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Lecturers demand UN to investigate NCPO’s alleged human rights violations


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Lecturers demand UN to investigate NCPO’s alleged human rights violations


BANGKOK: -- A group of university lecturers lodged a petition with the representatives of the United Nations’ office of the high commissioner of human rights asking for an investigation of alleged human rights violations by the National Council for Peace and Order.

The academic group was led by Mr Anusorn Unno, dean of the faculty of sociology and humanities of Thammasat University.

Mr Anusorn said that his group met with a representative of the UNOHTHR who told them that officials from the office were sent to meet with military and police officers who claimed they merely performed their duties as ordered.

He said his group suggested that UN human rights office should upgrade talks with higher-ranking Thai officials and, at the same time, took the matter to the attention of the head office in Geneva.

The academics said that the recent arrest of eight activists by government officials marked the start of a crackdown against people who harbour different political opinions from the military junta, creating a climate of fear.

Full story: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/162195

-- Thai PBS 2016-05-06

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But the NCPO already gave a 6 page to the diplomats explaining all the gross violations away....

Sanserm and the other mouthpieces for this tyrannical outfit will be along with the usual bs rebuttals shortly

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Idiots, don't they realise they are in a whole pile of excrement. Going to the U.N and tarnishing the Junta's and Thailand's image could see these six locked away for many years. Try complaining to the U.N from a dungeon or grave.

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Idiots, don't they realise they are in a whole pile of excrement. Going to the U.N and tarnishing the Junta's and Thailand's image could see these six locked away for many years. Try complaining to the U.N from a dungeon or grave.

I doubt they're idiots.

On the face of it they seem like educated individuals who have serious concerns and are prepared to say something. I'm sure they are aware of the personal risk they are taking. There are people who care and whose 'attitudes' are not easily 'adjusted'. I hope their profiles work in their favour.

I also hope the consequences are not too severe for them... but someone's got to say something. Good for them.

I sincerely wish them luck and a fair outcome at the end of this scary transition away from a junta led nation.

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Idiots, don't they realise they are in a whole pile of excrement. Going to the U.N and tarnishing the Junta's and Thailand's image could see these six locked away for many years. Try complaining to the U.N from a dungeon or grave.

I doubt they're idiots.

On the face of it they seem like educated individuals who have serious concerns and are prepared to say something. I'm sure they are aware of the personal risk they are taking. There are people who care and whose 'attitudes' are not easily 'adjusted'. I hope their profiles work in their favour.

I also hope the consequences are not too severe for them... but someone's got to say something. Good for them.

I sincerely wish them luck and a fair outcome at the end of this scary transition away from a junta led nation.

The prior poster who referred to them as idiots , I suspect was tongue in cheek highlighting posters here who blame the victims arrested for AA or jail

Maybe not?

Paradox is the calls for help are not being met with much global rescue.

And the junta play victim.

They are insidious long past consideration or even sanctions.

I think a military solution on these people would be justified to remove them.

I sincerely hope down the track they give more cause to have that placed on the table at the UN.

Edited by Plutojames88
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A fruitless effort on those lecturers part. Maybe they just don't understand Thainess? It irrelevant anyway because their report will fall on deaf ears and the only actions taken will be by the junta by means of AA. Thailand has its own set of rules and the world that rejects or criticizes them will be ignored.

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"AA" for all of them, How dare they voice an opinion not sanctioned by me, Who do they think they are? free people in a free country???

Now if they had red bowls I could gaol em for 10 years, or if they were reporters I could have em executedbah.gif

I'm wait for another poll claiming 99.7% approval much like after bashings and scams and then a story of a taxi returning 500,000 baht to a customer.

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It wil go so far that the current regime are gonna crack down ALL THAI UNIVERSITIES to random pick any random rebellious students and arrest them and beat them to death,.... wanna bet?

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I have no argument with this from the Academic's , I remember the fine job they did in 2005 in their amendments with an out of control Thaksin Shinawatra administration in their attempt to amend the constitution, what I do have a problem with is their safety , we all are well aware of the old trick of just disappearing or waking up dead in the morning , one hopes that the students will protect the academic's back............................................coffee1.gif

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Idiots, don't they realise they are in a whole pile of excrement. Going to the U.N and tarnishing the Junta's and Thailand's image could see these six locked away for many years. Try complaining to the U.N from a dungeon or grave.

I doubt they're idiots.

On the face of it they seem like educated individuals who have serious concerns and are prepared to say something. I'm sure they are aware of the personal risk they are taking. There are people who care and whose 'attitudes' are not easily 'adjusted'. I hope their profiles work in their favour.

I also hope the consequences are not too severe for them... but someone's got to say something. Good for them.

I sincerely wish them luck and a fair outcome at the end of this scary transition away from a junta led nation.

The prior poster who referred to them as idiots , I suspect was tongue in cheek highlighting posters here who blame the victims arrested for AA or jail

Maybe not?

Paradox is the calls for help are not being met with much global rescue.

And the junta play victim.

They are insidious long past consideration or even sanctions.

I think a military solution on these people would be justified to remove them.

I sincerely hope down the track they give more cause to have that placed on the table at the UN.

I was aware that TheChook was tongue in cheek. And TheChook is correct.

On reading again it does look like I pounced. Not my intention. Chooks are pretty resilient old diggers anyway.


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Idiots, don't they realise they are in a whole pile of excrement. Going to the U.N and tarnishing the Junta's and Thailand's image could see these six locked away for many years. Try complaining to the U.N from a dungeon or grave.

I doubt they're idiots.

On the face of it they seem like educated individuals who have serious concerns and are prepared to say something. I'm sure they are aware of the personal risk they are taking. There are people who care and whose 'attitudes' are not easily 'adjusted'. I hope their profiles work in their favour.

