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So some people in Thailand believe in weird stuff.

Most people I know also do.

Just different stuff from different backgrounds.


I hope people commenting on how stupid Thai beliefs are,, are not Christians that think God made the world in a week then made man on a day. All out of thin air.

I guess no Christians believe that there were ever dinosaurs roaming the earth for millions of years before man arrived ... So what part of the week did they fit in ?

And then you rubbish Thai beliefs,, I don't believe in either, but they make more sense to me. No different than girls with their dolls, taking them everywhere, just adults doing the same thing now. just a comfort thing that some people need.... How many wear a cross or have a St Christopher hanging from their car mirror, for safe travel, etc ???


Jesus, and this moron has a driving licence?

Have you been to the transportation office where they get their licenses? They might as well not have them.


So how many people believe in God, millions.. and that is the biggest fairy story you ever heard, woman made from Adams rib, world made in 7 days.

a virgin giving birth, etc etc. and how many believe in Allah, millions again, and how many believe in Buddha. again millions..

plus Hindu, and all the other religions. They can't all be right !!! any belief is in the person, that's all... and if it give the person some comfort, then ok, but so many foster hate and murder..

So what if a guy believes in dolls, at least they are real, and it don't hurt anyone....


Third world and and always will be!

Why? Just because they believed in it does not make it third world.

After all how many millions of first world people believe in an old man, his son who was executed yet came back to life and a ghost. All three of them are supposedly the same person.

There is no difference at all.

If that is what he believes in, then good for him.


I wouldn't be to hard on him guys for believing in his dolls, at least he can see, feel and touch them. There are hundreds of millions of people that actually believe there is a guy (they call this guy god) they have never seen, felt, touched, talked too that is lookin' out for them and sort'a controls things that happen in their lives. If they treat this never seen "guy" "god" right AND give money every week to their "guy" "god"s earthly messengers that he will do good stuff for'em. "They" believe all good things that happen in their lives are "god"s doing and all bad things are done by rheir "god"s rival who "they" call the "devil" who they also have never seen ... millions say they live their lives according to their "guy" "god"s word who they have never spoken to ... hmmm how does that work? ...I know, I know sounds crazy to me too but "they" have even written a book about him, they call it the "bible" and it has all kinds of stories that are straight outta some sci-fi movie only it takes place years and years ago ... and equally just as amusing there is another group of hundreds of millions of people that believe the same stuff only they call their unseen "magic doll" knd'a guy "alan" ... no.no wait it's "allah" yeah yeah that's it "allah" not alan. He has his own book also called the koran. There's other "magic doll" groups all over the world with different names for their unseen "magic doll"s ... so again don't be to harsh on this guy because he can at least see, feel and touch his "magic doll"s ... who knows maybe some day his "magic dolls" will speak to him ... now wouldn't that be a kick in the nuts.... oh I almost forgot to mention this "god" guy supposedly had a son who roamed around doin magic tricks till they killed him, but no problem he came back to life and then left for good ... nobody saw him come back to life but it is in the book ... yeah I know wink.png

my thoughts exactly !!


So how many people believe in God, millions.. and that is the biggest fairy story you ever heard, woman made from Adams rib, world made in 7 days.

a virgin giving birth, etc etc. and how many believe in Allah, millions again, and how many believe in Buddha. again millions..

plus Hindu, and all the other religions. They can't all be right !!! any belief is in the person, that's all... and if it give the person some comfort, then ok, but so many foster hate and murder..

So what if a guy believes in dolls, at least they are real, and it don't hurt anyone....

I might add that Christians killed countless unbelievers during the crusades,, now Muslims want to kill everyone else, and Prodistants and Catholics in Ireland have been killing each other for years.. all in the name of religion !!! religion sucks,, go for the dolls....


Was there really enough traffic at 3am on that road to cause a multi-vehicle pile-up?

Was it not just that all four drivers were asleep (or playing with their mobile phones)?

Why play with your phones when you have a truck-full of DOLLSgigglem.gifgigglem.gifgigglem.gif


Was there really enough traffic at 3am on that road to cause a multi-vehicle pile-up?

Was it not just that all four drivers were asleep (or playing with their mobile phones)?

Why play with your phones when you have a truck-full of DOLLSgigglem.gifgigglem.gifgigglem.gif

the dolls were in the back,, maybe he was phoning the dolls ???


Liked your Quote on the bottom of the dolls post “The invisible and the non-existent look very much alike.” ~ Delos Mckown .I thought yes and acted the same.


My lucky t-shirt saved my life at least 100 times on Thai roads.:D


My lucky t-shirt saved my life at least 100 times on Thai roads.biggrin.png

What saved me was,,, not speeding, looking where I was going, not using my phone while driving, or trying to kiss my doll .... :D


Was there really enough traffic at 3am on that road to cause a multi-vehicle pile-up?

Was it not just that all four drivers were asleep (or playing with their mobile phones)?

Or their dolls...

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