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Name the top country you wish you would have been born into citizenship in other than your own

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Nobody choosing Democratic Republic of the Congo, then? Or Honduras? Of course it depends if rich or poor and some countries big enough you would have to choose where. I can tell you where I would NOT wish to have been born: USA, Russia, China, Thailand, anywhere in Africa, The Middle East.. I am not a great fan of the Nordic countries though I do like snow. So I end up with Japan, provided I was Japanese, Argentina, Andorra, Switzerland, Canada. Ireland. Canada would have to be Vancouver. Have to be not poor in Ireland or Argentina (or anywhere for that matter) So given that I have to choose probably Canada, mainly for my heirs and heiresses!.

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Spain.....pension's about £26,000 a year and I would have had a lifetime of sunshine, my UK pension has just gone up to £9056.84 and I've had a lifetime of drizzle.

How long do you think the Spanish pension will last before they go the way of the Greeks and Cyprus?

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Being born as a Dutch citizen, and liking most asoects of it, I'd say any country that has simular basics. Germany, Denmark, Sweden (cold!), Finland (colder!), UK ( same shitty rainy weather as NL), Belgium (Flanders). Liechtenstein is too small, plenty of people never heard if it, I would't really consider it. Australia might be nice.

For a best answer I'd need to dig into all the pro's and con's but if asked to name one without overthinkng it: Germany.

I'd like to add: I've been in Nord Rhein Westfalen often to visit various friends so if you'd ask me where in Germany? NRW.

Austria isn't bad eithher, and I had family there who lived from walking/pissing distance of Liechtenstein, could be fun for drunk weekends.

New Zealand was fun too, I should have added that together with Australia. Between NZ and Oz, I'd say NZ.

Where I not wish to be born? the USA, any African nation, middle east and a few others.

And what about Thailand? Well as a second nationality an east asian nationality would be nice, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia (got ancestors there), Japan, Taiwan... But as a first nationality and country to grow up in, sticking with Germany. Only not like their grammar which is even more of a headache then Dutch!! Dem, den, der, das, des... ARGH!!

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I would have liked to have been born in the Republic of Ireland. Not other than Scotland where I was born, but before Scotland. These people fought and died for their independence from the British over a period of eight hundred odd years.

I have nothing but admiration for these people and would have been proud to be one of them.

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I don't understand you guys the op's question was very easy why can't you just answer

with a simple answer and leave all your crap behind

What is the point of naming a country without giving a reason for it? This is a great topic, and

hearing posters reasons should make it very interesting.

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Another for Iceland here.

Didn't Iceland have an economic meltdown just a few short years ago and require a bail out from the EU? That would have to impact individual citizens' standard of living I would think...

No.....that would be US banks in the land of milk and honey.......It did have an impact on citizens standards-...51% of US citizens are earning $31000

And unlike Iceland(where the charges were laid against banksters)the US has NOT charged any banker for crimes of mass financial destruction!


"Although Iceland has allowed its banks to fail, locked up guilty bankers, taken strict measures and tightened its metaphorical belt, things still do not look good for people there even after seven years,” he says. “The steps taken have not relieved the middle classes of their enormous financial worries.” "

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Thailand's not a first choice.Obviously growing up in a country with poor schooling and limited prospects for advancement is a different kettle of fish to living here as a comparatively rich falang.

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people choosing America are choosing wrong. Taxes for life, limited banking options, for what benefit?

Perhaps they enjoy how elections are run over there. Seems like such fun

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Just always fancied being Mexican.

Why? So you can move to USA

Nah, so I can be Mexican.

I've seen what American tourists wear abroad. I couldn't ever sign up to a nation with fashion sense that bad.

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I chose Canada because it's a very multicultural native English (and French) speaking nation that has universal health care and was a global pioneer in GLBT civil rights. Yes it is a cold place but I really love Vancouver where it is not that cold, great natural beauty, and amazing Chinese food. It would be "nice" to be from a country that most other countries have good feelings about, even though not a global power like that place to the south. Cool flag, too!

(Australia, too many weird bugs and snakes that can kill you, and bogans.)

Edited by Jingthing
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Another for Iceland here.

Didn't Iceland have an economic meltdown just a few short years ago and require a bail out from the EU? That would have to impact individual citizens' standard of living I would think...

No.....that would be US banks in the land of milk and honey.......It did have an impact on citizens standards-...51% of US citizens are earning $31000

And unlike Iceland(where the charges were laid against banksters)the US has NOT charged any banker for crimes of mass financial destruction!


"Although Iceland has allowed its banks to fail, locked up guilty bankers, taken strict measures and tightened its metaphorical belt, things still do not look good for people there even after seven years,” he says. “The steps taken have not relieved the middle classes of their enormous financial worries.” "

I probably should of highlighted this...my bad................At least they don't let bankers run amuk......

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There are many reasons for wanting to be born in one country rather than another.

To be able to survive the most high-risk period of your life (neonatal = first 28 days), Singapore which has the lowest neonate mortality rate in the world .

Best middle-class childhood experience - Australia

Best place to grow up in poverty - Scandinavia

Best education - depends on primary/secondary/third level. UK or USA for higher level (Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, MIT etc).

Most powerful passport: Germany

Best place to start a company: I don't know but I have heard that Germany is good.

Best place to work: Canada

Best place to live - this is so subjective and dependent on so many factors.

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