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Iranian commander threatens to close Strait of Hormuz to US


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Lots of luck with that. Who does he think he is? Vlad Putin?

Only Putin can get away with taking Obama's face and making him look weaker.

Guess the rest of the world is stepping it up?

Of course Obama is a pussy on the way out.How would you think Trump would act on this ? Now the Witch might give in altogether.

Ummmm, so Obama is a pussy for not immediately unleashing a barrage of missiles upon Iran. ......and Trump is a wise tough guy for wanting to do that?

Hmmm, leadership by bluster. Is that what Trump fans want? Here's a saying you need to study: "Wise men tread softly where fools rush in."

Perhaps Trump would be wise to ship 3,000 Hell's Angels to the sand dunes by the Straits of Hormuz, and unleash them on the uppity Iranians. Uh oh, I think I just gave someone an idea for a Hollywood movie. Bikers Raze Teheran! (with pictures of Trump's head emblazoned on their jackets).

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Closing off the straights would last until the Trump inauguration. Then like Reagan's inauguration they will tuck their tails and shut the F up until another weak democrat is elected. As to Hillary and Barrack Iran is their legacy, they got the nuke deal done, refunded the blood money to the terrorist state and have since been offending our allies in the region.

This is bad news to Hillary and Barrack, as according to them they have pacified the Iranian theocracy and brought them into the modern world of "globalization". What fools, Iran is the worlds #1 terrorist state and will continue to be so. Both Hillary and Barrack are foreign policy idiots and their weakness continues to show across the world, whether dealing with the Iranians, Russians, Syrians, Chinese and other Islamic radicals around the world.

What would Hillary do draw another red line and cower down when its crossed (like chem weapons use on civilians in Syria)? Our would she get out the "reset" button like with Russia before they invaded and annexed Crimea, shot down a civilian airliner and continue to threaten the Baltics.

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Lots of luck with that. Who does he think he is? Vlad Putin?

Only Putin can get away with taking Obama's face and making him look weaker.

Guess the rest of the world is stepping it up?

Of course Obama is a pussy on the way out.How would you think Trump would act on this ? Now the Witch might give in altogether.

Ummmm, so Obama is a pussy for not immediately unleashing a barrage of missiles upon Iran. ......and Trump is a wise tough guy for wanting to do that?

Hmmm, leadership by bluster. Is that what Trump fans want? Here's a saying you need to study: "Wise men tread softly where fools rush in."

Perhaps Trump would be wise to ship 3,000 Hell's Angels to the sand dunes by the Straits of Hormuz, and unleash them on the uppity Iranians. Uh oh, I think I just gave someone an idea for a Hollywood movie. Bikers Raze Teheran! (with pictures of Trump's head emblazoned on their jackets).

What part of speak softly and carry a big stick do you not understand. Doesn't take unleashing any missiles just the knowledge that the threat is real. Under Obama/Hillary there is no serious threat of consequences in their obvious weakness. Iran and others know that. I amongst others are tired of seeing the Iranians bitch-slap Obama and corrupt Hillary. Time to change the American lineup.

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Lots of luck with that. Who does he think he is? Vlad Putin?

Only Putin can get away with taking Obama's face and making him look weaker.

Guess the rest of the world is stepping it up?

Of course Obama is a pussy on the way out.How would you think Trump would act on this ? Now the Witch might give in altogether.

Ummmm, so Obama is a pussy for not immediately unleashing a barrage of missiles upon Iran. ......and Trump is a wise tough guy for wanting to do that?

Hmmm, leadership by bluster. Is that what Trump fans want? Here's a saying you need to study: "Wise men tread softly where fools rush in."

Perhaps Trump would be wise to ship 3,000 Hell's Angels to the sand dunes by the Straits of Hormuz, and unleash them on the uppity Iranians. Uh oh, I think I just gave someone an idea for a Hollywood movie. Bikers Raze Teheran! (with pictures of Trump's head emblazoned on their jackets).

