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Drug Cartel Dealers Arrested in Sting Operation (Video)


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"On May 8, police arrested a 31-year-old man identified only as Songkrod" don't think it matters if WE know Songkods name, they will and its not us he need worry about!!!

I don't imagine there's much witness protection. Songkrod's in strife.

Result of the SWAT style 'sting' - 3000 baht, 30 tablets and two tubes. I don't what a tube is but doesn't sound like a big deal, as it were.

Gotta admit that cops are a heck of a lot more restrained in Thailand. In the US, if the cops didn't just fill the truck full of holes and simply execute the preps for having "3000 baht, 30 tablets and two tubes", then they would have been dog piled and beaten halt to death in the take down. Either way, cops in the US scare the hell out of me, because nowadays it seems to be shoot first -- the justice department will rule 99.9% of the time for justifiable homicide regardless of the circumstances. Anyway, kudos to the Chiang Mai undercover cops. Now, try picking bigger fish.

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looked very very ammatuer and unprofessional to me...........what does that idiot hope to achieve by kicking a car door with his flip flops on ?

tyres should have been blown / shot out from the very start with a shotgun.

not a flak/ bullet proof jacket in sight ......coffee1.gif

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I know it's still fairly early here but most of you have managed to make complete numpties of yourselves with your idiotic comments.

As per usual, one of you mentioned 3,000 Baht and 30 tablets and so on then that became a theme. No one sees anything like a conduit, do they?

Then you put phrases in inverted commas and you can't even spell them properly!

Nope, just read through them all again, yours is the most idiotic post in this thread, You should probably get out more :)

I know it's still fairly early here but most of you have managed to make complete numpties of yourselves with your idiotic comments.

As per usual, one of you mentioned 3,000 Baht and 30 tablets and so on then that became a theme. No one sees anything like a conduit, do they?

Then you put phrases in inverted commas and you can't even spell them properly!

Nope, just read through them all again, yours is the most idiotic post in this thread, You should probably get out more :)

Wow! I think you're serious. Which proves my point entirely.

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I know it's still fairly early here but most of you have managed to make complete numpties of yourselves with your idiotic comments.

As per usual, one of you mentioned 3,000 Baht and 30 tablets and so on then that became a theme. No one sees anything like a conduit, do they?

Then you put phrases in inverted commas and you can't even spell them properly!

I was the "one of you" (hope spelling correct) that mentioned the 3,000/30 and so on. Feel free to use the quote function another time to allow me the chance to defend myself.

If a numptie is a good thing I thank you for the compliment.

I thought it of interest that a story that initially sounded like the cops got a little dealer, who helped set up a sting that the stung guys turned out to be pretty petty. The seemingly small quantities are therefore relevant I believe.

Inn Between

Posted Today, 11:09

This forum seems to have a chronic case of "over-sensationalizitus". ;)

I'm guessing the miss-spelling in inverted commas comment in your last sentence refers to Inn Between's reply above. I thought it amusing. Perhaps you should also do Inn Between the courtesy of quoting.

When I see a thread going in a direction that I'm not enjoying I look at something else rather than criticize the bulk of fellow posters. Wha'd'ya think?

I've given you more of my time than I meant.

I just ignored the post, wondering why anybody would comment about the spelling of a fictitious word. I thought the absurdity of it would be obvious and hopefully amusing. I mean. how can a word be misspelled if it doesn't exist?

If I'd wandered away for 5 minutes I think I would also have ignored the post.

My failing.

Not the topic.

Move on.

I know you all seem to want hand delivered letters from me but this message contains howlers from two of you.

You both wrongly argued that I had criticised the missing spelling of the word sensationalizitus ... WRONG! I neither meant that word nor criticised it. What happened though is typical of what you lot do all the time: one of you picks up on something and others then run with it. Well, that's your problem, isn't it!

I don't suppose for a second you'll go back to see what I was really referring to and be able to eat humble pie.

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I know it's still fairly early here but most of you have managed to make complete numpties of yourselves with your idiotic comments.

As per usual, one of you mentioned 3,000 Baht and 30 tablets and so on then that became a theme. No one sees anything like a conduit, do they?

Then you put phrases in inverted commas and you can't even spell them properly!

Here's an even more idiotic comment. It's reported as being a "drug cartel" sting operation and you're buying that they only came up with "3,000 baht", a couple of vials of meth and a few pills for all that commotion.

What's really idiotic is the concept of a prison term for a small time dealer being turned into an automatic death sentence and the assurance that there likely won't be another dealer stupid enough to turn. Was there really a need for a tell all about their informant, or is that just another way of finger pointing to show the excellent investigative work at the end of a long trail?

