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Is Thailand worse than Philippines, I have been in Philippines 3 years and thinking of coming to Chiang mai to live. I belong to expat forums in Philippines and there are of course moaners and complainers online, but nothing like the amount of moaning and groaning that goes on here, so my question is, is Thailand and Thai people really so bad or is Thai visa just full off moaners and complainers. And so quick to judge people make a mistake and your called a fool an idiot very low tolarence sometimes shown on here. I am surprised because the is plenty to moan about here in phills and I thought Thailand would be a much better place to live, better infrastructure etc. So which country is better?

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I'm in Chiang Mai and I like the place. Only real negative is pollution between February and April (could be longer/shorter). So I would not stay here all year round.

It has good shopping facilities and infrastructure is acceptable. Good area of Thailand to explore and beautiful countryside, with national parks, etc.

On safety, I have always felt safe here, night or day.


I have been to the Philippines for 3 weeks around 8 years ago .Now living in Chiang mai for the last 6 years .I think Thailand especially C.M,feels a lot safer .The infrastructure is also far better .Visas can be a hassle depending on your circumstances .I have heard that the Philippines is a lot easier in that regard .

It all down to personal preferences .Thailand can be harder to deal with if you dont know Thai .I use my Thai wife though to deal with certain things .First you should come visit before burning your bridges over there .


Have lived in Metro Manila and Chiang Mai. Personally prefer Chiang Mai due to smaller size, closer to family etc...for the most part there are very personal reasons.

PI does however have many things going for it.

As far as whining and expats I put it down to language (and to a lesser extent government/politics/religion/free expression/music, work ethic). In PI you are much more likely to have many and genuine local friends, widespread English language ability allows you to mix without being involved in with expats at all. Tagalog itself is not that hard for basic phrasing (not being tonal), so your pool of potential friends is pretty much endless. Thailand can restrict you to expats that you are thrown together with simply through having one common basis (ie being expat, or same nationality, or support same football team, or attend same pub)...you become acquaintances more than friends (again my opinion).

In Thailand (and accepting generalisations on my part), not having sufficient Thai language ability limits your pool to expats and a limited number of Thais who may or may not have common interests and desires. Even learning the language does does not, imho, get you the same level of interaction as PI. Some topics are simply not discussed, and some topics Thais are just not interested in. It is much easier to have commonality in PI than Thailand.While people in Thailand are for the most part very welcoming I would opine that for a longer term fulfilling friendships and camaraderie PI has it hands down. To me there is much less need and take up for a board such as TV in PI.

So the whinging...to me...is by those who have an unmet need for social interaction or social recognition and manifests itself in the negativity and sniping by some/most (depending on your tolerance for crap threshold) on the TV board. t would seem that the way to "rise" in your happiness for some is to make others "fall".

If you are a social animal for validation or for source of happiness, to me PI is a lot better,,,,if you are can enjoy your own company (and very comfortable with that), appreciate what is around you and want a different/freer/unrestrained quality of life than CM does it (for me anyway).


Have lived in Metro Manila and Chiang Mai. Personally prefer Chiang Mai due to smaller size, closer to family etc...for the most part there are very personal reasons.

PI does however have many things going for it.

As far as whining and expats I put it down to language (and to a lesser extent government/politics/religion/free expression/music, work ethic). In PI you are much more likely to have many and genuine local friends, widespread English language ability allows you to mix without being involved in with expats at all. Tagalog itself is not that hard for basic phrasing (not being tonal), so your pool of potential friends is pretty much endless. Thailand can restrict you to expats that you are thrown together with simply through having one common basis (ie being expat, or same nationality, or support same football team, or attend same pub)...you become acquaintances more than friends (again my opinion).

In Thailand (and accepting generalisations on my part), not having sufficient Thai language ability limits your pool to expats and a limited number of Thais who may or may not have common interests and desires. Even learning the language does does not, imho, get you the same level of interaction as PI. Some topics are simply not discussed, and some topics Thais are just not interested in. It is much easier to have commonality in PI than Thailand.While people in Thailand are for the most part very welcoming I would opine that for a longer term fulfilling friendships and camaraderie PI has it hands down. To me there is much less need and take up for a board such as TV in PI.

So the whinging...to me...is by those who have an unmet need for social interaction or social recognition and manifests itself in the negativity and sniping by some/most (depending on your tolerance for crap threshold) on the TV board. t would seem that the way to "rise" in your happiness for some is to make others "fall".

If you are a social animal for validation or for source of happiness, to me PI is a lot better,,,,if you are can enjoy your own company (and very comfortable with that), appreciate what is around you and want a different/freer/unrestrained quality of life than CM does it (for me anyway).


