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TU student union demands free expression for the sake of true democracy


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"When a government fears the people there is liberty, when the people fears the government there is tyranny" ; Thomas Jefferson.

Now what do the people have here? Express your opinion and we don't approve of it = attitude adjustment,

have a red bowl = charges with ten year gaol,

Express your opinion on the draft charter = gaol.

Click like on FB = gaol.

Calling for independent investigation of corruption for a park down south = attitude adjustment............

so you think you have free speech in Austrailia then

I suggest you go do a little research, there is no such a thing as free speech - there are always limits and boundaries for very obvious reasons, some countries are more strict than others, it can also depend on what is going on that could result in special powers being introduced for limited periods, there are certain groups and individuals in Thailand right now that would like nothing better than to cause trouble and violence, we have seen it many times in the past and most of us have a reasonable idea who is behind it.

People have been told they can individually express how they feel about the charter, what they are not allowed to do is distort its content or create a protest group and take to the streets

A lot of people are going to lose their theiving ability when this charter is passed and we are talking very large amounts of money - quite frankly I am very pleased with that

"there are certain groups and individuals in Thailand right now that would like nothing better than to cause trouble and violence,"

That would be the ones on the streets with guns? The ones with tanks waiting to back up their orders, or the ones with the red bowls and calendars?

The army exists to deliver violence, it is what they are trained for (word trained is used loosely here I admit) and their reason to exist.

Ask yourself over the last 60 years, how many Thai citizens have been killed during political protests etc. by the army, and associated groups like the Village Scouts (either in uniform or out of it) compared to those killed by other citizens?

Either you are ignoring this country's history or you are ignorant of it. (that's the real history not the imaginary "official" one mistaught in schools)

This charter doesn't stop thieving, it just narrows the number of possible recipients.

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Which proves the point that "this guy has expressed a contrary opinion and is being detained because of it".

he is an active politician and they have been told to keep their mouths shut which I actually agree with, they had many chances to make changes for the good of Thailand and its people but instead chose another path one which will be tightly shut if this charter gets passed

He slammed the charter as a step backwards, called the charter a democracy in retreat, weakened people power and risks conflict. These are quotes from Ahbisit and very similar to Wattana charter criticism. The detention and harassment are selective or you too blind to see.

What they are all saying which you refer as the other path seem to harmonize with the universal values of freedom, equality and justice and you seem to disagree.

How do you know that Ahbisit didn't get a visit by the authorities and he agreed to keep his mouth shut, same goes for the rest, you have no idea, all we know for sure is that Wattana refuses to comply, wasn't he one of the ones that cheered when the kids were blown up in Trat by a grenade

I have read a dozen articles about the grenade attack in Trat and the subsequent rally in Korat, where some of the crowd cheered the announcement of the attack by a red shirt speaker.

I can find no mention of Watana being at the rally or cheering the announcement.

Do you have evidence of this?

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"When a government fears the people there is liberty, when the people fears the government there is tyranny" ; Thomas Jefferson.

Now what do the people have here? Express your opinion and we don't approve of it = attitude adjustment,

have a red bowl = charges with ten year gaol,

Express your opinion on the draft charter = gaol.

Click like on FB = gaol.

Calling for independent investigation of corruption for a park down south = attitude adjustment............

so you think you have free speech in Austrailia then

I suggest you go do a little research, there is no such a thing as free speech - there are always limits and boundaries for very obvious reasons, some countries are more strict than others, it can also depend on what is going on that could result in special powers being introduced for limited periods, there are certain groups and individuals in Thailand right now that would like nothing better than to cause trouble and violence, we have seen it many times in the past and most of us have a reasonable idea who is behind it.

People have been told they can individually express how they feel about the charter, what they are not allowed to do is distort its content or create a protest group and take to the streets

A lot of people are going to lose their theiving ability when this charter is passed and we are talking very large amounts of money - quite frankly I am very pleased with that

Oh, no - not another falang Munchkin urging us down the yellow brick road. Don't you realise Emerald City is merely an illusion - and the scary Wizard just a little man with a microphone hiding behind a curtain?

what on earth are you going on about, I do not take sides I see it as I see it, there is evil in this country that needs eradicated and the sooner the better

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"When a government fears the people there is liberty, when the people fears the government there is tyranny" ; Thomas Jefferson.