Give your head a shake. It's reported as being a "drug cartel" sting operation and you're buying that they only came up with 3,000 baht, a couple of vials of meth and a few pills.

I'm more impressed with their cost saving measures for a possible death sentence being turned into a certain one, and insuring that there likely won't be another dealer stupid enough to turn on the rest.

I think you replied to the wrong person. I said nothing about the likelihood of the report being accurate or how close to a drug cartel it was. My concern is that the old codgers who comment here tend to do so as the beer starts to cause them to fall off their bar stools. They then spend ages creating anti Thai, anti Police, anti Everything conflation.

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I know it's still fairly early here but most of you have managed to make complete numpties of yourselves with your idiotic comments.

As per usual, one of you mentioned 3,000 Baht and 30 tablets and so on then that became a theme. No one sees anything like a conduit, do they?

Then you put phrases in inverted commas and you can't even spell them properly!

I was the "one of you" (hope spelling correct) that mentioned the 3,000/30 and so on. Feel free to use the quote function another time to allow me the chance to defend myself.

If a numptie is a good thing I thank you for the compliment.

I thought it of interest that a story that initially sounded like the cops got a little dealer, who helped set up a sting that the stung guys turned out to be pretty petty. The seemingly small quantities are therefore relevant I believe.

Inn Between

Posted Today, 11:09

This forum seems to have a chronic case of "over-sensationalizitus". wink.png

I'm guessing the miss-spelling in inverted commas comment in your last sentence refers to Inn Between's reply above. I thought it amusing. Perhaps you should also do Inn Between the courtesy of quoting.

When I see a thread going in a direction that I'm not enjoying I look at something else rather than criticize the bulk of fellow posters. Wha'd'ya think?

I've given you more of my time than I meant.

You're assuming I've got the time to go through every one of these silly posts and respond to them all? If a post or two are idiotic that's what I do but when almost all of them are, including this one of yours, then I can't afford the time.

Now that I am back at home with a bit more time ... you are NOT the one I was referring to as I explained to Andrew55 who followed you a bit sheeplike in his comment.

As far as I remember, that made up word was not in inverted commas and that was a clue as to what I was referring to.

Sorry if you are disappointed.

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Todlad - You've got your knickers in a twist because somebody spelt 'Drug' without the 'r' in and it came out 'dug' And yet you really can't see how pathetic you are with your need to point this out, like I said, you really need to get out more,

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Todlad - You've got your knickers in a twist because somebody spelt 'Drug' without the 'r' in and it came out 'dug' And yet you really can't see how pathetic you are with your need to point this out, like I said, you really need to get out more,

You're feeding the troll.

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I know it's still fairly early here but most of you have managed to make complete numpties of yourselves with your idiotic comments.

As per usual, one of you mentioned 3,000 Baht and 30 tablets and so on then that became a theme. No one sees anything like a conduit, do they?

Then you put phrases in inverted commas and you can't even spell them properly!

Hmmmm....you are complaining about the complainers facepalm.gif ......lol

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I know it's still fairly early here but most of you have managed to make complete numpties of yourselves with your idiotic comments.

As per usual, one of you mentioned 3,000 Baht and 30 tablets and so on then that became a theme. No one sees anything like a conduit, do they?

Then you put phrases in inverted commas and you can't even spell them properly!

I am afraid it may be you wioth TINEA BETWEEN YOUR TEETH syndrome ..

26-year-old Noppadol, 24-year-old Anirut and 25-year-old Teerachai (surnames withheld), were arrested at the scene and their pickup, 30 amphetamine pills, 2 tubes of amphetamine, 3,000 baht in cash and their mobile phones were seized.

Read before you "open big fat mouf"!

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I know it's still fairly early here but most of you have managed to make complete numpties of yourselves with your idiotic comments.

As per usual, one of you mentioned 3,000 Baht and 30 tablets and so on then that became a theme. No one sees anything like a conduit, do they?

Then you put phrases in inverted commas and you can't even spell them properly!

I was the "one of you" (hope spelling correct) that mentioned the 3,000/30 and so on. Feel free to use the quote function another time to allow me the chance to defend myself.

If a numptie is a good thing I thank you for the compliment.

I thought it of interest that a story that initially sounded like the cops got a little dealer, who helped set up a sting that the stung guys turned out to be pretty petty. The seemingly small quantities are therefore relevant I believe.

Inn Between

Posted Today, 11:09

This forum seems to have a chronic case of "over-sensationalizitus". wink.png

I'm guessing the miss-spelling in inverted commas comment in your last sentence refers to Inn Between's reply above. I thought it amusing. Perhaps you should also do Inn Between the courtesy of quoting.

When I see a thread going in a direction that I'm not enjoying I look at something else rather than criticize the bulk of fellow posters. Wha'd'ya think?

