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Germany: up to 5 wounded in stabbing at train station


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they just don't dare to admit that his problem was being a muslim, nothing else

can't believe German media any more

and German politicians even less

I'm afraid next time they will find more and more terrorists, killers that are just lunatics (or do they just equal muslim=lunatic, potential killer?)

Merkel created a big supply

Merkel and her gang will never admit the made a mistake with their open door policy. Earlier this week the head of the German Foreign Policy Committee was on the BBC saying Merkel was right and the problem was the refusal of the other EU countries to accept the quotas as she instructed.

She and her supporters see no wrong in manipulating the news, suppressing statistics and reporting of cases that show migrants, especially Muslims in a bad light. She prefers to allow the success stories, the pictures of pregnant women and children, the welcome she gets from refugees etc. More commonly known as Propaganda.

Merkel is used to the methods of the former DDR. Make no mistake, she has an agenda. Telling the truth, supporting free speech as a tenet of democracy and representing the electorate aren't part of that agenda.

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'Just a lunatic', as I said, no Islam connection. Islamophobes.

Islam = lunatic

That's true. Everyone who believes he will get 72 virgins is a lunatic. Simple as that.

Is that any less believable than that one of the main GOP contenders thought that god had told him to run for president.

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Again, the attacker was a German guy. Not a Muslim immigrant or refugee.

His name is Paul H. and was a hard drug addict. He finished his practical scholarship for carpenter and traveled afterwards worldwide and worked as a tourist animator in A lot of countries. He became a tecno concert fan.

His family spoke out that he isn't radicalised and he isn't a Muslim.

The local and international press just added false Islamic connections to make it a headline...

His family spoke out that he isn't radicalised and he isn't a Muslim.

Many relatives of ISIS didnt know (or say they didnt) when they fly out to Syria that their son/daughter/brother/sister etc had been radicalised, so your shout on that one is pointless

Most who are radicalised are done so without anyone knowing, even the one being radicalised!!

Jihadi John's family, last I heard, were taking the Met Police to court for allowing him to be radicalised hahahah you just couldn't make this sh!t up!

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Some sources say, the officials didn't give out correct information about the attacker. His real name would be, Rafik Youssef.



The interior minister said, it was never told that the attacker's name is Paul.

Don't trust the German press.

Edited by alocacoc
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I become increasingly concerned by the seemingly routine denial reaction of European authorities when some rabid Islamist decides to attack.

Truth will emerge as we have seen in relation to the Cologne sex attacks and the Swedish rapes and murders.

Attempting to hide fact is a poor tactic and will result in a backlash.

The Authorities should be honest and admit what is occurring and at the same time say what is intended to prevent these attacks.

Help them out. what would you suggest be done to prevent locally born muslims from committing actions like this?

It is a problem I agree but until the politicians wake up and authorise the clearing of Muslim ghettos and the closure of mosques where "hate" is preached and taught the problem will continue.

The extreme "right wing" are becoming stronger in Europe and every atrocity committed in the name of "Allah" will increase their strength and power.

When do you expect the "explosion" of civil unrest ------------ because unless this problem is contained that is what will occur.

please go on! you want ghettos cleared and the inhabitants put where? you want mosques closed based on what is preached and who will be monitoring and ruling on the preached content? courts? police? special religious tribunals? c'mon, dont stop now, youre on a roll!!

This is estranged from reality. "...put them where? ...closed ... monitoring...content... tribunals..." ad naseum. This contains the presumption that their "special" status (as noted) is related to religion, a fundamentally abhorrent condition in an ostensibly democratic nation; in this regard the previous poster is correct.

In Germany and elsewhere victims... VICTIMS are monitored by the State for the content of their repulsion, references to behavior and political deportment, arrested, associations limited, police bureaus dedicated to obfuscating victim/police data, observing and following and monitoring and censoring... the target audience is their regular citizens who oppose...

...being raped and lied to, and stolen from, and displaced from work, and made relative morally, and debased by their Special Interest Award Winning PanEuropean Charlemagne Prize Winner Merkel and the PanEurabia agenda (See Merkel and the Pope's recent award). "Special Religious Tribunals" would at least counter balance Special Religious Protections! How can it be argued one is anathema when the other is in force?

