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Cabinet orders reconsideration of cash-back offer for foreign movie production in Thailand


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Cabinet orders reconsideration of cash-back offer for foreign movie production in Thailand


BANGKOK, 12 May 2016 (NNT) – The Cabinet has accepted the principles of a cash-back offer for foreign movie production in Thailand that has been proposed by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, but has ordered the Ministry of Finance to reconsider the cash-back ratio for appropriateness, according to the spokesman.

The government spokesman Maj Gen Sansern Kaewkamnerd revealed that the Cabinet has appointed the Ministry of Finance to find the appropriate ratio of cash-back offer to foreign movie productions in Thailand as proposed by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports.

The initial offer as proposed involves a 15 percent cash-back offer to foreign movie production with more than 30 million baht spending in Thailand, and the additional 5-20 percent cash-back for such production which uses post-production services in Thailand.

The Deputy Prime Minister responsible for the Ministry of Tourism and Sports Gen Tanasak Patimapragon has said he will be attending the Cannes Film Festival in France, at which he will promote Thailand’s offer to attract movie production companies to film in Thailand in order to generate more revenue to the country.

A similar cash-back offer currently being offered by Malaysia is at the rate of up to 30 percent.

However, Minister of Industry Atchaka Sibunruang has revealed that the Board of Investment (BOI) is now offering tax benefits for foreign film productions in Thailand, which comes with a requirement for the company to be registered as a Thai company, which causes inconvenience, while the Revenue Department cannot offer tax exemption schemes to any specific industry.

-- NNT 2016-05-12 footer_n.gif

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"Gen Tanasak Patimapragon has said he will be attending the Cannes Film Festival in France, at which he will promote Thailand’s offer to attract movie production companies to film in Thailand in order to generate more revenue to the country."

Hi, I am a Thai general. Please come to Thailand to shoot movies. Then you pay us for that. But we will give back a bit money.

..."the Board of Investment (BOI) is now offering tax benefits for foreign film productions in Thailand, which comes with a requirement for the company to be registered as a Thai company,"...

Hi again. When you come to us to shoot the movie you must put your money in a Thai company. Then we can pay back some of the money you spend. We will help you with that. Oh yes, 51% of that company with all assets will belong to us. You will love the Land of Smiles and thainess.

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It's a good idea in principle -- with obvious benefits for the local movie industry as well as for the economy. But this government could benefit enormously from thinking through new regulations or incentives before publicly disclosing them. Frankly, they just look incompetent on this point... when they could have looked innovative and smart. Foreign investors are completely spooked by the prospect of having Thai partners controlling 51% of the business - this is a major disincentive to businesses setting up here (along with political instability and a habit of making laws up on the run without warning or consultation).

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A similar cash-back offer currently being offered by Malaysia is at the rate of up to 30 percent.

As always, copy others.

In Malaysia a majority foreign owned company can joint venture with a Malaysian film to co-produce and qualify for the rebate.

Unlike Thailand which remains largely uncompetitive.

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yeah having lived and worked in Hollywood all my life I can tell you how much Hollywood loves the military. NOT.

My first two week trip to Thailand was to look into opening a branch office in Bangkok to do visual film effects (VFX).

It took four hours to realize it would be impossible to open a business here.

The rest of the time I was forced to hang out at Soi Cowboy.

So, you know, it was not a total waste.

Edited by NCC1701A
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cash backs in thailand. proposed in many forms but does anyone actually get money back? bought my son his school uniforms yesterday, was told we can get some money back but it was going to take some months to get it. not wort the hassle for 700thb. wonder if anyone ever gets the VAT back at the airport.

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So where to now for the Thai elite, I think it's pretty well unanimous on this forum that overseas investors are a well informed lot and Thailand is not exactly flavor of the month to them.

Elite Thais like money and lots of it so where are they to get it?

Exploiting the fisheries done that and is on the way out.

Slave labour in their factories still continuing but under more international scrutiny.

Tourism still a winner in spite of what many might think, maybe the good old days, the golden era has passed but still almost money for nothing.