Now what do the people have here? Express your opinion and we don't approve of it = attitude adjustment,

have a red bowl = charges with ten year gaol,

Express your opinion on the draft charter = gaol.

Click like on FB = gaol.

Calling for independent investigation of corruption for a park down south = attitude adjustment............

so you think you have free speech in Austrailia then

I suggest you go do a little research, there is no such a thing as free speech - there are always limits and boundaries for very obvious reasons, some countries are more strict than others, it can also depend on what is going on that could result in special powers being introduced for limited periods, there are certain groups and individuals in Thailand right now that would like nothing better than to cause trouble and violence, we have seen it many times in the past and most of us have a reasonable idea who is behind it.

People have been told they can individually express how they feel about the charter, what they are not allowed to do is distort its content or create a protest group and take to the streets

A lot of people are going to lose their theiving ability when this charter is passed and we are talking very large amounts of money - quite frankly I am very pleased with that

All societies have limits on freedom of speech--you can't yell fire in a crowded theater and things like that. Most people agree that broad limits are necessary, but there will always be some debate on exactly how broad.

Autocracies, such as Thailand's current government (there's a better word for it, but since we don't have freedom of speech here...) severely restrict freedom of expression to obstruct the exchange of information and ideas. That is what the junta is doing.

"what they are not allowed to do is distort its content or create a protest group and take to the streets"

Refresh my memory; did you object to Suthep's protests?

"A lot of people are going to lose their theiving ability"

But not the military, the junta will ensure that the general's source of wealth remains undisturbed. Your blind defense of the junta is sad; are you incapable seeing what is going on around you, or just incapable of admitting you're wrong?

for gods sake give it a rest, I actually did agree with the peaceful protests, everybody knows that changes were needed - and an election wasn't going to cut it either - putting PTP back in the driving seat would have just caused the same thing again as Thaksin tried to push through his amnesty for the second time, a government should be representing all of its people and their interests not just one man unfortunately he has the money to buy elections ironically the money mostly came from the Thai people, he left Thailand with billions $$$$

as for the pending referendum and if passed an election soon after I will reserve my judgement until then

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"When a government fears the people there is liberty, when the people fears the government there is tyranny" ; Thomas Jefferson.

Now what do the people have here? Express your opinion and we don't approve of it = attitude adjustment,

have a red bowl = charges with ten year gaol,

Express your opinion on the draft charter = gaol.

Click like on FB = gaol.

Calling for independent investigation of corruption for a park down south = attitude adjustment............

so you think you have free speech in Austrailia then

I suggest you go do a little research, there is no such a thing as free speech - there are always limits and boundaries for very obvious reasons, some countries are more strict than others, it can also depend on what is going on that could result in special powers being introduced for limited periods, there are certain groups and individuals in Thailand right now that would like nothing better than to cause trouble and violence, we have seen it many times in the past and most of us have a reasonable idea who is behind it.

People have been told they can individually express how they feel about the charter, what they are not allowed to do is distort its content or create a protest group and take to the streets

A lot of people are going to lose their theiving ability when this charter is passed and we are talking very large amounts of money - quite frankly I am very pleased with that

All societies have limits on freedom of speech--you can't yell fire in a crowded theater and things like that. Most people agree that broad limits are necessary, but there will always be some debate on exactly how broad.

Autocracies, such as Thailand's current government (there's a better word for it, but since we don't have freedom of speech here...) severely restrict freedom of expression to obstruct the exchange of information and ideas. That is what the junta is doing.

"what they are not allowed to do is distort its content or create a protest group and take to the streets"

Refresh my memory; did you object to Suthep's protests?

"A lot of people are going to lose their theiving ability"

But not the military, the junta will ensure that the general's source of wealth remains undisturbed. Your blind defense of the junta is sad; are you incapable seeing what is going on around you, or just incapable of admitting you're wrong?

for gods sake give it a rest, I actually did agree with the peaceful protests, everybody knows that changes were needed - and an election wasn't going to cut it either - putting PTP back in the driving seat would have just caused the same thing again as Thaksin tried to push through his amnesty for the second time, a government should be representing all of its people and their interests not just one man unfortunately he has the money to buy elections ironically the money mostly came from the Thai people, he left Thailand with billions $$$$

as for the pending referendum and if passed an election soon after I will reserve my judgement until then

"for gods sake give it a rest, I actually did agree with the peaceful protests"

Peaceful protest? Seriously? The way Suthep's thugs peacefully murdered a redshirt poet, peacefully put a Thai army officer into the hospital for having the temerity to move and illegal roadblock, peacefully blew a police officers leg off with a grenade when the RTP was attempting to break-up an illegal mob obstructing government, and peacefully used violence and intimidation to obstruct an election.