An <deleted> idiot can see special rights/status are affirmatively being applied to non-citizens at the expense of citizens. People suggest that Merkel is giving rise to the Right Groups miss the point: You cannot get much more fascist then where she is personally leading Germany.

*Has any actually see her pictures from young adulthood. I will not post here but are freely available online. Look; see the unmistakable context. This is why Germany is suffering.

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they just don't dare to admit that his problem was being a muslim, nothing else

can't believe German media any more

and German politicians even less

I'm afraid next time they will find more and more terrorists, killers that are just lunatics (or do they just equal muslim=lunatic, potential killer?)

Merkel created a big supply

What a nonsense, now all the media are in cohorts with the politicians.
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they just don't dare to admit that his problem was being a muslim, nothing else

can't believe German media any more

and German politicians even less

I'm afraid next time they will find more and more terrorists, killers that are just lunatics (or do they just equal muslim=lunatic, potential killer?)

Merkel created a big supply

What a nonsense, now all the media are in cohorts with the politicians.

There is some evidence to support the existence "cohorts" which seek to deceive and misinform.

Check the early reports of the Cologne attacks which denied gangs of Muslim perverts were attacking women.

Then look to Sweden where again there is evidence of attempts to hide the fact that rapes and murders were being committed by Muslims.

It is only thanks to the power of social media that the truth is forced into the daylight.

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Knives are a very effective weapon. A person with this kind of motivation can inflict quite a bit of damage. Imagine ten or twenty of them armed with just knives.

Israel knows.

You are right of course, on the one hand people can inflict quite a bit of physical damage. However, history has shown over and over again that the physical violence expressions of this ideology have always been accompanied by political and social warfare that have been far more devastating to the host. Will Durant offered that this formula was nowhere more apparent then in the conquest of India. The violence is the most visceral display of the problem, but it is not the facet that will initially unwind the State and invite all other maladies.

The greater threat is the rationalizing that the [other] is just like [us] and because [we] do not understand what is happening to [us], the deficiency must lie in [our] observation. Unquestionably, it is this ideology that defines the us and the them; you have little say in the matter. It is insisted upon and acted out immediately and always. Invariably the Host tries to reconcile and absorb but fails every single time. One concession after another and before long the body politic is so weakened and the demographics so changes, that little resolve remains.

This is how to read the tea leaves from the train station.

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Knives are a very effective weapon. A person with this kind of motivation can inflict quite a bit of damage. Imagine ten or twenty of them armed with just knives.

Israel knows.

You are right of course, on the one hand people can inflict quite a bit of physical damage. However, history has shown over and over again that the physical violence expressions of this ideology have always been accompanied by political and social warfare that have been far more devastating to the host. Will Durant offered that this formula was nowhere more apparent then in the conquest of India. The violence is the most visceral display of the problem, but it is not the facet that will initially unwind the State and invite all other maladies.

The greater threat is the rationalizing that the [other] is just like [us] and because [we] do not understand what is happening to [us], the deficiency must lie in [our] observation. Unquestionably, it is this ideology that defines the us and the them; you have little say in the matter. It is insisted upon and acted out immediately and always. Invariably the Host tries to reconcile and absorb but fails every single time. One concession after another and before long the body politic is so weakened and the demographics so changes, that little resolve remains.

This is how to read the tea leaves from the train station.

looks like you cut and pasted something..but forget to name the source?

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Guy screams alahu-Akbar and their not clear about his motive. PC at its stupidest

Guy did not scream, islamofobia at its worst.
Phobia of knife wielding maniacs?
Right on...and bomb wearing, plane crashing, gun wielding, throat slashing and on and on and on lunatics whom all of the assailants happen to belong to the pandemic known as Islam. The Religion of Piece...spelled as such because they're intent on seeing the rest of the world in PIECES Edited by Skeptic7
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they just don't dare to admit that his problem was being a muslim, nothing else

can't believe German media any more

and German politicians even less

I'm afraid next time they will find more and more terrorists, killers that are just lunatics (or do they just equal muslim=lunatic, potential killer?)

Merkel created a big supply

What a nonsense, now all the media are in cohorts with the politicians.

