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Anna Reese: Out of Sight and Mind, Actress’ Fatal Crash Case Ends Without Jail Time


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"Personally, even though I took the decision to live in Thailand, I detest their culture, I detest their incompetence and I detest their national superiority complex, its just narcissism. And yes, before the sheeple come out and protest that not all Thais are worthless, I agree, I know many Thais who are very good people, probably better than I found where I came from. But they are a small minority in my experience.

So I keep my head down, have my (Thai) wife conduct most of our business with Thais and try not to be enraged by the 3rd-world behaviour we all encounter almost daily. It is after all, the 3rd-world and its a problem for the Thais to resolve, not me"

Congrats to Winnie (above page 1) for one of the best posts I have ever read on Thai Visa as exemplified by the above quoted extract.

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A lot of negative comments, and rightly so, it would require an ethics-bypass not to be sickened with the Thai version of justice sometimes.

But guys, what did we expect really? Thailand is a 3rd-world nation, acknowldged by its own foreign diplomats (or at least, the UN representative) to be heading towards failed state status.

The military are out of control and are not accountable to anyone. The police don't even bother to pretend not to be corrupt any more and are not accountable to anyone. Ditto the justice system. The entire administrative system from the Pooyay Baan upwards is corrupt to the core etc etc ad nauseam.

Personally, even though I took the decision to live in Thailand, I detest their culture, I detest their incompetence and I detest their national superiority complex, its just narcissism. And yes, before the sheeple come out and protest that not all Thais are worthless, I agree, I know many Thais who are very good people, probably better than I found where I came from. But they are a small minority in my experience.

So I keep my head down, have my (Thai) wife conduct most of our business with Thais and try not to be enraged by the 3rd-world behaviour we all encounter almost daily. It is after all, the 3rd-world and its a problem for the Thais to resolve, not me. Of course we all know they've been propagandised for decades and that the country has been run by a feudal elite entirely for it's own benefit. But, I get my pension, I live a quiet life and the major consequences that Thais have to suffer for embracing their imposed lifestyle pass me by. USA and England have their merchant bankers, Thailand has its banking and retail conglomerates and its civil service and its law enforcement, etc etc. SSDD.

Eventually, Thailand will grow up, eventually they will realise that the rest of the world has passed them by and that they really have to get out of their self-imposed nightmare. Eventually, they will realise that it is the dismal state of their education system that causes most of the problems, and they will fix it.


In the meantime, I try to remember why I came here - it's relatively cheap (unless you buy something from the mafia franchises such as cars and pickups), the weather's good and by and large, the trouble that Thais cause themselves pretty much bypass us. I figure that fixing Thailand (or even giving sensible advice to Thais for them to ignore) just isn't my job, it's someone else's and I don't really care very much if it never gets done.


Thanks for that. A pretty fair and accurate summary of the state of this particular nation and its citizens.

Although I'm not so sure that "Thailand will grow up" or that they will "fix" their education system, ever.

There is just too much vested interest in maintaining the status quo by those few who control the economy and politics and those many who benefit from it.

Any change can only come from a massive demonstration of 'people power'. Likely? I don't think so.

Once again, 'sheep led by (rich) buffaloes'!

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Whilst I completely agree with a lot of what's been said, and in no way have any sympathy for the way that this young lady has conducted herself through this whole process- however, I do wonder what most of the posters on here would have done, in her position, and with the flawed systems in place in this country- how many would have turned around and put their hands up, choosing not to use the 'Get Out Of Jail Free' card that the rich and, in this case, semi-famous seem to have you their sleeve??

What's that about " He who is without sin....... Etc."?

Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk

Edited by haybilly
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Thank you for taking time to write a,in my mind,very well thought out Post.In my eyes living here 15 years with my Thaiwife,i agree in every word you wrote.But time will tell,is Thailand going to rise up from the Hub of,well you know,take your pick,or stay in denail..OR acknowledge that they need help,not later but right NOW..Have a good day sir and once again thanks for a wellwritten post that nailed it..