What part of speak softly and carry a big stick do you not understand. Doesn't take unleashing any missiles just the knowledge that the threat is real. Under Obama/Hillary there is no serious threat of consequences in their obvious weakness. Iran and others know that. I amongst others are tired of seeing the Iranians bitch-slap Obama and corrupt Hillary. Time to change the American lineup.

So what would you have them do instead?

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This Iranian sheit will stop when "Hawk" Hillary gets in power!

Heck yeah! She sure showed 'em in Banghazi, didn't she?! Mess with Hillary and ... uh ... er ... em ... (hmmm, remind me again; what happens when you mess with Hillary?)

Edited by hawker9000
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A number of hostile to the U.S. nations are playing games now because it's the end of Obama's time and they know the last thing he wants is to be involved in a new escalation anywhere. That dynamic will change instantly when President Clinton is inaugurated.

It has less to do with Obama's time about to expire...and more to do with his lack of response to provocation over the past 8 years...Obama could draw a red line in the water I suppose...

Let's not entitle Clinton to the office of Presidency just yet...there is still an election and as unbelievable as it may seem for some...Trump not only has a good chance...but I am predicting a sound defeat of the elite and out of touch with the population...Clinton...

People are not talking about social issues this election...many are worried about the economic future for themselves and their children...one's color, sexual identification, or citizenship status are not as important as the security of our borders and bringing back manufacturing jobs...both of which Trump has made front and center of his platform...

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A number of hostile to the U.S. nations are playing games now because it's the end of Obama's time and they know the last thing he wants is to be involved in a new escalation anywhere. That dynamic will change instantly when President Clinton is inaugurated.

It has less to do with Obama's time about to expire...and more to do with his lack of response to provocation over the past 8 years...Obama could draw a red line in the water I suppose...

Let's not entitle Clinton to the office of Presidency just yet...there is still an election and as unbelievable as it may seem for some...Trump not only has a good chance...but I am predicting a sound defeat of the elite and out of touch with the population...Clinton...

People are not talking about social issues this election...many are worried about the economic future for themselves and their children...one's color, sexual identification, or citizenship status are not as important as the security of our borders and bringing back manufacturing jobs...both of which Trump has made front and center of his platform...


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This Iranian sheit will stop when "Hawk" Hillary gets in power!

Very unlikely...

She will kowtow and that is why world leaders fear Trump because he wont give in.

What you mean like the time Trump had the opportunity to serve his country in Vietnam but apparently needed 5 deferments to avoid going there. Strange how those who are so eager to send others to war don't seem so keen to go themselves.

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A number of hostile to the U.S. nations are playing games now because it's the end of Obama's time and they know the last thing he wants is to be involved in a new escalation anywhere. That dynamic will change instantly when President Clinton is inaugurated.

Correction, when the Donald Trump is inaugurated. He's going to make 'Merica great again. (Right after he builds his wall.)

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Let Iran take the first swing. It would also be their last.

I would just as soon the USN picked a lazy afternoon where there was nothing to do and take out the whole Iranian navy and then head off back to base for a cold one. Done and dusted!

Well, they did that with Iranian passenger airliners, why not also with passive vessels at sea?

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Trump is a master negotiator. That's what he's been doing in a big way all over the world all of his adult life. He knows how to make someone an offer he can't refuse.

I suspect in a case like this he'd give his commanders (good executives delegate) the authority to shoot down or sink the first Iranian hardware that tried to block the way. It's called making an example out of someone and the rest of the world would see it. Iran isn't going to retaliate against the US because it doesn't have the horsepower. Of course he'd warn Iran first and they would believe him and back off. Problem solved.

You can't just sit back and let a bully intimidate you as bullies do. What you do with a bully is kick his ass in front of everyone and he's all finished. He wants softer targets.

Obama is an incredibly soft target - an embarrassment for the US before the world.


