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Why there is so much stereotype around Thai girls?

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Gee ... there really are some total loosers on this site.

Hey, we hang loose on TV mate.
Yes ... badly worded ...ment as a reply to post above.

Guys go through marriages in their home country ...then go through more girlfriends/wives here. Actually I feel quite sorry for them.

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Yes when i first came here i thought they were great too.

Married one and she stole from me.

After three years divorced her.

Next G/F for 4 years, went with guys when i went back home to see my family.

Next G/F for 3 months, had other guys while she was with me.

Next G/F for 3 months, i took her to many places in Thailand.

Was planning on taking her home for a holiday.

Bought her and her family gifts and took them for dinner.

One day after we ate out at a nice restaurant, she wanted me to but her some Durian.

I said NO it is too expensive and we just ate anyhow.

Result she never even spoke to me for ONE WEEK.

So i told her to go away, if she does this over a piece of fruit, what would happen if it was serious.

So In a nutshell would i have another relationship with a Thai Lady NO.

Mate, the problem is with you.

Take a long, hard look at yourself in the mirror

You're right. But guys like that will never get it. It's like some women who would leave one abusive man and find another abusive man. It's almost as if they relish being a "victim."

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Oh, my friend, you came to the wrong place to express those sorts of opinions.... prepare to be educated on how scheming and wicked all Thai women are and how delusional you are if you dare to think otherwise.

tick tock...tick tock>>>>biggrin.png>>>>>>crying.gif

Edited by Nasrullah
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Ok then. But it is not typical for Thailand.

and topic about

"stereotype around Thai girls"

and it all about which is typical for Thailand.


" I explained that I am not okay with "paying" for a gir"

but you PAY, and after you payment return is it?

"Before you jump on the sinsod train, that was also returned to me, in full."

SO if you "not okay with "paying" for a gir""

Why you give money?blink.png

about simular i talk in another topic..

"It would be better not to build at all because going cheap means parents and daughter lose face in the eyes of the village and they will forever hate you for it. Think about it seriously before you go this route."©

"Why need wife who can hate you because some strange people thinks? Wife care more about some other people think than her husband wants?

Who need this wife?" ©

No, I don't consider it "payment", the sinsod situation because as it was explained to me it's part of the wedding ceremony. Which it was, they spread it out as part of a "show". Payment is something you don't get back. I simply "showed" that I had the ability to take care of her if need be, in a culturally accepted way. In the same sense that if I was lacking in funds, I know she has the ability to take care of me as well. That's part of marriage. The girl you pay for will drop you like a bad habit if she thinks you no longer have money to offer.

Again, I never said it was necessarily easy to find a great girl, anywhere in life. Not in the UK, the USA, any part of western europe, South America, Asia, etc. It's not, just like it's not easy for them to find a good man. I simply said that it's not impossible.

Show for who?

For who this is show know its money return?whistling.gif

if i take payment by my credit card and apfter pay back whith out any intrest and even get some cashback

its still be payment by two waywink.png .

In the same sense that if I was lacking in funds, I know she has the ability to take care of me as well.

How you know?

you try it?

wink.png wai.gif

What nationality are you ardokano?....i can follow 70% of what u say..........I think u are being brutally honest biggrin.png

Dont take any offence.....but i like what u say,even if the english is not 100%......coffee1.gif

keep it up lad......

nothing more dangerous than an expat scornedsmile.png

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Same same thread. Different opener. No need to go further than page 1.

Haha, absolutely

As soon as I read the opening couple of posts I knew exactly what this thread would be like and I knew we'd not see the thread poster again

Someone comes in and makes a statement appealing to the usual board triggers and then, sure enough, completely disappears from the rest of the thread.

Who would have guessed!

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a lot of men seem to be burnt.. funny as.. Yet, a lot of these MEN, seem to be married in there own country.. Even funnier, divorced, dissing English females, and after Thai females, a lot should look in the mirror, as they are the problem...

60 year old man, dating a 20 year old, ahahahahah, sure they have something in common clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

Something in common...drawing cash out the same bank account ?

I know a bloke, he knows what 20 year old wants from him, but difference is, he gets what he wants from her, then moves on to the next, in his 60's.. doesnt shout out his been conned, like so, so many on here..

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Take a look at the western-Thai relationships around. Most of the men want a very, very young girl. Many of the men that enter the country to stay for the long term are of retirement age. The only way they're going to find the "looks" they want is to pay. It's exceptionally rare to see a western man with an age appropriate woman. As such, they're willing to pay to play. That's their choice.

