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Lone woman faces down neo-Nazis in Sweden


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Same kind of headlines on the BBC website. If you don't like the idea of your country being populated by a majority of Muslims in a generation or two then you're a Neo Nazi. Muslims cause big problems wherever they are, whether in their own countries or in Europe.

I am working in a muslim "big problem" country. We have NO problems working and living together. I find your comments extremely bigoted and naive. Please spread your trolling hatred elsewhere.

It is indeed typical of the so called left, that they resort to name calling to put people down. I am neither bigoted nor naive nor full of hate. Why don't you answer my worry that Europe will be a majority Muslim place in a generation or two, and that it will be ruled not by nice, 'moderate' Muslims but by racist and bnigoted zealots?

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In Australia we have a Federal law that Oz law is to be obeyed regardless of religious belief, yet we now break that law to appease them. Eg: To buy drugs from a pharmacy that can be used as a base for much worse drugs you have to identify yourself including showing your face. Unless you happen to be wearing a burkha.

Most pharmacies in Oz no longer supply the likes of pseudoephedrine or at least only via prescription and would need to present ID. Personally I have never seen someone wearing a burka in Oz though I guess so in a few city suburbs. A number of States have now passed legislation that upon lawful request a person must show their face to match against photo ID.

Exactly what enacted legislation is it permitted for Muslims to break in Oz?

The example given is certainly not the only example of the Australian govt. going PC rather than enforce laws. It's not even a great example, it was merely to emphasise a point.

I've seen burkas used in Sydney recently, not a huge number yet but very obvious on public transport. And it is exactly the ID requirement you mentioned that is being broken in this example.

I heard from a Sydney cop that the burkas were being used to avoid having their face match the ID. If they are asked to show their face in compliance of Oz law they get to use the religious card, gender card AND minority card. They get away with it in the new gutless bleeding heart PC Australia. (ok, not a great sentence but I enjoyed it)

Special govt. funding for muslim only sports teams, islamic schools etc. This is not about integration. At least the govt. finally woke up and says that it intends to stop funding one of the islamic schools (greenacre) after giving them $19m last year and it was not all spent on education as it was supposed to. But why didn't they have to pay it back or have assets seized? ($6-7m on land and millions more on buildings, all illegal usage of govt. funding. And that's just from last year.)

How much is being paid to the many other Islamic schools so that the poor kiddies don't have to risk integrating?

We don't have any neo nazis thankfully, but with more than 50% of Sydney's population not born in the country it is still a mess.

Again cods-wallop. If A person in a Batman suit or a Burka commits an offence they will be charged and bought before the court. It is not a legal requirement for any Australian citizen to show ID to Police officer or identify themselves.

There is special funding for thousands of community projects why are you singling out funding that may be going to Muslims. NRL gets funded to the tune of Billions. The funding to the school was not removed because it was Muslim but because it was not complying with audits.

How much is paid to Kings School so they don't have to integrate? You know with the average Australian. Precious little rich brats that will probably not do a days work in their lives and fast tracked to Law Partner, CEO and BOD's and Politics.

Yes Australia have NeoNazis - Reclaim Australia.

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In Australia we have a Federal law that Oz law is to be obeyed regardless of religious belief, yet we now break that law to appease them. Eg: To buy drugs from a pharmacy that can be used as a base for much worse drugs you have to identify yourself including showing your face. Unless you happen to be wearing a burkha.

Most pharmacies in Oz no longer supply the likes of pseudoephedrine or at least only via prescription and would need to present ID. Personally I have never seen someone wearing a burka in Oz though I guess so in a few city suburbs. A number of States have now passed legislation that upon lawful request a person must show their face to match against photo ID.

Exactly what enacted legislation is it permitted for Muslims to break in Oz?

The example given is certainly not the only example of the Australian govt. going PC rather than enforce laws. It's not even a great example, it was merely to emphasise a point.