Can the Military and the Nobs that put them there successfully manage the economy, I don't believe they can and this gibberish on Movie making incentives pretty much says it all.


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The Deputy Prime Minister responsible for the Ministry of Tourism and Sports Gen Tanasak Patimapragon has said he will be attending the Cannes Film Festival in France, at which he will promote Thailand’s offer to attract movie production companies to film in Thailand in order to generate more revenue to the country.

Such a tireless, hard-working soul on behalf of the Thai people... rolleyes.gif

Ask the average Thai about Cannes, and they'll reply, Coke or Pepsi?

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"Gen Tanasak Patimapragon has said he will be attending the Cannes Film Festival in France, at which he will promote Thailands offer to attract movie production companies to film in Thailand in order to generate more revenue to the country."

Hi, I am a Thai general. Please come to Thailand to shoot movies. Then you pay us for that. But we will give back a bit money.

..."the Board of Investment (BOI) is now offering tax benefits for foreign film productions in Thailand, which comes with a requirement for the company to be registered as a Thai company,"...

Hi again. When you come to us to shoot the movie you must put your money in a Thai company. Then we can pay back some of the money you spend. We will help you with that. Oh yes, 51% of that company with all assets will belong to us. You will love the Land of Smiles and thainess.

Oh, and by the way, if Thailand is depicted in a bad light, we won't give you a refund.

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yeah having lived and worked in Hollywood all my life I can tell you how much Hollywood loves the military. NOT.

My first two week trip to Thailand was to look into opening a branch office in Bangkok to do visual film effects (VFX).

It took four hours to realize it would be impossible to open a business here.

The rest of the time I was forced to hang out at Soi Cowboy.

So, you know, it was not a total waste.

Interesting post, NCC.

What made you decide it would be impossible to open a business here?

Tnx --

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So where to now for the Thai elite, I think it's pretty well unanimous on this forum that overseas investors are a well informed lot and Thailand is not exactly flavor of the month to them.

Elite Thais like money and lots of it so where are they to get it?

Exploiting the fisheries done that and is on the way out.

Slave labour in their factories still continuing but under more international scrutiny.

Tourism still a winner in spite of what many might think, maybe the good old days, the golden era has passed but still almost money for nothing.

Can the Military and the Nobs that put them there successfully manage the economy, I don't believe they can and this gibberish on Movie making incentives pretty much says it all.


Relax, it's just huff and puff. Government by bright idea.

Someone high up gets a bright idea while sitting on the toilet in the AM, it's policy by 3pm, law by tomorrow morning, kickbacks identified by tomorrow lunch time and everything is forgotten by tomorrow 5pm, by which time the next bright idea has become policy. Thais have a very short span of attention so nobody ever audits actual results.

Life in the goldfish bowl.

It's the Thai way.


Edited by Winniedapu
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Cabinet offer.

Is this lucrative offer coming out the Thai closet. It amazes me they can make such tongue in cheek statements and really mean it as if we Ferangs will take this as some serious pledge to open up a new opportunity for our benefit. Thais must stop this farcical one sided business ploy it's just SHEER GREED !!!!

Just saying ......

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Maybe the porn movie industry is interested doing some "shooting" in Thailand.

The porn festival in Cannes is one week later...

first thais can not innovate and produce sex toys as they are illegal. next the cant have a big movie making industry because sex movies are illegal. of only they would stop being prudes and at least allow prostitution to help the ailing tourist industry.

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Maybe the porn movie industry is interested doing some "shooting" in Thailand.

The porn festival in Cannes is one week later...

first thais can not innovate and produce sex toys as they are illegal. next the cant have a big movie making industry because sex movies are illegal. of only they would stop being prudes and at least allow prostitution to help the ailing tourist industry.

But you may find the General and entourage were unable to get return tickets on the day they wanted and had to stay another week.

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I wonder if Steven Segal's plans will be affected?


It seems like there used to be several bigger budget western films utilizing local facilities, both production and locale each year. "No Escape" is the last one I remember.

Some studios/producers/unions et al. may have rules, or be concerned about the negative publicity, about shooting in a country with a military government in place?

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