I've given you more of my time than I meant.

I just ignored the post, wondering why anybody would comment about the spelling of a fictitious word. I thought the absurdity of it would be obvious and hopefully amusing. I mean. how can a word be misspelled if it doesn't exist?

And as for any assumption by todlad that these 3 clowns are going to be a "conduit" that leads to the breaking of an actual cartel, that's not very realistic. These types of busts happen all the time, and the real bosses obviously don't get busted as the supply chain continues. Many even suggest that the real bosses are somewhat untouchable.

I do think there is a MAJOR misspelling here and we should be made aware

TODLAD may be should be TOADLAS

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More small time dealers busted for small amounts of drugs.

WHEN ....will they move up the scale and shut down the volume producers and volume distributors

I know....I know...no need to remind me ......the connected are immune and operate with impunity.



Maybe it is because there is no need to shut down anything

CHIANG MAI locals tell me THE ARMY controls this along with the police. these are thai people.

Now it is only hearsay. Not factual. i have never witnessed . blah blah

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I know it's still fairly early here but most of you have managed to make complete numpties of yourselves with your idiotic comments.

As per usual, one of you mentioned 3,000 Baht and 30 tablets and so on then that became a theme. No one sees anything like a conduit, do they?

Then you put phrases in inverted commas and you can't even spell them properly!

I am afraid it may be you wioth TINEA BETWEEN YOUR TEETH syndrome ..

26-year-old Noppadol, 24-year-old Anirut and 25-year-old Teerachai (surnames withheld), were arrested at the scene and their pickup, 30 amphetamine pills, 2 tubes of amphetamine, 3,000 baht in cash and their mobile phones were seized.

Read before you "open big fat mouf"!

Let me understand this.

I say 3,000 Baht, 30 tablets

You say 30 tablets, 3,000 Baht and 2 tubes of amphetamine. Oh and their phones were seized. You also copied out the names of the three men who were apprehended.

From this you deduce that I need to read before I open my big fat mouf.

So, because I didn't copy out every last detail, you believe that I didn't read the rest of the article. Another member of the TV tag wrestling team lying flat on his back! Sorry lad!

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I know it's still fairly early here but most of you have managed to make complete numpties of yourselves with your idiotic comments.

As per usual, one of you mentioned 3,000 Baht and 30 tablets and so on then that became a theme. No one sees anything like a conduit, do they?

Then you put phrases in inverted commas and you can't even spell them properly!

I was the "one of you" (hope spelling correct) that mentioned the 3,000/30 and so on. Feel free to use the quote function another time to allow me the chance to defend myself.

If a numptie is a good thing I thank you for the compliment.

I thought it of interest that a story that initially sounded like the cops got a little dealer, who helped set up a sting that the stung guys turned out to be pretty petty. The seemingly small quantities are therefore relevant I believe.

Inn Between

Posted Today, 11:09

This forum seems to have a chronic case of "over-sensationalizitus". wink.png

I'm guessing the miss-spelling in inverted commas comment in your last sentence refers to Inn Between's reply above. I thought it amusing. Perhaps you should also do Inn Between the courtesy of quoting.

When I see a thread going in a direction that I'm not enjoying I look at something else rather than criticize the bulk of fellow posters. Wha'd'ya think?

I've given you more of my time than I meant.

I just ignored the post, wondering why anybody would comment about the spelling of a fictitious word. I thought the absurdity of it would be obvious and hopefully amusing. I mean. how can a word be misspelled if it doesn't exist?

And as for any assumption by todlad that these 3 clowns are going to be a "conduit" that leads to the breaking of an actual cartel, that's not very realistic. These types of busts happen all the time, and the real bosses obviously don't get busted as the supply chain continues. Many even suggest that the real bosses are somewhat untouchable.

I do think there is a MAJOR misspelling here and we should be made aware

TODLAD may be should be TOADLAS

Discussions here can be robust and I am guilty of pouring scorn on the unthinking. I know I have hit home, however, when fellow contributors try something like Inn Between has done here and that marcusd did in a separate response. Keep trying girls!

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Woah! calm down girls,i thought we were all meant to be on the same side about this.cartel shmartel what the f##k does it matter,whats in a name? they are all providers of filth,degradation and death.Kill em all!!.i dont care what wrapping or description they come in.

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Woah! calm down girls,i thought we were all meant to be on the same side about this.cartel shmartel what the f##k does it matter,whats in a name? they are all providers of filth,degradation and death.Kill em all!!.i dont care what wrapping or description they come in.

Wow, what moronic drivel,Pretty sad that life is so cheap for you that you think someone should be killed for a relatively minor misdemeanour

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