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A leading German politician says the country’s mosques should come under state control


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Islam declared war on all other religions and secular people.

Politically correctness inhabits the right response.

Rules of this, rules of that, rules of everything.

We keep them, islam not.

Which will be our undoing.

dont worry about it! germany did the same thing to another religion a few years ago and all is forgiven! go for it!

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By me?


That is why I say what I said, again and again, never forget history, learn from it, never make the same mistakes.

The war is here, don't deny it, afore it overwhelms you.

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That's how it is in Saudi Arabia, as well. There, sermons have to be cleared by the government before they can be delivered to ensure that they follow the government line.

No reason why the same cannot apply elsewhere, in my opinion.
Yeah well I suppose sensible and true.

I just think then Muslims may want to have a bit of free international discussion as to what is the core of the religion and see whether the current Salafist and Wahabbi leadership, or internationally represented face of Islam, actually fits the people's core beliefs. White people watch that debate you'd change your perceptions in five minutes..

It is an interesting point you bring up, and one that makes us ponder if this debate is going on within Muslim society. And if so, why are we hearing so little about that debate? Why are so few Muslims speaking out against the super freak rapists, gang banging ISIS men children, and the murderous thugs pretending to be religious. There was a massive rally in Belgium recently. How many muslims showed up, denouncing the extremists? How many Muslim leaders, politicians and clerics are speaking out in a vociferous manner?

The issue is, that many moderate minded people are starting to lump all Muslims together, due to the lack of outcry from within the Muslim community. It is making them appear to be either complicit, or at least tolerant of the nonsense. If they do not start speaking out, the potential backlash toward all muslims worldwide could become horrific.

Below is an example of an anti terror protest on April 17 in Belgium. Even though the report is from The Guardian it failed to report the demonstration was contributed to & coordinated by members of the local Muslim community - reported by another media outlet. An earlier demonstration was stopped by violent far right thugs.


As previously mentioned in other topics in some detail many Islamic / Muslim organisations have very clearly spoken out against Daesh and other terror groups with little coverage by mainstream media outlets. Here in Australia there was a terror murder of a police civilian worker; the local Muslim community held a fund raiser for the family of the deceased - exactly one media outlet reported the matter. Thousands of Muslim security forces have lost their lives fighting Islamic terror groups, minimal coverage of the effort & losses.

Overall there is little balanced reporting, one has to ask the question - "Why?".

Thanks so much for that post. People really need to start seeing these kinds of things. I am very alarmed at my moderate minded friends, who are starting to lump all Muslims together. I have spent years arguing that the majority of Muslims do not support the butthead extremists. But, that argument is getting harder and harder to make. We need to see more of this, and there is an urgency to this.

And yes, I agree the media does not seem to have an interest in reporting much of this. It seems fear mongering, and spreading hatred, Trump style, is what the media is more interested in.
meanwhile back in the real world 90% of muslim Belgian teenagers consider islamic terrorists to be heros. 90%. No wonder they are all getting lumped together. Edited by Scott
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Below is an example of an anti terror protest on April 17 in Belgium. Even though the report is from The Guardian it failed to report the demonstration was contributed to & coordinated by members of the local Muslim community - reported by another media outlet. An earlier demonstration was stopped by violent far right thugs.


As previously mentioned in other topics in some detail many Islamic / Muslim organisations have very clearly spoken out against Daesh and other terror groups with little coverage by mainstream media outlets. Here in Australia there was a terror murder of a police civilian worker; the local Muslim community held a fund raiser for the family of the deceased - exactly one media outlet reported the matter. Thousands of Muslim security forces have lost their lives fighting Islamic terror groups, minimal coverage of the effort & losses.

Overall there is little balanced reporting, one has to ask the question - "Why?".

how dare you to ask a politically incorrect question? whistling.gif

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By me?


That is why I say what I said, again and again, never forget history, learn from it, never make the same mistakes.

The war is here, don't deny it, afore it overwhelms you.

What happened then of course should never be forgotten but I think the situation today is somewhat different.

Suicide bombings, rapes and terrorism are being done in name of religion. The people who are responsible are using these tactics with the aim of having everyone follow their medieval beliefs just because they think it will give them total control of Europe. The members of that 'religion' who say nothing and do nothing to stop it by their actions or non actions are supporting it. They have no interest in dialogue or discussion and we as western nations should react in a similar fashion.

No hand outs, no social security, no free medical care, they haven't paid for it so don't deserve it.

Start filling planes with them and send them home after one instance of law breaking in their host country and I don't mean speeding in the car they're driving, I mean any crime of, as the Americans put it, moral turpitude.

Edited by overherebc
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meanwhile back in the real world 90% of muslim Belgian teenagers consider islamic terrorists to be heros. 90%. No wonder they are all getting lumped together.

As reported by an unattributed quote from teachers in a New York Times article. Perhaps of more relevance is Belgium has a Muslim population of roughly 670k, with an estimated 500+ Belgian worshipers of terrorism in Iraq / Syria - probable less now with the ongoing fighting & bombing campaigns. By way of comparison Oz has an estimated 500k Muslims with approx 150 joining terror groups in Syria / Iraq, of those, it is claimed so far about 30 have been killed.

Back on topic, might be a good idea for EU governments to take a look at what el-Sisi has been doing to manage mosques / radical preachers.


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I remember in Germany years ago that there was a religious tax that you paid. This must give the authorities some power over the various religions.

I would be in favour of putting ALL religious outlets (temples, churches, schools etc) under state control. Too easy to have hate speech going on under the noses of the authorities, not to mention child abuse etc.

this tax called "Kirchensteuer" (church tax) still exists (levied with income tax from catholics and protestants). but it does not empower any government authorities over both christian religions.

the basis of this tax was the confiscation of most properties both churches owned in the late 19th century.

It still exists in many other European countries as well. But only enrolled Christians have to pay it. It's free to everyone to leave the church and so on not to pay church taxes anymore. That said, it's not mandatory.

Edited by alocacoc
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