A lot of negative comments, and rightly so, it would require an ethics-bypass not to be sickened with the Thai version of justice sometimes.

But guys, what did we expect really? Thailand is a 3rd-world nation, acknowldged by its own foreign diplomats (or at least, the UN representative) to be heading towards failed state status.

The military are out of control and are not accountable to anyone. The police don't even bother to pretend not to be corrupt any more and are not accountable to anyone. Ditto the justice system. The entire administrative system from the Pooyay Baan upwards is corrupt to the core etc etc ad nauseam.

Personally, even though I took the decision to live in Thailand, I detest their culture, I detest their incompetence and I detest their national superiority complex, its just narcissism. And yes, before the sheeple come out and protest that not all Thais are worthless, I agree, I know many Thais who are very good people, probably better than I found where I came from. But they are a small minority in my experience.

So I keep my head down, have my (Thai) wife conduct most of our business with Thais and try not to be enraged by the 3rd-world behaviour we all encounter almost daily. It is after all, the 3rd-world and its a problem for the Thais to resolve, not me. Of course we all know they've been propagandised for decades and that the country has been run by a feudal elite entirely for it's own benefit. But, I get my pension, I live a quiet life and the major consequences that Thais have to suffer for embracing their imposed lifestyle pass me by. USA and England have their merchant bankers, Thailand has its banking and retail conglomerates and its civil service and its law enforcement, etc etc. SSDD.

Eventually, Thailand will grow up, eventually they will realise that the rest of the world has passed them by and that they really have to get out of their self-imposed nightmare. Eventually, they will realise that it is the dismal state of their education system that causes most of the problems, and they will fix it.


In the meantime, I try to remember why I came here - it's relatively cheap (unless you buy something from the mafia franchises such as cars and pickups), the weather's good and by and large, the trouble that Thais cause themselves pretty much bypass us. I figure that fixing Thailand (or even giving sensible advice to Thais for them to ignore) just isn't my job, it's someone else's and I don't really care very much if it never gets done.


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The justice system here is a joke,the rich and powerful are not subject

to it, while the poor and unconnected,are subject to the full force,no

mercy shown.

regards worgeordie

Of course they are, it's the same law for rich and poor. If poor people had the decency to compensate their victims then they would be shown leniency too; But no, they run away from the scene so either end up in prison or more often than not, unpunished.

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What a disgusting piece of low life shit. I don't know how she got into the movies. It sure wasn't by her looks.

A good chance she eliminated the other actresses trying out for the same part by running them down with her auto.

Edited by jaltsc
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Should similar happen to my wife or kid, and the culprit would just walk away...

I would very much be tempted to take care of justice in a more "eye for eye" manner for sure.

Then I could offer a brief period of monkhood, and a testimony that the spirit thanked me my justice making effort ( and also gave the next lottery numbers too) in a little publicity show.

While I agree with your sentiment, you still would have to be Thai and HiSo in order to walk...

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A lot of negative comments, and rightly so, it would require an ethics-bypass not to be sickened with the Thai version of justice sometimes.

But guys, what did we expect really? Thailand is a 3rd-world nation, acknowldged by its own foreign diplomats (or at least, the UN representative) to be heading towards failed state status.

The military are out of control and are not accountable to anyone. The police don't even bother to pretend not to be corrupt any more and are not accountable to anyone. Ditto the justice system. The entire administrative system from the Pooyay Baan upwards is corrupt to the core etc etc ad nauseam.

Personally, even though I took the decision to live in Thailand, I detest their culture, I detest their incompetence and I detest their national superiority complex, its just narcissism. And yes, before the sheeple come out and protest that not all Thais are worthless, I agree, I know many Thais who are very good people, probably better than I found where I came from. But they are a small minority in my experience.