Its great being able to talk to everyone------ I mean you can pick up supermarket / office girls etc...or just flirt, its nice not to struggle with the language, & I think the girls are on par looks wise, but other than that----(its been 7 years so P.I. might have improved) I do prefer Thailand....for lots of reasons.........


I've just been to Manila for one short visit and was immediately struck by the poverty of the people. It would get to me after a while to be seeing homeless people living in the park and beggars all the time. Also, didn't like the feeling that it wasn't safe. Armed guards everywhere. The ones at the 7-11 had semi-automatic weapons as if regular pistols weren't enough to deter crooks! In our hotel, a five star hotel, we were warned not to leave our handbags on the chair when we went to the breakfast buffet. This was an indoor restaurant. I'd have no qualms about leaving my handbag on my chair when I go thru a buffet at Le Meridien or Shangri La hotel here. Maybe the rest of country is different, but these aren't things we worry about in Thailand. Also, Thailand doesn't have the constant typhoons coming thru like the Philippines seems to have.

But, Thailand has visa regulations that aren't especially friendly and are becoming less so. Chiang Mai's immigration office, in particular, has become less welcoming for retirees and doesn't seem to have gotten the message that Thailand is promoting Chiang Mai as a retirement destination. Nor have the various gov't agencies that could stop the seasonal air pollution and environmental damage. These factors, sadly, make me suggest that you look at other cities in addition to Chiang Mai if you're considering retirement in Thailand.


I'm in Chiang Mai and I like the place. Only real negative is pollution between February and April (could be longer/shorter). So I would not stay here all year round.

It has good shopping facilities and infrastructure is acceptable. Good area of Thailand to explore and beautiful countryside, with national parks, etc.

On safety, I have always felt safe here, night or day.

Its May 10th and the pollution is still dangerous, it looks like the range will be extended even further in the future. Perhaps January - June will be unsafe.


Nancy what you say about manila is very true its an awful place and dangerous. As for leaving your bag on a chair I thinkhyou have just been lucky so far. I do have concerns about Chiang mai air quality it does seem horendous. The visa situation also puts me off a bit can stay in Philippines on a visitors visa for 36 months now the fly out to HK or anywhere cheap come back and start the whole thing over again no problem no visa runs. But Philippines has very bad infrastructure indeed, some very greedy ruthless people, its certainly not paradise as some foreigners think it will. Has some beautiful lovely people very easy to live here all signposts in English so easy to get around. Driving standards are appaling so some good things and some bad things. As with any country


I'm in Chiang Mai and I like the place. Only real negative is pollution between February and April (could be longer/shorter). So I would not stay here all year round.

It has good shopping facilities and infrastructure is acceptable. Good area of Thailand to explore and beautiful countryside, with national parks, etc.

On safety, I have always felt safe here, night or day.

Its May 10th and the pollution is still dangerous, it looks like the range will be extended even further in the future. Perhaps January - June will be unsafe.

You're right. AQI index was 64 when I checked. My home area in the UK would be around 10, or below. Though not as bad as last month, not great.

That seals the deal for me as far as staying here long term is concerned, I'm beginning to look at options down south.

So OP may well be better off in Thailand, but perhaps should explore other areas also.


After watching an ATM eat a customers card I decided to get my money by presenting my Debit card and Passport in a bank in PI.

I place them on a young ladies desk and requested $200.

She scream got up and ran away.

I was more concerned by the two security guards Cocking their Pump Action Shot guns and turning them in my direction.

Never felt threatened in my 15 years living in CM.



you always need to compare apples to oranges when complaining, compared to what is the question?

fyi thailand is much better quality of life then phillippines for what you pay

fyi i know wealthy people living in the usa who complain about stuff, but they dont clmpare it to a worse situation, but always rather to a better one.

thats why living rough at least once in life builds character, you can reflect and not complain as much, makes you a tougher man.

fyi i always snicker about the air quality complaints in cm. compared to manila or more dangerous areas your getting people who have become too comfortable and you can see it in the complaints you get. complaints are also the measure of a man, what he chooses to complain about.


The reality is people here love to complain, and while Thailand, and indeed Chiang Mai does have its problems (I'm so sick about hearing about the smoke...it has been a month longer this year but not one day was nearly as bad as last year) it's still a lot better than the Phillipines on many measures.

