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Police children involved in handicapped man's death "will be prosecuted like everyone else"


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Police children involved in handicapped man's death "will be prosecuted like everyone else" - says PM's office

Image: Daily News

BANGKOK:-- Senior police commenting on the case of a gang thought responsible for killing a handicapped man in Chok Chai 4 on Sunday have said that everyone will be prosecuted according to the law.

The statements come after it was discovered that up to four of the accused men now held are children of police, reports Daily News.

Somkiat Srichan, 36, who had a leg handicap was involved in an altercation with several men wielding knives. They had earlier arrived on motorcycles and it has been reported that after they teased him about his handicap and he answered back an assault began. A girl is also thought to be involved and may be prosecuted for egging on the men.

Relatives have also said that they want police to look into claims that a man is acting suspiciously in the area following the incident that has seen the bread shop at the centre of the killing, closed. They also say that a woman threatened the family.

Six men have been remanded until May 14th as police proceed with the case.

Prawit Wonsuwan, attached to the PM's security office told reporters Wednesday that justice will prevail in the case.

"Even if those involved are the children of policemen they are still subject to the rule of law like everyone else. Everyone will be prosecuted according to the law," he said.

Later at Chok Chai police station in the Lat Prao area where the attack took place acting police chief Sanit Mahathavorn chaired a meeting to review developments in the case. He said: "I want everyone to understand that if people are guilty they will go to jail."

Speaking about reports of a woman involved he said she would face charges and if it can be proven that she said "get him and kill him" then those charges will be the same as those faced by the male accused.

Claims that the men acted in self defence will also be examined, he said.

But he had some reassuring words for the police parents of the accused. He told reporters: "The parents have not done wrong. They taught their children the right way. What has happened has caused them great distress too. There are 100,000s of good children of police.

"If your child did this it would hurt you," he said addressing reporters.

When asked by a reporter about an allegation that a passing policeman at the scene had not given adequate assistance to the handicapped man and actually let an assailant escape, Chairop Junnawat of the Chok Chai station said: "There was an assault in progress and the policeman ran to the scene as fast as he could."

No one was allowed to escape but one of the alleged assailants was allowed to go to hospital, he said, because he had a serious wound and his arm was "almost detached."

Meanwhile the elder sister of the dead man, Thanyachanok Srichan, 46, said that a girlfriend of one of the accused had come to threaten the family saying "if anything happens to me we will <deleted> get you."

Thanyachanok said that relatives did not dare to go to the bread shop and it is now shut. There is a sign on the front saying it is closed for a few days. Also she said that a suspicious man riding a bike had been seen hanging about the area all day and appealed to police to investigate.

Source: Daily News

-- 2016-05-05

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Acting city police chief assures fair treatment of cripple man’s murder case


BANGKOK: -- Acting metropolitan police commissioner Pol Lt-Gen Sanit Mahathavorn gave an assurance on Wednesday that all the six youths suspected of beating to death a cripple will be dealt with strictly in accordance with the letters of the law despite the fact that some of them are children of the police.

Ms Thunyachanok Srichan, the elder sister of the victim, Mr Somkiart Srichan, told the media that she was not sure that the case would be treated fairly by the police because some of the suspects were sons of policemen. She also complained that she was worried with her own safety after she was threatened.

Sanit said that police would proceed with the case in accordance with the evidences collected. He also warned that additional charges would be slapped against any of the suspects if they resorted to intimidation against the victim’s relatives.

The six suspects have been charged with murder. Five of them have been held in custody at Bangkok Special Prison and the sixth is hospitalized.

Two women who were seen in surveillance camera footages shouting and urging the suspects to attack the cripple have been summoned by police to testify. Police said they wanted to know whether the two women were involved in the incident and should be charged or not.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/162132

-- Thai PBS 2016-05-05

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Amazing that the govt has to say this. Shows just how little faith most have in the legal system.

Correct and reflects the sad and sorry history of similar cases, hence the deep and abiding suspicion.

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I've never known a country where what actually happens is so contrary to what is promised. All establishments do this, I know, but Thailand is surely the "hub"

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"... everyone will be prosecuted according to the law."

Prosecuted according to the UNWRITTEN law: (With apologies to George Orwell) “All people are equal, but some people are more equal than others.” Especially if they are connected to money, politicians, or the police.

Edited by jaltsc
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"Two women who were seen in surveillance camera footages shouting and urging the suspects to attack the cripple. Fact.

...............have been summoned by police to testify.

Police said they wanted to know whether the two women were involved in the incident and should be charged or not.

That should be easy enough to decide given the CCTV footage. Find the book and throw it at them!!facepalm.gif

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I often wonder what happens in these cases.

We often read about the crime and the arrest of suspects, but rarely do we ever see any follow up reported. ie. If they actually get to court, the verdict and sentences.

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a "fair treatment" in Thailand: a small fine and a suspended sentence....

More likely a large fine or jail for relatives of the victim for publicizing this and damaging the reputation of Thailand and it's wonderful police force.

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Investigating the possibility that the men acted in self defence....are you serious. 6 cowards attack a disabled man and its an act of self defence.....what planet do these people live on? Everyone can see by the video that the did not stand a chance against these boys. As for the waste of space policeman that arrived, if you have a gun and yu can save a person life that is being beaten the death, don't shoot in the air, shoot the little cowards. Shoot one of them to show you mean business.

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Excuse me, did I see where self-defense would be investigated ? So 6 to 1 with the one having a handicap and maybe no weapon could be self-defense ??

"Amazing Thailand", I have lived here 12 years and enjoyed almost all of it.

However there needs to be a very serious crack down on violence in this Country, there is no place for these type animals living !!

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I think what happens might depend on how high ranking their parents are. If they are low level police something might actually happen, otherwise ... Remember the Chalerm Yubamrung sons, one of whom actually killed a policeman and got off scot free.

I love Thailand, but every time i see the rich and influential literally getting away with murder it makes me sick.

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To be fair a Thai male of 18 to 22 by most standards is a child!! Not saying the girls are but the males of the species are certainly lacking in mentality and any sign of growing up in the near future... I'm sure someone will come on and tell me about someone they know is not like that and I'm sure they would be right...Most Thai teenagers and above are children for sure..mind you the education system doesn't allow much chance for most... A Thai guy I knew was at 23 at last year at Uni doing stuff that would have been done by 12 y olds in the UK...

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The police parents taught their children right from wrong, INCORRECT.

The police parents taught their children they could do no wrong in the eyes of the law.

Actually I have never seen a Thai parent giving any worth while input to a Thai child...i.e. Anyone between the ages of zero to infinity....and certainly police parents seem To as you say to act the Mr Big around the area and it's quite clear there beyond the law..mostly..unless social media gets to,see something!! then it's dragged out till they can be moved to inactive posts for awhile

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Police children involved in handicapped man's death "will be prosecuted like everyone else"

Ah, the authorities.... talkin' the talk, struttin' their stuff and honkin' their horns... all predictable and totally believable

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have said that everyone will be prosecuted according to the law.

So, just out of interest, where do the children of police come in the pecking order with that of the likes of the maniacal Benz murderer and the coked up Red Bull heir? If Ear Medicine's sons are anything to go by, I would think 'on a par'.

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