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American expat aims to raise funds to ‘recreate’ 9/11 in countryside


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I think there is a misunderstanding, as is commonly the case here in Thailand while I believe he means he will create a mock 7/11 store in the country side and bring the 7/11 store down with a plane.

I may be mistaken, but I'm not sure....lol....

Sometimes living in Thailand can be confusing.


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What's noticeable from this thread is how desperately keen these guys are to trot out their theories. As soon as a conversation which even tangentially relates to their pet subject comes up, they're digging into their folders of YouTube links, and issuing 'explain this!' challenges to people who aren't even trying to argue with them. It's like a weird, obsessive, slightly ghoulish hobby, it seems.

What is also notable is that the universe of 911 Truther conspiracy theories is large and incoherent. There is no "smoking gun", just fanciful wisps of smoke all over the place. For example, on this thread we have been treated to the following suggestions:

1) The WTC 7 building did not collapse as a result of damage and fire, but it was "pulled" down

2) WTC 1 and 2 buildings were dropped by planted explosives, not the damage casued by the planes and the huge fires in upper floors

3) No plane crashed into the Pentagon (it was a missile)

4) No plane debris was found at the Shanksville PA crash site

(on the record, these 4 suggestions are nonsense)

The list from the Truthers goes on and on. The whole collection becomes an impossibly complex web, impugning the actions of literally thousands of supposed conspirators from hundreds of organizations, and multiple levels of government. Yet, no real whistle-blowers ever come forward, even though the rewards of a true exposure of this masterful cover-up would be very substantial.

Of course, what I post here is only further evidence that I am a gullible rube, and/or a member of the 911 conspiracy.

Because, if we oppose the conspiracy theory, it must be true!

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Building 7 was never hit by a plane.

It collapsed.

That's all there is to say about 9/11.

Yeah, because in no way, shape or form does it matter that 2 of the worlds tallest buildings collapsed next to it. probably causing shockwaves like a medium- sized earthquake.

WT7 was not the only building near the twin towers, that took a bad hit, there were others with huge damages and fires raging in them.

Some had to be shut down later, some hadn't!

You conspiracy - nuts are comical...but not in a good way!

Shockwaves or not, that's a new one by the way, just look at the way it collapsed- just like pack of cards, no tower on fire has ever collapsed like that ( apart from the twin towers)- looks like a perfect demolition job.

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Building 7 was never hit by a plane.

It collapsed.

That's all there is to say about 9/11.

Yeah, because in no way, shape or form does it matter that 2 of the worlds tallest buildings collapsed next to it. probably causing shockwaves like a medium- sized earthquake.

WT7 was not the only building near the twin towers, that took a bad hit, there were others with huge damages and fires raging in them.

Some had to be shut down later, some hadn't!

You conspiracy - nuts are comical...but not in a good way!

Shockwaves or not, that's a new one by the way, just look at the way it collapsed- just like pack of cards, no tower on fire has ever collapsed like that ( apart from the twin towers)- looks like a perfect demolition job.

Steel girders from the collapse of the Twin Towers were ejected into WT7, destroying the support structures and precipitating the collapse. Firemen documented that the debris from the Towers had irreparably damaged WT7. Jeesh...you guys live in some fantasy world or what ?

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If someone did a demolition job and wanted to hide the fact that it was a demolition job then surely they wouldn't have made it look like a demolition job?

They probably wouldn't have announced it on the BBC either.

Don't expect any of this stuff to make sense, though.

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Building 7 was never hit by a plane.

It collapsed.

That's all there is to say about 9/11.

Yeah, because in no way, shape or form does it matter that 2 of the worlds tallest buildings collapsed next to it. probably causing shockwaves like a medium- sized earthquake.

WT7 was not the only building near the twin towers, that took a bad hit, there were others with huge damages and fires raging in them.

Some had to be shut down later, some hadn't!

You conspiracy - nuts are comical...but not in a good way!

Shockwaves or not, that's a new one by the way, just look at the way it collapsed- just like pack of cards, no tower on fire has ever collapsed like that ( apart from the twin towers)- looks like a perfect demolition job.

Steel girders from the collapse of the Twin Towers were ejected into WT7, destroying the support structures and precipitating the collapse. Firemen documented that the debris from the Towers had irreparably damaged WT7. Jeesh...you guys live in some fantasy world or what ?

Actually, in the FAQ accompanying the NIST final report, they say:

Would WTC 7 have collapsed even if there had been no structural damage induced by the collapse of the WTC towers?

Yes. Even without the structural damage, WTC 7 would have collapsed from the fires that the debris initiated. The growth and spread of the lower-floor fires due to the loss of water supply to the sprinklers from the city mains was enough to initiate the collapse of the entire building due to buckling of a critical column in the northeast region of the building.


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Over the years, speculation that the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington DC were fake has grown steadily amongst a certain type of armchair internet theorist. File these people somewhere between Elvis Presley is alive and staged NASA moon landings.

Although I am not convinced Elvis is alive, nor do I dispute the veracity of the lunar landings, I am proud to be anointed by some armchair journalist writing for the equivalent of a high school paper in Bangkok as "a certain type of armchair internet theorist" by joining the thousands of professionals over at ae911truth.org and not to elect to baa like some somnambulant sheep and accept a totally implausible story.

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"Steel girders from the collapse of the Twin Towers were ejected into WT7, destroying the support structures and precipitating the collapse." blink.png

Preposterous made up nonsense. Never happened.
Interesting to note that only Silversteins buildings were damaged enough to be demolished...