I've seen burkas used in Sydney recently, not a huge number yet but very obvious on public transport. And it is exactly the ID requirement you mentioned that is being broken in this example.

I heard from a Sydney cop that the burkas were being used to avoid having their face match the ID. If they are asked to show their face in compliance of Oz law they get to use the religious card, gender card AND minority card. They get away with it in the new gutless bleeding heart PC Australia. (ok, not a great sentence but I enjoyed it)

Special govt. funding for muslim only sports teams, islamic schools etc. This is not about integration. At least the govt. finally woke up and says that it intends to stop funding one of the islamic schools (greenacre) after giving them $19m last year and it was not all spent on education as it was supposed to. But why didn't they have to pay it back or have assets seized? ($6-7m on land and millions more on buildings, all illegal usage of govt. funding. And that's just from last year.)

How much is being paid to the many other Islamic schools so that the poor kiddies don't have to risk integrating?

We don't have any neo nazis thankfully, but with more than 50% of Sydney's population not born in the country it is still a mess.

Again cods-wallop. If A person in a Batman suit or a Burka commits an offence they will be charged and bought before the court. It is not a legal requirement for any Australian citizen to show ID to Police officer or identify themselves.

There is special funding for thousands of community projects why are you singling out funding that may be going to Muslims. NRL gets funded to the tune of Billions. The funding to the school was not removed because it was Muslim but because it was not complying with audits.

How much is paid to Kings School so they don't have to integrate? You know with the average Australian. Precious little rich brats that will probably not do a days work in their lives and fast tracked to Law Partner, CEO and BOD's and Politics.

Yes Australia have NeoNazis - Reclaim Australia.

There are other neo-Nazi groups, United Patriot Front and Squadron 88, but as you well know deny they are neo-Nazi in attitude & identify themselves as 'patriots', utter BS. Thankfully these groups have very minimal membership and rejected by the vast majority of Australians.

Just to add NSW has passed specific legislation that NSW Police can lawfully request the removal of a face covering such as a burka for identification and is a criminal offense if the request is denied e.g.driver identification

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In Australia we have a Federal law that Oz law is to be obeyed regardless of religious belief, yet we now break that law to appease them. Eg: To buy drugs from a pharmacy that can be used as a base for much worse drugs you have to identify yourself including showing your face. Unless you happen to be wearing a burkha.

Most pharmacies in Oz no longer supply the likes of pseudoephedrine or at least only via prescription and would need to present ID. Personally I have never seen someone wearing a burka in Oz though I guess so in a few city suburbs. A number of States have now passed legislation that upon lawful request a person must show their face to match against photo ID.

Exactly what enacted legislation is it permitted for Muslims to break in Oz?

The example given is certainly not the only example of the Australian govt. going PC rather than enforce laws. It's not even a great example, it was merely to emphasise a point.

I've seen burkas used in Sydney recently, not a huge number yet but very obvious on public transport. And it is exactly the ID requirement you mentioned that is being broken in this example.

I heard from a Sydney cop that the burkas were being used to avoid having their face match the ID. If they are asked to show their face in compliance of Oz law they get to use the religious card, gender card AND minority card. They get away with it in the new gutless bleeding heart PC Australia. (ok, not a great sentence but I enjoyed it)

Special govt. funding for muslim only sports teams, islamic schools etc. This is not about integration. At least the govt. finally woke up and says that it intends to stop funding one of the islamic schools (greenacre) after giving them $19m last year and it was not all spent on education as it was supposed to. But why didn't they have to pay it back or have assets seized? ($6-7m on land and millions more on buildings, all illegal usage of govt. funding. And that's just from last year.)

How much is being paid to the many other Islamic schools so that the poor kiddies don't have to risk integrating?

We don't have any neo nazis thankfully, but with more than 50% of Sydney's population not born in the country it is still a mess.

Again cods-wallop. If A person in a Batman suit or a Burka commits an offence they will be charged and bought before the court. It is not a legal requirement for any Australian citizen to show ID to Police officer or identify themselves.