So I keep my head down, have my (Thai) wife conduct most of our business with Thais and try not to be enraged by the 3rd-world behaviour we all encounter almost daily. It is after all, the 3rd-world and its a problem for the Thais to resolve, not me. Of course we all know they've been propagandised for decades and that the country has been run by a feudal elite entirely for it's own benefit. But, I get my pension, I live a quiet life and the major consequences that Thais have to suffer for embracing their imposed lifestyle pass me by. USA and England have their merchant bankers, Thailand has its banking and retail conglomerates and its civil service and its law enforcement, etc etc. SSDD.

Eventually, Thailand will grow up, eventually they will realise that the rest of the world has passed them by and that they really have to get out of their self-imposed nightmare. Eventually, they will realise that it is the dismal state of their education system that causes most of the problems, and they will fix it.


In the meantime, I try to remember why I came here - it's relatively cheap (unless you buy something from the mafia franchises such as cars and pickups), the weather's good and by and large, the trouble that Thais cause themselves pretty much bypass us. I figure that fixing Thailand (or even giving sensible advice to Thais for them to ignore) just isn't my job, it's someone else's and I don't really care very much if it never gets done.


Best piece of advice I have read in a long time, thanks Winnie, I will desperately try to follow your advice since I do get all twisted over things I have no chance of changing.

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A staged photo op.

A better question would be why somebody who caused a fatal accident, killing a public servant non the less, was not immediately assesed for drug/alcohol impairment. She killed a policeman and the police let her go? In most countries they would stick up for a fallen comrade.

They don't here. Same as the comrade that was dragged under "Boss's" Ferrari for 200 meters.

Brainwashed from birth. The sight of someone rich wai'ing a social subordinate seems to instantly mollify these people.. thumbsup.gif

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@ Scouse Twoccer

Just wondering if .....................that "woman in the audience had a seizure, shouted that she was being possessed by the ghost of the dead policeman, and called for Anna".....................

was straight out of central casting for a studio where the actress was contracted ?????

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Justice is a distant bell. Rarely heard, in Thailand!

very poetic clockman

We have a saying in the UK, "the wheels of justice turn slowly, but they grind very fine"

Now replace grind with graft, hey presto.

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I know to the western mind it is obscene how money in Thailand solves everything. But what good would it do for the policeman's family if, western style, the actress was simply thrown in jail. Justice done perhaps, but at least with the Thai way the family now has millions of baht in compensation. That would never happen in the west.

Of course, she should have been made to pay the millions AND serve jail time. But the family have accepted her apology because the dead man's ghost says it's all okay with him. And people here are so ignorant and superstitious that that is accepted.

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I wonder what I would of got off the racist bastards if I had committed this crime.

If you had committed the same crime as her you would have got banged up for life.

No one said anything bout getting banged up for life, but she should have served at least some jail time. But as usual money talks here.

Edited by Sooo Upto Me
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Gotta wonder what you'd do if it was your wife or your kid driving the car that killed someone. I suspect there'd be a little less blood lust.

Accidents happen. To good people, too. Restitution is appropriate, and apparently has been paid in this case. But barring some kind of proof of negligence, drunkenness, or intent to do harm, prison terms aren't appropriate for accidents.

I don't condone letting her leave the scene without being breathalyzed and tested for drugs, but that's on the police, not on her.

Be careful what you wish for when you rant on about a case like this. Karma can be a bitch and you or I or a loved one are just as likely to be the driver as the victim when an accident happens.

A glib and facetious response only someone without loved ones could write.

If we start condoning these reckless actions by influential and well-connected people and simply look the other way, then humanity has reached a new low.

So you'd be just fine with your wife or child rotting away for decades in a Thai jail if they had an accident and someone died?

They probably would, whereas the rich and famous get away with it almost every time. That's what most of us are angry about.

Also, do you think the police at the scene would have omitted to breathalise a joe public type person? No chance.

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stinks the whole lot ---from this issue, Red Bull, Khao Tao, Hiso Benz drivers and pensioners getting kicked in the head.....let the Thais destroy themselves , we should not get worked up about these situations ..its Thainess

stay away from them -- Put up or shut up and get out!!,

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