  1. better cost of living
  2. safer, low crime (CM in particular), I feel safer walking around CM late at night than I do many cities in my native Australia
  3. great health care
  4. low poverty: sure, plenty of people are not rich but there's not the slums and beggars you get in Manila

As someone else recommended you're best of coming to visit, not for a week but say 1 month to get a feel for the place and see if you like it; some people complain CM is too boring for them vs say Bangkok, but it has pretty much everything you could ever want, without all the downsides of a huge city (before someone complains, sometimes the traffic is bad, but nothing compared to Manila or Bangkok)


I could live in PI in heart beat. Love it there. But, have a Thai wife and she makes it easy for me live here. If I had a Filipina wife I'd live in the Philippines. A Mexican wife, Mexico...get where I am going with this.:)) If I was single, I think it would be great to live 6 months there and 6 months here.

Food generally is better here. The visa thing I find it somewhat easy it's no big thing. There really is no CM kind of a town in PI, but I do like the beaches better in PI... I'm married, but again if single both places are great and have pretty girls.


Have not been to the Philippines and am not really interested in them other than maybe a few weeks holiday.

How ever Thailand suits me just fine. The complaints about the air quality are more in line with the health of the person giving them. Many love it here but the air is to bad for them during the smoky season so they go south for a month or two. But they come back here to Chiang Mai. Also the complaints are partly because of the aging population becoming more sensitive than when they first came here.

Visa's art not a problem they are a one day a year item. The thing is to know what is needed and have it all with you. The first one can be problematical if you are not good with paperwork. Or and I don't know if it can be done now you can get a retirement Visa at the Thai Embassy in PI there. I got mine at a conciliate in Vancouver.

It often requires getting there and waiting very early in the morning. As early as 3:00 in the morning. Not a problem many a collage student would get there and hold a spot for you until you get there at around 8:00 or you can use an agent. They ask you to report in every 90 days. You can mail it in or go on line. I laugh at the people who think it is really a problem. My wife has a ten year tourist Visa in the states and MUST leave the country every 6 months. That means she has to have a Visa for Canada or Mexico unless she comes home. OK if you live on the border but air fare is not cheap there.

Traffic is not good here but that is a common thing as the population grows and more and more people purchase vehicles. As for the poverty and safety I have never heard that they are OK in PI How ever I know that they are not that bad here in Chiang Mai. We do have some very poor people but they are not all over and for safety I have no problem here in Thailand. Take precautions that one would any where in the world. Only not as needed here in Thailand.

Language can be a problem and If you are like me you will make lots of mistakes but if you laugh at your self you will get a long fine. It is a completely different culture that is part of the appeal to me. The one really big downer is they drive on the wrong side of the road most of the time.

Not sure what the medical is like in PI but here we have very good medical and not that expensive. For instance 2 and 1/2 years ago I paid 181,000 baht for a hip replacement. That was an all in price.


>> I do have concerns about Chiang mai air quality it does seem horendous. <<

Its nothing like horrendous .Its just irritating to people who have bronchial or breathing problems . Maybe its the part of the City i live ? ( East side ,10 km out from the center ,semi rural area ) ,but the burning off by farmers ,does not or never has affected me or my family and friends in the 6 years that i have lived here .


The point about the pollution is personal. I just don't want to live in a polluted atmosphere if I can help it. Some folk don't mind, that's entirely their choice. Perhaps the OP doesn't mind, but at least he is informed if he didn't know about it.

Air pollution is a statement of fact. Not good for asthmatics or people with breathing problems.


I lived in Bohol (The Philippines) for about 2 and a half years. I liked the location and diving was great.

Local market and shopping plazas were OK too. Driving a motorcycle around town was better than here as long as it was before sundown. Then the drunks would appear and walk in front of any vehicle without a care in the world. Naturally it was automatically the riders/drivers fault if you actually hit one of these drop kicks.

Whereas CM does have better infrastructure in a lot of ways. Better health services being but one. Plus as I like my food a lot, I find Thai cuisine far superior. Philippine food ain't flash that's for sure.

I did like San Miguel beer and the also produced a pretty good dark rum called Old Captain....far superior to the Thai rum (if you can call it rum!)

I didn't leave the Phils due to the country or its infrastructure, and if it weren't for other reasons I'd likely still be there.

However that said I do like CM. I'd had been to Bangkok several times over the years before coming to CM and now I don't even look at Bangkok as even a stopover. I don't like the place.

As others have said come for a months holiday and then see what's best for you.


>>The point about the pollution is personal. I just don't want to live in a polluted atmosphere if I can help it.<<

Mostly psychological then .Its organic burn off ,not like the horrid soupy air in Hong kong ,or worse Beijing which is pure Chemical and factory plus car exaust in origin .


