistical data

that is always manipulated and mostly useless.

"Many" can refer to knowledge gained by interviews,

General knowledge derived from informal meetings,

And listening to the community response to problems,

And who might best serve their community. Case in

Point being; listening to the working class Lation


You mean like in the 2012 election when most people on the right knew that the polls were skewed and that Romney was really winning? Remember how the right reviled Nate Silver and his skewed data? Exactly how many states did he call correctly? I believe it was a mere 50 out of 50. I guess he didn't listen enough to the community response to problems. Whatever that means.

And you might want to look up a little something called "Confirmation Bias."

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It is going to be a loooonnnnnggggg hot summer in the USA.

Honestly this is the result of both parties failing to represent the people. And the two party system's ability to marginalize dissenting voices. These parties represent the donors. Not the people. Today the American government is a wholly owned subsidiary of the corporate state. And people are just now becoming aware enough to act on it. The Tea Party (not the one co-opted by the Koch Bros), Occupy Movement and other events, were forerunners to what is about to unfold.

This is not about Left / Right politics. This is about a long ago forgotten democracy.

I sounds like you are rationalizing the use of violence and the destruction of property as a tool when one disagrees with the message and the messenger.

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The Democrats must be worried by Trump to resort to this , they should take a good look at their own candidates

A good case of doublethink here. When Trump's people get violent it's because of righteous anger. But when anti-trump people get violent, it's because of a plot by Democrats.

An objective viewer would point out that this is evidence that Trump's ability to rouse up the electorate isn't confined to just his supporters.

What's more, the people who tend to favor Trump already have a higher electoral participation rate. But Hispanic citizens have traditionally had a low electoral participation rate. So they have lots more room to increase their level of participation.

There is no evidence that a band of Trump supporters have ever attended in mass the political rally of any other opponent Republican or Democrat and created a disturbance ... Trump supporters do not go out in the streets - block traffic, overturn cars, burn cars and generally act like gang members. There is a huge difference between Protest and Rioting with Violence... The Anti-Trump supporters have entered into breaking laws - blocking traffic, starting fights outside Trump rallies... and violently pushing, shoving and hitting people who have done nothing but attempt to attend a Trump Rally ... I think you have a strange view on events. If people become violent against Trump and his supporters in an attempt to shut down supporter participation that is ANARCHY ...

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The Bay Area is obviously very hostile to Trump because of what he represents but violence against Trump supporters is obviously unacceptable as is the violence Trump supporters have inflicted on protesters at other venues. Anyway, protests at this stage are helping Trump. He will be nominated. After that, the lines will become more clear, and there won't be any ambiguity about the sides, as right now there is also a strong INTERNAL republican conflict about the rise of Trump.

Edited by Jingthing
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Confirmation Bias=BS.

There's another phrase you probably won't like: Epistemic Closure. It's what sustains Trump supporters' optimism even though they don't even know what it is. And one more thing, President Romney sends you his regards.

Edited by borborygmus
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The Democrats must be worried by Trump to resort to this , they should take a good look at their own candidates

They are desperate..and trying to incite violence. Actually there is a method to their extreme "madness", aggressiveness" and "unfairness". Their leader (?? whoever that is) had prepared them to block entrances, exits...and to instigate violence. Their dream... to make the fallacy that Trump is a violent man and his supporters are thugs...did not come true for them. It was a "Holy Mary" play by religious zealots and Catholic, Mexican illegals. Typical Democratic manipulation of the poor and needy. Trump has it right. Open borders will only increase the power of democraps.

However, in the process, these dregs of society (who leach on government handouts and are mostly poor, illegals and people that support them) have done the exact opposite. More and more democrats, at least those with a lick of sense, are defecting to Trump.

Nobody wants to be associated with gangs of disruptive, violent...ill meaning leaches. Trump just shrugged it off...much to his gain. The middle ground is lost....these hooligans have pushed the undecided towards trump.

I do not want illegal aliens having a say in my politics. This mob will not win out, anyways. Trump has it wrapped up. Double the numbers of tiny ted. The others are out.

Republicans need to back their true nominee...who has definitely earned the right to run for office. My worst fear is that some radical, illegal, minority will be out for violence...against him. Trump needs to beef up his security....but let the wrongdoers head straight for the slammer.....demoquacks in jail. Just like old times.

Do you have any proof that those protesting were "religious zealots and Catholic, Mexican illegals." or Democrats for that matter?

yeah..believe it.

I lived 15 minutes away from that very same place...for 10 years. Plenty Mexican Catholics....and illegals assembling on every corner...by the dozens...available for work. Even signs on the highways warning of illegals crossing the road. (Man, wife and baby on the sign).

Mexicans are Catholics. Some cities are "Sanctuary Cities"


Sanctuary, as in the Roman Catholic sense. Not to mention all the liberals from Hollywood on up to San Francisco.

No further explanations necessary. Surprised you are not up on this. go figure.

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