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Narcissm, Self Obsession and Selfies in Thailand


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Unfortunately, Thai women spend way too much time taking selfies; sending text messages; posting on Facebook, Instagram and any other site that is available. incredibly narcissistic and a complete waste of time. Why anyone cares about every aspect of another's life is beyond me.Most people cannot sort out their own lives. If the electric ever went off for a long period of time and they couldn't recharge their devices- they would have a nervous breakdown.

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Maybe they just enjoy it. Maybe they just live in the moment, love themselves,love life and don't moan constantly about what others are doing. Maybe they've worked out that life has no inherent meaning and therefore taking selfies all the time is no more or less meaningful than any other activity. Maybe...

It might annoy the over-critical, stressed out westerner, but it's far less harmful than drinking alcohol, taking prescription/illegal drugs or starting wars for money.

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Farangs are not fun.

Nothing wrong with selfies.

On the other side, I can imagine that "physically less than attractive farangs" may not be very much into taking selfies and posting these on Facebook.

That is no reason to criticize the ones who enjoy it though...

Edited by gerry1011
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I could care less if they do or do not use social media. However, any person that is so overly concerned about their appearance; having to seek acceptance; and continual seeking it tells me that they have no self esteem. This time could be spent actually learning an occupation; reading about the World; and contributing something to making everyone's life better. This self absorption tells me many people are quite selfish. If you give up on contributing something useful or helping your fellow person- you are contributing to the continual dumbing down that exists today. I would suggest a correlation between Thailand being the number one user of Facebok and its lack of economic progress as well as social skills.

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"grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference". Reinhold Niebuhr

or as the Thais say..."up to them", live n let live...thumbsup.gif smile.png

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"grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference". Reinhold Niebuhr

or as the Thais say..."up to them", live n let live...thumbsup.gif smile.png

especially when driving ehblink.png

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Farangs are not fun.

Nothing wrong with selfies.

On the other side, I can imagine that "physically less than attractive farangs" may not be very much into taking selfies and posting these on Facebook.

That is no reason to criticize the ones who enjoy it though...

Vanity...........above all else

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I agree completely- the Thais can do as they please and frankly I could care less if they spend all day and all night looking at themselves in the mirror or playing with other media. My comments were a result of the topic not anything that changes my life one iota. I accept people for what they are- however when asked or prompted, I shall share an opinion.

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Amazing what people see in Thailand and are blind to back in Farang Land.

Everyone knows young people love selfies, but now we know just exactly how much. A recent survey from Luster Premium White, a teeth whitening brand based in Boston, calculated that the average millennial could take up to about 25,700 selfies in his or her lifetime. Ninety-five percent of young adults admitted to having taken at least one such picture of themselves.
British model Cara Delevingne took a selfie Monday at the Burberry Prorsum show during London Fashion Week. A new survey determined that millennials spend more than 54 hours a year taking selfies.


Techinfographics recently released a infographic dedicated to all things selifes, and it turns out that people are taking a ton—over one million a day. What’s particularly interesting is the amount of folks that are digitally altering their selfies. 36 percent admitted to retouching their selfies, and 13 percent of women said they retouch every single selfie that they post. As for the country that loves selifes the most? That would be Australia (who knew?).

Read more: http://stylecaster.com/beauty/selfies-infographic/#ixzz47kb1Cs6M

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Frankly speaking- it is just not Thailand where people are self absorbed- it is everywhere. This self absorption comes from many people not having any real self esteem and also not having any real future. It is really sad to see how the quality of life has continually decreased for people all over the World and part of this comes from a lack of civility in the World at large. The me first attitude produces added stress and creates an atmosphere where mild conflicts are solved by violence. If you want proof- simply look at the last month's incidents of violent reactions here in Thailand. I might point out if you read the World news each day you will find similar incidents in all countries of the World. One of the main causes of all this is a lack of understanding that in life one has to be cognizant of other people and their feelings. Normally this is taught by parents; schools; temples/churches; and our peers. None of these institutions are doing their jobs. They too are self absorbed- looking for money and prestige.

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I could care less if they do or do not use social media. However, any person that is so overly concerned about their appearance; having to seek acceptance; and continual seeking it tells me that they have no self esteem. This time could be spent actually learning an occupation; reading about the World; and contributing something to making everyone's life better. This self absorption tells me many people are quite selfish. If you give up on contributing something useful or helping your fellow person- you are contributing to the continual dumbing down that exists today. I would suggest a correlation between Thailand being the number one user of Facebok and its lack of economic progress as well as social skills.