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US Navy shows its strength everywhere. Hormuz Strait, South China Sea, Baltic, Korea.
Thus it forces its potential opponent to arm themselves. We learn that Iranians now have drones defense pretext. But these weapons could be used later to other targets...
Who would believe that the Chinese do not prepare a strong response to the event. Same obviously for Putin's Russia. The common enemy is now USA.
And when we read here the Yank arrogance, we can understand why nobody wants them. US go home was said in my native country 40 years ago, This childish slogan becoming a global rallying cry.

Ummm....let's see. North Korea with nuclear threats. China building military bases on coral islands in areas they don't "own". Iran's leader end every sermon with "Death to America". And you are blaming the US? Really?

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US Navy shows its strength everywhere. Hormuz Strait, South China Sea, Baltic, Korea.
Thus it forces its potential opponent to arm themselves. We learn that Iranians now have drones defense pretext. But these weapons could be used later to other targets...
Who would believe that the Chinese do not prepare a strong response to the event. Same obviously for Putin's Russia. The common enemy is now USA.
And when we read here the Yank arrogance, we can understand why nobody wants them. US go home was said in my native country 40 years ago, This childish slogan becoming a global rallying cry.

Ummm....let's see. North Korea with nuclear threats. China building military bases on coral islands in areas they don't "own". Iran's leader end every sermon with "Death to America". And you are blaming the US? Really?

I wonder why north korea and Iran wouldnt trust america?? lol

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These statements and those about the Russian and Chinese are exaggerated and sensationalised in the Western media for one reason. To justify the continued eroding of your Civil rights and freedoms. In order to justify continued extravagant spending by you Military Industrial complexes. I am sure the same BS is spread the opposite way by the other side. By puffing up your chests and crying we can clean up. Simply shows how small is our ability to take a step back from the path of confrontation. Look at the madness and misery caused by 70 years of unwanted interference and Military misadventure by all the major powers. When the World accepts Military Force are unacceptable except for self defence this cycle of endless waste will continue

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Lots of luck with that. Who does he think he is? Vlad Putin?

Only Putin can get away with taking Obama's face and making him look weaker.

Guess the rest of the world is stepping it up?

China threatens shipping routes, claims SCS, Russia barrel rolls a fighter over the top of a US Navy plane, flies a plane up next to a US ship, Iran...

Obama's a wimp and they know it. He's an embarrassment before the whole world.

So what would Trump do in those situations? Bomb them?

remember he is a real estate salesman.

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How can anybody named after a sandwich be somebody to worry about?

The sandwich was named in the 18th century after the 4th Earl of Sandwich, who was also First Lord of the Admiralty - so he would have been definitely someone to worry about at the time.

I've known this for the last 40 years of my life but thanks for the reminder.

I'm certain some of our readers didn't really want to google something of such little importance.

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US Navy shows its strength everywhere. Hormuz Strait, South China Sea, Baltic, Korea.
Thus it forces its potential opponent to arm themselves. We learn that Iranians now have drones defense pretext. But these weapons could be used later to other targets...
Who would believe that the Chinese do not prepare a strong response to the event. Same obviously for Putin's Russia. The common enemy is now USA.
And when we read here the Yank arrogance, we can understand why nobody wants them. US go home was said in my native country 40 years ago, This childish slogan becoming a global rallying cry.

Ummm....let's see. North Korea with nuclear threats. China building military bases on coral islands in areas they don't "own". Iran's leader end every sermon with "Death to America". And you are blaming the US? Really?

If I leave my house to show my gun and my strength in front of yours, what will you do?
You will load your weapons and organize a possible defense.
This is what happens wherever US Navy left its shores to intimidate potential adversaries
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How can anybody named after a sandwich be somebody to worry about?

The sandwich was named in the 18th century after the 4th Earl of Sandwich, who was also First Lord of the Admiralty - so he would have been definitely someone to worry about at the time.

I've known this for the last 40 years of my life but thanks for the reminder.

I'm certain some of our readers didn't really want to google something of such little importance.

I certainly wasn't trying to suggest that your brain was anything smaller than planet size; your posts give regular indication of your immense intellect. However I was simply tickled by the irony of your suggestion that someone named after a sandwich should not be taken seriously, while the person whom the sandwich was named after commanded one of the most powerful navies the world had ever known.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand...

