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I'd say the OP was very lucky. Have you ever exploded on the way to the toilet, or while jumping off the bed?biggrin.png I'm laughing about it now, but it's no fun. I once left a mess on the floor nearly 2m in diameter after such and explosion.


Geez - another sh*tty topic....

Can't see it running on and on....

Ought to crap out soon....

Exactly what the old fart needed.

Is the OP named "john"?

Ok lets flush this topic.



'...after every drink of water came another geyser exploding into the toilet pan until eventually all that was squirting out was clear water. I attach some photos, anyone know this stuff or what is in it?'

I'm relieved (pun intended) that it was the bottle you attached photos of and not, well, you know.....


So drinking an entire bottle of an unknown medication is a bad idea?

Who knew?

Thanks, I needed a good laugh to get me started this morning...clap2.gif


I'd say the OP was very lucky. Have you ever exploded on the way to the toilet, or while jumping off the bed?biggrin.png I'm laughing about it now, but it's no fun. I once left a mess on the floor nearly 2m in diameter after such and explosion.

Too much information.

Never get drunk when you're on Anti-biotics.

l stupidly did once and had a similar experience to the OP.

Only it was coming out of both ends.!

ln fact a doctor told me that if l hadn't of thrown up, l would have been dead.

The next day, the whites of my eyes turned yellow & the blood vessels in them were prominent.

You learn life's lessons the hard way(l do anyway!).


Very dangerous mate this stuff in the quantity you ingested completely dehydrated you

serious stuff it can kill you, drink a lot of liquids and try to find some electrolytes at the Drug store.


At least his period pains have gone.

Yes ...isn't this a womans tonic ...1 teaspoon 3 times a day ...like after having a baby ...poor periods etc etc ... wow ... someone was a bit unwise ....

Yep - just double-checked with the team in the office - it's a herbal remedy for irregular periods.


So drinking an entire bottle of an unknown medication is a bad idea?

Who knew?

Maybe not a bad idea, cleared his problem, didn't it.


Laxative contained is magnesium sulfate ("epsom salt"):


Not quite a harmless stuff.

Side effects to the kidneys.

And dangerous in overdose!

Hope you are well.

Drink even more water than usual after this drastic treatment!

You should also consider adding electrolytes to the extra water.

Too much water removes electrolites and can result in heart attack.

The anti-diarrhea mix of salt n sugar should be a good start.


I was a little disappointed when I scrolled down looking for the pictures. Clearly I expected to see a scene like the one in the movie Alien where the Alien's dripping acid stuff melts a big hole thru the floor!


Well thanks for the updates and info as to what this evil substance is. Like I said originally I have tried it before and found it worked a little bit, but I agree, more is not always better.

The effects have worn off this afternoon and can cough again without fear of flooding the room with foul smelling liquids.

I would like to point out however that in my other post regarding Tesco and last weeks change to a new online ordering system that was terrible and that appeared to revert back to the old system yesterday, allowing purchases of more than 1.5KG of potatoto, well if you check it out tonight it is changed back again to the new crap system, however, you can now order a maximum of 2KG of potoato, but are permitted to order 2.5KG of onion! What on earth is going on with these people?

Who is this guy? He's worse than Frank Spencer and a boring trivual chat show host combined.


It's good but NOTHING beats the reviews and there are many,for Haribo sugar-free Gummi Bears.Read through these and I guarantee you will literally be lol-ing if not crying with laughter at some point! :


Brilliant - I have tears streaming down my face.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif
. I laugh until I cry about once every 10 years. This was it.

Well thanks for the updates and info as to what this evil substance is. Like I said originally I have tried it before and found it worked a little bit, but I agree, more is not always better.

The effects have worn off this afternoon and can cough again without fear of flooding the room with foul smelling liquids.

I would like to point out however that in my other post regarding Tesco and last weeks change to a new online ordering system that was terrible and that appeared to revert back to the old system yesterday, allowing purchases of more than 1.5KG of potatoto, well if you check it out tonight it is changed back again to the new crap system, however, you can now order a maximum of 2KG of potoato, but are permitted to order 2.5KG of onion! What on earth is going on with these people?



Were the potatoes intended to stop up your rear-end?

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