The protests since the coup have been peaceful, do you support them?

As always, you are ignoring the corruption of Thailand's millionaire generals who are making sure that democracy will not return to Thailand.

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Thailand is not ready for "true democracy"

Too many who sell there votes for 500B, and will jump on a couch for a for a party in Bangkok with free t shirt, whistle and spending money.

Isn't that THEIR choice to make? Who are you to decide Thailand's choices? Isn't it down to Thais to make their mistakes and learn from them? You seem to think that Thailand should be just like your birth land, all rosy and peaches?

A True democracy would mean a military that's accountable to the Government of that country, not to themselves. As long as that never changes in Thailand, the dinosaurs will not allow them to answer to someone who at best gets 4 years in office, at worst less, if they don't like how it looks for them.

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Thailand is not ready for "true democracy"

Too many who sell there votes for 500B, and will jump on a couch for a for a party in Bangkok with free t shirt, whistle and spending money.

Right. Unsubstantiated claims about vote buying by anonymous TV posters are much more credible than the findings of ANFREL, the international organization that monitored the 2011 election.

Therefore Thailand needs to be prepared for "true democracy", and there's nothing like repressive military rule to teach people about democracy.

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"When a government fears the people there is liberty, when the people fears the government there is tyranny" ; Thomas Jefferson.

Now what do the people have here? Express your opinion and we don't approve of it = attitude adjustment,

have a red bowl = charges with ten year gaol,

Express your opinion on the draft charter = gaol.

Click like on FB = gaol.

Calling for independent investigation of corruption for a park down south = attitude adjustment............

so you think you have free speech in Austrailia then

I suggest you go do a little research, there is no such a thing as free speech - there are always limits and boundaries for very obvious reasons, some countries are more strict than others, it can also depend on what is going on that could result in special powers being introduced for limited periods, there are certain groups and individuals in Thailand right now that would like nothing better than to cause trouble and violence, we have seen it many times in the past and most of us have a reasonable idea who is behind it.

People have been told they can individually express how they feel about the charter, what they are not allowed to do is distort its content or create a protest group and take to the streets

A lot of people are going to lose their theiving ability when this charter is passed and we are talking very large amounts of money - quite frankly I am very pleased with that

True, try saying you think Muslims should be banned from entering Australia or say something like: "we need to stop non-white people from immigrating to Australia in large numbers" or simply, how can we debate our immigration policy? Although it's not quite as bad as say Sweden, which is like the most fascist state in an increasingly fascist Europe, but even in Australia there are limits to what you can say. It's just that what you CAN say is a little different to Thailand.

In Thailand you could debate race and religion all day, no one would bat an eyelid although admittedly with little immigration and no political correctness there isn't much to debate about. On the other hand, politics (especially the current political situation) and the unnameables at the top can't be debated.

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The only country that I'm aware of that had anything close to 'true democracy' is Switzerland. What is promoted as 'democracy' world-wide is generally a sad joke that disguises something 'truly' different.

Best of luck on that search for 'true democracy' that, for the most part, simply is an illusion.

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The only country that I'm aware of that had anything close to 'true democracy' is Switzerland. What is promoted as 'democracy' world-wide is generally a sad joke that disguises something 'truly' different.

Best of luck on that search for 'true democracy' that, for the most part, simply is an illusion.

No country has perfect democracy, even the Swiss system has problems. However any country in which voters choose the elected officials, and all real power rests in the hands of these elected officials, has democracy. Thailand doesn't have democracy.