There is special funding for thousands of community projects why are you singling out funding that may be going to Muslims. NRL gets funded to the tune of Billions. The funding to the school was not removed because it was Muslim but because it was not complying with audits.

How much is paid to Kings School so they don't have to integrate? You know with the average Australian. Precious little rich brats that will probably not do a days work in their lives and fast tracked to Law Partner, CEO and BOD's and Politics.

Yes Australia have NeoNazis - Reclaim Australia.

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Same kind of headlines on the BBC website. If you don't like the idea of your country being populated by a majority of Muslims in a generation or two then you're a Neo Nazi. Muslims cause big problems wherever they are, whether in their own countries or in Europe.

May be true, except for the fact that the Muslims are just their Mud People de'jour.

Before the Muslims, it was the blacks and Asians, and before them it was the Catholics and the Jews and it's always short people, Basically, they hate anyone who doesn't look, act and believe like they do.

Miss Tess Asplund is actually not a native Swede.

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1462507514.407754.jpg

OFC she isnt. You wont find many normal real Swedish people standing there. If you ask someone who all their lifes live on social wellfare or has been an refugee themselfes if its ok for Sweden to take in more immigrants the answer would always be YES. but if you ask people who worked all their life and paid taxes to have a better wellfare and pension then OFC the answer is no.

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I do not approve of the Neo Nazis -- but the Muslim problem in Sweden is hardly racism... This article is completely out of context leaving out the atrocities all over Sweden. But of course being Politically Correct for news services is better than being correct.

There may be a "problem" but you don't solve it with another problem!

Just one question.

What does any doctor normally do with a cancer?

The muslim thing is a cancer and these people are trying to reclaim the health of their country.

On a point of principle I refuse to enter into a battle of wits with an unarmed person!

You must be right. I was not aware that sarcasm was even closely related to wit. Oh, wait a minute I do recall an old expression which says that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.

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I have no time for neo nazis, though I disagree with you about the Muslims.

Muslim people are a different and far more severe problem than the others you mentioned. This is due to the Islam "religion" actually having been designed as a way to invade other countries. The part that is different is the Islam "law" built into the "religion" which they are taught surpasses any law of any country they happen to be in.

In Australia we have a Federal law that Oz law is to be obeyed regardless of religious belief, yet we now break that law to appease them. Eg: To buy drugs from a pharmacy that can be used as a base for much worse drugs you have to identify yourself including showing your face. Unless you happen to be wearing a burkha.

Another issue is the early childhood conditioning for violence absent with the others you mentioned. I worked with a woman who had escaped from her marriage with a Muslim (name change, geographical change and still in fear for her life). He had started training the son before the age of two with the whole down with the infidels bit. Yet another "native born" Ozzy who won't think twice about being whatever Muslim extremists want him to be.

I realise that not all Muslims are extremists and I'm sure many (the majority?) are good well meaning people. But the Islamic "law" part of their religion is still a problem for any country they reside in and the more of them that there are the bigger the problem becomes. And as soon as there is a majority of Muslims in an area, country or the world, the Islamists believe they are obligated to "install" sharia law. They even believe this is about justice and freedom...

They have stated that they intend for the world to be under Sharia "law" and they have shown that they are willing to convert majority areas to "Islamic states" by brutal force. I would rather live near any of the others the neo nazis dislike than be around a lot of these guys.

You are confusing Sharia law with the teachings of the Qua-ran. Islamic teachings leave no doubt that a Muslim should obey the Laws of an adopted country. Most Western laws are quite lax compared to the teachings of Islam. So an Islamic person will probably exceed the expectations of Western law.

Whether a person is a Muslim has absolutely no bearing. If a crime is committed you will be charged with that offence be you black, white, brindle. Christian, Muslim or Calithumpian. You can wear a Batman suit into a pharmacy if you wish, you will not be given restricted drugs of any kind Batman suit or Burka.