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Trump is a master negotiator. That's what he's been doing in a big way all over the world all of his adult life. He knows how to make someone an offer he can't refuse.

I suspect in a case like this he'd give his commanders (good executives delegate) the authority to shoot down or sink the first Iranian hardware that tried to block the way. It's called making an example out of someone and the rest of the world would see it. Iran isn't going to retaliate against the US because it doesn't have the horsepower. Of course he'd warn Iran first and they would believe him and back off. Problem solved.

You can't just sit back and let a bully intimidate you as bullies do. What you do with a bully is kick his ass in front of everyone and he's all finished. He wants softer targets.

Obama is an incredibly soft target - an embarrassment for the US before the world.


And when they retaliate?

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This Iranian sheit will stop when "Hawk" Hillary gets in power!

Very unlikely...

She will kowtow and that is why world leaders fear Trump because he wont give in.

What you mean like the time Trump had the opportunity to serve his country in Vietnam but apparently needed 5 deferments to avoid going there. Strange how those who are so eager to send others to war don't seem so keen to go themselves.

When Trump faked his deferments, he claimed each time he had a bone spur on his foot. When asked recently which foot, he couldn't remember. Tell me, if you had a damaged foot, would you know which one it was? It didn't seem to cripple Trump who, at that time, went dancing at discos every night (while boys his age were hunkering in mosquito infested jungles, not knowing when a bullet would zip into their skulls). He said there were very rich businessmen at the clubs he went to, who had a bevy of beautiful Swedish chicks tending to their every desire. That's probably how Trump became totally enamored to becoming as rich as possible. He wasn't hurting for spending money, as his daddy gave him $2.5 million just for getting through high school.

Closer to topic: as with everything else about Trump, he's playing both sides of the street. On the one hand he says he'll be a peaceful president and avoid costly wars. On the other hand, he's the first one at the table to jump up with a red face & clenched fist and shout, "bomb the living shit out of them!" On the one hand he claims he can cut back federal costs, on the other side of his mouth he says the US military is in terrible shape and he will throw tens of billions more at it (even than they aren't asking for as much as Trump wants to spend). Anyone with a brain knows it's an attempt to try and garner military votes. Romney said the same thing 4 yrs ago, and look how much good it did for him.

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Let Iran take the first swing. It would also be their last.

I would just as soon the USN picked a lazy afternoon where there was nothing to do and take out the whole Iranian navy and then head off back to base for a cold one. Done and dusted!

Well, they did that with Iranian passenger airliners, why not also with passive vessels at sea?

The Iran Air flight was a little too passive. They had turned off their transponder so the IFF feature was unknown to the Vincennes and they had just taken off from an Iranian Air Force base.

As far as the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Navy is concerned, once they attack a US Navy vessel they are no longer passive.

The only way the Iranians can block the Straits of Hormuz is if their entire fleet is sunk at the mouth of the Straits and blocks all traffic. The Arabian Gulf is rather shallow after all.

But here's the real reason Iran will do nothing but bluster.


Strait of Hormuz is chokepoint for 20% of world’s oil


Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration.

The Strait of Hormuz, located between Oman and Iran, is the world's most important oil chokepoint due to its daily oil flow of about 17 million bbl/d in 2011, roughly 35% of all seaborne traded oil and almost 20% of oil traded worldwide. More than 85% of these crude oil exports went to Asian markets, with Japan, India, South Korea, and China representing the largest destinations. The blockage of the Strait of Hormuz, even temporarily, could lead to substantial increases in total energy costs.



PS: Ruam Rudy::

"I certainly wasn't trying to suggest that your brain was anything smaller than planet size; your posts give regular indication of your immense intellect."

Thanks, you are considerably more perceptive than most would think.

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Ok, it's clear as it can possibly be:

All Trump supporters and Republicans in general are dyed in the wool war mongers.