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It would appear that many people who decided to up sticks and leave their home country, forgot to carry out due diligence and actually do some historical research into the country they believe offered them a better quality of life, as all I see all too often here is the same group of guys, who all must be over 100 years old each, to be able to compare the old Thailand to the new, who are constantly bashing and belittling the Thai people, and even going as far as saying things like "They don't deserve democracy" , or worse, " they're not educated enough to know what democracy is"

These are the very same people who decry the influx of Middle Eastern refugees and immigrants into their birth countries, who bleat about "These people need to follow our laws and customs" or "These people need to start integrating into society and accept that the society they moved to doesn't owe them a god damn thing"

These are the very same people that ignore the fact that there's a lot of uneducated people in their birth countries too. It's Snobbery of the highest calibre.

That farmer and his family who has lived on that plot of land for generations, but cannot read or write his own name has more right to be pissed off than any foreigner who looks down on him.

He has more right to have a say in his country, as he actually has a vote, "yes but he will sell his vote they will decry" big deal, it's his to what he wishes with, just like my vote is mine, would you listen to him if he talked about the EU referendum, or would you ignore him because "It's none of his business, and his opinions are moot" ?

Vote buying in rural areas is older than most people bitching about it too.

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"When a government fears the people there is liberty, when the people fears the government there is tyranny" ; Thomas Jefferson.

Now what do the people have here? Express your opinion and we don't approve of it = attitude adjustment,

have a red bowl = charges with ten year gaol,

Express your opinion on the draft charter = gaol.

Click like on FB = gaol.

Calling for independent investigation of corruption for a park down south = attitude adjustment............

so you think you have free speech in Austrailia then

I suggest you go do a little research, there is no such a thing as free speech - there are always limits and boundaries for very obvious reasons, some countries are more strict than others, it can also depend on what is going on that could result in special powers being introduced for limited periods, there are certain groups and individuals in Thailand right now that would like nothing better than to cause trouble and violence, we have seen it many times in the past and most of us have a reasonable idea who is behind it.

People have been told they can individually express how they feel about the charter, what they are not allowed to do is distort its content or create a protest group and take to the streets

A lot of people are going to lose their theiving ability when this charter is passed and we are talking very large amounts of money - quite frankly I am very pleased with that

Oh, no - not another falang Munchkin urging us down the yellow brick road. Don't you realise Emerald City is merely an illusion - and the scary Wizard just a little man with a microphone hiding behind a curtain?

Yes , I noticed his ""special powers "" reference ...very cute.

These apologists often are silly at best.

Ps ...did you like his "" limited period "" reference for me that was the real tell tale sign how "" blind faith"" in a regime can make westerners appear very very foolish.

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"When a government fears the people there is liberty, when the people fears the government there is tyranny" ; Thomas Jefferson.

Now what do the people have here? Express your opinion and we don't approve of it = attitude adjustment,

have a red bowl = charges with ten year gaol,

Express your opinion on the draft charter = gaol.

Click like on FB = gaol.

Calling for independent investigation of corruption for a park down south = attitude adjustment............

so you think you have free speech in Austrailia then

I suggest you go do a little research, there is no such a thing as free speech - there are always limits and boundaries for very obvious reasons, some countries are more strict than others, it can also depend on what is going on that could result in special powers being introduced for limited periods, there are certain groups and individuals in Thailand right now that would like nothing better than to cause trouble and violence, we have seen it many times in the past and most of us have a reasonable idea who is behind it.

People have been told they can individually express how they feel about the charter, what they are not allowed to do is distort its content or create a protest group and take to the streets

A lot of people are going to lose their theiving ability when this charter is passed and we are talking very large amounts of money - quite frankly I am very pleased with that

Oh, no - not another falang Munchkin urging us down the yellow brick road. Don't you realise Emerald City is merely an illusion - and the scary Wizard just a little man with a microphone hiding behind a curtain?

Yes , I noticed his ""special powers "" reference ...very cute.

These apologists often are silly at best.

Ps ...did you like his "" limited period "" reference for me that was the real tell tale sign how "" blind faith"" in a regime can make westerners appear very very foolish.

"special powers" and "limited period" indicate unquestioning faith in the benign motives of a military that can do no wrong. This is all justified by fear of "certain groups and individuals in Thailand". Look out or the boogie man will get you.

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A lot of people are going to lose their theiving ability when this charter is passed and we are talking very large amounts of money - quite frankly I am very pleased with that

But they've not been able to stop the thieving and corruption and power abuse and Nepotism that's going on today, zero cheques and balances and zero accountability.