It is illegal in Australia to incite violence.Some time ago some very young children (6-8) were photographed at an Islamic protest with what were deemed inappropriate signs given to them by adults. Each child was identified and Department of Community Services tracked down each and every child and their parents were questioned. So no Australia does not accept children being taught violence and if it is found they are they will be removed into protective custody be they Christian. Jewish, or Muslim.

Religious nutters can say whatever they please.

The fastest growing religion in Australia is Hinduism. Are you frightened of them?

Please don't misrepresent Australian society. The claims you have made are blatantly untrue.

So it appears that you are the only one entitled to represent Australia. That is a sad testimonial unto itself. I am frightened of any religion growing in Australia because all religions are centered around superstitious simpletons and Australia has enough of the home grown variety without importing more.

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good for you, brave lady.

It was a legal rally and was non violent. The woman sought to curtail the civil liberties and rights of the vile scum who were engaged in a legal act. Make no mistake, I do not support these neo nazis. Their parents and grandparents probably were part of the Swedish majority who supplied Nazi Germany with the resources it needed to continue its war and operate its death camps.

Despite my disgust, the laws of Sweden allow allowed the event and this woman had no right to interfere. She could have organized her friends and other interested parties to mount a counter protest. Or, she could have contested the event in the courts and sought an injunction.

As Billy Bragg said, sometimes we have to take the crunchy along with the smooth. Until the neo nazis advocated illegal activity or violence on had neither the legal, nor moral basis to intervene.

As a side note, I expect that if the rally had been one to condemn Israel, or the USA or Christians she would not have interfered. Nor would she have said anything if it was in support of Sharia law. Yes, I am cynical as I find that Swedish liberalism is based more on the rebranding of deep seated prejudice and hatred than in an actual belief in liberal concepts as one sees in countries such as the Netherlands or Denmark.

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good for you, brave lady.

It was a legal rally and was non violent. The woman sought to curtail the civil liberties and rights of the vile scum who were engaged in a legal act. Make no mistake, I do not support these neo nazis. Their parents and grandparents probably were part of the Swedish majority who supplied Nazi Germany with the resources it needed to continue its war and operate its death camps.

Despite my disgust, the laws of Sweden allow allowed the event and this woman had no right to interfere. She could have organized her friends and other interested parties to mount a counter protest. Or, she could have contested the event in the courts and sought an injunction.

As Billy Bragg said, sometimes we have to take the crunchy along with the smooth. Until the neo nazis advocated illegal activity or violence on had neither the legal, nor moral basis to intervene.

As a side note, I expect that if the rally had been one to condemn Israel, or the USA or Christians she would not have interfered. Nor would she have said anything if it was in support of Sharia law. Yes, I am cynical as I find that Swedish liberalism is based more on the rebranding of deep seated prejudice and hatred than in an actual belief in liberal concepts as one sees in countries such as the Netherlands or Denmark.

Strange conclusion here. She had every right to voice her opinion, just as the neo nazi;s had a right to voice their opinion.

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I do not approve of the Neo Nazis -- but the Muslim problem in Sweden is hardly racism... This article is completely out of context leaving out the atrocities all over Sweden. But of course being Politically Correct for news services is better than being correct.

But what? ... the enemy of my enemy is my friend? ... you really going to go down that road? bed fellows soon become comrades in arms...

I did not say anything of the sort... your twisted interpretation is at fault. What is it about " I do not approve of the Neo Nazis" that you do not understand. My point was clear... the content of the article is out of context with the extent Muslim problem in Sweden.

It is entirely possible to hold both positions. I think you need to improve your ability to read and comprehend. It is people like you that inhibit a civil discussion of issues on TVF by trying to put your words in other people's mouth.

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I do not approve of the Neo Nazis -- but the Muslim problem in Sweden is hardly racism... This article is completely out of context leaving out the atrocities all over Sweden. But of course being Politically Correct for news services is better than being correct.