There is some evidence to support the existence "cohorts" which seek to deceive and misinform.

Check the early reports of the Cologne attacks which denied gangs of Muslim perverts were attacking women.

Then look to Sweden where again there is evidence of attempts to hide the fact that rapes and murders were being committed by Muslims.

It is only thanks to the power of social media that the truth is forced into the daylight.

So media forces the truth in the media. Which would have come out anyway.

So your statement does nothing to contradict my statement.

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they just don't dare to admit that his problem was being a muslim, nothing else

can't believe German media any more

and German politicians even less

I'm afraid next time they will find more and more terrorists, killers that are just lunatics (or do they just equal muslim=lunatic, potential killer?)

Merkel created a big supply

What a nonsense, now all the media are in cohorts with the politicians.

There is some evidence to support the existence "cohorts" which seek to deceive and misinform.

Check the early reports of the Cologne attacks which denied gangs of Muslim perverts were attacking women.

Then look to Sweden where again there is evidence of attempts to hide the fact that rapes and murders were being committed by Muslims.

It is only thanks to the power of social media that the truth is forced into the daylight.

So media forces the truth in the media. Which would have come out anyway.

So your statement does nothing to contradict my statement.

No-one needs to contradict your statement.

Actions speak louder than words.

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they just don't dare to admit that his problem was being a muslim, nothing else

can't believe German media any more
and German politicians even less

I'm afraid next time they will find more and more terrorists, killers that are just lunatics (or do they just equal muslim=lunatic, potential killer?)

Merkel created a big supply
What a nonsense, now all the media are in cohorts with the politicians.

There is some evidence to support the existence "cohorts" which seek to deceive and misinform.

Check the early reports of the Cologne attacks which denied gangs of Muslim perverts were attacking women.

Then look to Sweden where again there is evidence of attempts to hide the fact that rapes and murders were being committed by Muslims.

It is only thanks to the power of social media that the truth is forced into the daylight.
So media forces the truth in the media. Which would have come out anyway.

So your statement does nothing to contradict my statement.

No-one needs to contradict your statement.

Actions speak louder than words.

Exactly, nu Muslim connection, no matter how much you'd love one. But you can always make up the connection.
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Exactly, nu Muslim connection, no matter how much you'd love one. But you can always make up the connection.

I do not write the press, especially outside Germany.

I would love to kill a lot of people, but I would not be shouting snack bar when I carried it out.

No connection to be made. We have all heard the same crap from the families of Jihadi's that have gone to Syria.

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Knives are a very effective weapon. A person with this kind of motivation can inflict quite a bit of damage. Imagine ten or twenty of them armed with just knives.

Israel knows.

You are right of course, on the one hand people can inflict quite a bit of physical damage. However, history has shown over and over again that the physical violence expressions of this ideology have always been accompanied by political and social warfare that have been far more devastating to the host. Will Durant offered that this formula was nowhere more apparent then in the conquest of India. The violence is the most visceral display of the problem, but it is not the facet that will initially unwind the State and invite all other maladies.

The greater threat is the rationalizing that the [other] is just like [us] and because [we] do not understand what is happening to [us], the deficiency must lie in [our] observation. Unquestionably, it is this ideology that defines the us and the them; you have little say in the matter. It is insisted upon and acted out immediately and always. Invariably the Host tries to reconcile and absorb but fails every single time. One concession after another and before long the body politic is so weakened and the demographics so changes, that little resolve remains.

This is how to read the tea leaves from the train station.

looks like you cut and pasted something..but forget to name the source?

No, I have forgotten nothing. I have rarely ever 'cut and pasted' anything but have also always name my sources in any event. Nothing above is from another source!

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so if it impossible to integrate with locally born muslims, what is your suggestion?

Help them out. what would you suggest be done to prevent locally born muslims from committing actions like this?

so you got nuttin. whata surprise

Far as I can tell extreme right wing policies are rejected. And perhaps anything else that smacks of representing a right wing point of view. That's alright, not a big fan either.

But simply pointing out that these answers are extreme does not, by itself, provide a better answer.

How would you tackle such issues? That is, if you hold that there are issues to tackle.

Edited by Morch
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