No no, what he really meant to say is that people with an actual electoral mandate cannot thieve. The elite will be able to thieve much more then they used to. The irony is, that in the old situation, said elite already thieved much more than the people with a mandate ever could..

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All the people that get pulled for expressing their opnion in public have been told not to, whats hard to understand ?

It seems to me, wait until after they get their elections then the politicians that get elected can do the peoples wishes

By keep winding the current govement up they delay the process,

When they get to vote on the charter they can vote how they wish to,

with no debate the people will just have to make up their own minds,

Whats wrong with that ?

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All the people that get pulled for expressing their opnion in public have been told not to, whats hard to understand ?

It seems to me, wait until after they get their elections then the politicians that get elected can do the peoples wishes

By keep winding the current govement up they delay the process,

When they get to vote on the charter they can vote how they wish to,

with no debate the people will just have to make up their own minds,

Whats wrong with that ?

What's wrong with the junta actively promoting the draft constitution while making it illegal for others to criticize it? Seriously?

Edited by heybruce
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They are promoting it ?

As far as I know they have said we will have a vote on the new constitution in August

I haven't heard of any details about it have you ?

As I understand there is a copy online,

And it will be explained to people, it is possible to explain something without bias

but people giving their opinions are bias because they are their opinions.

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They are promoting it ?

As far as I know they have said we will have a vote on the new constitution in August

I haven't heard of any details about it have you ?

As I understand there is a copy online,

And it will be explained to people, it is possible to explain something without bias

but people giving their opinions are bias because they are their opinions.

They are "explaining" the draft, using the Army http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/911442-2nd-army-area-introduces-campaign-to-promote-understanding-of-draft-charter/?hl=charter, a singer http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/159966 and other methods. Do you think the government that produced the draft and is putting it to a vote will explain it in terms that don't promote it?

Meanwhile Suthep is allowed to publicly endorse the constitution http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/160795 while those who "influence" the referendum face ten years in prison http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/909541-pm-threatens-10-year-prison-sentence-for-politicians-who-criticize-referendum/?hl=criticize .

Do you really think the junta will explain the draft without bias? Do you think it is acceptable to deny people the right to share their opinions?

Regarding details, I know it has an appointed Senate that can block actions taken by the elected parliament and it ends free education at age 15. I have an opinion on those matters, but it would be illegal for me to share them.

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They are promoting it ?

As far as I know they have said we will have a vote on the new constitution in August

I haven't heard of any details about it have you ?

As I understand there is a copy online,

And it will be explained to people, it is possible to explain something without bias

but people giving their opinions are bias because they are their opinions.

They are "explaining" the draft, using the Army http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/911442-2nd-army-area-introduces-campaign-to-promote-understanding-of-draft-charter/?hl=charter, a singer http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/159966 and other methods. Do you think the government that produced the draft and is putting it to a vote will explain it in terms that don't promote it?

Meanwhile Suthep is allowed to publicly endorse the constitution http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/160795 while those who "influence" the referendum face ten years in prison http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/909541-pm-threatens-10-year-prison-sentence-for-politicians-who-criticize-referendum/?hl=criticize .

Do you really think the junta will explain the draft without bias? Do you think it is acceptable to deny people the right to share their opinions?

Regarding details, I know it has an appointed Senate that can block actions taken by the elected parliament and it ends free education at age 15. I have an opinion on those matters, but it would be illegal for me to share them.

Ok I accept that it can be said that the govenment are promoting it, and some will say that's unfair, I learned a long time ago that life is not fair.

So what can people do, vote yes or no.

They vote yes and get this charter thingy out of the way and clear the table ready for elections, or vote no and delay everything longer, they may well end up with the next one imposed with no vote on it.

Personaly I am hoping to see something along the lines of people with criminal convictions are barred from standing as MP's.

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They are promoting it ?

As far as I know they have said we will have a vote on the new constitution in August

I haven't heard of any details about it have you ?

As I understand there is a copy online,

And it will be explained to people, it is possible to explain something without bias

but people giving their opinions are bias because they are their opinions.

They are "explaining" the draft, using the Army http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/911442-2nd-army-area-introduces-campaign-to-promote-understanding-of-draft-charter/?hl=charter, a singer http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/159966 and other methods. Do you think the government that produced the draft and is putting it to a vote will explain it in terms that don't promote it?

