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From the bottom of my post #57

With reference to not applying park brake in sub zero temperatures, also should be left applied when parking up for prolonged periods (weeks) in any temp. as it can seize on.

Should of course read:

With reference to not applying park brake in sub zero temperatures, also should not be left applied when parking up for prolonged periods (weeks) in any temp. as it can seize on.

Too late to edit when I noticed.

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cumgranosulam post 59 said:

As a UK instrictor you know that you are meant to apply the handbrake when stopped....

BTW - you can brake a pawl quite easily - try pulling/winching a parked automatic out of the way.

I should clarify that when I said Personally I rarely use the park brake on autos as I am aware that “park” engages a mechanical lock I was referring to parking up, not a temporary stop such as at traffic lights. What learners are taught to do i.e. use the h/brake at almost every stop - particularly with a MT, would go against you on an Advanced Driving test. (I take one of the highest levels available to a civilian every 3 years).

You are quite correct, with an auto at prolonged temporary stops h/brake should be applied & the selector slipped into neutral to avoid brake light glare to those behind.


Never heard of an auto "P" ceasing up..

Some engage against a curb on a big incline & to them it feels locked up as all the weight is pinned against the parking pawl.....One reason the park brake should be engaged first.....

Don't think it very likely under normal conditions.....

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