Your correlation would be horribly flawed. The highest percentage of Facebook users in Asia, by population, is South Korea, a country hardly lacking in economic development.
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They usually create their memories putting a face with a landmark or point of interest.....

Thai's are interesting in that they love to be "social" but also keep/maintain their own individual "space" - fragmenting away from the group or buzzing between groups....A lot of Thais tour/travel solo....

Pictures on photo papers are almost extinct so part & parcel they are collecting their electronic scrapbook of sorts.....

Selfie sticks all all over the world - coupled to social web sites it's their new world - and arena.....

There's warnings everywhere about not giving your camera or phone to anyone while traveling or using a timer as people run off with them.....

Now you can be in that picture of the Eiffel Tower or Golden Gate Bridge - unassisted.....

During our recent trip to Paris at times our phones out performed our trusty Nokia in certain exposure/light conditions ......My wife's phone has a remote that can control the camera & we got many good shots in both directions with the selfie stick......

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40% are selling themselves online and need all the help they can get

Oh, Thomas. You had to go there, didn't you? You old scallywag you, suggesting that nearly half of all Thai women who use social media are prostitutes. You little cheeky scamp with your offensive generalisations and inability to realise that it says way more about you than the subject matter and your total inability to grasp the topic at hand without resorting to cheap stereotyping.


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If a Thai takes a selfie and it doesn't look as good as they would like, does this make them lose face and they have to smash the phone?

No, they just take 50 more till their phone gives them the "face" they want :)

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When there's nothing in their heads to express or discuss, and nothing in the world that interests them other than themselves. Those are the kinds of people posting selfies everyday on Facebook.

Simple minds are easily entertained.

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This was all really prompted by a a birthday party where a dozen teenage girls could not get their noses out of their ipads and phones. As some of you know our children have gone to France. My wife was quizzing them on the different life they are starting to have there. Their view is that the teenage Thai girls they were at school with were totally narcissistic airheads, obsessed with Korean boys and selfies. I dunno!!

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“I've come up with a set of rules that describe our reactions to technologies:

1. Anything that is in the world when you’re born is normal and ordinary and is just a natural part of the way the world works.
2. Anything that's invented between when you’re fifteen and thirty-five is new and exciting and revolutionary and you can probably get a career in it.
3. Anything invented after you're thirty-five is against the natural order of things.”

- Douglas Adams.

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Yes they are unashamedly keen to view and preen themselves.

I have reflective windows (I can see out, they cannot see in) and am often on the inside pulling faces and catching Thai guests admiring themselves.

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It is not a modern phenomenon. I remember twenty or thirty years ago taking trips with my wife to Amsterdam, Vienna and Athens, and all she was interested in was having her photo taken in front of some picturesque place. She had no interest in knowing what the building was and she never read a guidebook. Her friends seemed to be the same. I just regarded it as amusing behavior which made her and others happy. It was a way of sharing something with other people.

She was talking pictures of herself with her own camera reversed? I wouldn't have thought the quality would be up to much 20 - 30 years ago.

Or getting someone to take her picture in front of said tourist spots?

There is a difference. Apparently...................wink.png

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To me, the selfie is an extension of the power of social media, certainly isn't a Thai thing alone or even SE Asian, but a global trend for the young. Extremely important to show where you have been or where you are now. Apparently...................wink.png

I suppose exploited is a bit strong, but certainly taken advantage off by the mobile phone manufacturers as the specs of the front cameras are getting up there to those of the primary camera on a lot of phones now.

But it is surprising that so many are unaware that the snap or video taken without forethought and released to their social media world is archived forever, and will remain available for anyone with resources to see. A moments abandon that has so much potential adverse damage throughout that person's life (and that of their children and even grandchildren) is scary to say the least. Be careful out there kiddies...................blink.png

As someone mentioned earlier, the creation of the selfie stick is the beginning of the end of our known world......................thumbsup.gif

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I hate it and FB also. I saw a female acquaintance post several pics from a romantic dinner her BF had arranged. Had a hotel put a private table in the beach etc. My first thought was how she defaced the privacy and intimacy of the moment simply to garner "likes" and adoration from a mass of strangers and semi-friends. I felt sad for her and worse for the BF. The narcissists have won creating an environment where this behavior is considered normal.

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They do it to get likes on Instagram/Facebook/etc.

The likes are an ego boost for them which makes them feel important.

This desire to be important is at the center of what everyone does, other people just have different means of achieving this (career/money/rank/etc).

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