Meanwhile Suthep is allowed to publicly endorse the constitution http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/160795 while those who "influence" the referendum face ten years in prison http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/909541-pm-threatens-10-year-prison-sentence-for-politicians-who-criticize-referendum/?hl=criticize .

Do you really think the junta will explain the draft without bias? Do you think it is acceptable to deny people the right to share their opinions?

Regarding details, I know it has an appointed Senate that can block actions taken by the elected parliament and it ends free education at age 15. I have an opinion on those matters, but it would be illegal for me to share them.

Ok I accept that it can be said that the govenment are promoting it, and some will say that's unfair, I learned a long time ago that life is not fair.

So what can people do, vote yes or no.

They vote yes and get this charter thingy out of the way and clear the table ready for elections, or vote no and delay everything longer, they may well end up with the next one imposed with no vote on it.

Personaly I am hoping to see something along the lines of people with criminal convictions are barred from standing as MP's.

it would seem from your 'what's wrong with that?" style of comments that you could use with a bit of brushing up on human rights...

Check out this page: http://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/index.html

You should be able to see that the Junta violates essentially every article.

I would say that there is something wrong with that...

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One thing I am certain of

Thaksin will never set foot in Thailand again, the UUD will never murder again they are finished.

Plus the probability that Yingluc will see the inside of a cell - a bonus

And maybe Thailand has a bright future with a stable democracy for the first time

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I agree with what people are saying about this mob's clamp down on freedom. Let's face it they are doing what the country does best - copy. They look at China and want what's theirs, plus to have their coffers filled by them.

However... and this an attack on those who see FB as a vital part of society and democracy, personally speaking I'm sick to death of Facebook. Where are my rights of privacy if I don't want to be on someone's page? If a selfie loving cretin wants to take a picture with someone's kid because they're cute and post it online without the parents' consent...where's the democracy in that?

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One thing I am certain of

Thaksin will never set foot in Thailand again, the UUD will never murder again they are finished.

Plus the probability that Yingluc will see the inside of a cell - a bonus

And maybe Thailand has a bright future with a stable democracy for the first time

In other words, you'll accept any government doing anything so long as its anti-Shinawatra.

The part about "maybe Thailand has a bright future with a stable democracy for the first time" flies in the face of all the junta is doing. But your top priority is the keep out the Shinawatra's, regardless of what the Thai people want. Clearly you don't care about democracy.

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They are promoting it ?

As far as I know they have said we will have a vote on the new constitution in August

I haven't heard of any details about it have you ?

As I understand there is a copy online,

And it will be explained to people, it is possible to explain something without bias

but people giving their opinions are bias because they are their opinions.

They are "explaining" the draft, using the Army http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/911442-2nd-army-area-introduces-campaign-to-promote-understanding-of-draft-charter/?hl=charter, a singer http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/159966 and other methods. Do you think the government that produced the draft and is putting it to a vote will explain it in terms that don't promote it?

Meanwhile Suthep is allowed to publicly endorse the constitution http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/160795 while those who "influence" the referendum face ten years in prison http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/909541-pm-threatens-10-year-prison-sentence-for-politicians-who-criticize-referendum/?hl=criticize .

Do you really think the junta will explain the draft without bias? Do you think it is acceptable to deny people the right to share their opinions?

Regarding details, I know it has an appointed Senate that can block actions taken by the elected parliament and it ends free education at age 15. I have an opinion on those matters, but it would be illegal for me to share them.

Ok I accept that it can be said that the govenment are promoting it, and some will say that's unfair, I learned a long time ago that life is not fair.

So what can people do, vote yes or no.

They vote yes and get this charter thingy out of the way and clear the table ready for elections, or vote no and delay everything longer, they may well end up with the next one imposed with no vote on it.

Personaly I am hoping to see something along the lines of people with criminal convictions are barred from standing as MP's.

Now you show your true colors. You don't care if a military run by above-the-law criminals is in charge, so long as they prevent politicians with convictions--meaning the politicians who have run afoul of the military and the elites--from being elected.

You don't care about the blatantly undemocratic elements of the constitution or the obvious step back in education which will further hobble Thailand in the modern world. Another anti-democrat.

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