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Over the years, speculation that the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington DC were fake has grown steadily amongst a certain type of armchair internet theorist. File these people somewhere between Elvis Presley is alive and staged NASA moon landings.

Although I am not convinced Elvis is alive, nor do I dispute the veracity of the lunar landings, I am proud to be anointed by some armchair journalist writing for the equivalent of a high school paper in Bangkok as "a certain type of armchair internet theorist" by joining the thousands of professionals over at ae911truth.org and not to elect to baa like some somnambulant sheep and accept a totally implausible story.

An appeal to authority in a post about 911 truthers? Amazing.

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The best was the passports of the terrorists found in the streets...

Right! Unscorched - the whole planes and buildings reduced to dust in a great ball of fire and then the passport of one of the hijackers makes it without a scratch or burn right in front of the feet of some CIA investigators... Would you believe it? cheesy.gif

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Molten rock at "Ground Zero" (a word that officials and media came up with, not the truth finders) - explain it!

ground ze·ro
noun: ground zero
  1. 1.
    the point on the earth's surface directly above or below an exploding nuclear bomb.
    • the site of the former World Trade Center in New York City in the wake of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
      singular proper noun: Ground Zero; noun: Ground Zero; plural noun: Ground Zeros
    • a site of devastation, disaster, or violent attack.
      "the pictures from Indonesia's ground zero are beyond description"
  2. 2.
    a starting point or base for some activity.
    "if you're starting at ground zero in terms of knowledge, go to the library"
Edited by MockingJay
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because building 7 was beneth 2 massive towers that collapsed, with much of the debris falling on it and starting fires which eventually caused it to collapse, we're talking 2 110 story wide towers, that's alot of force and spare me the 'it would be impossible for b7 to collapse crap' how could anyone know that, its not everyday that 2 biggest buildings in the world collapse next door to a highrise.. and what would be the 'motive' to wire building 7 with explosives? because to jumbo jets crashing into the wtc wasn't enough to justify military action in the ME? ridiculous, try to use LOGIC in your thinking..

So you are saying building 7 collapsed because the two towers "collapsed", please inform Larry Silverstein of this "fact" as he is on tape stating in no uncertain words that he gave the order for the building to be "pulled" again, his words, as he was told it was unsafe.

Who am I supposed to believe? or should I use LOGIC and be suspicious?

He was talking to firefighters (not demolition experts) and he wanted them to pull their men out of the building and cease efforts to save it as it had become structurally unsound and the fires were becoming too intense to control.

No he wasn't, he was talking about pulling the building down.

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I'm not sure the phrase 'Conspiracy theory' even applies to much of what we hear from the 'truthers'. They rarely seem to have a theory of their own about what happened, but rather concentrate more on identifying isolated anomalies that they feel expose a flaw in the 'official' version of events.

I'd be interested to hear a detailed, coherent, alternative explanation of the events of that day, supported by evidence, but that never seems to be forthcoming.

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What's noticeable from this thread is how desperately keen these guys are to trot out their theories. As soon as a conversation which even tangentially relates to their pet subject comes up, they're digging into their folders of YouTube links, and issuing 'explain this!' challenges to people who aren't even trying to argue with them. It's like a weird, obsessive, slightly ghoulish hobby, it seems.

Fine line between arguing and disputing their views!

I wouldn't say 'pet subject'....but 9/11 will change history i believe.Only have to look at the last 15years for evidence of this...wars etc...

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This tune keeps running through my head when I read some of these conspiracy theories

The claim emanating from the White House that Arabs attacked the WTC in hijacked planes is the most ludicrous conspiracy theory in the wake of 9/11, equal to the ludicrous claim that Oswald killed JFK. .

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This tune keeps running through my head when I read some of these conspiracy theories

The claim emanating from the White House that Arabs attacked the WTC in hijacked planes is the most ludicrous conspiracy theory in the wake of 9/11, equal to the ludicrous claim that Oswald killed JFK. .

To save time just play video in post you quoted.

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If someone did a demolition job and wanted to hide the fact that it was a demolition job then surely they wouldn't have made it look like a demolition job?

Btw...this building is some 500 metres away from ground zero......i'm no scientist,but you're not going to tell me 'shock waves' brought the

WT7 down.......nor the sporadic fire in the building......This building was HUGE!.....

To me it seems...some people can't or don't want to believe their rulers are so self-serving and dark....

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The best was the passports of the terrorists found in the streets...

Right! Unscorched - the whole planes and buildings reduced to dust in a great ball of fire and then the passport of one of the hijackers makes it without a scratch or burn right in front of the feet of some CIA investigators... Would you believe it? cheesy.gif

One passport. Found by a citizen and passed to an FBI aqent. Also, two intact letters from one of the passengers, and a variety of other small items blown clear of the crash in the first few seconds. Quite common at crash sites.

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9/11 was an event which taught America a lesson. That its friends are not altogether allies in arms when terrorism manifests itself.

Frankly America was embarrassed that its own back yard was infiltrated, broken into and totally destroyed in front of a very big audience.

One symptom in denial is conspiracy...

Get over it, it change history and that is something America has simply cannot come to terms with. And to quite some degree in this guys case.

This good Samaritan needs help, not money....

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Good grief, this thread's turned into a "oh yes it was..... oh no it wasn't " 9/11 conspiracy thread, (just what the internet needed) as if the TVF red vs yellow shirt bickering wasn't enough. Who started this bloody thread anyway? Should be banned. Lol.

Edited by lemonjelly
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