But what? ... the enemy of my enemy is my friend? ... you really going to go down that road? bed fellows soon become comrades in arms...
I did not say anything of the sort... your twisted interpretation is at fault. What is it about " I do not approve of the Neo Nazis" that you do not understand. My point was clear... the content of the article is out of context with the extent Muslim problem in Sweden.

It is entirely possible to hold both positions. I think you need to improve your ability to read and comprehend. It is people like you that inhibit a civil discussion of issues on TVF by trying to put your words in other people's mouth.

Sorry, no. A civil discussion is not possible when you claim your point of view is not racist when it clearly is.
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The only problem I see in all this is the taboo to have an honest, unbiased conversation about it.

If you just mention "immigrants" in a negative setting, you're labelled islamophob, racist, immoral... and the conversation is over. Taking religious criticism aside, where else does such game rules apply in life? Nowhere. People should be allowed to criticize ideas they disagree with, especially ideas that potentially can be harmful. When people are concerned we should talk about it, honestly.

Even though I openly criticize religion, I'm certainly not a racist. This is finally gladly becoming a widespread exceptance. Few today says I'm a racist because I criticize religion. But criticizing the immigration flood then it's a completely different story. Then I'm suddenly a racist and a whole bunch of other things.

Is it really that difficult to see that when you take in tens of thousands of immigrants, who are culturally very different, many whom dispies western culture, don't except some key political and democratic western norms, and are psychologically damaged by conflicts and cannot get psychological treatment in Europe because we don't have the capacity, nor does Islamic faith allow for such help and especially not from infidels, that it will cause "some" problems? There are plenty of other problems we could talk about, but these problems alone are big problems.

Yes, some problems you may say, and typically tries to outweigh this with that. But lets talk about these "some" problems, and not just shut it completely and make the same mistakes that has been done generation after generation in Europe when European countries takes in groups of immigrants.

If these "some" problems are not addressed and dealt with then it WILL get a lot worse. Europe already knows what happens when failing: Pakistani gangs, terrorist cells, albanian thugs, african gangs... just to mention a very few things, when Europe failed in integrating them into society and help them when they really needed it. Lets talk about it. Is it really so much to ask for? Or should we just wait a couple of decades until a whole bunch of zombies are making as much mess as they possibly can, and by then the native counter-zombies (nazis, facists and other extremes) has been made and the conflict is on...

Its so unneccessary. Can't we just have this talk now instead?

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I do not approve of the Neo Nazis -- but the Muslim problem in Sweden is hardly racism... This article is completely out of context leaving out the atrocities all over Sweden. But of course being Politically Correct for news services is better than being correct.

But what? ... the enemy of my enemy is my friend? ... you really going to go down that road? bed fellows soon become comrades in arms...
I did not say anything of the sort... your twisted interpretation is at fault. What is it about " I do not approve of the Neo Nazis" that you do not understand. My point was clear... the content of the article is out of context with the extent Muslim problem in Sweden.

It is entirely possible to hold both positions. I think you need to improve your ability to read and comprehend. It is people like you that inhibit a civil discussion of issues on TVF by trying to put your words in other people's mouth.

Sorry, no. A civil discussion is not possible when you claim your point of view is not racist when it clearly is.

When did the Islamic religion became a "race" of people?

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I do not approve of the Neo Nazis -- but the Muslim problem in Sweden is hardly racism... This article is completely out of context leaving out the atrocities all over Sweden. But of course being Politically Correct for news services is better than being correct.

But what? ... the enemy of my enemy is my friend? ... you really going to go down that road? bed fellows soon become comrades in arms...
I did not say anything of the sort... your twisted interpretation is at fault. What is it about " I do not approve of the Neo Nazis" that you do not understand. My point was clear... the content of the article is out of context with the extent Muslim problem in Sweden.

It is entirely possible to hold both positions. I think you need to improve your ability to read and comprehend. It is people like you that inhibit a civil discussion of issues on TVF by trying to put your words in other people's mouth.