Well there you go its as I thought some people just moan where ever they are. I have Rone some research on Thailand and speaking to people who have lived in cm and some other places I settled for cm. A very good friend of mine lived in phuket and pattaya for many years now lives in the provinces. I settled for cm.

As for the Philippines its cheap friendly widespread English spoken, but is a poor country and very corrupt at all levels. But also very beautiful in places. So cm is where I will settle until I feel the urge to move on again


"Well there you go its as I thought some people just moan where ever they are."


Why didn't you just ask people to give "positive only" statements about Chiang Mai or the Philippines?

You posted the question: "so which country is better?"

And people took time and effort to give you an answer, that might just be helpful to you.

Oh the irony, you moan about the comments made ... and then talk about people moaning wherever they are. Pot and kettle come to mind.

Why don't you just say thank you ... instead of being an ingrate.


>>The point about the pollution is personal. I just don't want to live in a polluted atmosphere if I can help it.<<

Mostly psychological then .Its organic burn off ,not like the horrid soupy air in Hong kong ,or worse Beijing which is pure Chemical and factory plus car exaust in origin .

Plenty of evidence of the effects of exposure to unsafe levels of PM2.5 in both the short and long term if one cares to look.

This season those unsafe levels started in December and still exist in May.

It is one thing to be irresponsible with ones own health, but have some consideration for others you may be responsible for eg. children, and also for people looking for advice.

IMO, the OP would be better advised to look elsewhere (outside the North) if he wants to settle in Thailand


The Philippines wants foreigners there,Thailand doesn't it's as simple as that!Take Thai food out of the equation and there is nothing better about Thailand than the Philippines,the Filipinos are 100 times friendlier than the Thais,the beaches in the Philippines make Thailand's look like Blackpool,the cost of living is way,way cheaper than Thailand I could go on...
As for safety where do you constantly on a day-to-day basis hear about foreigners getting murdered,old ladies getting kicked in the face the second they regain consciousness from the previous punch in the face etc?
Here's a clue,it's NOT the Philippines!


Also the quality of foreigners in the Philippines is a hundred times better than Thailand,which is unfortunately for the Thais packed full of the flotsam and jetsam,the absolute dross,drug-taking and dealing,alcoholic,lowlife,gangsta-wannabe,conmen and the absolute worst characters that Western society has to offer,are all on show in Amazing Thailand!


The Philippines wants foreigners there,Thailand doesn't it's as simple as that!Take Thai food out of the equation and there is nothing better about Thailand than the Philippines,the Filipinos are 100 times friendlier than the Thais,the beaches in the Philippines make Thailand's look like Blackpool,the cost of living is way,way cheaper than Thailand I could go on...

As for safety where do you constantly on a day-to-day basis hear about foreigners getting murdered,old ladies getting kicked in the face the second they regain consciousness from the previous punch in the face etc?

Here's a clue,it's NOT the Philippines!

I have heard some good things on here about the PI, safety and food being the negatives. Where do you stay? And where would you recommend staying?

I might have a look next year.


I've lived in Cebu and can highly recommend it but am very soon heading for Manila for a stint,I won't be back in Thailand until at the very least the government changes if at all.I find all the racism,xenophobia and generally awful treatment of foreigners just wears me down and there are so many better places these days in South-East Asia like Vietnam and even Cambodia is catching up at a great rate of knots as you can see by the chart,credit to Bloomberg and the original article here :



>>As for safety where do you constantly on a day-to-day basis hear about foreigners getting murdered,old ladies getting kicked in the face the second they regain consciousness from the previous punch in the face etc?<<

​The Philippines has a very small tourist industry compared to Thailand .Violence by Philippine on Philippine does not get reported World wide .Its far more dangerous than Thailand ,but if you want to keep your head in the sand up to you .I have not even mentioned the kidnapping of Westerners for money by the rebels in certain areas .Heads get cut off if no payment is made .


Chiang Mai?

I just got back from a three week vacation in the Phils, Manila, El Nido and Boracay. My opinion of the place went up, but I was pretty sick of it after 3 weeks.

If Thailand is a 3rd world country, the Philippines is 2.5

It's a big step down from Thailand.

As suggested above, what the woman wants makes a big difference. My TG was done with the place. The food sucks. There is Asian food...and then there is the Philippines.

My expat life in Phuket might be a little more expensive than the Philippines but there is no comparison. Thailand is heads above the Philippines.

I did see some very hot filipino women which may change some minds, what with actually being able to speak English, but...pork adobo?

You can live well in the Philippines on little money. For a little more, you can live much better in Thailand. The Filipinos don't want to live there.

I'd just reconsider Chiang Mai.

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