I'm 32 and my wife is 31. She has a masters degree in marketing, speaks three languages, has never asked me for or about money and we have a great relationship. Good people do exist, even here. You're just not going to find them at a bar or on a Thai dating website. Go out, be friendly, speak a little Thai and impress a girl, things will work out.

i am not so sure it is that easy. there is a real stigmatism for thai girls against dating western men. i asked my pretty little accountant if she had a ferang boyfriend, she said no and looked a bit shocked at the thought of it. this is why it is typically only poor esan girls who go with foreigners. of course there are exceptions but they are rare. after a decade in thailand i dont know of many, infact i cant think of any off the top of my head.
Could i humbly suggest you get your head out the sand then...there was even a news article on this exact subject on TV middle of last year entitled " new trend of young Thai women with farang husbands"

And not as rare as you think

like i said i have done about 10 years in thailand. i meet alot of people through work and social activities. almost without exception the westerners i meet have esan girlfriends from poor back grounds. funnily enough most of the guys who try to get a more upper class girl just get them selves into more trouble than the ones trying to have relationships with the bar girls. like i said i have only had about 10 years experience living and working in thailand.

So true. And funny how the bar is so low that these guys think the girl is upper class just because (they think) she has never been in a bar.

lol very high class.

And for this elevation in your class you will pay with a house you can never own, and odds on you will probably have to walk away from at some stage.

What is also funny.. if you ever go on a night out in the tourist area with these other guys and their upper class Thai.

First trick is put the BTS card in the wrong way. Lol

Next they walk around like in Disney land and dont know shlt.

But they always fall for the old trick..you pretend you are trying to find some place/ landmark and dont remember and the upper class one who never been there before suddenly gives direction or advices on how to get their.

lol again.

The elephant in the room these guys cant see is the girls English level.

Sadly, the few that have studied overseas or have learnt English from a real job wont be with a farang. They will be with a rich Thai of higher status than them.

a lot of dreamers on here but its funny

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Bad ones get all the headline - good ones go unreported.

Look at the series of videos on youtube, by tihs guy:

Three questions.

1/ How come the 1 boyfriend who lives in Thailand, is unaware of her other B/F's.

2/How come she's prepared to have them find out about her, by appearing in this video.

3/ It's amazing in a land of so many beautiful girls,that she can entice 1 let alone 3 men.

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Bad ones get all the headline - good ones go unreported.

Look at the series of videos on youtube, by tihs guy:

Say what you want about her, but I'd say she has true entrepreneurial spirit. I'm sure these guys are handing their money over willingly. But this supports what I've said all along--Thai girls who are after farangs almost always have more than one.

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Bad ones get all the headline - good ones go unreported.

Look at the series of videos on youtube, by tihs guy:

Three questions.

1/ How come the 1 boyfriend who lives in Thailand, is unaware of her other B/F's.

2/How come she's prepared to have them find out about her, by appearing in this video.

3/ It's amazing in a land of so many beautiful girls,that she can entice 1 let alone 3 men.

Better question - how can a snaggle-toothed, distinctly average-looking girl like that get 80K a month from sponsors?

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Bad ones get all the headline - good ones go unreported.

Look at the series of videos on youtube, by tihs guy:

Three questions.

1/ How come the 1 boyfriend who lives in Thailand, is unaware of her other B/F's.

2/How come she's prepared to have them find out about her, by appearing in this video.

3/ It's amazing in a land of so many beautiful girls,that she can entice 1 let alone 3 men.

Better question - how can a snaggle-toothed, distinctly average-looking girl like that get 80K a month from sponsors?

Because all Thai girls are stunning. When viewed through beer goggles and the filter of sexual desperation.

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Bad ones get all the headline - good ones go unreported.

Look at the series of videos on youtube, by tihs guy:

Three questions.

1/ How come the 1 boyfriend who lives in Thailand, is unaware of her other B/F's.

2/How come she's prepared to have them find out about her, by appearing in this video.

3/ It's amazing in a land of so many beautiful girls,that she can entice 1 let alone 3 men.

Better question - how can a snaggle-toothed, distinctly average-looking girl like that get 80K a month from sponsors?

Because all Thai girls are stunning. When viewed through beer goggles and the filter of sexual desperation.

Yeah I didn't want to say

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It is a western societal stereotype proven true by the weight of numbers.

Aging men come to thailand and attach themselves to bar girls. Then the local footy club comes to Thailand on an end of season trip, participates, goes home and confirms what they saw aging western men do.

=>Aging men attach themselves to bar girls.

Meh... The conversation suits many.

The coupling is a positive for uneducated female aspirants in Thailand, un-something farangs and ultimately Thai lawyers.

Also, lamenting TV threads prosper as they perpetuate the fantasy and tragedy and everyone gets to vicariously enjoy their own moments of the past in text.

There is beauty in the cycle.

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