Look at the posts on this thread. They're all saying if Trump were president - other countries would be so scared of him, they would never threaten American interests. To be scared of someone, you've got to believe that person is going to jump into the fray with all the firepower he's got. Is that how Trump fans see Trump. But wait a second. The same Trump fans have been saying that Trump would keep the US out of military conflicts. You can't have it both ways. Either he's a war-monger or he isn't.

Personally, I see him like the cowardly lion of the Wizard of Oz. He's never done anything brave or courageous in his life. He's never had any military involvement, not even from a legislative angle. He doesn't even know how legislation works. And his military expertise amounts to: Fire all your missiles first, and you win the war! No one will ever mess with you again, if you get red faced and bluster and interrupt the other person when they're trying to speak. Yea that's right. He sounds like Commander in Chief material. Commander in Chief of some toy boats in a bubble bath, maybe. Even just judging from the bone spur on his foot keeping him out of the draft, he sounds like the wimpiest big guy on campus. Ten days after shattering both my wrists and breaking a heel bone, I was doing laundry by myself, raking leaves, and had to walk 2 miles when my truck broke down. Trump, in a similar situation would be crying like a toddler.

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Well, here we go again with the official America's splendid interpretation of their version of "Foreign Policy".

Good luck Obama is a lame duck in the departure lounge of power; he won't push any buttons anymore - anyone else in Washington DC to rattle the cage?

On the bright side would be, that, if they fiddle around on the Strait of Hormuz, then the oil prices would inch upwards again

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US Navy shows its strength everywhere. Hormuz Strait, South China Sea, Baltic, Korea.
Thus it forces its potential opponent to arm themselves. We learn that Iranians now have drones defense pretext. But these weapons could be used later to other targets...
Who would believe that the Chinese do not prepare a strong response to the event. Same obviously for Putin's Russia. The common enemy is now USA.
And when we read here the Yank arrogance, we can understand why nobody wants them. US go home was said in my native country 40 years ago, This childish slogan becoming a global rallying cry.

Ummm....let's see. North Korea with nuclear threats. China building military bases on coral islands in areas they don't "own". Iran's leader end every sermon with "Death to America". And you are blaming the US? Really?

If I leave my house to show my gun and my strength in front of yours, what will you do?
You will load your weapons and organize a possible defense.
This is what happens wherever US Navy left its shores to intimidate potential adversaries

Here's our gun. Where's yours?

Phalanx CIWS:

20 mm Gatling gun with a range of 2.2 miles and a rate of fire of 75 rounds per SECOND.

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US Navy shows its strength everywhere. Hormuz Strait, South China Sea, Baltic, Korea.
Thus it forces its potential opponent to arm themselves. We learn that Iranians now have drones defense pretext. But these weapons could be used later to other targets...
Who would believe that the Chinese do not prepare a strong response to the event. Same obviously for Putin's Russia. The common enemy is now USA.
And when we read here the Yank arrogance, we can understand why nobody wants them. US go home was said in my native country 40 years ago, This childish slogan becoming a global rallying cry.

Ummm....let's see. North Korea with nuclear threats. China building military bases on coral islands in areas they don't "own". Iran's leader end every sermon with "Death to America". And you are blaming the US? Really?

If I leave my house to show my gun and my strength in front of yours, what will you do?
You will load your weapons and organize a possible defense.
This is what happens wherever US Navy left its shores to intimidate potential adversaries

Here's our gun. Where's yours?

Phalanx CIWS:

20 mm Gatling gun with a range of 2.2 miles and a rate of fire of 75 rounds per SECOND.

everyone has them pal

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Iran is the country threatening to close down the Straits of Hormuz and, suddenly, it is the fault of the US?

You folks, in your blatant hatred of all things American, are an amazing group.

Slag off the US Military until you get your collective tits in a wringer and then call the US to get you out of the mess you got yourselves into.

This isn't about Trump. He has absolutely nothing to do with the US position in the Arabian Gulf nor the power to do anything about it.

You want to blame an American?

How about the guy that has occupied the White House for the last 7+ years?

He is the policy maker now.

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