I also hope the consequences are not too severe for them... but someone's got to say something. Good for them.

I sincerely wish them luck and a fair outcome at the end of this scary transition away from a junta led nation.

The fact that they have already contacted the UN will give them some protection as now a lot of overseas eyes are on them. Not as easy for them to disappear if that was the intent when many organisations in the world are watching

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Idiots, don't they realise they are in a whole pile of excrement. Going to the U.N and tarnishing the Junta's and Thailand's image could see these six locked away for many years. Try complaining to the U.N from a dungeon or grave.

I doubt they're idiots.

On the face of it they seem like educated individuals who have serious concerns and are prepared to say something. I'm sure they are aware of the personal risk they are taking. There are people who care and whose 'attitudes' are not easily 'adjusted'. I hope their profiles work in their favour.

I also hope the consequences are not too severe for them... but someone's got to say something. Good for them.

I sincerely wish them luck and a fair outcome at the end of this scary transition away from a junta led nation.

I was agreeing with you and nodding my head until I read the last sentence of your post. From what I've read of the 'bare bones'of the new constitution, the transition won't be going in the direction you seem to think it is.
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It wil go so far that the current regime are gonna crack down ALL THAI UNIVERSITIES to random pick any random rebellious students and arrest them and beat them to death,.... wanna bet?

The press will say they took their own life after writing the shame and guilt of betrayal overwhelms them.

The academics are as good as dead down the track.

One might over dose .

One arrested on child porn then hangs himself.

Cement truck at crossing .

Stuff like that.

Your right these people are far more dangerous than most westerners realise yet.

But steadily with each instalment we see

Edited by Plutojames88
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Idiots, don't they realise they are in a whole pile of excrement. Going to the U.N and tarnishing the Junta's and Thailand's image could see these six locked away for many years. Try complaining to the U.N from a dungeon or grave.

I doubt they're idiots.

On the face of it they seem like educated individuals who have serious concerns and are prepared to say something. I'm sure they are aware of the personal risk they are taking. There are people who care and whose 'attitudes' are not easily 'adjusted'. I hope their profiles work in their favour.

I also hope the consequences are not too severe for them... but someone's got to say something. Good for them.

I sincerely wish them luck and a fair outcome at the end of this scary transition away from a junta led nation.

I was agreeing with you and nodding my head until I read the last sentence of your post. From what I've read of the 'bare bones'of the new constitution, the transition won't be going in the direction you seem to think it is.

Fair call.

It may be true that I am an unrealistic optimist.

I do believe that it will get better.

I do not know when it will happen or how painful it will be.

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Don't see or hear much global intervention .... could be all behind the scenes diplomacy stuff going on. Anyone got any good sources of strong active voicing and lobbying evidence of the international community, like the UN?

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military and police officers claimed they merely performed their duties as ordered.

Since when do orders supercede human rights and crimes against humanity?

Numerberg Trials comes to mind.

Hopefully, the UNOHTHR will engage with military officials who give orders so that the Junta can better understand the meaning of human rights.

Meanwhile the Junta is still actively seeking a seat on the UN Security council.

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A fruitless effort on those lecturers part. Maybe they just don't understand Thainess? It irrelevant anyway because their report will fall on deaf ears and the only actions taken will be by the junta by means of AA. Thailand has its own set of rules and the world that rejects or criticizes them will be ignored.

Beg your pardon, but aren't the lecturers Thai Citizens?

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Good to see some people that are not cowards and ready to stand up for yours and my rights.

Its a start and even if it doesnt succeed, it shows the UN and the world that there is something bad going on in Thailand... some of which has been remarked on by other world leaders...

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Idiots, don't they realise they are in a whole pile of excrement. Going to the U.N and tarnishing the Junta's and Thailand's image could see these six locked away for many years. Try complaining to the U.N from a dungeon or grave.

I doubt they're idiots.

On the face of it they seem like educated individuals who have serious concerns and are prepared to say something. I'm sure they are aware of the personal risk they are taking. There are people who care and whose 'attitudes' are not easily 'adjusted'. I hope their profiles work in their favour.

I also hope the consequences are not too severe for them... but someone's got to say something. Good for them.

I sincerely wish them luck and a fair outcome at the end of this scary transition away from a junta led nation.

The fact that they have already contacted the UN will give them some protection as now a lot of overseas eyes are on them. Not as easy for them to disappear if that was the intent when many organisations in the world are watching
Now lets see if the UN has any backbone or are really sitting on their tailbone as usual. They and other government agencies embassies included are becoming a standing joke.
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Another group paid for by the bogeyman in Dubai I suppose.

Didn't have to wait too long for it did we? Altogether now "But but Thaksin".

You obviously don't know sarcasm even when it bites you in the a.. !!!

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Another group paid for by the bogeyman in Dubai I suppose.

There you go you had to spoil my read on this subject. I thought I would make it through without a Thaksin basher coming out of the bushes. They are always lurking there ready to pounce.
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Another group paid for by the bogeyman in Dubai I suppose.

There you go you had to spoil my read on this subject. I thought I would make it through without a Thaksin basher coming out of the bushes. They are always lurking there ready to pounce.

Another one who can't see sarcasm,even when it's right in front of their eyes.

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Another group paid for by the bogeyman in Dubai I suppose.

There you go you had to spoil my read on this subject. I thought I would make it through without a Thaksin basher coming out of the bushes. They are always lurking there ready to pounce.
Another one who can't see sarcasm,even when it's right in front of their eyes.

I took it as sarcasm. But we all have our blind spots, and some people simply cannot perceive sarcasm in the written word.

Besides, even invoking the Bogeyman in jest is like poking the hornets nest around here. I have been told he is a convicted fugitive!

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