Sorry, no. A civil discussion is not possible when you claim your point of view is not racist when it clearly is.

Baldersash ... first of all Muslims / or followers of Islam do not constitute a race .. .Muslims come in every race... So your definition of Racist is just another Liberal/Leftist mud slinging... Secondly what I stated as having two positions - one I do not approve of Neo Nazis and two there is a distinct Muslim problem in Sweden and means I can legitimately hold both positions. Too bad you do not understand this ... Oh I know -- you can also read minds - is that it? My dual point of view is perfectly legitimate. You can take your forced Political Correctness attitude and go suck an egg...

Edited by JDGRUEN
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I do not approve of the Neo Nazis -- but the Muslim problem in Sweden is hardly racism... This article is completely out of context leaving out the atrocities all over Sweden. But of course being Politically Correct for news services is better than being correct.


A new an interesting way of saying 'I'm not racist, but....'

The subject is TWO different issues... Muslims in Sweden have proven to be a significant problem. You can be in denial about it if you wish. The evidence is clear on this issue do some research.

I do not approve of the Neo Nazis in this or any other situation as being a solution... I can hold two distinctly different positions on this subject - it is perfectly legitimate.

Muslims / followers of Islam do not constitute a 'race'... so racism cannot be involved in this issue. Muslims are comprised of every race - you can look that up too in case you somehow missed it. You can twist your political correct malformed interpretation on this situation and on my position - But it doesn't fly... It is just the same old liberal - leftist intolerance of anyone's position on a issue - unless the stated position it is exactly in tune with yours. The words Liberal and Tolerant have evolved into being an oxymoron.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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Same kind of headlines on the BBC website. If you don't like the idea of your country being populated by a majority of Muslims in a generation or two then you're a Neo Nazi. Muslims cause big problems wherever they are, whether in their own countries or in Europe.

May be true, except for the fact that the Muslims are just their Mud People de'jour.

Before the Muslims, it was the blacks and Asians, and before them it was the Catholics and the Jews and it's always short people, Basically, they hate anyone who doesn't look, act and believe like they do.

Miss Tess Asplund is actually not a native Swede.

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1462507514.407754.jpg

You know that from a picture? What because she's black! A native is someone born and raised in a country by others who were born and raised in said country.

Not really. Try explaining that a white person born and raised in Thailand is every bit as Thai as they are.

​Try explaining to a Thai person that this black woman is Swedish. They won't believe a word you say.

She might have been born in Sweden, but she's not originally Swedish because she's not white, nor does she have blue eyes or blond hair. That's the point being made and it's an accurate point.

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I do not approve of the Neo Nazis -- but the Muslim problem in Sweden is hardly racism... This article is completely out of context leaving out the atrocities all over Sweden. But of course being Politically Correct for news services is better than being correct.

Care to provide some links to those "atrocities all over Sweden" you mention?

Same kind of headlines on the BBC website. If you don't like the idea of your country being populated by a majority of Muslims in a generation or two then you're a Neo Nazi. Muslims cause big problems wherever they are, whether in their own countries or in Europe.

Sweden - as many other European countries- will not be overrun by a majority of Muslims any time soon.

Sweden has a Muslim population of somewhere around 4%!

Read up, before you post islamophobic BS!

It's not a matter of if, but when Sweden and certain other European countries will either have a significant Muslim minority (actually I read that Sweden has a 5-6% Muslim minority now, not just 4%) of say 30-40% or even a majority. You can believe what you want, just like many people in the 70s never thought that London would be home to more non-whites than whites, but 40 years later that's exactly what has happened.

Let's have this conversation again in 5 or 10 years and see how much has changed. My bet will be on Sweden having a 10-15% Muslim population by then.

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She is probably adopted and most certainly identifies as swedish and acts and thinks every bit is Swedish as I do.

And ones again she was in no danger, it would be absolutely crazy for them to start beating on her. Its not the way they operate.

Edited by Kaalle
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